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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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sparkle this bitch
AP Janna is the only way to play Janna. She is probably the best character in the game to get Mejai's with(You movement speed will be at 437 at 18, with just standard boots, putting you around the fastest for natural run speed). Between Tornado and Ult, you'll have a lot of defense/escape. As long as your team is doing okay, the stacks will come in.

I switch between the AP items with her, depending on the other team. Sometimes throw in the Soul Shroud. Might I add, the new cooldown/ap/mana regen book is nice. I've been trying it out on both Lux and Janna. I lose out on the early ap/hp, but get a few more regen and potions to start. It's an easy 800g then to get 10% cooldown reduction and 30ap. You can eventually turn it into the 75AP, 12mana regen, and 20% cooldown later.

Jenga said:
After playing Brand for a couple of hours I must say this.

He fizzles out by lategame due to his AP ratios.

I actually feel like Riot should up his ratios a bit to give him a bit more punch lategame but then everyone will freak the fuck out and cry OP.

He's great early game, and in mid game teamfights turn the course of battle...but by lategame...man. Just mediocre.

I'm actually considering seeing how he does with heart + FoN.
If he's great early game, but has a decent late game. Thats already balanced then. Many characters have similar to reverse situations.


Brand still does significant damage in the end game (level 14 though). Fire off sear, conflag before it lands then pillar and it drops them incredibly low.
My summoner name is CrazyUtahraptor, so add me to the list!

I'm level 12 and I'm still not great/am wildly inconsistent. Sometimes I have a great day and sometimes I'm looking at a 1:2:2 k/d/a ratio all day.


sparkle this bitch
Definitely an odd set of games today.

1. First one, their center intentionally fed out center. She had 20 deaths by the end of the game. It caused their top to faulter too, So I got left alone against an Alistar(Meaning farming contest). Turned out... our center even with that 8/0/5 start absolutely sucked. I mean bad. Match was over in about 35 minutes with them winning once they got serious. I don't normally say like to say that it's my team's fault... but they all had zero rationalized thoughts. It takes them over a minute to get to the top, they continually get ganked, they missed skill shot after skill shot, engage in 1v4, decide to get into melee range, refuse to kite. It was bad. Every single one had terrible builds too.

2. Won one that was kind of the reverse. I was something like 0/8/6 20 minutes in. Game ended at 55 with me at 6/8/24. I was doing poorly, partially due to technical difficulties but I was missing an ass load of skill shots. Our dual tank tanks held us in, and all 3 of us damage dealers recovered from lousy starts.

Also, they reduced prices for a few champions...finally. I was wondering when they were going start to do this. Ryze is down to 450, Maplh and Morg to 1350

Finally, commenting on the last page on Vlad. He really is just a poor champion to put in the game. Even when he starts off 0/4, he still will get up their regardless.


Second-rate Anihawk
My friend tried to download the game and got a "The launcher has experienced an error" message twice. Then I remembered he lived in Europe and I live in the states so we couldn't play with each other anyway (I believe so anyway). :/


aka surume
Archie said:
My friend tried to download the game and got a "The launcher has experienced an error" message twice. Then I remembered he lived in Europe and I live in the states so we couldn't play with each other anyway (I believe so anyway). :/
The new patcher might help him. new patcher

Also, he can create a NA account to play with you AFAIK. Won't have his champs and runes though.

It’s been quite a while since we first launched League of Legends with its original lineup of 40 champions. Since then there have been quite a few additions to the roster. But with all these exciting new faces, we wouldn’t want anyone to lose sight of some of our old favorites. And so in this patch we decided to do something to make some of our classics shine a bit brighter.

With the current patch, Ryze, Morgana, and Malphite have had their cost in Influence Points permanently reduced. Morgana and Malphite have had their costs reduced from 3150 IP to 1350 IP, and Ryze has had his cost reduced from 1350 IP all the way down to 450 IP!

If you haven’t yet picked up these classic League of Legends champions, there’s never been a better time to add them to your collection!


Pretty cool of Riot. I ended up picking up Malphite and Ryze. I've only played Ryze once, and Malphite a couple of times when he was free. Really enjoyed Malphite.


aka surume
SafeinSound said:

Pretty cool of Riot. I ended up picking up Malphite and Ryze. I've only played Ryze once, and Malphite a couple of times when he was free. Really enjoyed Malphite.
Ryze is a little OP right now. Start with Tear. Grab Catalyst. Finish Banshees. Grab Glacial > Frozen Heart. Get either Archangels or Manamune with the tear. Do not waste your time with AP, just get every mana item. Void Staff and Sorc Boots if the other team gets a ton of MR.

Spam Q and all your spells the entire game. You won't have the face-roll burst of the old Ryze, especially late game, but you'll have 4k mana and low CDs.


HeartAttackJones said:
Ryze is a little OP right now. Start with Tear. Grab Catalyst. Finish Banshees. Grab Glacial > Frozen Heart. Get either Archangels or Manamune with the tear. Do not waste your time with AP, just get every mana item. Void Staff and Sorc Boots if the other team gets a ton of MR.

Spam Q and all your spells the entire game. You won't have the face-roll burst of the old Ryze, especially late game, but you'll have 4k mana and low CDs.

Ryze is great fun but if you can roll with a team mate who can snare and you'll face roll your way through kills all the way in to the early 20's. I don't like his ult though.

If you like lol DPS you should try Twisted Fate too.


Nice, I'll be picking up Ryze. Dude has been picked in most games that I've played.

I bought Malph not too far before this price drop. ;[ Had the worst Malph the other game that would not initiate team battles. I was Cho and he was like "Ult and I'll ult." I'm like yeah lemme just walk up to them and feast. And then if does ult it's against the tanks while the carries are free to do whatever from behind. If you're playing Malph, try to ult everyone but especially the carries please!

Loving EZ again. Still hella squishy but fun. His Q needs to do more dmg though.


Ryze is definitely annoying to play against. 1. he doesn't die, ever. 2. he spams his stupid root and there's nothing I can do (I play mostly melee champions).

The new yordle they previewed, Rumble, is... strange.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
I really wish they'd merge EU and NA and ditch the Adobe Air crap, if it had a client like HoN (with all the stat tracking and replays), I'd play so much more.


Ikuu said:
I really wish they'd merge EU and NA and ditch the Adobe Air crap, if it had a client like HoN (with all the stat tracking and replays), I'd play so much more.

They need to implement matchmaking by language first. Sick of try to coordinate battles using broken English.
Hey, question:

Is there a cap on how much % crit chance runes/masteries can add?

My crit page gives me 19% and masteries give me 2%, but in game at the beginning it only gave me 20%.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Hey, question:

Is there a cap on how much % crit chance runes/masteries can add?

My crit page gives me 19% and masteries give me 2%, but in game at the beginning it only gave me 20%.
No, there is not a cap. You're probably just experiencing different types of rounding or something.


Spookie said:

BRB loading up Ryze. \o/

edit: Awesome community in this game. Complete class acts.

The "complete fuckhead" demographic is well-represented in DotA-style games, unfortunately. I've pretty much learned to tune out any chat that doesn't immediately appear relevant to the game at hand as a survival mechanism.


The match making in this game is very strange. I'm level 25 and I got placed with 2 level 4s (Ashe and Lux) vs 3 level 30s in a 3v3. Still managed to win because a Trynd is uber powerful in 3v3s and the Lux played amazingly well (possible smurf account?) [Them being Haemidinger, Catyln and Soraka (most useless character ever..) helped a bit too]

Also Maokai seems to be really under powered, either that or all of the people I've seen play with him suck.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
I haven't been playing this game seriously since beta quite honestly, just a match or two with a friend every once in a while. Decided on a whim to do my first ranked match yesterday and won! My team was probably stacked due to my not being ranked but it was cool to actually win a ranked game. I just had to tell the world! =p I played a tanky Taric, I seem to have an affinity for paladin type characters.


Hey, I'm looking to play some normal matches with anyone who wants to, my name is "xcloser" on LoL. Haven't reached 30 yet (I'm level 21) or played any game with counter-jungling/extensive warding so theres some background info. add me!


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Been playing Miss Fortune quite a bit recently and having loads of fun, it's nice racking up the kills rather than the assists, had an amazing game just now (opponenets were terrible :p)



Dooraven said:
Soraka (most useless character ever..)

WRONG. Without AP items she isn't great end game, but she's immensely irritating for enemy opponents and with an Aegis and a Soul Shroud she's surprisingly resilient. Plus she's great in team fights - spam Starfall to get enemy MR down for your AP carries, heal away merrily the rest of the time. I love Soraka to bits.

Not as much as I love Malzahar, though; when did he stop sucking? Seems like they've done some good work buffing him and Cassiopeia to a useful level. Is Swain better now as well?

Also Maokai seems to be really under powered, either that or all of the people I've seen play with him suck.

Maokai is a tank - people seem to forget this and hang around at the back spamming his bomb ward thing.


WRONG. Without AP items she isn't great end game, but she's immensely irritating for enemy opponents and with an Aegis and a Soul Shroud she's surprisingly resilient. Plus she's great in team fights - spam Starfall to get enemy MR down for your AP carries, heal away merrily the rest of the time. I love Soraka to bits.

Interesting, although is this for 5v5s or 3v3s because I found Soraka's in my team and enemies to be pretty useless in 3v3s but maybe they were just bad.
5v5s on the other hand may be a different matter.

Also, the Cassopia buff was sorely needed but spamming Twin Fangs is really really annoying.
Maokai's job is to suppress enemies at the beginning with his bomb, bush check late game with his bomb, and initiate with his stun/ult mid game onwards.


BluWacky said:
WRONG. Without AP items she isn't great end game, but she's immensely irritating for enemy opponents and with an Aegis and a Soul Shroud she's surprisingly resilient. Plus she's great in team fights - spam Starfall to get enemy MR down for your AP carries, heal away merrily the rest of the time. I love Soraka to bits.

Not as much as I love Malzahar, though; when did he stop sucking? Seems like they've done some good work buffing him and Cassiopeia to a useful level. Is Swain better now as well?

Maokai is a tank - people seem to forget this and hang around at the back spamming his bomb ward thing.

swain was always good, how dare you!

I always get first blood with him in mid if i have another range


Ferga said:
swain was always good, how dare you!

I always get first blood with him in mid if i have another range

Well he did ask if Swain was better which doesn't exactly mean that he was bad to begin with.

I really really like Swains abilities but I suck using them lol, 3 straight defeats with him, went 2/5/2, 3/3/0 and 4/2/0 with him :(.

On another note Low Health Yi with Meditate+ Karma = tank awesomeness, 300 armour and magic resist while using meditate ftw.


swain is a boss.

He is by far my favorite character. The change to hextech revolver/will of the ancients makes him even better.
Just got 5/2/30 with Sona playing defensive support! Yeah we won :p

I'm seriously thinking of making her my main, I do well with her almost always. Plus not many people play support.


sparkle this bitch

Two games in a row, my partner turned out to be a total wuss. I had to solo harass a Nasus, with a Poppy who kept pushing the lane and refused to help harass. And continually kept going back so I couldn't buy.

Followed by a Malph who did exactly the same thing against a Brand. He did not hit him with a single Q the entire time we were up in that lane.


Did Nasus get some kind of sweet buff in a patch? I took another couple months off but last time I was playing it was rare to see another Nasus. Now I see them everywhere, last night I ever got bitched at for siphoning strike being OP.

eznark said:
Did Nasus get some kind of sweet buff in a patch? I took another couple months off but last time I was playing it was rare to see another Nasus. Now I see them everywhere, last night I ever got bitched at for siphoning strike being OP.


MY friend and I friend will take turns playing Nasus.

Do not let him stay somewhere farming thats for sure. Once Q hits 300, things start getting fun.


fuck this community

bunch of fucking cunts

yes I took blue because right now I'm fucking carrying you and wiping out their team with an AP caster nidalee you fucking bitch

fuck league of legends


shintoki said:
Two games in a row, my partner turned out to be a total wuss. I had to solo harass a Nasus, with a Poppy who kept pushing the lane and refused to help harass. And continually kept going back so I couldn't buy.

Followed by a Malph who did exactly the same thing against a Brand. He did not hit him with a single Q the entire time we were up in that lane.


Had Malph in my lane too. Complete fucking coward. Cost me 4 deaths which I managed to claw back later. I'd push up with Twisted Fate stun when they over extended and slap on exhaust and he'd just sit back continuing to farm mobs. :/
I find the key to enjoying this game to be play with a buddy or 2 so you have someone to lane with. Otherwise your going to be stuck with the dumbest mouth breather on the planet.

Anyways I picked up Ryze and he's really fun. It's interesting playing as a character like him that is focused on sustained damage instead of one huge burst. Plus I like stacking mana instead of AP, makes for a nice build change.
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