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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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I lane phased my game as possibly the most annoying support the enemies have ever seen, sparkles from everywhere!

I also built more fitting items and that definitely did help. Our Talon killing everything in sight was a huge help, too. I'd send him in with W, attach my E, and then slow anyone he wanted dead straight from him with Q. <3

Maaaan, why's this champ gotta' cost so much. I'd totally play often if I could always use her.

Ya you can use her E that way to clear waves fast too.


Man, if they replace ranked with teabuilder, how will I ever get Jungle Miss Fortune games in?

The more important matter is, how can I troll at all?
Aren't they changing team builder so all you do is select the roll? No more accept or decline.

Don't worry you can still MF jungle.
Kindred does 0 damage. It's not until she gets a couple of items and her devourer stacks that she does alright damage, but to be honest, what's even the point of playing her (it)? She offers nothing unique except an inferior aoe Kayle ult; might as well use Vayne for the earlier and superior damage.

ikr? :,(
kindred ult is 100x better than kayle ult.




I lane phased my game as possibly the most annoying support the enemies have ever seen, sparkles from everywhere!

I also built more fitting items and that definitely did help. Our Talon killing everything in sight was a huge help, too. I'd send him in with W, attach my E, and then slow anyone he wanted dead straight from him with Q. <3

Maaaan, why's this champ gotta' cost so much. I'd totally play often if I could always use her.

From what I've heard, she'll be dropping in price to 4800 IP as soon as Kindred hits (which will probably happen next week), so you can probably save up and get her then.

I've also enjoyed the two games I've played with her so far. Nami's cool and all, but Lulu's ability to play support, mid and maybe even top means I can buy her and not worry about not getting to play her if somebody else takes the support role first. Champions with abilities that can be used in several different ways tend to be my favorites, so Lulu and her support shenanigans are straight up my alley.


I swear, support mains in solo q are the WORST.


From what I've heard, she'll be dropping in price to 4800 IP as soon as Kindred hits (which will probably happen next week), so you can probably save up and get her then

Oooh, I hope so! I have 3300 right now from a Per Win IP boost my cousin bought me two years ago (if that says anything on how "often" I play, lol). I was going to buy Sona, but Lulu is working with me so, so much better.


Flex pick champions are pretty cool. Morgana is one that I bounce around lanes depending on what I feel like playing at the time.

Same for me. Morg was my most played this season and I'd play whatever the team didn't want. Mostly support, but a good number of mid games too.


Can anyone pinpoint the patch that broke veigar? Was it the last one? A little extra free ap and .25 seconds off of the W cast doesn't seem like it should warrant the explosion he's seen but maybe I'm underestimating the difference that makes
Can anyone pinpoint the patch that broke veigar? Was it the last one? A little extra free ap and .25 seconds off of the W cast doesn't seem like it should warrant the explosion he's seen but maybe I'm underestimating the difference that makes

idunno but i was carrying my team the other day and he 1-shot me for 2,075 damage in a base defense.

tbh, i don't see the competitive balance and value in a champ that can 1-shot a champ from full hp late in the game with a targeted ability. No opportunity to dodge or react after; just dead unless veil or GA is off CD. targeted abilities don't bother me, but targeted abilities that do unreasonable amounts of damage do.


Can anyone pinpoint the patch that broke veigar? Was it the last one? A little extra free ap and .25 seconds off of the W cast doesn't seem like it should warrant the explosion he's seen but maybe I'm underestimating the difference that makes

veigar has always been a borderline bullshit champion. reducing the fall time on his W was huge, as was making his E less clunky


It's pretty much the 0.25s off the W that makes him really strong now.

Before the change, as soon as somebody got mercury treads, it was no longer a reliable source of damage, even when you stunned them because the tenacity allowed them to avoid it. Now, stun = high chance of W damage as well


Yeah. My ekko game last night was pretty much just counter ganking mid for our veigar. He was playing poorly and getting bullied by gragas but by 30min he was one shotting entire clumps of enemies. Easy game.


Yeah, making Veigar's W easier to hit while maintaining the same scaling was very dumb, it has always been a bullshit ability damage wise.


Also I'm thinking of going Tank Jungle Wukong, I keep getting blown up =_=

He's just not really very useful as a tank. Your damage goes out the window and its not like you're going to be peeling anybody with him. He scales too well with AD to not go warrior. Just get that then cleaver and defense and it should be plenty.Warrior alone adds 200 total damage to his ult that you wouldn't get with cinderhulk, and with his passive as long as you build some health you should be fine in terms of survivability.


I should start using Sterak more often...which champs is it good on?

He's just not really very useful as a tank. Your damage goes out the window and its not like you're going to be peeling anybody with him. He scales too well with AD to not go warrior. Just get that then cleaver and defense and it should be plenty.Warrior alone adds 200 total damage to his ult that you wouldn't get with cinderhulk, and with his passive as long as you build some health you should be fine in terms of survivability.

Thanks for the tips, what Runes and masteries would you suggest if you don't mind me asking?
I didn't rush BC last time I played him, I went Hydra then then BC :V


Just ad reds, armor yellows, mr blue, ad quints should be fine, standard ad page. If you want to get more in depth stuff like scaling mr or scaling/flat cdr are also great blues. I'm sure whatever mastery page youre using is fine but preferably 21/9 with the 5% cdr to increase uptime of your attack speed buff. Start E, take W second and make it tank camps bc that's your sustain, max e first. Farm to 6 unless you have red, see someone stupid extended, or have like an annie lane or something with op cc because before that theyre basically just gonna walk away. I would personally consider building deadmans after warrior then cleaver but tbh i will build deadman's second on literally every jungler.

He's really not too complicated just be aware that you're really low pressure early and take that into account

On a fun note I'm getting better at reksai!


but it doesn't matter
One of my buddies has been having luck with Titanic-BC-tank, in the top lane, I don't really play Wukong at all so I don't know how well that could translate into the jungle, though. It might be worth a shot, though. I've done Cinderhulk-Titanic-BC on J4 and been pretty strong, and he's in a similar sort of assassin, sort of bruiser spot as Wu.


My worst Renek game ever. Well not ever cause a defeat is worse than this but probably the worst recently. I'm so disappointed in myself. Our support even outfarmed me.

Most of my death were because of Malzahar space aids so I bought a banshee. They really felt compelled to focus on me on that game. Sucks for them cause once they blew all their CDs on me, my team was free to finish them off. Aside from that, I got out laned and bullied into my tower the whole game by Gnar. I outplayed him a few times leading to kills but it wasn't enough for me to catch up on his gold lead due to minion farm.


One of my buddies has been having luck with Titanic-BC-tank, in the top lane, I don't really play Wukong at all so I don't know how well that could translate into the jungle, though. It might be worth a shot, though. I've done Cinderhulk-Titanic-BC on J4 and been pretty strong, and he's in a similar sort of assassin, sort of bruiser spot as Wu.

That's probably fine in top with your higher gold income especially if you go tiamat-cleaver then finish hydra, but in the jungle you really don't want to delay your power spike til 7k gold in the game if you can help it. With warrior you're practically an assassin early and can pop squishies. With cinderhulk your 1v1 and gank potential is gonna be pretty shit until you finish an offensive item and with lower kill potential and fewer ults (bc you're lacking the cdr) it will take you forever to come online with that build. Not that it would be a bad final build since Wu loves HP and cleaver is great on him, but you have to think about how you're gonna get there.

Probably good or at least fine on J4 because he isn't ult reliant for ganks
just my humble opinion
Ah, I didn't think of that, but you're right. J4 can effectively ham as early as lvl 2 with EQ, Wu is lackluster until 6.

Cinderhulk is still probably better than Devourer, though. I see way too many jungles running devourer that shouldn't ever touch it, Wu, Shen, Sion, Vi, I even had a fucking Darius with it one game.


Can anyone pinpoint the patch that broke veigar? Was it the last one? A little extra free ap and .25 seconds off of the W cast doesn't seem like it should warrant the explosion he's seen but maybe I'm underestimating the difference that makes
while not the one that "broke" him, i think getting ap on assists is pretty big too, really good forma coming back from painful lanes

but yea, the w change makes it really easy to land and vik and azir and lb laning all got nerfed so theres just no one to really pressure him hard enough in lane anymore


hey if you like thresh a lot and dont have championship thresh you should quote this post.

Oh well, it looks like the code's already gone. Thanks for the giveaway, though!

Thresh's definitely a champion I'll be picking up after I get Lulu (and maybe Morgana). Having abilities with multiple applications makes Thresh really appealing for me, even if I might need to practice a bit more in order to be any good.


I should start using Sterak more often...which champs is it good on?

Thanks for the tips, what Runes and masteries would you suggest if you don't mind me asking?
I didn't rush BC last time I played him, I went Hydra then then BC :V

not really sure about which specific champs its best on, but I think it's best when you have really bursty people on the other team or one burst champs that fed. Probably only going to get it on top or jungle, so if you're laning against garen or darius for example, it's pretty decent against their ults. same goes for if their annie mid is fed, might help you live through her full burst rotation.
Anyone know why Nami hasn't been played at Worlds (unless I missed it)? I would think she'd be great with Darius, from her passive she can give him as much move speed as mobis, and with her ult it's even more. Am I blinded because she's my favorite support?
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