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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.



Remove the base damage on Q, instead have it be something like 'Does bonus HP% damage on next auto attack/while active', and bam. Can't kill squishies as easily anymore, and remains a tank killer.

Just keep it simple. Reverting the Q buff back to 50% should be fine, especially since Fervor is getting buffed soon. It's okay for Vayne to be viable.

Q doesn't have real base damage really, only %damage increase.


Changes to invisibility is also a buff for Vayne. The better the Vayne the bigger that buff is. Even more so depending on how bad the people you are playing against are.


sealed with a kiss
I need more zaun
I still haven't forgotten about ma boi ekko even if riot is just gonna gut him and leave him useless ( .___.)
So huh, ADC cant kill tanky supps unless you build the specific antitank item so you have to deal only in focusing the ADC and be aware of the enemy tank?

My recent match was filled with tank and just couldnt do nothing but trying to kill the adc behind the wall of tanks who I didnt bother killing them because I coulnt pass their bubbles, shields and healthregen.

Well the change in lore was announced in September 2014. And the Get Jinxed video was released in October 2013... so yeah. I guess it has to be retcon.

But wasn't the airstrike just a dream?

Most of the video was real no? except for the mountain of dead robots and the giant monkey
Piltover(&Zaun?) event

So Zaun is actually the slums below Piltover? That's kind of cool. I thought they were next to each other or something, not literally on top/below the other.

damn it you monkeys are just not getting around to reading this shit? sad!

Zaun is a large, undercity district, lying in the deep canyons and valleys threading Piltover. What light reaches below is filtered through fumes leaking from the tangles of corroded pipework and reflected from the stained glass of its industrial architecture. Zaun and Piltover were once united, but are now separate, yet symbiotic societies. Though it exists in perpetual smogged twilight, Zaun thrives, its people vibrant and its culture rich. Piltover’s wealth has allowed Zaun to develop in tandem; a dark mirror of the city above. Many of the goods coming to Piltover find their way into Zaun’s black markets, and hextech inventors who find the restrictions placed upon them in the city above too restrictive often find their dangerous researches welcomed in Zaun. Unfettered development of volatile technologies and reckless industry has rendered whole swathes of Zaun polluted and dangerous. Streams of toxic runoff stagnate in the city’s lower reaches, but even here people find a way to exist and prosper.

Opening paragraph on the Zaun page on the Universe site.



these are cool

btw zky's list of lux coolness

s tier: dark
a tier: storm, magma, mystic
b tier: light, natural, ice
c tier: water, fire

I remember that Riot was talking about a big cinematic shortly before release of the new arcade skins so I was expecting one for the arcade series but later they released the whole Star Guardian thing with a cinematic so I thought that was it when it comes to big cinematics for this year.
nah i'm pretty sure there's gonna be a full on cinematic like a twist of fate or something

That was never going to happen, they said 4-6 months. Though I doubt this skin will get a sale in March, probably closer to May.

I'm sure Riot makes more money this way with impulse buys, but I too am going to wait instead of buying it on release. Lux is my 3rd most played, and the first champion to get a legendary skin that I actually play. Once the new shinny-ness of it wears off from seeing other people use it in game I'm not sure I'll want to drop 2500rp in 6 months.

It also doesn't help that I have gotten SG Udyr and DJ Sona from free hextech boxes.
i wonder how the impulse buy thing works. like, i'm guessing they do such a massive hype campaign that they don't feel like they need to put the skin on sale to make money on release date sales, and they still get to discount it down the line and make a lot of impulse buy money that way, even tho it's long time from the marketing campaign

and yeah, even when it's 2500rp i'll think about it twice, specially if they don't add an option to skip the minigame by then (which 100% they won't but i can hope)

i'd drop 1350rp on a dark lux skin without the special voice lines any day of the week, but alas, they decided to chroma pack em :<

How are you supposed to play against Vayne? You dick her in lane but as soon as she gets BF+Shiv it doesn't even matter.
i don't think there really is a way to play against vayne atm, even on like syndra she still kills me faster than i kill her

wait for nerfs, ban every game in the meantime

Just make it so the bonus damage can't crit.
yeah riot should really stop trying to let this kind of shit crit

who was it last time that was also a super problem?

Piltover(&Zaun?) event

So Zaun is actually the slums below Piltover? That's kind of cool. I thought they were next to each other or something, not literally on top/below the other.
this is all very cool, i'm gonna read it all later

I thought Zaun was like near to Noxus unless Piltover is close to Noxus
i think they are close, can't remember

but yea the zaun thing was retconned some time ago, all these places used to be kind of isolated city states iirc?

this is much cooler tho, zaun being the dark underbelly of piltover but also kind of the guilt they want to hide away is very cool

anyone report this yet


i did :p

mata and deft rumored to kt also

Apparently Fakers salary this year with SKT is $2.5 million.

if anyone deserves a salary in the millions it's faker
remove flex then

like I get they don't want to have queues for teamranked(???) but separating solo/groups isn't the answer

neither is dynamic, for that matter



so i had to deal with these assholes. zztop still plagues my normal games, making them last forever with no interaction whatsoever, just some dick decided no one was gonna play league today and i have to play s4 ziggs for half an hour

this shit was so boring that we ended up putting nasus mid so he could q the stupid zztop voidlings

i really don't know why they can't just reduce the length in half, that thing is super obnoxious and is only abused by champions that are already nightmarish to play against

anyways i got a final key fragment for my trouble so hope i get chroma lux as an apology from riot


not quite but pretty cool, ended up dismantling the dumb yi skin i got from the project event and trading it for this much cooler one :>

remove flex then

like I get they don't want to have queues for teamranked(???) but separating solo/groups isn't the answer

neither is dynamic, for that matter
yeah idk

past that first day it's been all mid in flex queue with fairly long queue times now (today it was like 7m at like 12 am), but honestly 7m i feel is pretty acceptable if i'm always gonna get mid. if i waited 7m and had to go top i'd be pretty mad, but right now i can't complain as i think i got mid 6 times in a row now

they could make it work, i just don't want another agonizing year of changing ranked every few weeks and stuff

BTW whats flex queue for?
same as solo but u can also queue as 3 or 5

So far Riot only designed, Fire, Light, Dark and Water on E. Lux marketing, shame


Huh a piltover map getting hint at in the boards/reddit

So I'm guessing it's going to be another skin for Howling Abyss. You play on Piltover with Zaun on the background/below. (?)

that makes a lot of sense

would definitely be cool

also really looking forward to the ori story

i hope they retcon her story a bit cos it's such a dumb story. she like dies while training for the league so her dad just creates a killer robot version of her to honor her memory? what kind of fucked up way of honoring her memory is that

i would like if they kept the tragic dead ballerina girl bits but give the murder part a more reasonable context lol
Support mains, in what situation is it best to take ignite over exhaust? I had a game where I took ignite yesterday and got like 2 kills in lane with it, and I'm asking because I don't pick it over exhaust enough (even though exhaust is a safe choice most of the time). For reference this was the game I took ignite: (League match history / op.gg page).

We need a bond of stone rework its the only mastery i can't imagine anyone taking right now

I was going to say you could take it on a tank support but I realized that pretty much all of the tanky supports have some hard CC so you should be taking colossus anyways atm. Will we feel the same way though once colossus gets nerfed?


Support mains, in what situation is it best to take ignite over exhaust? I had a game where I took ignite yesterday and got like 2 kills in lane with it, and I'm asking because I don't pick it over exhaust enough (even though exhaust is a safe choice most of the time). For reference this was the game I took ignite: (League match history / op.gg page).

If you're a lane that will most likely play aggressive and snowball you should go for Ignite. Zyra, Leona, etc.

If you're more of a pokey or aggressive lane but not Zyra/Leona aggressive you probably want Exhaust unless enemies have Soraka and not many good Exhaust targets. Riven, Fiora, Vayne, etc. are good Exhaust targets and Exhaust is near mandatory unless you are 100% sure you will just snowball and win the game off of laning phase.

Exhaust always works, especially if you start getting camped. Ignite is much worse when you are behind.



storm lux has the best vfx

also giant boobs according to this artist

Apparently Pray was in talks with TSM


lol that'd be depressing and hilarious at the same time

doublelift: yea i imma retake my spot no matter what
regi: fuck u dl i good adcs don't take vacations to stream on twitch you loser
doublelift: .____.
Need to fix up my runes.

What are the general pages I should be running for each role?

Flat AD Red
Flat Armor
Flat MR
AD quints

Mpen Red
Armor Yellow
MR blue
Mpen Quints(Or AP quints but Mpen is usually always better)

(Depending on type) Mpen or Armpen reds
Scaling Yellow Armors
Scaling MR blues(Alternatively flat if you're facing an aggressive mage top)
Health Quints

Varies on who you jungle with.

Reds will either be-Flat AD or AS
Yellows are always flat
Blue is your choice, either flat MR, AS, or CDR
Quints should be either AS/AD/Flat Health

it's like you're asking to die in the beginning
AS makes last hitting smoother, which in turn makes lane interaction stronger as it's easier to mix up last hitting and harassing, and AS runes also scale much better into lategame as they basically give you an extra zeal worth of attack speed. Running full AD is not bad but it's a pretty greedy setup that only a couple champions can really benefit from it and is straight up worse than AS if you don't snowball hard which is easier said than done.

Having an extra 6~8 AD will change nothing as far as dying is concerned.
I remember when I was first starting out in S1 and I got yelled at for thinking Zerks > PD > IE was a good idea and to do it the other way around.

Things have changed since then.
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