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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

She doesn't look anywhere near as versatile as Ekko. Dash depends on a wall, only one slow and its delayed, no way to farm from range, etc.

If anything she's Irelia 2.0


She kinda reminds me of Kled.

Movement ability that can be used twice that has specific requirements.
Unique skillshot that has some CC.
Attack enhancer.
% health damage.

Ults are different, and the whole mount business, but yeah.
Camille's kit looks fucking amazing, I just don't really understand how her second Q works, I'm assuming you have a few seconds to do another auto reset but if you wait a bit within said seconds you get a super auto modifier?
Yea she looks hella fun. We Attack On Titan now, with a touch of Legion Comamnder, brehs.

Pretty sure I found my new #1 melee top.

ghetto disrupter ult

Legion Commander!
yeah but that's not spammable

it has a decent cooldown. you don't just get to cry foul at any mention of percent max health damage if you don't even take a moment to consider where it's implemented...

I don't see the problem. Given her slow attack speed, her being a melee fighter means her kit has to have % health damage in it. It almost necessitates either % heath or true damage. In her case, a little of both. I like that her % health requires a little skill, like it does with Darius.
yeah. people saying "hurr durr percent health damage LUL" without considering implementation, reasoning or why it exists as a mechanic in the first place tilt me. It's like they don't even make an attempt to understand anything about League's design


I don't mind %max health stuff, I don't mind %max health true damage either. Like, it has a reason to exist and tanks should have a way to get punished.

Camille's E and Ult look like great abilities to have in the game.
Very different champion, designed to be somewhat bruisery and er percent damage is tied to her ult. She will be much closer to Irelia and Fiora

Thats my inclination

You mentioned she would be a good split pusher but unless her Q pierces(havent had a chance to delve in, still at work lol) but I disagree. She doesnt have a fast farming ability ala irelia or ekko.

Ill have to take a look see though. If you say shes closer to irelia, than a triforce+cleaver+full tank spells carry killer in a way no other character can do, with a Denial of Movement ability~
Thats my inclination

You mentioned she would be a good split pusher but unless her Q pierces(havent had a chance to delve in, still at work lol) but I disagree. She doesnt have a fast farming ability ala irelia or ekko.

Ill have to take a look see though. If you say shes closer to irelia, than a triforce+cleaver+full tank spells carry killer in a way no other character can do, with a Denial of Movement ability~

She could build Triforce, Titanic Hydra and tank and use Triforce and Hydra to destroy towers since she has two auto-attack resets (thee counting Hydra) and a sheen item, plus she can 1 v 1 anyone except like Fiora and Jax while being super mobile
She could build Triforce, Titanic Hydra and tank and use Triforce and Hydra to destroy towers since she has two auto-attack resets (thee counting Hydra) and a sheen item, plus she can 1 v 1 anyone except like Fiora and Jax while being super mobile


It was mentioned(by you iirc?) that she would be anti assassin , and because of her ult she is(restricting movement). What it translates to tho is she becomes anti-carry. If shes tanky enough, she can realistically keep catching out enemy carries and killing them if she gets her build early.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Braum and Graves winter skins are both great. Don't really like the Karma one but I don't like Karma to begin with so maybe that's part of it.

It was mentioned(by you iirc?) that she would be anti assassin , and because of her ult she is(restricting movement). What it translates to tho is she becomes anti-carry. If shes tanky enough, she can realistically keep catching out enemy carries and killing them if she gets her build early.
I got you for three minutes, THREE MINUTES OF PLAYTIME

The Steel Shadow is READYYYYYYYYYY


finally having watched the videos, i kind of don't like how noisy she looks. like she casts like a ton of spells really quickly since both q and e can be reactivated so it's kind of hard to tell what she's doing

also she doesn't seem to do any dmg to nami on the second clip? idk what that's about

kit looks ok, the spiderman thing looks really fun to use

the ult is interesting, i'm not sure if enemies and allies can also enter the ult area or it's just a 1v1 ring or something

overall she looks ok, i appreciate her skillshots and stuff but she's gonna be a top laner so w/e :p

Strictly speaking, because it is. If you have an alternative that you believe is better than Dota 2's, which has been tested, revised, tested and revised again for the last decade, by all means propose it. We're all ears. I see no reason to reinvent the wheel.
league is not doto

doto's solutions aren't league's

i'd much rather hear what rito thinks is best first than blindly slap what another dev made for another game entirely

it's been tested for a decade on doto, not league

Oh, so your "tedious" concern is really simply about the amount of time. Well why didn't you say so? That wasn't because of the draft format; that was because of the amount of time alotted. Dota 2 allots an extra 130 seconds in addition to the 30 seconds per pick/ban. Plus additional time to load into the game. It's there to give teams time to talk about strategies because Dota 2 has significantly more strategic flexibility than League of Legends has presently.

League is unlikely to do any less than 30 seconds per ban, so you're going to get an elongated draft with 10 bans and 10 picks whether you like it or not, zky. League will be able to skip the extra 130 time allotment in pubs and maybe add a reduced version of Dota's 130 second "overtime" pick period for competitive/pros, but the draft is going to get longer regardless of how you feel about it. I assume it will be a max of 5 minutes for League + time to declare your pick + time to set your runes and skins and whatnot. So about 6 minutes. About 2 minutes shorter than Dota 2 captain's draft. It should feel alright with the benefit being a marked increase to the strategic nature of League drafts. I think it would be really cool.

That said, I'm sure that however Riot decides to do it at first will probably not be how it is configured in the end. I (and most people) think doing 10 bans up front would be disastrous. 2-2-1 is is a tried and true method to get interesting, strategic and diverse drafts. It's the method that not only Dota 2 but SMITE also uses for its competitive play and you know what? It just works. Even casual-as-fuck HoTS has a similar 2-round ban method for competitive. Now, if Riot's thousand heads can come up with another method that also provides a similar level of diversity, that will be fine too. Nothing wrong with that. But again, it would feel like resources being committed to reinventing a wheel that we already have a good, working version of.
league is already doing two round, like hots i guess, so idk why we're talking about doing 10 bans up front

and times matters a shit ton, i bet most ppl just tune out during champ select because it lasts forever and it's not that interesting because league just isn't like that

i used to love champ select but nowadays i have less free time and don't want to extend a series' time by another game just to have doto's champ select

also honestly idk if more bans or staggered bans will have that big of a result as ppl seem to think

i can imagine it will, but unfortunately it's not for certain, and we might end up just extending champ select times for nothing

% health damage? CALLED IT.
well she is basically fiora again

That does not inspire confidence.
lol yeah

yeah but that's not spammable

it has a decent cooldown. you don't just get to cry foul at any mention of percent max health damage if you don't even take a moment to consider where it's implemented...
hit it right in the head. reason why that shit is frustrating on vayne and fiora is because it's spammable so it feels like you can't do anything to counter it because it's just always up

if her q has a big enough cd (7s+) it could be ok

You have no idea how hard it was for me to keep calm when everyone was complaining about Karma not getting a good skin a few months ago when I knew this one was coming
hmm how calm would you feel if i asked you about taliyah skins

Is Ed working for Riot now


Hhaahah just when you thought they were going in the right direction they come up with an even more toxic J4 ultimate. I didn't know that was even possible but holy shit did they deliver.

Another toxic permaban character added to my list! Shame because the rest of the kit is alright. Except the stupid % max health, that is. Get ready for two months of full tank Camille doing 1v5. It's like they don't fucking learn.

And without the possibility of screwing over your team.

And without the possibility of counterplay too. Cancer binary 2010esque ultimate is cancer, binary and 2010esque.

Ooh, Camille's passive is based on what damage type the champion is using the most so you're not boned vs alternative builds.

I mean who needs counterplay or variety?

Anyways seasonal skins continue to be stupid but I can actually fap to that new Karma recall.
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