We are indeed doing some work on Caitlyn as part of the pre-season's Marksmen update. None of her abilities are likely to change substantially. As many have mentioned she's fun and functional on Live. It's just hard to identify a situation when she's the right pick over other marksmen.
Here's the gist of the present direction, roughly ordered big to small in terms of where our changes are likely to focus:
1.Hone Caitlyn's strategic identity as a siege/zone control-focused champion, likely by emphasizing her traps.
Hone her thematic identity as a sharpshooter by emphasizing accuracy and range.
2.Give a bit more depth to her playstyle, likely by emphasizing shot timing and target selection. You should know a person who has 30 games on Cait from one with 5.
Add this depth through rewarding good planning and judgment, not pure mechanical skill.
3.Retain/enhance her trademark safety, again likely through enhanced traps, in exchange for not being a great tank buster compared to less safe marksmen.
Ensure she has access to offensive rewards should she trade in some of that safety, likely through 90 Caliber Net.
4.Create limited windows of breathing room to her early pressure so that more champions, when properly played, can fight back against her laning phase.
Use those windows to let us be comfortable with her being a potent lane bully.