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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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dirty Irelia picker.


uh huh. tell me more about being a dirty picker


shut up, support main. nobody cares what the support thinks, go support your adc and complain how much he sucks :3
but pls roam top and lets kill this guy


A Vladimir is the worst, particularly when the jungler camps for him until he hits level 9.


uh huh. tell me more about being a dirty picker

Please, I just started. I haven't even played her more than three times yet. I tried to be clean, I really did, but you guys pulled me into the mud. I'm thinking Broken Wings will help me claw my way out.

Nothing like a 0/3 Irelia getting Triforce.


Oh no. What am I doing. I'm supposed to be practicing my best champs to get back into ranked and get a little higher than Gold V. Instead I picked free week Ekko jungle. Ooops. With my GP+J4 bot lane it should be loads of fun.

Well that went pretty well. Ekko is fun. I didn't really enjoy the lack of damage tank ekko brings but I was throwing Qs around like it was candy and if I managed to land that third auto I did do decent damage. Wasn't too bad. You have to be pretty brain dead to get hit by the W now though. Outside of teamfights it's like hitting a half court shot.

I'll catch a game with you at some point. I was going to hop on now but without a nap my brain function is null.

You and Achtius need to play more. Normals are more fun with friends.

But really I do need to play my promos. I've been putting them off forever lol


Well that went pretty well. Ekko is fun. I didn't really enjoy the lack of damage tank ekko brings but I was throwing Qs around like it was candy and if I managed to land that third auto I did do decent damage. Wasn't too bad. You have to be pretty brain dead to get hit by the W now though. Outside of teamfights it's like hitting a half court shot.

You and Achtius need to play more. Normals are more fun with friends.

But really I do need to play my promos. I've been putting them off forever lol

My number of ranked games probably doubled recently. I just cant put in long sessions anymore and probably play at different times. Despite my recent shortcomings I took at look at my op.gg statistics and I feel pretty good about my play so I want to hit plat.
I want to do more ranked 5s for the rewards!
My number of ranked games probably doubled recently. I just cant put in long sessions anymore and probably play at different times. Despite my recent shortcomings I took at look at my op.gg statistics and I feel pretty good about my play so I want to hit plat.
I want to do more ranked 5s for the rewards!
Does ranked 5s count toward your border and rewards, or is it just the trinket?


What's the main reason Malphite is being played competitively at the moment? I remember Koo using him and he's gained steam since.
New team builder info
Yooo, guys.
Soon we will launch a new way to pick champions and join a match, that is going to replace the current Team Builder for normal games. The idea is that in a not so far future it will also be available to ranked queues.
Still takes a while to arrive, but i would like to talk to you about the main characteristics:
Everything starts at the lobby where you can invite friends to play with.
In the second step you're going to choose 2 roles where you want to play(mid/jungle; top/sup etc..) We've made some studies and verified that when players provide 2 possible roles, the team formation works a lot better. There's also a new option called "fill", for those who want to play whatever role is left.
So you'll be taken to the new experience of picks and bans. We've made a few important changes, so every player can have strategic impact in the process, not only the one first picking.
The game starts.
Our biggest concerns here have been minimizing the possibility of misunderstanding between the players and improve the time it takes to form a team(including players with too much or too little mmr).
We'll have more news soon. Stay tuned!
What's the main reason Malphite is being played competitively at the moment? I remember Koo using him and he's gained steam since.
He got a minor rework, Juggernaut items = rock solid.



it's probably a voting system like everyone picks one, highest votes wins and captain breaks ties

something like that


I don't play or watch competitive, but I've seen my brother play a mode where bans occur and only three per team is allowed. Five sounds like a big change up, almost doubling the amount. I feel kind of bad for anyone in that mode who likes the current flavor of the month, as the bans are like a never-ending loop of ten~ champions. Now the entire pool can stay perma-banned! :p

Can I get any recommendations on item builds here? The match had me calling bot support, but Ekko asked to switch, so I went mid until Level 8, when he asked for a switch back. That's why my items may be a bit mixed. I also grabbed Blue Trinket at the very end since it was too dangerous to ward, until then I had upgraded Red.

(I'm the Lulu)

I figured we had the game in the bag, but two of us got executed trying to get Baron (which was pre-planned in chat; or so we thought), since the whole team didn't follow (our Garen and Pantheon both pushed top and bot lanes respectively, while me, Ekko, and Nasus all tried for Baron). Guess we really should have backed off then, as it's when the game seemed to turn.

But yeah, I can't help but feel my items probably put a big damper on things. Should I have still been buying only support stuff when I ended up mid, or at that point was I supposed to say screw it and focus on offense?


it's not gonna be 5 bans, stop being dumb and thinking it's gonna be 5 bans -__-

Can I get any recommendations on item builds here? The match had me calling bot support, but Ekko asked to switch, so I went mid until Level 8, when he asked for a switch back. That's why my items may be a bit mixed. I also grabbed Blue Trinket at the very end since it was too dangerous to ward, until then I had upgraded Red.

(I'm the Lulu)

I figured we had the game in the bag, but two of us got executed trying to get Baron (which was pre-planned in chat; or so we thought), since the whole team didn't follow (our Garen and Pantheon both pushed top and bot lanes respectively, while me, Ekko, and Nasus all tried for Baron). Guess we really should have backed off then, as it's when the game seemed to turn.

But yeah, I can't help but feel my items probably put a big damper on things. Should I have still been buying only support stuff when I ended up mid, or at that point was I supposed to say screw it and focus on offense?
yea that item build is pretty awkward, but you're not supposed to have a dumb ekko randomly asking u to go mid so it's ok

righteous glory is not a good idea on lulu mid or support, lots of stats you don't need and an active that doesn't gel so well with how she plays.

if you were support you'd build support items like spellthief line, mikaels, aegis, zeke's herald.

if you're mid you build cdr regen then ap, so athenes/morellos, deathcap, void staff and zhonyas, ludens, lich bane situationally.

also 100% of the times use flash, you cannot not take flash. ignite and exhaust, choose one and keep that one, then go flash.


it's not gonna be 5 bans, stop being dumb and thinking it's gonna be 5 bans -__-

yea that item build is pretty awkward, but you're not supposed to have a dumb ekko randomly asking u to go mid so it's ok

righteous glory is not a good idea on lulu mid or support, lots of stats you don't need and an active that doesn't gel so well with how she plays.

if you were support you'd build support items like spellthief line, mikaels, aegis, zeke's herald.

if you're mid you build cdr regen then ap, so athenes/morellos, deathcap, void staff and zhonyas, ludens, lich bane situationally.

also 100% of the times use flash, you cannot not take flash. ignite and exhaust, choose one and keep that one, then go flash.

I'm actually writing down these item names even though I will only be able to use Lulu for this week, heh. Thanks for the helpful list.

I went without Flash because I think it's a boring ability and wish it was just pre-built into everyone since it's such a stupidly good ability thought I'd try going full out support. Will drop Ignite in my next game to place Flash back in. There were a few places I probably could have confirmed a kill or saved a partner.
Damn, not a good day for me. I've been feeling really confident on my Vayne lately. I finally get to play her when this duo calls bottom and proceed to pick Lee Sin and Rengar. Someone dodges, but I get queued with them again. This time I'm ahead of them so I pick Vayne, noting that they were trolling. Someone dodges again. This time they're on the other team and they just absolutely fucked me up. I died to them maybe twice in lane, but then they were able to roam. Their lead became obscene and I was level 14 while they were 18. Of course that was the biggest crow I had ever been served. I was the butt of the joke on the enemy team even though I died the least in the beginning. It was pretty discouraging.

I'm trying really hard to improve myself, so what could I have done in that situation? I was thinking maybe build armor early and switch to a red trinket or pink ward totem early, neither of which I did in this game.


Man, if they replace ranked with teabuilder, how will I ever get Jungle Miss Fortune games in?

The more important matter is, how can I troll at all?




I lane phased my game as possibly the most annoying support the enemies have ever seen, sparkles from everywhere!

I also built more fitting items and that definitely did help. Our Talon killing everything in sight was a huge help, too. I'd send him in with W, attach my E, and then slow anyone he wanted dead straight from him with Q. <3

Maaaan, why's this champ gotta' cost so much. I'd totally play often if I could always use her.


Kindred does 0 damage. It's not until she gets a couple of items and her devourer stacks that she does alright damage, but to be honest, what's even the point of playing her (it)? She offers nothing unique except an inferior aoe Kayle ult; might as well use Vayne for the earlier and superior damage.

Maaaan, why's this champ gotta' cost so much. I'd totally play often if I could always use her.

ikr? :,(
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