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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Yeah, we were aware, hahaha. I could tell the rest of the team was frustrated.

Very unusual, honestly. Thanks for putting up with us, though. Looks like there are enough GAFfers to have concurrent games.

caromelo said:
I see nothing wrong with making an alt account. When you make a secondary account its unreasonable to think you should play bad to match your current level.
Uchip said:
you dont seem to understand
being lvl 30 and playing with low lvl noob friends is going to be very frustrating for them when they get ganked over and over by a random lvl30 shaco
Shalashaska161 said:
No it makes a lot of sense because otherwise that new player is playing against a level 30 with 300 wins under his belt. No point frustrating new players before they even get a chance to learn the ropes.

Well that's very disappointing you all feel that way. You guys cite not wanting to force your friend to play level 30 players and yet that's exactly what you do to people on the other team when you play on a level 10 account instead of your level 30. LoL (and other DOTA games) have a very high barrier to entry, and you're not helping when you go around a beat up on newbs on your alts.

I've had alts ruin games, both by dominating a game, or by carrying me through a match I should have lost. Both are bad.
kiunchbb said:
Didn't post the one with my epic AD build?

I was going to build aegis on our second match, but I was staring at the stat for a while, is it even worth building? =/ I rather have soul shourd for my cdr and health.

You mean the game I went 16-0-22 as WW? That was soooo much fun.


PedroLumpy said:
Well that's very disappointing you all feel that way. You guys cite not wanting to force your friend to play level 30 players and yet that's exactly what you do to people on the other team when you play on a level 10 account instead of your level 30. LoL (and other DOTA games) have a very high barrier to entry, and you're not helping when you go around a beat up on newbs on your alts.

I've had alts ruin games, both by dominating a game, or by carrying me through a match I should have lost. Both are bad.

I mentioned nothing about level 30 or friends. All I'm saying is people make alt accounts and that is the reality of the game. When you make a new account you bring your skill, experience and knowledge with you.

Bigfatjiji is one of, or perhaps the the most skilled player in the game(imo) has an alt account. The number one solo queue player in the US server, HotshotGG has an alt account where although he doesn't take games as seriously, is still an extremely skilled player. Alt accounts are everywhere and for a number of reasons which include those that cite helping/teaching friends whilst not dragging them into higher level games.

Are you implying that these players are at fault for making a new account and carrying their teams to victory? So what? They play some games where they play at a level much lower than his true elo, but eventually, cream rises to the top due to the elo system (worst offenders are usually kicked up into a higher elo much quicker). Playing well is not greifing and is not a bannable offense. You can't report someone for smurfing or stomping too hard.

Complaining about about alts dominating and carrying games is silly too. As a player who wants to get better and learn these advanced strategies and builds, I don't mind having a player dominate for or against my team. Of course it sucks getting stomped on, but I'll study what this player does and next time, I'll try to mimic his playstyle and use this knowledge to improve my self.
PedroLumpy said:
Well that's very disappointing you all feel that way. You guys cite not wanting to force your friend to play level 30 players and yet that's exactly what you do to people on the other team when you play on a level 10 account instead of your level 30. LoL (and other DOTA games) have a very high barrier to entry, and you're not helping when you go around a beat up on newbs on your alts.

I've had alts ruin games, both by dominating a game, or by carrying me through a match I should have lost. Both are bad.

And I've had friends ruin games because they went 0/12 because they're level 5 and playing against level 30's. If I'm not supposed to play an alt account, what's the solution to playing with friends new to the game? It's either one experienced player among 10 newer ones, or one inexperienced player among a group of good ones. Neither are optimal, but the former option is the one I feel is most fair and least frustrating to everyone involved.
I've tried to coordinate a 5v5 GAF game, by the way. It's so damn hard. Last night was the first time I had ever seen another coordinated GAF team. The only issue is that one team would have to wait for the other to finish their games.

A 3v3 is more likely, but still difficult to pull off.


thestopsign said:
You mean the game I went 16-0-22 as WW? That was soooo much fun.

But Sona AD did all the damage! According to my theory crafting.

FlightOfHeaven said:
I've tried to coordinate a 5v5 GAF game, by the way. It's so damn hard. Last night was the first time I had ever seen another coordinated GAF team. The only issue is that one team would have to wait for the other to finish their games.

A 3v3 is more likely, but still difficult to pull off.

Sunday night like after 7 PST will be best for me.
kiunchbb said:
But Sona AD did all the damage! According to my theory crafting. Sunday night like after 7 PST will be best for me.

AD Sona: you were so preoccupied with whether or not you could, they didn't stop to think if you should.




There are 12 guys on in my friendlist, most of them are from GAF, if we meet in a hr like 7PST may be we can do a 5 vs 5.


Unfortunately someone got a random (Xin) who trolled the whole game. My side kinda pulled it together mid game, so it ended up being pretty awesome for us...


I have trouble understanding what magic resist blocks and what armor blocks. Are all AP-buffed attacks "magic" and AD-buffed attacks "physical"? Is there a clear distinction someone could make for me?


barnone said:
I have trouble understanding what magic resist blocks and what armor blocks. Are all AP-buffed attacks "magic" and AD-buffed attacks "physical"? Is there a clear distinction someone could make for me?

it comes down to knowing all the champions moves. it helps when you look at your death recap. but in general it is exactly what you said. there are a few moves where AD buffed moves are done as magic damage still (used to be more though)


FlightOfHeaven said:
And then I killed my team.



tiamat malphite... such a bad item for him. you stack armor on malphite. that is all. you get a sunfire for sure but a tiamat... just retarded.

and DPS sona... wow that team was full of fail.


sparkle this bitch
2th said:
tiamat malphite... such a bad item for him. you stack armor on malphite. that is all. you get a sunfire for sure but a tiamat... just retarded.
You know the saying about the purple elephant in the room. That is what "his" builds are. It's been mentioned many times and you'll see a new one pop up every now and then.


shintoki said:
You know the saying about the purple elephant in the room. That is what "his" builds are. It's been mentioned many times and you'll see a new one pop up every now and then.

havent checked this thread before recently and just saw this... while ive been playing LOL since the early closed beta days i have some friends who just started playing and the fact that people cant figure out item builds astounds me.
Yes, I tried Tiamat out on Malphite. It wasn't the best decision. Thanks, shintoki, I've acknowledged my builds often aren't the best.

2th said:
havent checked this thread before recently and just saw this... while ive been playing LOL since the early closed beta days i have some friends who just started playing and the fact that people cant figure out item builds astounds me.

I dunno, sometimes it's fun to try out something new and different, and see if it works? Sure, there's Mobafire and the like.
Yep. anyways:


Had a horrible early lane, soloing against Mordekaiser. I think I made up for it, though, but it really blows being the weakest link. That second set of mog was only because it was super late game; it was either that or banshee's.


2th said:
and DPS sona... wow that team was full of fail.

Its easy to just go soul shroud, a few AP and start tanking up with aura, but it get boring fast.

I like to try experiment =p I won a lot of games with this build, just been waiting for a chance to test it on premade. Guess doesn't work so well when everyone focus me :(.
Man... I think I'll cool off of LoL for a while. I'm the laughingstock : /


And another. I'm going to guess I should not have purchased something, or something something


Aw, you're not the laughing stock. I've honestly enjoyed all the games I've played with you on Mumble. :D

New patch preview up!

* New Mechanic - Tenacity. Reduces CC (including Blind/Silence) (Replaces Merc Treads. Also a Caster, Tank, and AD version) (Does NOT stack, Merc treads has 35 tenacity, Others have 25)
* Shen is having his Ki Strike and Vorpral blade nerfed, but doubling the ratios on ki strike and it now has a bonus from bonus health
* Increasing CD and Mana Cost on Jarvan IV's dragon strike. Nerfing tanky jarvan.
* Nocturne's damage is being reduced, also nerfing his ability to use tank items vs. damage items
* Karthas's passive duration nerfed, nerfing AP ratio on ultimate by .1. Lowered his death timers due to his passive
* Gangplank is having his armor and attack speed/level buffed. More attack range. Better CD's on Cannon Barrage and Remove Scurvy. Slow buffed on Cannon Barrage at early levels.
* Sunfire Cape nerfed by 5 damage
* Wit's end now stacks MR, doesn't remove mana anymore

Item builds and prices.
Cloak and Dagger (Cloak of Agility + Dagger + 200g = 1450g) +20% AtkSpd, +20% Crit Chance, +25 Tenacity

Moonflair Spellblade (Blasting Wand + 430g = 1290g) +50 AP, +25 Tenacity

Eleisa's Miracle (Philosopher's Stone + 400g = 1200g) +25 HP/5, +20 MRgn/5, +25 Tenacity

Wit's End (Recurve Bow + Null-Magic Mantle + 550 = 2000g) +40% AtkSpd, +30 MR, +42 Magic Damage on hit, Attacks give +5 MR for 5 seconds (stacks up to 4 times, 20 MR total)

Some of my opinions:
I like the implementation of Tenacity. Not being forced to buy Merc Treads because of more options to reduce cc is nice.
I don't like the change on Wits End because I'm one of few who like to build it. I didn't view it as an anti-mage item like most, instead using it to remove skills from tanks and ad characters who don't have large mana pools. That was sweet. The 20 max MR is still nullified by sorcerer's shoes so its not really anti-mage.
GP buffs might entice me to play him again because of more tankiness to be able to melee down enemies.
Philosopher stones for everyone! :)


FlightOfHeaven said:
Man... I think I'll cool off of LoL for a while. I'm the laughingstock : /

Nah, you just took a weird build for Malphite. You don't need to build damage items on him, his armour alone is enough - and barely anyone ever takes Tiamat anyway. Plus with AD Sona on your team you were already at a disadvantage...

Your Lux build seems sensible - good use of CDR - although I wouldn't have gone with Will of the Ancients on her as she's best at a distance because of the amazing range on her skills and not therefore granting the spell vamp aura to team mates. Lux builds quite well with most items so it's hardly a deal breaker.


sparkle this bitch
When you're team leader(aka, guy talking the most, crying the most, and pinging the most) is a fiddle whose idea of using his ult is in plain sight of the other team or running start. Do not follow him... Do not ever follow him.

Bit of a side note too: I don't understand why people crying when someone "Kill Stole" from them. If I'm in range to help and get an assist, I think of it as a win. I get gold, you get gold. It benefits the team more. You are also out of danger quick(Don't have to follow or sit around for a potential gank too) nor can they flash out of it and escape.


Unconfirmed Member
FlightOfHeaven said:
Man... I think I'll cool off of LoL for a while. I'm the laughingstock : /


And another. I'm going to guess I should not have purchased something, or something something

I'd get DFG instead of Morello's and use the active. but Morello's is just as good if you know you'll never remember to use it.

but yeah CDR is really strong on Lux. Most people just stack AP on her

I also like to get Sheen on her early and build lichbane after DFG and Rabadons

I start Doran's Ring, build sheen, fiendish codex, boots, then finish DFG

I'd also take Sorc Shoes over CDR boots but it's not a bad choice

Lux is the only caster I play. So much fun


New Wit's End might be cool on Irelia and Xin Zhao. I'm going to wait and see how Tenacity works out to see if it bones some heroes like Garen with his Q or Nasus with his fuck awesome slow which both can be a lifesaver in teamfight.
shintoki said:
When you're team leader(aka, guy talking the most, crying the most, and pinging the most) is a fiddle whose idea of using his ult is in plain sight of the other team or running start. Do not follow him... Do not ever follow him.

Bit of a side note too: I don't understand why people crying when someone "Kill Stole" from them. If I'm in range to help and get an assist, I think of it as a win. I get gold, you get gold. It benefits the team more. You are also out of danger quick(Don't have to follow or sit around for a potential gank too) nor can they flash out of it and escape.

I think most times people rage of kill steals not because you help them out after they've been fighting said foe for a long time, but when they are clearly winning and about to kill them and you or another team mate comes up and just chips them off. Also, there are times where it's really clear you shouldn't do this, like if the whole entire enemy team is in another lane and there is a 1v1 going on and your team mate is clearly about to kill the enemy champion.

I don't know. If my team is really bad, then I will definitely try to kill steal, but if we're collectively doing good, I leave it alone.


shintoki said:
Sometimes... It's not the other team you're competing against.


3x The Legendary, One for each lane.

to go three times legendary and all you really had was a mejais (hope you had 20 stacks), a rod of ages and a revolver... my god you should have had more AP with all those kills.
or were you the lux?
Door2Dawn said:
How the hell did that alistar get 22 kills?

It's called being stupidly fed and the other team underleveld and underfarmed, in the lane i was I was killing twitch and tryn like they were ants and then just bought soulstealer and sword of the occult and proceeded to kill anything in my path. Quite fun.
It's fun to play with people who are level 20+ they are still getting the hang of the game and here comes a lvl 30 with more experience to ruin their fun :D.



HappyPuppy said:
It's fun to play with people who are level 20+ they are still getting the hang of the game and here comes a lvl 30 with more experience to ruin their fun :D.

its not hard to go 30-0 against scrubs who wont surrender

The game was at a point where the weakest link would decide the game.

I cracked. :s

Up until that point, I thought I was doing ok, though. Firing off spells whenever I got the chance, lasering whenever I could.
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