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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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I wonder if EU would give me better ping than US servers? As much as its playable at 200ish ping, last hitting and timings do matter as I get higher in Elo.
I'm from Aus so hmm...
caromelo said:
I wonder if EU would give me better ping than US servers? As much as its playable at 200ish ping, last hitting and timings do matter as I get higher in Elo.
I'm from Aus so hmm...

Might be something you want to try before Season 2.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
My ID is Ikuu, play on EU. Are they toning down the Parley crits that much? I love playing Gangplank in Normal and critting people for stupid amounts.


I just started playing and am having trouble finding reliable sites for information, tactics, items, champions guides, etc. Anyone know of some updated sites out there with this kind of information?


Unconfirmed Member
I use http://www.solomid.net/ as my main LoL resource

There seems to be more of a quality control for guides featured on the site

Mobafire is cool when you're starting out though,(not everychamp has a guide up on solomid) but as you play more you'll notice alot of the guides are insanely expensive/impractical/the same


Ferga said:
just won a level 30 5v5 game in 20mins 30seconds. I was Alistar.

win as in taking the nexon too not surrendering. took all the turrets and inhibs.
Alistar is considered the best roaming tank, right? Thinking about picking him up. I have found out roaming is what I am best at in this game :D

Edit: Actually, after this rework, his roam might be less than it use to be. The stun nerf...


Alistar and Taric are the best roamers because they can disrupt lanes and don't require as much farm that Rammus would need. Hiding in the brush at top to zone the enemy solo out so your solo gets an exp advantage is enough damage done. Then you repeat this disruption at mid and enemy jungle. Gank orientated roaming whilst effective can be easily countered by good warding and playing passively. For better or worse, in solo queue people don't do this which is why its the prominent metagame currently. :)


caromelo said:
Alistar and Taric are the best roamers because they can disrupt lanes and don't require as much farm that Rammus would need. Hiding in the brush at top to zone the enemy solo out so your solo gets an exp advantage is enough damage done. Then you repeat this disruption at mid and enemy jungle. Gank orientated roaming whilst effective can be easily countered by good warding and playing passively. For better or worse, in solo queue people don't do this which is why its the prominent metagame currently. :)
It's actually a bit harder to pull off in solo sometimes because of the lack of communication and teamwork. Sure it can be countered by good ward placement and playing passively but that pretty much counters everything. :D In my opinion, the best counter is actually another roamer or rather a 'better' roamer.


This was such a satisfying game that I had to post. I felt I played well throughout the entire game and managed put the team in a good position mid game. What would have been an easy win became more interesting when our lack of warding came to bite us in the butt with the enemy taking baron and winning the subsequent team fights. Towards the late game, we managed to play more as a team and make a few good picks, one of which was a baron steal with my ultimate. Eventually we crawled our way back and won it with perseverance.

AP Miss Fortune is so fun. =)



Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
I just had a game where I had 3 maxed Bloodthirsters, IE, Cleaver and a Phantom Dancer was running around critting creeps for like 1600. But my team was awful and we lost, our tank grabbed armor rather than MR and was afraid to fight =(


Second-rate Anihawk
I played with two friends who have never ever played a DotA game before. It was pretty fucking fun and hilarious to see them go 0-10 against beginner CPU. I was trying my best to give them advise and coaching but I guess I didn't reach them. :(


HeartAttackJones said:
Make sure to report those dudes, there's a button in the End of Game screen.

Yeah I know. It sucks that you can still get these sort of players at lvl 30 though.

Also anyone feel that Rammus is in need of a nerf? Countless times with friends we've been dominating a team but all it takes for them is Rammus to spin, taunt and ulti to destroy your carry and then the rest of the team.


Kozak said:
Yeah I know. It sucks that you can still get these sort of players at lvl 30 though.

Also anyone feel that Rammus is in need of a nerf? Countless times with friends we've been dominating a team but all it takes for them is Rammus to spin, taunt and ulti to destroy your carry and then the rest of the team.
Nah, Rammus is pretty much balanced. He's a good tank, but I'd rather have Shen or Amumu to be honest.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Oh god the queue tonight is crazy it's went from 15-35 minutes, I'm guessing there is some server issue =(
Kozak said:
Just played against an intentional feeder. Its funny at first but then it gets really tiring..

Played with one tank that at the start of the game killed himself over and over at the tower, what's funny is that when we started getting into team fights he'd always die, but was worth virtually nothing to the other team, and since no one gets money from a turret kill he pretty much starved the team of gold in the late game.
Ikuu said:
Is there a guide somewhere that has a ranking of who should Mid?

It comes down to who they are facing. Some heroes counter others fairly easily. In general I think the strongest mids are Ugot, Ashe, Nidalee, Anivia, Corki, Karthus, Irelia (if good), Leblanc, Kassadin, Ryze, and Teemo. If you have one of them, you should have a strong mid. Some heroes counter the other mid picks really well though. Like Kassadin vs. anyone who doesn't have equal harass or healing power is screwed come lvl 6.


Unconfirmed Member
Kozak said:
Also anyone feel that Rammus is in need of a nerf? Countless times with friends we've been dominating a team but all it takes for them is Rammus to spin, taunt and ulti to destroy your carry and then the rest of the team.

have your carry build banshees and/or tanks block powerball

GG ram

His skillset just lends itself to pubstomping and taking advantage of disorganization

but once team fights start he's nowhere near as effective as shen and amumu. This was true for a while even before his recent nerfs

He used to be good early game at ganking, but I don't think that's true anymore after his nerfs and buffs to towers
Chopperman said:
have your carry build banshees and/or tanks block powerball

GG ram

His skillset just lends itself to pubstomping and taking advantage of disorganization

but once team fights start he's nowhere near as effective as shen and amumu. This was true for a while even before his recent nerfs

He used to be good early game at ganking, but I don't think that's true anymore after his nerfs and buffs to towers

I just did really well as Rammus in a Ranked game. I'd say he really thrives in the team fight environment late game. Powerball + Flash is the perfect initiation. Hits all of them, go for the carries/scare them off while the tanks run after you trying to stop and the rest of your team rapes them.


Patch notes and Rumble Spotlight are up!

Rumble looks like to have the same old tanky melee "dps" syndrome of too much damage vs survivability. But we all know spotlights are just for selling, rather than analysis.


thestopsign said:
It comes down to who they are facing. Some heroes counter others fairly easily. In general I think the strongest mids are Ugot, Ashe, Nidalee, Anivia, Corki, Karthus, Irelia (if good), Leblanc, Kassadin, Ryze, and Teemo. If you have one of them, you should have a strong mid. Some heroes counter the other mid picks really well though. Like Kassadin vs. anyone who doesn't have equal harass or healing power is screwed come lvl 6.
to expand on this, malzahar is a vett strong mid, and caitlyn counters kassadin.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Pretty good Champion rotation this week been wanting to try out Brand, Karthus and Taric.

Free Champions


thestopsign said:
It comes down to who they are facing. Some heroes counter others fairly easily. In general I think the strongest mids are Ugot, Ashe, Nidalee, Anivia, Corki, Karthus, Irelia (if good), Leblanc, Kassadin, Ryze, and Teemo. If you have one of them, you should have a strong mid. Some heroes counter the other mid picks really well though. Like Kassadin vs. anyone who doesn't have equal harass or healing power is screwed come lvl 6.

Swain. 90% of the time i get first blood in the first 3minutes then start dominating mid. Turret is gone at 7-8mins if noone comes to gank me and if they do gank me, i ult and get double kills.
Ferga said:
Swain. 90% of the time i get first blood in the first 3minutes then start dominating mid. Turret is gone at 7-8mins if noone comes to gank me and if they do gank me, i ult and get double kills.

Eh. I have never had problems with Swain mid, and I'm really not big on his character overall. He is easy to deal with as either of my mains that I go mid with (Ashe and Nidalee). The only champs that always give me trouble are Leblanc and Kassadin. Urgot also can be a bitch.


thestopsign said:
Eh. I have never had problems with Swain mid, and I'm really not big on his character overall. He is easy to deal with as either of my mains that I go mid with (Ashe and Nidalee). The only champs that always give me trouble are Leblanc and Kassadin. Urgot also can be a bitch.

Ashe and nidalee, along with annie, vlad, irelia and ryze are easiest for me to kill in mid when im swain

So far i've failed to mid against warwicks and some malzahars

Urgots, leblancs and kassadins can be irritating. Urgot because his quite of a tank early game, leblanc because of her flash skill and kass because of his silence (but his not overtly hard to lane against unless he is good)


Archie said:
I played with two friends who have never ever played a DotA game before. It was pretty fucking fun and hilarious to see them go 0-10 against beginner CPU. I was trying my best to give them advise and coaching but I guess I didn't reach them. :(

Oh, my friends totally laughed at me when I first started dota. I never really had experience to RTS let alone PC games so this format was totally foreign to me. I forgot how bad I did lol but it took me forever to get decent at it.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Haha yea, I vaguely remember playing DotA with a few friends and we must have ruined quite a few games with are terrible play. Gave Karthus a chance and not sure if I like him all that much his Q feels like a pain to use, it was hilarious at the end running around with 800+ AP and Ulting people.


Omg hai ^___^ I’m lux-chan and I absolutely luuuv @_____@ LoL <3 and my fav is GAREN!!! Okies

so anyways, im going to tell you about the BEST day of my life when I met my hot husband

garen!! <333333333 OMFGZ HE WAS SOOOOO FREAKIN KAWAII IN PERSON!!! Supa kawaii desu!!!!!!!!


When I walked onto summoners rift street =^____^=I looked up and saw…GAREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333!!!! “ KONNICHIWA


chibi then un-chibi!! he looked at me [O.O;;;;;;;;;;;] and then he saw how hot I am *___* he

grabbed my hand and winked ~_^ then pulled me behind a turret workshop o_o and started to

kiss me!!!!!! [OMG!!! HIS TOUNGE TASTED LIKE NEXUS TEARS!!! RLY!! >.> <.< >.< *(^O^)* *(^O^)*

*(^O^)*] then I saw some baka fat gragas watching us and I could tell he was undressing him

with her eyes!!!!!!! [ -_____________-;;;;; OMG I COULDN’T BELIEVE IT EITHER!!! (ò_ó) (ò_ó)


CAUSE GAREN-SAMA LOVES ME!!! (ò_ó)” then garen held me close =^____^= and said he would only

ever love me and kissed me again!!!!!!! ** (*O*)/ then we went to his apartment and banged

all night long and made 42 babies and they all became purple minions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nyaaaaa!!! (^________<) ^_________________^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Ferga said:
Ashe and nidalee, along with annie, vlad, irelia and ryze are easiest for me to kill in mid when im swain

So far i've failed to mid against warwicks and some malzahars

Urgots, leblancs and kassadins can be irritating. Urgot because his quite of a tank early game, leblanc because of her flash skill and kass because of his silence (but his not overtly hard to lane against unless he is good)

What's your setup with Swain? I've done ok with him, but never really well unless I get fed early on.


Anyone have any frustrations with the game at the moment? Nothing related to server stability. I mean like, are there any champions you guys despite playing? Is there any roles you find really boring because of how the champions are designed? Feel free to vent in this direction about anything in game related.


kensk said:
Anyone have any frustrations with the game at the moment? Nothing related to server stability. I mean like, are there any champions you guys despite playing? Is there any roles you find really boring because of how the champions are designed? Feel free to vent in this direction about anything in game related.

My frustrations lie in my inability to play a dps carry.


Kozak said:
My frustrations lie in my inability to play a dps carry.
As in, you as a person cannot, or the way people choose their characters, you're forced into another role?

Edit: Servers are up.


kensk said:
As in, you as a person cannot, or the way people choose their characters, you're forced into another role?

Edit: Servers are up.

I as a person cannot.

I must work on this.

Servers are up early :)


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Certain champions have one super build that just shits all over other builds.

For example, rushing catalyst on every AP hero. It's just plain better than any other early game option, and then later, you build it into an RoA. After that you go for Cap.

It's kind of annoying that Cap is so efficient it's a must on any AP hero. If you want to break 400 before 30 minutes, you have to get Cap. And if you don't, people will yell at you when you're not burning a path through their team with Brand/Lux/Morgan/whatever.


Ferga said:
Ashe and nidalee, along with annie, vlad, irelia and ryze are easiest for me to kill in mid when im swain

Yuuuurp. I dispise Swain. If I haven't got a silence I find it incredibly hard to go on the assault against him.

Not looking forward to this week: People playing Brand badly, Nunu and his ult. Though it finally gives me a chance to try Irelia, Singed and Taric.

But mentioning Champs makes me want to give HoN a go. I'm sick of having to spend money on them. Sick of summoner spells. Getting someone incredibly low only for them to pop a heal and go back to half, chain snares or people blinking away. Then there is the whole issues with runes!

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