Vincent Alexander
I'm trying Jayce right now. Just finished my 2nd game. He is fun. And I'm awful at him. He feels a little squishy....guys
i'm thinking of expanding my top lane champ pool
how does on hit lulu sound
I'm trying Jayce right now. Just finished my 2nd game. He is fun. And I'm awful at him. He feels a little squishy....guys
i'm thinking of expanding my top lane champ pool
how does on hit lulu sound
I'm trying Jayce right now. Just finished my 2nd game. He is fun. And I'm awful at him. He feels a little squishy....
triggeredmy top lane pool consists of yasuo, jayce, and poppy
jayce is super fun to play yeah, but for whatever reason i just can't win with him anymore![]()
i'm thinking of expanding my top lane champ pool
how does on hit lulu sound
Remember when riot half assed shyvanna's rework so now she relies on dragons to maintain her original tankiness.
Her E is the only good change besides size increase on R
She can still be strong but I think riot made her require more work than before.thank god they didn't go through with the change to make different dragons give her different stat stick buffs
cause you know what we love, rng and stat sticks
I'm not much of a fan of the Ivern change on the PBE. Making Triggerseed 10s at all ranks improves Ivern's early game, which is where he does best.
I'd like to see a reduction in his base damages and shift that to his AP ratios instead to force changes to his build. His biggest issue is that he's getting a jungler's gold but buying a support's items and getting item spikes too quickly. Force him to have to pick up a pair of AP items to get some benefit out of his kit. And when I say adjust base/AP ratios I mean it, not that usual Riot bullshit where they say they're shifting an abilities power but force you to do something stupid like buy 400AP before it breaks even.
The alternative might be to make him earn less gold when clearing camps compared to other junglers, but that's really brute force.
Like Breezy predicted
this is the overbuff that will make him pick/ban every game
People who play her and feed drive me crazy. Like dude stop pushing and wardThis Illaoi game is triggering me. Going against Tryn top, and I am completely wrecking him. But now his ult is up every damn time I get to top lane, and it is giving him enough time to finish me off.
Don't tell me you kept count.*shrug*
8 out of 10 is good
Don't tell me you kept count.
Why doesn't people do tank EZ?! Hehguys come on, let me give bad advice in peace
Unless you opt for IBG or cdr boots your only cdr item in a tank build will be visage so it just depends on if youre aiming for cdr cap or not
i'm thinking of expanding my top lane champ pool
how does on hit lulu sound
I am aiming for cdr cap. I only have basic runes ad/mr/armor. I dont understand what makes someone good or bad for a sheen item.
I am aiming for cdr cap. I only have basic runes ad/mr/armor. I dont understand what makes someone good or bad for a sheen item. there a LeagueGAF Discord? Should I make one?
The Shyv rework made her broken, she's still very strong after the nerf.She can still be strong but I think riot made her require more work than before.
Hec seems to be where it is
So like his Q wouldn't be good enough? It's fairly spamable i feel.... i mean it's not like a 2 second cd, but 3.5 if you're cdr capped. I think it would be pretty decent... I feel like it fits a lot of things that WW needs: cdr, tankyness, burst damage and a slow. I feel like the mana is the biggest wasted stat on it, but I guess he does have some mana issues if you are staying out on the map for awhile?
Definitely give it a shot. I doubt it will be the absolute ideal item for him but I could be wrong. Plus I still bust out cinderhulk nocturne every now and again so I sure won't judge. If it feels good on him stick with it.
Jhin?When was the last Desperada skin again?