Ghostblade ADCs were in pretty much every other game so yeah, that's basically all it took.yeah vayne is broken cos ppl max q and two shot you with like ie or something
i don't think preseason had much to do with this outside of maybe nerfing youmuus adcs like jhin and lucy?
i think the pbe nerf is ok, invisibility on her isn't that big of a deal
it's important but it's not the reason she's opGhostblade ADCs were in pretty much every other game so yeah, that's basically all it took.
The 1 second invisibility is a pretty big deal tho, it allows her to reposition during tumble, removing that would cripple her big time which is why Riot reverted it. Nerf Final Hour's duration, nerf how much AD she gets out of it, nerf her Q damage but touching her Invisibility will make her feel awful.
Which 5% would you keepIt would be great if Riot just reverted 95% of the mage update changes.
MP5 item changesWhich 5% would you keep
i wouldn't say revert because champions like vlad and malzahar were already garbage to begin with, but i'd say most champion changes were either insufficient or badIt would be great if Riot just reverted 95% of the mage update changes.
Remove all runes
Red to Krugs gives you lvl 3. That's broken.
can't play this game anymore. brain dead teams. hory shit.
losing to a 4/20 support yas done it for me.
cya around the fall 2017.
Blast cones are awesome and make for some cool plays
The other two I can barely remember they exist. CV plant feels counterproductive since it basically reveals your position since people can tell its being used from the minimap.
I'm thinking CV plant is too strong. It's such a good vision and vision denial tool.
45% CDR Ivern build with Redemption, Athene's and Locket is so awesomely busted.
champ never needed buffs lol
Hugely disagree.
He needed better (re: functional) AI on Daisy, base stats that made sense for his position, and corrections to his health and mana costs on his passive because they were legit stupid mid-game. Until those were corrected balancing him would be off.
And his biggest buff was one not even directed at him: the season 7 change. Every time the jungle is changed there's always significant winners and losers and it turns out that the latest champion was the biggest winner of all.
The other buffs though weren't necessary though. The kit is healthy, should be in a good spot soon enough.
I honestly wonder how long Red into Krugs lvl 3 will last. That's always been the type of thing Riot has been vehemently against, don't really understand why it's ok now.
I honestly wonder how long Red into Krugs lvl 3 will last. That's always been the type of thing Riot has been vehemently against, don't really understand why it's ok now.
didnt get my primary role 1 single time out of 4 games last night
f this
yo at least ur not getting autofilled as support LOL
wow that's roughBUT IT'S GOOD FOR THE GAME
This is totally fun for me and my team when I get my secondary/fill in every single ranked solo game I've played so far:
wow that's rough
weird, i wouldn't have thunk na would have so many problems
i'm getting mid most of my games now, tho i haven't even finished my placements so it's a small sample size
Costy, did you ever make the suggestion about the autofill recommendation I made to Riot? The one where if you get autofilled for a position in ranked that you didn't select then it would deduct less LP than it would normally?
At this point I'm wondering if my account is just bugged or something
What rank are you right now? It should get worse in higher ranks and you're probably the highest ranked person on GAF.