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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

was always gonna happen. Most of the released characters will get changes in the future I'd wager, starting with the most egregious ones. Launch characters will always have design flaws exposed after some time released on live servers. Will take Blizzard time to figure out what good and bad design is in Overwatch, their design philosophies will need to mature.

which one?

and thankfully they can do it fast >_>; unlike 'Take 5 years to remake Yorick' rito

come on, really?


I'm stoked for the Warwick rework, and I like Riot's philosophy behind the rework.

Beginner champion. Annie for the jungle, basically.


So Camille converts 100% of the second Q damage into true damage at level 18. I can see how that can become really really dumb.

I thought it was just a small fraction of the damage.

She needs true damage in her kit to damage tanks, she's got nothing else that can do that. I mean, it's that or putting %health damage in her kit, gotta have one. Yup. One.
Rylai's will be cheaper, give less stats and slow only for 20% on all spell types.

Really not fond of this thing still working on DoTs but eh, I'll take the greatly reduced slow on shit like Syndra and Viktor
She needs true damage in her kit to damage tanks, she's got nothing else that can do that. I mean, it's that or putting %health damage in her kit, gotta have one. Yup. One.
%Health damage on long cooldowns isn't meant to damage tanks, it's meant to control how much damage you can do.


Rylai's will be cheaper, give less stats and slow only for 20% on all spell types.

Really not fond of this thing still working on DoTs but eh, I'll take the greatly reduced slow on shit like Syndra and Viktor
a nerf was necessary but i kind of feel like that makes rylais worthless since it'll have bad slot efficiency and 20% slow is not very useful cosnidering it doesn't stack with regular slows

it might still be core on viktor or cassi, idk
why would you aim tanks as camille lol

lock down and kill the carry every time.

Camille doesn't seem like an assassin to me, she's a 1v1 fighter like Fiora, Jax and Irelia who are all good at fucking up just about anyone after a few items from what I can tell. And going in that vain means you can 1v1 tanks and carries alike provided you can get ontop of them and not be CC locked to hell.

So yeah, Camille kills whatever Camille damn well wants and not afraid of nothing.
a nerf was necessary but i kind of feel like that makes rylais worthless since it'll have bad slot efficiency and 20% slow is not very useful cosnidering it doesn't stack with regular slows

it might still be core on viktor or cassi, idk

that's the point, you're trading slot efficiency for it. It's too ubiquitous right now and the passive is so strong that you should trade slot efficiency for it, similar to Protobelt etc. So if you want the slow, you don't get a super efficient powerful item

Camille doesn't seem like an assassin to me, she's a 1v1 fighter like Fiora, Jax and Irelia who are all good at fucking up just about anyone after a few items from what I can tell. And going in that vain means you can 1v1 tanks and carries alike provided you can get ontop of them and not be CC locked to hell.

So yeah, Camille kills whatever Camille damn well wants and not afraid of nothing.

pretty much, and unlike the vast majority of assassins she has to lane against tanks


Edit: Camille livestream starting now where you can go moan at Jeevun if you want

(actually don't Jeevun is really nice)


that's the point, you're trading slot efficiency for it. It's too ubiquitous right now and the passive is so strong that you should trade slot efficiency for it, similar to Protobelt etc. So if you want the slow, you don't get a super efficient powerful item
nerfing slot efficiency would be just nerfing the stats

since you're nerfing both stats and the slow i feel it's not slot inefficient, it's just a bad item

idk how much it's being nerfed by so i can't talk specifics, that's just my impressions without having seen the numbers


She needs true damage in her kit to damage tanks, she's got nothing else that can do that. I mean, it's that or putting %health damage in her kit, gotta have one. Yup. One.

It doesn't have to become stupid. It very well might become stupid, but there's surely numbers that make if fine.
Get fucked, kitty


Rengar is a really broken laner in 3s.

Also watching this stream and yeah Camille is really strong. Gnar jumped on her at full health, got 2 Q's, a W, an ult, got her down to a third health, and she just turned it around on him and would have won had Gnar not run away. Her Q is absolutely bonkers.


I don't think you realize how quickly Ryze got his first rework. :^)

Let's not act as if all champs are yorick (+warwick and others). It's not like as if there are few old champs that did need reworks.


Holy fuck I just saw the cancer that is Autofill is enabled at all times. What cunt thought that was a good idea? If they're gonna fuck people over like that, they should at least make it so you're guaranteed your primary role after you auto fill and for more than 2 games, that's just fucking idiotic.


It doesn't have to become stupid. It very well might become stupid, but there's surely numbers that make if fine.

You find me that one champion that had an overloaded kit and didn't end up becoming a problem. Sadly, past precedence says your faith is misplaced.


You find me that one champion that had an overloaded kit and didn't end up becoming a problem. Sadly, past precedence says your faith is misplaced.
Let's turn the thinking around; how many champions haven't become a problem at one point or another whether their kit is overloaded or not? Even the simplest champs have been problems at one point.


honestly it's ridiculous blizzard released symmetra in her state

her e is arguably the least inspired ability i've ever seen in any game in my life

just make shitty stat items with good effects and good stat items with shitty effects

that's sort of the idea, yeah

I wonder if that's enough to fix Rengar right now.
rengar is never gonna be fixed because the issue will always be with his design, not with his tuning

it's never gonna feel good to be oneshot by an invisible superfast asshole that can't even miss

you can make him shit with tuning, and that's what riot should do since fuck rengar, but then you have to come up with a good design to replace his current one

rengar design being left untouched is one of those really confusing things about riot designers, like calling shyvana a cool champion, and shit. these are really bad stat-checky, uninteractive, onedimensional champions

Holy fuck I just saw the cancer that is Autofill is enabled at all times. What cunt thought that was a good idea? If they're gonna fuck people over like that, they should at least make it so you're guaranteed your primary role after you auto fill and for more than 2 games, that's just fucking idiotic.
i think you're being the asshole here

also they already guarantee your primary/secondary if you autofill, what else do you want

You find me that one champion that had an overloaded kit and didn't end up becoming a problem. Sadly, past precedence says your faith is misplaced.
all champions are a problem eventually

support annie was a problem. malzahar was a problem. shyvana was a problem. toplane warwick was a problem.

i agree that overloaded kits are frustrating and not very elegant, but there's always more elements at play
which is funny cos he's always been broken af

That's because he actually takes skill to play. He's an immobile skill-shot based character who can die in 5 seconds if you're good enough.

Champions that have never really been a problem/broken and are just there-

These champions have all never been broken, they don't have overloaded kits, and coincidentally I like to play them all.
which is funny cos he's always been broken af
He's broken in the same way Xerath was broken when he got reworked

No one plays him so no one cares
Well, there's also Nami. The list is very empty though.
Oh yeah, Nami was never really a problem outside of a couple short lived competitive metas
Champions that have never really been a problem/broken and are just there-

These champions have all never been broken, they don't have overloaded kits, and coincidentally I like to play them all.
Say what now

Amumu - pick or ban in early competitive play, Curse of the Sad Bullet Time fucked everything up, full AP Grenade Amumu destroyed solo Q for a while way back in the day
Braum - pick or ban at launch, pretty much zero counterplay because if you as much touched his ult you were dead regardless of being knocked up or not because the slow linged on forever, damage on passive made playing against stuff like Lucian + Braum suicidal
Malphite - Broken initiator in S1/early S2, also broken when he got a recent minor rework to Brutal Strikes that he got nerfed in like a patch or two
Nasus - Was a top tier jungler in S3, obnoxious top laner once people figured out regen builds which made stopping him from scaling pretty much impossible so they had to nerf Wither by fucking half to stop his jungling and nerf his lifesteal so he could be harassed out of lane
Wukong - Top tier jungler in S4, nerfed hard
That's because he actually takes skill to play. He's an immobile skill-shot based character who can die in 5 seconds if you're good enough.

Champions that have never really been a problem/broken and are just there-

These champions have all never been broken, they don't have overloaded kits, and coincidentally I like to play them all.
I see at least two parts of bronzodia in that list.


That's because he actually takes skill to play. He's an immobile skill-shot based character who can die in 5 seconds if you're good enough.

Champions that have never really been a problem/broken and are just there-

These champions have all never been broken, they don't have overloaded kits, and coincidentally I like to play them all.
Braum was completely broken on release,nasus had that time as broken when he was in the jungle and when they needed to gut his w. Maybe those two times were the same.
Oh yeah, Nami was never really a problem outside of a couple short lived competitive metas
Even at the time she was in the competitive meta, it wasn't like she was pick ban or broken or anything. She's gotten nerfed once, and that was one second cooldown on her W and 5 less movespeed. The nerf was mainly because other top tier supports were getting nerfed so she got a preemptive nerf so she wouldn't become a problem.
Braum was completely broken on release,nasus had that time as broken when he was in the jungle and when they needed to gut his w. Maybe those two times were the same.

Nasus was never overloaded like Azir or Ekko though, where he required multiple nerfs over multiple patches.
And Braum, I don't really remember him being broken.
Camille goes in 1v4.

"You guys were asking about counterplay, there's your counterplay."


was in the case of being an ADC. Camille wanted to get to the Vayne, but couldn't because the Braum hugged her the entire time, allowed the Vayne to deal damage and prevented Camille from hitting the short range R on Vayne when she dived in.

aka don't split push against Camille as an AD, and if your support plays the fight well Camille struggles to lock priority targets down. Also has to use her mobility to enter the fight and you can block her E2 with your body.


i think you're being the asshole here

also they already guarantee your primary/secondary if you autofill, what else do you want

My primary role more than I get it atm. Why play a game if I'm not having fun? Just give us an option to increase our queue times by like an hour in return for our primary role 100% of the time. I'd happily pick that.
was in the case of being an ADC. Camille wanted to get to the Vayne, but couldn't because the Braum hugged her the entire time, allowed the Vayne to deal damage and prevented Camille from hitting the short range R on Vayne when she dived in.

aka don't split push against Camille as an AD, and if your support plays the fight well Camille struggles to lock priority targets down. Also has to use her mobility to enter the fight and you can block her E2 with your body.

Then the support dies
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