I lane phased my game as possibly the most annoying support the enemies have ever seen, sparkles from everywhere!
I also built more fitting items and that definitely did help. Our Talon killing everything in sight was a huge help, too. I'd send him in with W, attach my E, and then slow anyone he wanted dead straight from him with Q. <3
Maaaan, why's this champ gotta' cost so much. I'd totally play often if I could always use her.
Aren't they changing team builder so all you do is select the roll? No more accept or decline.Man, if they replace ranked with teabuilder, how will I ever get Jungle Miss Fortune games in?
The more important matter is, how can I troll at all?
kindred ult is 100x better than kayle ult.Kindred does 0 damage. It's not until she gets a couple of items and her devourer stacks that she does alright damage, but to be honest, what's even the point of playing her (it)? She offers nothing unique except an inferior aoe Kayle ult; might as well use Vayne for the earlier and superior damage.
ikr? :,(
I lane phased my game as possibly the most annoying support the enemies have ever seen, sparkles from everywhere!
I also built more fitting items and that definitely did help. Our Talon killing everything in sight was a huge help, too. I'd send him in with W, attach my E, and then slow anyone he wanted dead straight from him with Q. <3
Maaaan, why's this champ gotta' cost so much. I'd totally play often if I could always use her.
From what I've heard, she'll be dropping in price to 4800 IP as soon as Kindred hits (which will probably happen next week), so you can probably save up and get her then
You laugh now, but you're always qqing about how you never get your role in solo q.epik supportz dood
I've had that account for quite a long time. I should really have level 30 on it by now.Newt you got almost as many games on that alt account as I do on my main
You have so many other great alts to level up such as:u should see the amount of coop ai ive played
Full Retard Alchemist
Champions with abilities that can be used in several different ways tend to be my favorites, so Lulu and her support shenanigans are straight up my alley.
Flex pick champions are pretty cool. Morgana is one that I bounce around lanes depending on what I feel like playing at the time.
Can anyone pinpoint the patch that broke veigar? Was it the last one? A little extra free ap and .25 seconds off of the W cast doesn't seem like it should warrant the explosion he's seen but maybe I'm underestimating the difference that makes
Can anyone pinpoint the patch that broke veigar? Was it the last one? A little extra free ap and .25 seconds off of the W cast doesn't seem like it should warrant the explosion he's seen but maybe I'm underestimating the difference that makes
No.Kindred got released?
Also I'm thinking of going Tank Jungle Wukong, I keep getting blown up =_=
He's just not really very useful as a tank. Your damage goes out the window and its not like you're going to be peeling anybody with him. He scales too well with AD to not go warrior. Just get that then cleaver and defense and it should be plenty.Warrior alone adds 200 total damage to his ult that you wouldn't get with cinderhulk, and with his passive as long as you build some health you should be fine in terms of survivability.
One of my buddies has been having luck with Titanic-BC-tank, in the top lane, I don't really play Wukong at all so I don't know how well that could translate into the jungle, though. It might be worth a shot, though. I've done Cinderhulk-Titanic-BC on J4 and been pretty strong, and he's in a similar sort of assassin, sort of bruiser spot as Wu.
while not the one that "broke" him, i think getting ap on assists is pretty big too, really good forma coming back from painful lanesCan anyone pinpoint the patch that broke veigar? Was it the last one? A little extra free ap and .25 seconds off of the W cast doesn't seem like it should warrant the explosion he's seen but maybe I'm underestimating the difference that makes
hey if you like thresh a lot and dont have championship thresh you should quote this post.
hey if you like thresh a lot and dont have championship thresh you should quote this post.
He should at least post.
I should start using Sterak more often...which champs is it good on?
Thanks for the tips, what Runes and masteries would you suggest if you don't mind me asking?
I didn't rush BC last time I played him, I went Hydra then then BC :V
It should at least post.Assuming it's a he smh the sexism
what skin