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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


Did you start unlocked or eventually move over to it?

Glad I'm not the only one.

Yeah don't worry about it too much. Maybe I'm an outlier but I feel as long as you pay attention to your minimap, you're not really at a disadvantage. It used to be annoying to play locked camera on red side before they added the per side off set thing or whatever it's called.

unlocked, i use spacebar to recenter when i need it but locked wastes a lot of screen space imo

You waste a lot of screen space.


unlocked, i use spacebar to recenter when i need it but locked wastes a lot of screen space imo

Eh, the stories are in neutral spanish as far as I read in LAN
yeah i'm reading singed building warwick in spanish and it's really good

i think i'm just gonna do it this way


I am always curiousabout the reason of the "2" on the health bottles, is it just the recommended quantity you should buy ?

Yeah. Some recommended starts would be Doran's Ring plus two potions (since the ring's 400 gold, and potions are 50 each), Doran's Sword plus a potion (since the former costs 450g), or a support item and three potions, for example.

the master elementalist costs 4750 rp

'discounted' from 5770 or whatever

40 bucks for a skin and or champion

wow rito

oh right 5 icons too

really egregious

(I finally ventured into the store and saw this was top seller. smh.)

I would totally buy a Dragon Master Swain Master bundle though. I'm a hypocrite.


master elementalist lux should be 3950 rp (idk why you're seeing 4750 lol, maybe you don't own lux? even then lux is probably like 487 rp or something so idk what's up with ur prices...) and comes with a ward too but yeah, not a great deal

elementalist lux sucks so much cos the individual skins are great but the packaging is just really lame and disappointing

they should've just made individual skins
master elementalist lux should be 3950 rp (idk why you're seeing 4750 lol, maybe you don't own lux? even then lux is probably like 487 rp or something so idk what's up with ur prices...) and comes with a ward too but yeah, not a great deal

elementalist lux sucks so much cos the individual skins are great but the packaging is just really lame and disappointing

I own all the champions

I'l take a pic

oh wait that was on my smurf. Still though, $35 sheesh.

If I were to buy that much in hextech crates, chances are I would get her that way instead lol


I own all the champions

I'l take a pic

oh wait that was on my smurf. Still though, $35 sheesh.

If I were to buy that much in hextech crates, chances are I would get her that way instead lol
lol chances are you wouldn't

every box can drop anything including wards and icons and there's repeats so your chances to get something specific are like 1 in 1000

besides, hextech crates are not that cheap lol

and pricing is consistent with other ultimate skins, ezreal's being $35 is worse cos that one looks like poop nowadays

what can u do, riot fucked it up. it can happen, they do many things intelligently and they're horribly misguided on others, this is one such thing
lol chances are you wouldn't

every box can drop anything including wards and icons and there's repeats so your chances to get something specific are like 1 in 1000

besides, hextech crates are not that cheap lol

and pricing is consistent with other ultimate skins, ezreal's being $35 is worse cos that one looks like poop nowadays

what can u do, riot fucked it up. it can happen, they do many things intelligently and they're horribly misguided on others, this is one such thing

real talk I own like 1/3rd of the skins(Probably closer to 1/4th since I stopped playing)

if I tried hard enough I could keep combining 3 shards until i get every skin


Weirdest game I've ever played. http://matchhistory.las.leagueoflegends.com/es/#match-details/LA2/413652168/202175303

Poppy just meandering back and forth around the jungle not killing stuff or backing until her second blue almost killed her. Cait constantly disrespecting support Malzahar and dying to him. Annie's brain ceasing to function after level 3. Garen developing a 50 cs deficit to Rumble before dying and then deciding to sell his Doran's Shield for no good reason.

We were 0-11 eighteen minutes into the game, at which point my ff vote failed 1 to 4 and Garen and Annie just decided to go to the enemy nexus together and waited to get killed again.
Anyone here play with camera unlocked? Since I started I've done with my camera locked, and I need to get out of it. I feel like it is limiting me, but I turn to absolute garbage the moment I turn it off.

Unlocked is so much better because it gives you more freedom to see what's going on, and once you get used to it you'll notice that your general sense of awareness will improve since you'll constantly be needing to adjust your camera. Since you play a ton of Vel'Koz you'd benefit from unlocking your camera since you will be able to see what's going on outside of your centered screen and you can make more decisions on how to angle your Qs and whether or not you can microwave people with you ult when you're on your way to clean up fights.

It doesn't take that long to get used to it. Just play a string of games with it unlocked and you'll get familiar with it quickly.


Unlocked is so much better because it gives you more freedom to see what's going on, and once you get used to it you'll notice that your general sense of awareness will improve since you'll constantly be needing to adjust your camera. Since you play a ton of Vel'Koz you'd benefit from unlocking your camera since you will be able to see what's going on outside of your centered screen and you can make more decisions on how to angle your Qs and whether or not you can microwave people with you ult when you're on your way to clean up fights.

It doesn't take that long to get used to it. Just play a string of games with it unlocked and you'll get familiar with it quickly.

Yep, unlocked is the only way to play, just keep in mind you can hit spacebar to temporarily center the camera on you


I've been playing Kalista, and I have to say I really like her after her buffs.

I am playing on my shitty laptop though, since my PSU of my PC died.


I bought Khalistan with my left over RP is she good for noobs?
Branching out my top game. My secondary role is Jungle, but my friend I play with is great a jungle so I need something new. I'm getting better at Illaoi, and want to add someone ranged now.

Kennen...Gragas....ooooh. Gangplank? He always looks fun to me.
How To Not Tilt A Teammate:

Step 1: Do not ban their pick
Step 2: No matter how the player reacts to you banning their pick, don't tell them it was an accident then follow it up with "get over it"
Step 3: When said player is now pissed and threatens to troll, don't beg for mercy by announcing you are in the middle of promos. This is the equivalent to slathering yourself in delicious juices, dressing in a meat suit, then running through bear-infested woods.


Here's how you do it

1. Team-mate hovers Yasuo
2. Ban Yasuo
3. They threaten to troll
4. Tell them you don't give af, lock Nunu, link history of last season's Nunu ADC games

*Holy shit this dude not bluffing*

5. Perfectly time the dodge
6. They dodge first, repeat process


I usually say "sorry didn't realize your pick, want me to dodge?"

Then they usually say "no, just be careful next time," or they dodge themselves. Hasn't failed yet
How To Not Tilt A Teammate:

Step 1: Do not ban their pick
Step 2: No matter how the player reacts to you banning their pick, don't tell them it was an accident then follow it up with "get over it"
Step 3: When said player is now pissed and threatens to troll, don't beg for mercy by announcing you are in the middle of promos. This is the equivalent to slathering yourself in delicious juices, dressing in a meat suit, then running through bear-infested woods.
why should i care about some baby ass yasuo main who didn't get their 20% winrate .4 kda dumbass champ

ill lock in my patented master yi support and see if they're feeling lucky.



the master elementalist costs 4750 rp

'discounted' from 5770 or whatever

40 bucks for a skin and or champion

wow rito

oh right 5 icons too

really egregious

(I finally ventured into the store and saw this was top seller. smh.)

I would totally buy a Dragon Master Swain Master bundle though. I'm a hypocrite.
This year is it
I can fel it
With warwick rework out of the way, rito can dedicate all their time to the swain rework
Then we will finally get his ultimate skins- dRAVEN master swain and Chief Inquistor Swain
I been reaing lots of w40k and swain really looks like someone out of warhammet @o@
This year is it
I can fel it
With warwick rework out of the way, rito can dedicate all their time to the swain rework
Then we will finally get his ultimate skins- dRAVEN master swain and Chief Inquistor Swain
I been reaing lots of w40k and swain really looks like someone out of warhammet @o@

I believe in bravoray to push swain


i don't think swain is gonna get much love this year, since galio and eve are getting full reworks and divers is the next class rework and swain is most definitely not a diver

i think they're doing 3 reworks a year so i don't think there's a slot for swain, specially when there's others like urgot that are probably ahead of him

it's a shame but there's more than a few champions worse off than swain



cool stuff

i feel at some point riot should host monthly art contests and choose like one fanart splash to turn into a real skin, with like 10% of the money going to the creator or something
cool stuff

i feel at some point riot should host monthly art contests and choose like one fanart splash to turn into a real skin, with like 10% of the money going to the creator or something

why do that when they can just take a design and give the creator a free skin.
Man, I have never been this fed on Kalista in ARAM. I always thought she was mediocre in ARAM. The buff to E passive felt so good. Using it just for the slow isn't as punishing as it used to be. Dealt like 54k and had 5.5k gold at one point. Next highest damage was Viktor at 45k.

Not sure what my final item should have been. I was thinking either BT, BV, or DD. Ended up with the last one but what do GAF Kalista players think?
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