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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.


Remember when riot half assed shyvanna's rework so now she relies on dragons to maintain her original tankiness.

Her E is the only good change besides size increase on R



i'm thinking of expanding my top lane champ pool
how does on hit lulu sound

I like Yorick since he's kind of like Nasus, except for the whole "here lemme afk farm for twenty minutes and we'll talk" thing. I like that he has sustain, his W is useful (when it isn't in CD, that is), and having your ghouls fling themselves at your opponents is always satisfying. He probably isn't all that strong overall, but I like his playstyle.

And then there's Singed for going up against melee laners with limited mobility. His laugh is especially good and spammable in the latin VOs, and he even does it on his own when you flip people.

Right now, I'm thinking about picking Ivern up as a jungler, since the way his kit works looks interesting to me. Then again he costs 6300 IP, so I guess I'll have some time to think about it until I get enough points to unlock him.
Remember when riot half assed shyvanna's rework so now she relies on dragons to maintain her original tankiness.

Her E is the only good change besides size increase on R

thank god they didn't go through with the change to make different dragons give her different stat stick buffs

cause you know what we love, rng and stat sticks


thank god they didn't go through with the change to make different dragons give her different stat stick buffs

cause you know what we love, rng and stat sticks
She can still be strong but I think riot made her require more work than before.

Hec seems to be where it is


I'm not much of a fan of the Ivern change on the PBE. Making Triggerseed 10s at all ranks improves Ivern's early game, which is where he does best.

I'd like to see a reduction in his base damages and shift that to his AP ratios instead to force changes to his build. His biggest issue is that he's getting a jungler's gold but buying a support's items and getting item spikes too quickly. Force him to have to pick up a pair of AP items to get some benefit out of his kit. And when I say adjust base/AP ratios I mean it, not that usual Riot bullshit where they say they're shifting an abilities power but force you to do something stupid like buy 400AP before it breaks even.

The alternative might be to make him earn less gold when clearing camps compared to other junglers, but that's really brute force.

Nah it's a solid nerf. The strongest part of ivern is his E having a 2 second downtime mid game. I feel like people underestimate a windspeakers, Athenes, redemption shield being thrown around every 4 seconds. You apply 5 of those a fight mid game. Taking that away takes a huge amount of power from him and is DEFINITELY not worth a stronger level 1-4. Especially such a negligible early game buff. Besides, buffing strengths usually doesn't add near as much power as buffing weaknesses. Ivern will be a decent amount worse after this.

Like Breezy predicted

this is the overbuff that will make him pick/ban every game

But it's a nerf tho
This Illaoi game is triggering me. Going against Tryn top, and I am completely wrecking him. But now his ult is up every damn time I get to top lane, and it is giving him enough time to finish me off.


anybody playing the new warwick?

I think i have an idea of how I want to build him, but I don't know in which order to buy the items

so i think I want:

titanic hydra
stalker's blade (warrior)
dead man's plate
spirit visage
trinity force
boots of swiftness

I think build order wise I'd go something like tiamats, brown boots, stalkers blade.... and then trinity force?

what do you guys think? there's not much for online resources since the rework just came out


Triforce is so expensive I really doubt it's worth it since you can't even really proc it enough and it's not like ww is great at farming fast and counter jungling. I think blood razor, titanic, tanky would work well on him kinda built like yi did when he was really busted but honestly I haven't tried him out yet.

Even blood razor might be too greedy. I wouldn't be surprised if the best builds on him just turn out to be cinderhulk reksai-ish builds


bloodrazor actually doesn't feel so good on him, warriors is a lot better, he gets a crap load of attck speed from his w passive anyway


maybe ice borne gauntlet instead of trinity force?

I really want to get max CDR in the mid game so my ultimate is up more often.


i like him, warriors, titanic,visage, frozen heart, swiftness boots, and the last item is dependent on if you're ahead/behind/need to be tankier/etc.

also ghost over flash. ghost feels so powerful, especially for his pre 6 ganks


Yeah ghost makes sense. I'm fairly certain if you go titanic you always want to go cinderhulk over warrior since the on hit addition is the same or more as the ad from warrior and you get more tankiness. Just looking at numbers I'd recommend taking scaling cdr blues, cinderhulk titanic dmp visage etc but that could be total ass idk

I doubt he makes great use of a sheen item


i haven't actually tried cinderhulk on him, hmmm i'll try it tomorrow during inhouse :))). i usually rush tiamat + boots and then warriors.

i don't think the cdr runes are necessary, his build paths contain a lot of early cdr


Unless you opt for IBG or cdr boots your only cdr item in a tank build will be visage so it just depends on if youre aiming for cdr cap or not


Unless you opt for IBG or cdr boots your only cdr item in a tank build will be visage so it just depends on if youre aiming for cdr cap or not

I am aiming for cdr cap. I only have basic runes ad/mr/armor. I dont understand what makes someone good or bad for a sheen item.
My duo got autofilled into Top, which he is terrible at. Support traded with him. Then Jungle on our team started bitching about "If you didn't want Top, why did you choose fill?" We tried explaining autofill, and he didn't understand. Then he chose Warwick, and I pulled up his stats. He hadn't played him since rework. Made me nervous. And for good reason. He fed the other team like a mama bird feeding her starving little children. And when he was done he had raised a bunch of fucking demon condors.


I am aiming for cdr cap. I only have basic runes ad/mr/armor. I dont understand what makes someone good or bad for a sheen item.

Someone who uses mana and is able to reliably proc spellblade is an ideal candidate for a sheen item. Just a quick glance at his numbers, Warwick isn't able to proc it anywhere near sheen cooldown (1.5s) like hecarim or corki (with sufficient ult charges) is for example.


I am aiming for cdr cap. I only have basic runes ad/mr/armor. I dont understand what makes someone good or bad for a sheen item.

Typically good sheen users can proc the passive immediately off cooldown (hec, skarner), have an empowered auto attack which applies it immediately with the auto (Jax, nasus), or an ability which applies on hit effects (evelynn, irelia). You're paying a lot for the sheen passive so you really want to be able to use it as efficiently as possible. With ww you could make it work but he just wouldn't use it as effectively as other champs. That doesn't necessarily mean it's not good on him because we have champs like Mao and poppy that build ibg but that has a lot to do with the spamability of their abilitiea


So like his Q wouldn't be good enough? It's fairly spamable i feel.... i mean it's not like a 2 second cd, but 3.5 if you're cdr capped. I think it would be pretty decent... I feel like it fits a lot of things that WW needs: cdr, tankyness, burst damage and a slow. I feel like the mana is the biggest wasted stat on it, but I guess he does have some mana issues if you are staying out on the map for awhile?


So like his Q wouldn't be good enough? It's fairly spamable i feel.... i mean it's not like a 2 second cd, but 3.5 if you're cdr capped. I think it would be pretty decent... I feel like it fits a lot of things that WW needs: cdr, tankyness, burst damage and a slow. I feel like the mana is the biggest wasted stat on it, but I guess he does have some mana issues if you are staying out on the map for awhile?

Definitely give it a shot. I doubt it will be the absolute ideal item for him but I could be wrong. Plus I still bust out cinderhulk nocturne every now and again so I sure won't judge. If it feels good on him stick with it.


Definitely give it a shot. I doubt it will be the absolute ideal item for him but I could be wrong. Plus I still bust out cinderhulk nocturne every now and again so I sure won't judge. If it feels good on him stick with it.

hmmm... what about maybe a black cleaver instead?

it's still got the CDR, but trades armor for health and the slow/burst for movement speed and AD.

it's a bit more expensive too

the description for black cleaver says "dealing physical damage to a hero", does that mean it wouldn't proc off infinite duress since does magic damage? but inifinite duress says it applies on hit affects.... is the black cleaver on on hit affect?


You might just be overvaluing cdr. WW ult isn't 100% vital for ganks anymore. I'd probably get early lucidity boots for ghost spam and sit on that 10% until you get around to building visage.
When was the last Desperada skin again?
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