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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

Now that we know Warwick and Galio are getting reworks, who should be next on the list?

Here's what I think:

Kayle (Visual and Gameplay overhaul)
Annie (Gameplay overhaul)
Malphite (Visual and Gameplay overhaul)
Udyr (Visual overhaul)
Syndra (Gameplay update)

I forget which Rioter said it, but if Kayle is getting a visual/gameplay update, they're considering adding Morgana and making it some sort of mini event.


Autofill does so much more harm than good. All that happens is someone gets autofilled support, support does shit, adc rages and afks. This happens way too often for autofill to be a good thing.
Autofill does so much more harm than good. All that happens is someone gets autofilled support, support does shit, adc rages and afks. This happens way too often for autofill to be a good thing.

Yeah autofill is a bad concept. Filling someone in a role theyre not comfortable at in the name of queue times is..silly.


My solution to autofill was to learn how to play support well. Whenever someone expresses dissatisfaction over getting autofilled as support I offer to take it instead and it usually goes well.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Decided to play for the first time in a couple of years and forgot that runes were a thing, promptly spending my points to unlock a couple of champions that tickled my fancy. Now I'm lacking for runes. Sad life. My account's only level 20, so I guess it doesn't matter that much. However, Vi's gonna be running with my Leona runes for a bit. =p


sealed with a kiss
Decided to play for the first time in a couple of years and forgot that runes were a thing, promptly spending my points to unlock a couple of champions that tickled my fancy. Now I'm lacking for runes. Sad life. My account's only level 20, so I guess it doesn't matter that much. However, Vi's gonna be running with my Leona runes for a bit. =p

you can buy teir 2 runes which aren't completely terrible for 1 ip each, go for it
Why am I seeing high ELO mid laners taking Greenfather's Gift instead of Dangerous Game?

Like, what is the logic here, mid lane isn't exactly known for brushes.


Blizzard matchmaking have the exp multiplifier by default now with friend in every big game they have (except wow because they want more fresh subs)).

Riot should a free icon for your profile each event instead of selling it
they do a combination of free, rp priced and ip priced for most events, so icons are not a big deal

the exp bonus thing for premades, yea, i guess, but balancing the whole game around that kind of screws over solo players so idk about that

not long ago they said they were gonna reduce more champion prices but it's not being done quickly enough imo and i kind of feel like the whole champion pricing system needs a fair bit of rebalancing

like, i wouldn't mind poppy or sion costing more ip now that they got big reworks, i think that'd be fair and appropriate to their quality, and specially since pricing is supposed to support like your learning the game progression i'm not sure if those are the kinds of champions you want people to buy right away

Now that we know Warwick and Galio are getting reworks, who should be next on the list?

Here's what I think:

Kayle (Visual and Gameplay overhaul)
Annie (Gameplay overhaul)
Malphite (Visual and Gameplay overhaul)
Udyr (Visual overhaul)
Syndra (Gameplay update)
syndra doesn't need anything immediate, she'll probably only need followup after the upcoming nerfs. i would love to see a more inspired rework for her passive but it's nothing urgent, and after how lame this one was i hope they take their time with it

on my list would be:
- akali would be my #1, easily one of the worst champions in the game atm
- vlad and malz need full reworks, not necessarily replacing every spell in their kits but since those last reworks were a complete disaster we need new ones lol
- urgot, nunu, eve, jax, irelia, shaco, there's plenty good candidates left
- the ones you mention are also good

Autofill does so much more harm than good. All that happens is someone gets autofilled support, support does shit, adc rages and afks. This happens way too often for autofill to be a good thing.
try asking for a trade

i generally say "hey guys i got autofilled into jungle and i suck at it, anyone wanna trade?"

it doesn't always work but i've gotten mid this way like once or twice, and even if you get something else at least you get a better option


try asking for a trade

i generally say "hey guys i got autofilled into jungle and i suck at it, anyone wanna trade?"

it doesn't always work but i've gotten mid this way like once or twice, and even if you get something else at least you get a better option

It wasn't even me who got support. He said before the game even started that he wasn't even good at support and Ashe said it's ok. Proceeds to miss every hook as Blitzcrank and Ashe just afks. Turns out Ashe was on an 10 game losing streak because he just gives up whenever a game starts going badly.



I see you're playing in good ol d5 Talents haha.

Anyways, I'm not too into ranked right now. Waiting for them to fix the bot/jungle meta.


It wasn't even me who got support. He said before the game even started that he wasn't even good at support and Ashe said it's ok. Proceeds to miss every hook as Blitzcrank and Ashe just afks. Turns out Ashe was on an 10 game losing streak because he just gives up whenever a game starts going badly.

oh, that's shitty

yeah i dislike autofill a lot, specially considering they removed the option to block out one position at least


Lul I just realised I played against the Ashe the game before I got him on my team. He gave me LP before swiftly taking it away.
So if WW is getting a different backstory then Soraka will return to her godlike form ? I wonder if Riot knows what is doing on their lore without affecting the other champs related to it


adc is boring, so that game i played ziggs adc

i got a top teemo that got destroyed by riven, i got a tp zed mid that got destroyed by a mid nasus (lol) and i got a jungle yi that died 4 times invading a lee sin with no vision

they all blamed me despite my lane being the only one that was doing ok, teemo was specially angry that i didn't build ad (LOL) and we lost at like 19 minutes

i queue mid/top nowadays and only play ryze top. i've been getting mid enough times that i don't mind the odd autofill, tho i've been losing like 80% of my games lol


Anyone got any learning stuff on the game in general? Gonna try and actually learn the game rather than playing on auto pilot and see how high I can get.


The biggest advice I would give you right now is that if someone on your team picks WW, Graves, Rengar or Nidalee you're better off just taking the lobby hostage than trying to win the game.

Rengar is a decent champion if played well right now, but the for the rest, don't even bother looking at the person's profile.

Repeat the previous procedure if someone claims they're autofilled and they lock Thresh or Bard.


I'm not familiar with this League Jargon. What does this mean, exactly? Like, threatening to play Urgot if someone picks something suspect?
nah that's newt craving for attention like a 12 year old

if you feel like the game is gonna be bad just dodge, losing 3 lp is better than losing 15

and if you take your chances and lose just remember that in a week from then you won't even remember about that game


Now that we know Warwick and Galio are getting reworks, who should be next on the list?

Here's what I think:

Kayle (Visual and Gameplay overhaul)
Annie (Gameplay overhaul)
Malphite (Visual and Gameplay overhaul)
Udyr (Visual overhaul)
Syndra (Gameplay update)




For real though:

Aatrox (since no one plays him anyways I'd go ape shit and make him a support)
Cho'Gath (visual update at least, but I'd pair that with an mini-rework in the scope of Maokai, Sejuani.)
Dr. Mundo (visual and gameplay updates, I'm positive he can be much more interesting to play than he currently is. Simple kits are fine. Kits without a shred of nuance are not.)
Nunu (visual and gameplay. There's an interesting champion behind Nunu's character and look, but that kit is bland as hell and all the mini-reworks he gotten through the years haven't helped him. Needs a Sion job on his kit.)
Skarner (gameplay update. Juggernaut rework sucks and Riot doesn't have the courtesy to pull a Kog'Maw and revert the changes. outside of the ult, everything should be on the table for change.)
Zilean (visual and gameplay. Yeah, he's technically fine, but even after Ekko there's tons of design room left in a proper "time mage")

I have a bunch of other champions like Xin and Irelia, but they're going to be updated in the upcoming "divers" update, which given the track record so far, is probably going to be bad. Not looking forward to see what stupid shit they end up saddling my first jungle-crush Xin Zhao with.


those are pretty good drawkak

i would also say i would like a blitzcrank rework, i really dislike whenever he's in a game
I've realized that I'm very naive, in that if I have someone in a Ranked game locks in a stupid champion I always think to myself, "They must be really good if they're picking X for support. I'll just roll with it." I'm wrong about 99% of the time.


I've realized that I'm very naive, in that if I have someone in a Ranked game locks in a stupid champion I always think to myself, "They must be really good if they're picking X for support. I'll just roll with it." I'm wrong about 99% of the time.
I used to be like that too.
Supports in Bronze are starting to build AP , stealing kills, not giving a damm about vision or trying to be the adc now because the adc dont have enough strentgh to kill but to farm so the supports gets bored and starts to be aggresive


What's wrong with Blitz lol.
well obviously he's completely onedimensional

i get that's kind of his schtick but i find that playing against blitz is really frustrating since one good grab can undo 30 minutes of good play, but also because when he's on your team that's all he contributes with

i appreciate that he brings unique things to the game in a way not many champions do, what with the fishing invades and the shenanigans around buffs and dragon and whatnot, but i wish he was a bit more rounded in a way that made his hook less frustrating to play against

and like, make the rework still mostly play around his hook, but modernize blitz so that there's more to him than just that. i'm thinking mostly just reducing his cc so that his hook depends on other champions using cc to hold someone in place while they're murdered (while giving those champions a better chance of surviving the hook), cleaning up hook visuals and adding more non hard cc utility to him with a new ult and a new e so he has something to do while his hook is down.

i think key parts to preserve about him are the unique playstyle he forces on both teams and the mindgamey nature of his hook tied with his w. i think the rest should go to make him healthier as an enemy and as a teammate

also he needs a visual update


well obviously he's completely onedimensional

i get that's kind of his schtick but i find that playing against blitz is really frustrating since one good grab can undo 30 minutes of good play, but also because when he's on your team that's all he contributes with

i appreciate that he brings unique things to the game in a way not many champions do, what with the fishing invades and the shenanigans around buffs and dragon and whatnot, but i wish he was a bit more rounded in a way that made his hook less frustrating to play against

and like, make the rework still mostly play around his hook, but modernize blitz so that there's more to him than just that. i'm thinking mostly just reducing his cc so that his hook depends on other champions using cc to hold someone in place while they're murdered (while giving those champions a better chance of surviving the hook), cleaning up hook visuals and adding more non hard cc utility to him with a new ult and a new e so he has something to do while his hook is down.

i think key parts to preserve about him are the unique playstyle he forces on both teams and the mindgamey nature of his hook tied with his w. i think the rest should go to make him healthier as an enemy and as a teammate

also he needs a visual update
Nah, I think the game needs 1 dimensional champions like Garen and Blitz. They both have a decent amount of counter play, unlike old Ryze or current Annie.


doesn't need to be either complex or difficult tho

there's a long stretch between blitz and thresh, he just needs to be pushed a bit in thresh's direction
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