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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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I recently had a 3v1 fight as a Taric. I ended up nearly killing Yi (he escaped) and I essentially outlasted the other two (a tank and a support) until my team arrived to chase them off.

My essential three items are Manamune, Ninja Taibi, and Chalice of Harmony, going 0/27/3. Doing that, with ult on, I find I can survive for a long time. I usually throw in a Philosopher's Stone in for good measure; the added health/mana regen and gold gain are so good it's almost required.

After that, I like to go for Nashtor's Tooth, Banshee's Veil, Frozen Heart, or Lich Bane.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
shintoki said:
Some teams just aren't fun to play... Ire, Xin, Alistar, Taric. What do they all have in common? Self healing.

And I never realized how spammable Alistar healing is. Had one continually spam it everytime it was up, and his mana bar never really went down.
Agreed, I love Alistar and Ire but whenever you fight someone with healing on their team (especially Soraka), the lane phase becomes extremely passive with two sides just farming adn last hitting all day.
Halycon said:
I wish LeBlanc was better. I really love using her but she's so kill dependent and tanks ruin her lane phase.
leblanc is..
1) good at he beginning
2) good at ganking

leblanc is not
1) good lategame in teamfight.. MANY champions can turn a teamfights in late game.. she cannot
2) good lategame in singlefight... she loose her bursty opening lategame, provided your opponent build some mr :/

all in all i prefer many other ap champion :/


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I want her to scale better into late game. Either higher AP ratios or lower cooldowns.


sparkle this bitch
I think Leblac is balanced the way she is. She is deadly early game, extremely. You have to take advantage of that, or else you'll go the way of Panth, Twitch or Eve by mid game.

Sometimes you get games that are truly frustrating. I had a partner who continually pushed the lane, refused to ward, and the thing was. He wasn't even aggressive enough to want to kill them. Now what happened was his dumbass continually got caught and I got my ass turret dived 5 times in this game(Throughout the entire game). These deaths really fucking grind my the wrong way, because you can't do anything about them but either abandon the turret or take your chances.



I think I've got the hang of this game now! Considering I started less than a month ago, I think things have finally clicked.
Don't ask me to play anyone but Irelia or Ryze though :(

Dear Pro Gaf:

When the hell do I use wards and in pubs: should I use them? They perplex me. :(
Spookie said:
Dear Pro Gaf:

When the hell do I use wards and in pubs: should I use them? They perplex me. :(

During the laning phase wards are mostly used to stop ganks and to stop people annoying bush huggers. Buying a ward to throw in the river bush is a huge help, especially if they have a jungler.

Later on just place wards where most of the action is going on/wherever there is a lot of foot traffic. Ward the Dragon, and when it hits late game ward Baron too. Throwing wards down in the jungle can be a major help as well.

Wards are severely underused in pubs, and they can easily give you the upper hand. Don't skimp on them.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
What a terrible day, think I've lost every single game today =( I've no idea how people can be so bad at this game, and people who still your buffs are complete dicks.


Just got back in to League after a four-month hiatus. Boy am I rusty, but I picked up Nocturne and am loving him so far.
I just had the weirdest Ranked 3s game. Both sides said GG, thinking the game was lost multiple times. Like once they were all attacking our Nexus (Singed, Brand, and DPS Kayle) after pushing bot all the way because we did a bad fight under a tower and got aced. We respawned just in time, aced them. Went around the map and placed shit tons of wards, which helped us survive for a very long time, until they grabbed two oracles and lots of wards of their own. We aced them again, but were all low (and their Kayle had revive), they all said GG, but when we tried to push the Kayle comes out and snipes two of us. Our inhibitor respawns right as they were trying to attack our Nexus again, we ace them with our Jax escaping with very low health. We eventually won, but it took 53min in a 3s. Crazy game.

I'm also at the highest ELO I've ever been at in Solo Queue, 1413. Pretty proud of myself, I've carried myself out of sub-1000 very gradually, and now I have finally gotten to a spot where a lot of my insight on the game helps everyone because people are finally listening. Things like saying Mid B, everyone is MIA and you just destroyed their tower... never was listened to before, but now miraculously they are responding. I've also resolved to not use the same champion twice in a row, it seems to bring me bad luck of some sort.

NH Apache

Stabby McSter said:
Rumble is fun. :>

I still am getting used to not using mana (I forget not to deselect Clarity) and keeping the heat in the danger zone. I also don't know if I should build tank, melee or AP build.


Just had the most crazy back and forth battle, lasted an hour and 10 minutes. They knocked down our middle turrets and got to the inhib around like the 35-minute mark. For some reason, they didn't go for the inhibitor, even though they had Baron, and they split up, which enabled my team to go around the map and pick them off.

Eventually, we aced them but only barely - one of us died in the battle and their Karthus got a trip kill from beyond the grave with his ult, I barely avoided it using Nocturne's shield. As the only person left on our team, I took down the remaining two middle turrets and hit their inhibitor.

The match went back and forth a bit more, but I would say that was the defining moment in the match. Within 10 minutes I'd say we won.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Playing Janna in Normal games is just a nightmare now, how can people play so much and still not understand how to last hit properly, sick of babysitting people who have no idea what they're doing. However I did have a good game where my lane pretty much won the game by ourselves, but apart from that it's depressing =(


NH Apache said:
I still am getting used to not using mana (I forget not to deselect Clarity) and keeping the heat in the danger zone. I also don't know if I should build tank, melee or AP build.

I built Rylai,Rageblade, Lichbane, and Gunblade in my last game as him and went 19-5.

Was pretty hilarious when the passive activated.


what summoner level are you? ^

I usually build rylai, boots of mobility then get some hp. Asking about the level because gameplay changes alot when you play with level30s who know how to target


Free Elo Night speed up my trip to 1500. A bracket where I actually don't feel like I'm the best or worst member of my team. Woo.


sparkle this bitch
You're Gaf Game vs My Shintoki Games!

Picked up Swain, and thinking of Jav next. He's pretty damn beastly. I also figured out how to use flash on key bindings finally... Let's just say I've been pulling off some pretty badass flashes to avoid last minute arrows, turret dives, etc.


sparkle this bitch
Spookie said:
Someone died 25 times using Karthas.

25 times. How do you do this?

25. :(
3 words, Free Karth Week. He is basically assured a solo lane and is squishy as fuck without a good defense. So anyone who plays him without understanding the opposite and with poor map awareness. He'll die 3-4 times before he even gets his ult at least.

And since we are posting individual games. Just finished a quicky heh.


shintoki said:
3 words, Free Karth Week. He is basically assured a solo lane and is squishy as fuck without a good defense. So anyone who plays him without understanding the opposite and with poor map awareness. He'll die 3-4 times before he even gets his ult at least.

Yeah I've noticed these free weeks can be incredibly hit and miss.


shintoki said:
3 words, Free Karth Week. He is basically assured a solo lane and is squishy as fuck without a good defense. So anyone who plays him without understanding the opposite and with poor map awareness. He'll die 3-4 times before he even gets his ult at least.

And since we are posting individual games. Just finished a quicky heh.

wow you guys didn't even too strong of a team lineup. That team fucked up hard.
shintoki said:
3 words, Free Karth Week. He is basically assured a solo lane and is squishy as fuck without a good defense. So anyone who plays him without understanding the opposite and with poor map awareness. He'll die 3-4 times before he even gets his ult at least.
this :X
karthus is either hit or miss...
if it's an hit, he'll start harrassing with ulti early and nag a few ninja kill..
if it's a miss, god forbid.. an underfed karthur is as useful as a pile of junk :)


Felt the need to post this game, just because of how epic it was. You can see from the duration of the game, we lost everything but our Nexus, even the last two turrets and managed to pull it back. Best game I've played so far. (Epic Rabadon's xD)

What's your ingame name, Entwain?

Also, I would highly suggest you guys get Skype/Mumble/TeamSpeak/Ventrillo. Communication is key. I had 4 games last night; those with all 5 on speak we rolled hard, even if we started out a bit rough. The other two I only had 3 people on chat, and we lost because our tank or dps weren't coordinated.


Same name as here, I've also got a 50 user vent that I used to have up for wow raiding but since we all quit its used for whatever including leaguer chat.


Next week's champion isn't the Monkey King. I am disappoint. :(
Seems to be yet another female ranged DPS, but this time with a crossbow. I suppose because bows, guns, cannons and sniper rifles were already taken.
Been playing Twisted Fate alot. Rumors afloat stating his ult is gonna get changed to maybe no be a global. He's going to be totally useless if they ever give a range limit on his ult. He's used very little as it is.
He can be broken as fuck, though.

Someone built him with Divine Sword, two Phantom Dancers, a Bloodthirster, and stacked Revive runes on him.

All he would do was teleport to towers, die, come back, and do it again. Of course, he wiped out the entire base. Nothing we could do about it.


Started playing Singed since he was free, absolutely love him. I feel like Superman, chasing enemies past two turrets into there base, killing them and running out with more than enough health to initiate another battle.

Most recent game:


It was looking bleak for a bit - Taric and I were rocking bottom (Cait and Kat) but Ez, Shen and Ashe were losing ground bad. Then I started helping mid and bot and we cleaned up. Also, I'm pretty sure playing this helped: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGKN1Adzckk
So I think I made two people rage quit on me. I was soloing bottom because Lux wouldn't listen to me, so I ended up laning against a Sion and Taric. Taric and Rumble kept dc'ing or something, so by the time I was 6 he was only 1. Ended up killing Taric pretty quickly. Rumble came down from top to cover, but he was only level 3 from the disconnects. Kill Rumble real quick-- DISCONNECT! Sion comes at me and I kill him too. DISCONNECT.

I was pretty proud of myself. I felt bad for the team though. 3v5. :(
SafeinSound said:
I like how no one on the other team has any magic resist.
did you check their kill difference?
120 kills to 55 if i counted 'em right..
and you manged to get your ass kicked to the nexus?
no offense, but either you took turn at playing, OR you purposedly delayed the game, because the kill counts alone would make you the winner by a WIDE margin...
considering both your ap and eve ap, veigar should always blow either of you up straight away during a teamfight, instead his score is pitiful...
no offense man, your score is good and all, but you're playing against say lvl 20? 23? :X
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