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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

I feel like you won't like Swain after his rework.

I liked Yorick after his rework even more than his previous form


Look costy, all I'm saying is Swain needs a Crow resource system.

I did that in the kys game... After the fact. More to the moron point.
Nothing to block pre/post-game though? I mean I guess I really just need pre-game blocked.. Though would prefer to just see a total text blank-out applied to my game.


Rito should implement a way to turn off chat in total.
they're ravens breezy cmon

and yeah, if I was reworking Swain it would be all about him and his ravens. So much potential there. I should go back to coming up with Swain kits.

The main thematic hook I was going for with him was 'ravenmancer'. Less 'dude that turns into a bird' and more fearsome general that commands a murderous flock of ravens to do his bidding. Narrative hook was along the lines of "the sight of a raven made even the most secret of meetings amongst Noxus' seedy societies and groups fall silent, for they knew Grand General Swain's eyes and ears were present"

It's just about finding the kit to go with that...


Gold Member
how long did it take you?

I think it took me 15 boxes. 3 boxes I got normally and I bought a bundle for 11 boxes. Then I bought another chest cause I have an extra key and Hextech Annie was inside. I still have to buy it using essence though so it took me another bundle to get the necessary essence so it's probably around 20+ boxes.

they're ravens breezy cmon

and yeah, if I was reworking Swain it would be all about him and his ravens. So much potential there. I should go back to coming up with Swain kits.

The main thematic hook I was going for with him was 'ravenmancer'. Less 'dude that turns into a bird' and more fearsome general that commands a murderous flock of ravens to do his bidding. Narrative hook was along the lines of "the sight of a raven made even the most secret of meetings amongst Noxus' seedy societies and groups fall silent, for they knew Grand General Swain's eyes and ears were present"

It's just about finding the kit to go with that...

Got you covered fam. When you present this to riot just tell them I made it and then like, hook me up as the lead swain designer

Ok so I thought about what I would want in a Swain rework

Passive-Corvid Swarm: Swain keeps a murder of 5 Ravens around him. Every time he auto-attacks, a Raven shortly follows to attack his target, dealing X damage(Scaling each level with an AP scaling) and inflicting Torment on the target, increasing damage by X% from his other attacks for 2.5 seconds. Swain gains one Raven every X seconds.

Q-Swain sends out a swarm of Ravens to attack a target area for 3 seconds. Deals 100% bonus damage to minions, deals AoE damage to minions. If an enemy champion is in the area of the swarm, the Ravens will converge on them. Swain will also launch his Ravens from his passive for a flat X damage towards the champion, and if the enemy champion had a Raven on them already, it'll refresh the duration of the Torment.

Passive-Last hitting an enemy minion gives Swain X mana
Active-Swain marks the ground, which after a delay will snare enemies for X damage and X time. If any champions are caught, and Swain has any remaining Ravens from his passive, a Raven will fly towards that champion, dealing it's damage and applying torment.

E-Swain sends one of his Ravens to watch over an area near swain for 2 minutes, providing a small area of sight around the Raven. If a monster, minion, or enemy champion crosses the Raven, the Raven will peck at them for damage over time, while providing vision of them for 5 seconds to your whole team.

R-Ravenous Flock-1000 range. After a 1.5 second cast time, Swain disperses into a Murder of Ravens, and after another 1.5 seconds they converge into an area, dealing 100/150/200 damage. Swain appears transformed into a Master raven for 10/15/20 seconds, launching ravens to deal damage and to heal himself. During this time, Swains Corvid Swarm remains off cooldown. 140/120/100 Cooldown.


There. Now he's a master tactician who has to utilize his Ravens correctly in order to win.

Of course you might not like his ulti but whatever

That's actually not terrible other than the ult which is completely terrible.

Swain can't really be given a TF like teleport. His counterplay is that he gets kited.

Well it's either that

Or he gets a giant raven that fights for him. Kinda like mordes dragon. And like....like this pet giant Raven will have his own Ravens to stack onto swains passive while he's active...and he can shoot laser beams from his eyes.


That's actually not terrible other than the ult which is completely terrible.

Swain can't really be given a TF like teleport. His counterplay is that he gets kited.
has Riot said anything lately about ARAM? Summoner spell variety is pathetic. Every game 9/10 players is using flash/snowball. Why is this okay? It's the only "for fun" mode we have 24/7 access to and it's been in this garbage state for so long.
Flash is over-represented in every game mode. Snowball is so useful in ARAM and it makes a bunch of immobile champs actually viable in that game mode. Galio is actually not garbage in ARAM thanks to snowball. Also, I see heal/clarity in ARAM with regularity and I personally take exhaust sometimes. The only spell I never consider in ARAM anymore is ignite.
has Riot said anything lately about ARAM? Summoner spell variety is pathetic. Every game 9/10 players is using flash/snowball. Why is this okay? It's the only "for fun" mode we have 24/7 access to and it's been in this garbage state for so long.
Why is it not okay? How would having other spells used change ARAM in any way besides making melee champions worse?


Tragic victim of fan death
I think that all melee comps in ARAM absolutely sucks even with ARAM cuz everyone can just flash away... It's sort of hard to deal with it pre-6 and even post 6 really cuz sometimes the enemy just get that far ahead in exp. I'd like a summoner spell that helps alleviate this a bit.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Holy fuck that OT pissed me off so much when it came out.

Old Corki AND Waifus.
It super triggered me. If I read the old threads I realize I used to be a much better poster. Sorry guys. I'll try to step it up.


Ffs did they really fix the thing that lets you disable autofill. I don't want to have to dodge then not play any more for the rest of the day because I got support...


Kat spotlight

Patch hitting soon?
seems like they changed the dagger pickup refunding full cd, now it's only a (big) portion

that seems better

i'm worried about being able to land wherever u want with shunpo

like the half of zed's counterplay that isn't buying zhonyas is charming behind u, and even if that's unreliable as all fuck because bugs/instant turn rate/whatever, at least it's something u can predict

instant jump with no tell of where she'll land is not something i'm super into
Im all for insta jump

I mean in real life an assassin wouldnt be telling you they were trying to kill you

So why would Kat tell people where she jumped


Hit silver 1 and found a great duo partner today. we went 3-0.

Guys I have 6 days to hit Gold and I am nervous. been playing since season 3 and never hit gold lol
seems like they changed the dagger pickup refunding full cd, now it's only a (big) portion

that seems better

i'm worried about being able to land wherever u want with shunpo

like the half of zed's counterplay that isn't buying zhonyas is charming behind u, and even if that's unreliable as all fuck because bugs/instant turn rate/whatever, at least it's something u can predict

instant jump with no tell of where she'll land is not something i'm super into

it was always a big portion, never the full cooldown.


btw breezy

minor inven buffs on pbe

if he's played in competitive now does this mean breezy is a prophet

Im all for insta jump

I mean in real life an assassin wouldnt be telling you they were trying to kill you

So why would Kat tell people where she jumped
idk, lux tells u where she's pointing her laser and lux is very much totally trying to murder u :>

it was always a big portion, never the full cooldown.
i could've sworn

anyways, i feel like from kits alone it's very hard to tell if assassins will be less frustrating to play against, as well as if any of them will be a tiny bit more desirable to have in ur team

So does Talon's E do anything for him in lane anymore?

think of it as a long range mobility tool similar to aurelion sol e
Kat's CD reduction scales with levels. Early on it refunds 80% of the CD and late game 96% which is basically all the CD without letting you shunpo twice by mistake.


i feel assassins are very up in the air

i'm not sure if any of them got much counterplay injected to em, talon not having an insta-gapcloser is nice, and kat seems to have to work a bit more to get her dmg out, but it's really hard to tell for me atm

i also feel like maw is still very desirable on assassins which is very sucky

we'll see, i just wanna spam leblanc already


also i bet there's a really cool leblanc concept somewhere that is like a doto champion that just creates clones on every spell for reals

like w creates a clone in her returning position and u can move that clone and swap places with it as long as it's not killed. or when you e it creates another leblanc that chains em and u gotta control em both and shit

it wouldn't work in league but i would so want to see something like that lol


mastery updates: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/features/road-pre-season-mastery-updates

all star voting that for some reason still has deft and pawn and mata in lpl, yellowstar as fnatic's support and whatnot: http://www.lolesports.com/en_US/all-star/vote

i voted for madlife and shy because fuck u ogn for killing my dreams
all star voting that for some reason still has deft and pawn and mata in lpl, yellowstar as fnatic's support and whatnot: http://www.lolesports.com/en_US/all-star/vote

i voted for madlife and shy because fuck u ogn for killing my dreams
I guess vote is based on the 2016 Season not where the players are now
"But breezy, you're wrong, you're always wrong, don't talk about League balance"

I'll take my salt
They're super minor shit to make him feel better to play. You're still wrong, specially when you said Ivern would only be viable if they overtuned his numbers.


the mastery changes are interesting

i like this fresh blood mastery although feast is probably just gonna be better in most cases (fresh blood might be super good in ranged vs melee)

double edged sword being tier 4 is kind of interesting, specially since it's 5% now, which is a lot on the champions i like taking it on like lux, so i'll probably shit to that tho...

bounty hunter being 1.5% is pretty big buff to it, so idk, that looks really good. it's an interesting tradeoff cos while you're probably gonna kill everyone once at one point in the game, it might not be at a time where it's useful, and at 1.5% i might have to start paying more attention to doing the right kind of roams so i can get it as quickly as possible

oppressor being removed is kind of a bummer but i didn't take that on anyone except lizzy and i don't even play lizzy anymore so who cares

battle trance is like, whatever for mids, by second 5 i'm already out of cooldowns so who cares lol


I think that all melee comps in ARAM absolutely sucks even with ARAM cuz everyone can just flash away... It's sort of hard to deal with it pre-6 and even post 6 really cuz sometimes the enemy just get that far ahead in exp. I'd like a summoner spell that helps alleviate this a bit.

Yeah, it creates this weird dynamic where 1. ranged is oppressively favored 2. champions with massive AOE ults are also oppressively favored because their inability to gap close doesn't matter anymore.

There's nothing more triggering than outplaying a ranged champion in ARAM and oh his flash is up because the cooldown is like 2.5 minutes so you have like a minute window where that crap is down and your ult is up. And then you get double exhausted because exhausting a melee is a million times easier than exhausting a ranged champion and you have no recourse as a melee once you're sitting on top of them.

Just bring back the old cooldowns, the shorter ones were well intentioned but had the opposite effect of what they were hoping to accomplish. Protobelt also exists now, so if they really want mobility there you go.


actually now that i think it greenfather's gift might be a really good mastery for mids if it lasts like forever and u can just constantly get in brush to reset it or just charge it up on the way to a roam

idk if it's as good as dangerous game


qtpie makes 2 million a year

jesus christ

yeah it's crazy. especially since i don't think that even includes youtube revenue. he used to let 2ndSequence keep all the youtube revenue until recently, where it started make a lot more than it did when they had their previous agreement and now they split it.
costy what do you think about my swain


eerily similar to a version I sent to our lead designer for feedback in august, which I guess means we're aligned with some goals for the kit.

quick feedback:

Keeping Nevermove is good since it's like the best part of his kit.

Your E is pretty much the same as the one I came up with, but both yours and mine are grossly OP from a vision standpoint. Try ganking that guy top lane. I tried to mitigate mine by designing the Q to be based on the ravens you placed. So you'd pull placed ravens to you and use them to attack the enemy, so you're at least making a tradeoff between defensive vision/protection for offense, but ultimately it's still kinda crazy. Also it has a missing button feeling. Pretty uninteresting cast paradigm, overall boring ability to use. Probably needs a passive attached or something to feel like an impactful spell (think Kalista W as a good example)

Especially when you combine it with your ult, which is like "what if Fiddlesticks ult was just better". I like the underlying idea of better windowing his sustain (assuming that you wanted to give him less frequent windows of higher impact sustain) but the range on that thing is crazy for the power and still don't like him turning into a raven and just having a giant raven would be weird as shit.

His passive and Q are also just like a more annoying version of his current E and Q lol. I don't ever want to play against that. Also passive has the same issues as live Swain's E where % damage multiplier is just kind of boring and bad design. I'd rather have better, higher impact base abilities than have them essentially gimped because of a damage amp passive. Like, it might as well not exist.

So, I guess to sum it up you arrived at pretty much the same point as me (except I had an ult that worked too I guess): W is a cool spell that should stay, and less frequent window of high sustain is probably a better way of having him still be some sort of drain tank thing without being grossly oppressive. Also lots of ravens is better.

otherwise you need to go back to the drawing board.


i still think making swain not turn into a raven is a really dumb idea since that's the only cool thing about him

i kind of wonder if a cool mechanic for him to feel like a strategy master would be to also turn nearby allies into "ravens" that sustain him and themselves for a % of their dmg dealt or something (lower % for healing themselves, higher for healing swain). maybe will that spell is on cd he can target someone to get extra dmg from his ravens, something like that

something like a weird raven flock tactician thing
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