Orianna is the perfect champion.
like i've said before, i think she was a better design before the buffs, i think everyone should've been nerfed to her level instead of her being buffed to match theirs. i understand why they did it, but cdr creep was a big thing in s6 and i really wish they combatted it
also while i agree that ori is probably the closest a champion's gotten to perfect, she was also nightmare on release
thresh is also a fantastic champion today but he made me rage so hard back in the day
That's because he actually takes skill to play. He's an immobile skill-shot based character who can die in 5 seconds if you're good enough.
Champions that have never really been a problem/broken and are just there-
These champions have all never been broken, they don't have overloaded kits, and coincidentally I like to play them all.
nasus slow was a pretty big problem in s3 iirc, braum was really op on release, malphite/amumu had pick or ban days, and i can't remember anything off the top of my head about wukong but srsly fuck wukong lol
He's broken in the same way Xerath was broken when he got reworked
No one plays him so no one cares
pre rework xerath wasn't nearly as good as velkoz was before the mage update. velkoz's numbers make absolutely fuck all sense lol
My primary role more than I get it atm. Why play a game if I'm not having fun? Just give us an option to increase our queue times by like an hour in return for our primary role 100% of the time. I'd happily pick that.
i agree with what you're saying here, just don't be a dick about it
hate the work, not the people
yeah we'll see how long you last with that
an hour is silly hyperbole but i wouldn't mind waiting 5 more minutes if i would get my role 100%, or at least if i had to autofill less
i can understand this can snowball if there are premades but in solo q this shouldn't be as big of an issue
right now i have like 1m queue times, if the matchmaking system only tries finding a role for me for one minute and gives me top i'm def gonna be upset, specially since it worked so well like a month ago
if i'm being completely honest it feels like we're all suffering because riot doesn't want to do different systems for high and low elo, and they're using this support stuff as an excuse. i only say this cos the support issue seems to have shown up out of nowhere, it was never mentioned as a big deal last year, and between super short queue times and generally bad matchmaking (bronze vs faker), i'm hard pressed to think there's much else going on here than just bad matchmaking, and that's not lack of support players' fault
edit: also i think it's a super shitty player experience to get your primary, have someone dodge and then being placed on your 3rd/4th role. fixing that kind of really shitty stuff would help a lot