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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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goober said:
Who's the best tank in the game?

Shen by a large margin. AOE taunt and his ult is still ridiculously broken no matter what they do. The fact that it can turn any 1v1 into a 1v2 instantly is insane. And it is global.


sparkle this bitch
I don't really think there is a best tank. Shen definitely has the best pure tank skill set, but Anumu and Malph both have better damage output and engage skills. While ones like Blitz, Alistar, and Singed all have some nasty counters to really mess up group fight.

Jav turned out to be a pretty solid tank too. Good Harass and his ult is great for pinning either squishies in, or the other team's melee. Allowing your team to really light them up.
I'm definitely noticing a correlation between my win/loss record and whether or not I play Janna. I really want to mix it up, both because I want to be versatile and be able to switch things up when my team needs a different role, and also because playing the same character over and over again can get boring. But I can't shake the feeling that I'm putting my team at a distinct disadvantage whenever I try someone new out. How do you guys solve the problem?


sparkle this bitch
Shintoki's Win % with Janna(Before I took some time off)
Ranked: 70%+
Unranked: 80%+

The reason why you feel at a disadvantage when not playing Janna, is because Janna is a true team carry. It's not that your other characters' play isn't up to snuff. It's just that Janna is truly that dominating at the support job. All her skills get solid ratios+have multi effects and usage. She can drag out a teammate or two from a lost team fight. She can deny ults like Kat, Ken, Galio, Anumu, Nunu, etc. Her natural movement speed puts her top tier, where only characters with temp boosts can catch her.

If you are looking for characters with similar play. Lux is the closest I've come with a feeling like her with solid results.

If you're looking to just adjust to other characters. Go play unranked. Just play who you want regardless. Games aren't as demanding or annoying(Still a bunch of assholes), but the only way to really adapt is simply too play. Expect to lose a lot and take a lot of crap. You'll go far then.

Or be like me, accept it and keep playing one character at a time.


Teknopathetic said:
"A little late, but what happened to summoner's rift winter?"

They held a public vote, IIRC and replaced it with Halloween Summoner's Rift. I think everyone was tired of Winter Summoner's Rift (I know I was).
The biggest issue with Winter was a lot of particles were intended to show up really easily on the regular map but displayed horribly because of the huge difference in contrast.

Stuff like Rupture and Hawkshot were really hard to see.


Amibguous Cad said:
I'm definitely noticing a correlation between my win/loss record and whether or not I play Janna. I really want to mix it up, both because I want to be versatile and be able to switch things up when my team needs a different role, and also because playing the same character over and over again can get boring. But I can't shake the feeling that I'm putting my team at a distinct disadvantage whenever I try someone new out. How do you guys solve the problem?

there is a reason why on the pvp.net forums janna is called the goddess slut of assists. long ranged AOE knockup, a very solid AOE knockback, and a damage absorbing shield that gives you AD...no other support champ has a set like that. the closest is alistair who has an AOE knockup but his knockback is a single target nuke, and his aoe heal cannot even compare to janna's shield.


Amibguous Cad said:
I'm definitely noticing a correlation between my win/loss record and whether or not I play Janna. I really want to mix it up, both because I want to be versatile and be able to switch things up when my team needs a different role, and also because playing the same character over and over again can get boring. But I can't shake the feeling that I'm putting my team at a distinct disadvantage whenever I try someone new out. How do you guys solve the problem?

I think the key is to just accept that you are putting your team at a disadvantage. Everytime you play someone you aren't familiar with you'll do that. Just play regular instead of ranked.


kensk said:
The biggest issue with Winter was a lot of particles were intended to show up really easily on the regular map but displayed horribly because of the huge difference in contrast.

Stuff like Rupture and Hawkshot were really hard to see.

Winter was the only map where Nunu made any sense
now hes just picking up snowballs out of nowhere!



I had 1 death til the end
look how awesome my team was (we lost)
People really don't understand that you can't let Nasus farm ever.

Getting + 300 on my q 25 min in is never good for the other team.

I would go as far as saying that outside of veigar, hes the last person you want getting minion kills. Nothing is better than getting a chalice and boots, then buying a Trinity Force straight up next time you go back.


Awesome, a Kayle rework upcoming in a few weeks. Scheduled for the patch after Vayne's release.


Nerf passive.
Make base values/early game better.
Righteous fury 100% uptime @ 40% CDR.
Q debuff applies to team instead of just Kayle.
Medium AP ratio Medium Base on heal.
No changes to ulti.
+slight range on Righteous Fury.
Overall mana cost reductions on offensive abilities.
Plus mana cost on heal.


Ikuu said:
Shit like this is so depressing, probably my best game in terms of farming, and my team mates are complete retards. Some of the level 30's had like 600 wins and still they suck hard =(. I really need to find people to play with, in-game name is Ikuu00 if anyone from EU wants to play sometime.

Added you! Still a beginner, dunno when I will have serious time to invest in this, but still :D


First "ranked" or whatever game I played today (and first LOL game anyway :D), it went quite okay... I had some basic Heroes of Newerth experience, but other than that, SCII is all I got : )


(Oldern is me)


If you're not level 30 then you're not playing ranked games. Considering there are two of the same champs then its definitely not a ranked game.


bluemax said:
If you're not level 30 then you're not playing ranked games. Considering there are two of the same champs then its definitely not a ranked game.

Yeah, you are right, the quick search only shows "normal" now, not ranked.


V_Arnold said:
Yeah, you are right, the quick search only shows "normal" now, not ranked.

You wont be able to play ranked until you're summoner level 30, which i believe takes about 200 games (50/50 win loss) to achieve.


Lead Based Paint said:
People really don't understand that you can't let Nasus farm ever.

Getting + 300 on my q 25 min in is never good for the other team.

Really enjoying Nasus, feels paper thin though. That might have been the other team though farming my team mates like they were minions though. We surrendered at 20 mins and Anne on our team had 15 minion kills.


Archie said:
I'm impressed Riot didn't gave her boobs that look like they could poke an eye out.

that is quite a feat for them

sorry about the shitty internet
it doesnt do this often


You are welcome. :)

It sucked Uchip had connection issues, my jungling wasn't as effective because I had to babysit bot somewhat. The epic heal and poke combination of Kayle and Karma was a pretty effective composition.

It was a good thing that J.Rizzle won his lane because losing all 3 lanes would have been terrible even with a non-ganking shaco.



sparkle this bitch
It's fun playing against a Nasus, even more so a very well farmed one. It doesn't matter how your Q takes off. I'm never going let you touch me. Played as him so much, I know exactly how to handle him. Turned out to be a pretty good luxie game. Got about 7-8 kills catching their squishies, few solo combos, and most importantly. Kiting their overfed Nasus around like a bitch. He got pretty smug there mid way through :O
Yeah, that was embarrassing. Sorry dudes. My games tend to be either me getting into a groove or me just doing really poorly. The next game I did pretty well, had an epic Jarvan/Malphite combo going.

Glad we won, though. After the rest of the team gave me some breathing room I was able to at least contribute with some tower kills and trap set up.


FlightOfHeaven said:
Yeah, that was embarrassing. Sorry dudes. My games tend to be either me getting into a groove or me just doing really poorly. The next game I did pretty well, had an epic Jarvan/Malphite combo going.

Glad we won, though. After the rest of the team gave me some breathing room I was able to at least contribute with some tower kills and trap set up.

you just have to work on your positioning
like when they ran into your traps you gotta be shooting your Q at em


Unconfirmed Member
Im game for gaf games later

Made a lower level account to play with a friend

add Blackest Baron if you're in the 10-20 range. Soulking99 for 30+
Chopperman said:
Im game for gaf games later

Made a lower level account to play with a friend

add Blackest Baron if you're in the 10-20 range. Soulking99 for 30+

Purposefully making an alt account to beat up on newbs isn't exactly something to brag about. I understand you want to play with your friend, but undermining the matchmaking system isn't the way to do it.

I'm just here to gloat. Starting the game Renekton and WW laughed at me when I said there should only be one person top when someone jungles in order to secure dragon on bottom, then as the game progressed they said o.o, best ali ever, wtf, he knows how to use his skills etc. it was funny.
I demolished! it was so funny going 4vs1 and just killing everybody and coming out alive with half health *removes tear from eye, good times.


PedroLumpy said:
Purposefully making an alt account to beat up on newbs isn't exactly something to brag about. I understand you want to play with your friend, but undermining the matchmaking system isn't the way to do it.

I see nothing wrong with making an alt account. When you make a secondary account its unreasonable to think you should play bad to match your current level.


PedroLumpy said:
Purposefully making an alt account to beat up on newbs isn't exactly something to brag about. I understand you want to play with your friend, but undermining the matchmaking system isn't the way to do it.

you dont seem to understand
being lvl 30 and playing with low lvl noob friends is going to be very frustrating for them when they get ganked over and over by a random lvl30 shaco
PedroLumpy said:
Purposefully making an alt account to beat up on newbs isn't exactly something to brag about. I understand you want to play with your friend, but undermining the matchmaking system isn't the way to do it.
No it makes a lot of sense because otherwise that new player is playing against a level 30 with 300 wins under his belt. No point frustrating new players before they even get a chance to learn the ropes.
While someone with an Alt account does have a wealth of experience and is a bit unfair, it's a better alternative than having someone with a level 30 account/full set of Tier 3 runes/full Masteries.


Didn't post the one with my epic AD build?

I was going to build aegis on our second match, but I was staring at the stat for a while, is it even worth building? =/ I rather have soul shourd for my cdr and health.


So as a long time HoN player I picked this up, to see what the hype was about. My first game I run into a blonde hero, and he does /Dance.


Where can I buy this for my alligator dude?


Sebulon3k said:
So as a long time HoN player I picked this up, to see what the hype was about. My first game I run into a blonde hero, and he does /Dance.


Where can I buy this for my alligator dude?

each hero has their own dance
his one just happens to be the one from haruhi


Good couple of games tonight. I have no doubt in my mind that if that Ez didn't afk we would have carried our way to a victory with better coordinated fights and skill and farm.

Which is basically what happened with the other game. No offense FlightOfHeaven brother, but your highschool friend didn't play too well lol.
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