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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

You'll be very reliant on your W power chord and ult in late game. W power chord in particular is amazing and Sona's best asset after her ult.

Thats what I felt , her W are his main skill now . her E is useful again but I still miss its ability to push minions and a little more range wouldnt be bad
The enemy team was 2 hits away from destroying our nexus, but they all ran to our platform and started to bm.

Then our inhib spawned.

Type and I turned our baseball caps backwards and went Ash Ketchum on them.

Had my a lil lobby encounter of the childish dick kind.

For some reason I got mid ... and looked at my Team Comp of full AD with no CC and no engage. So I figured I'd whip out my trusty Sion Mid pick and figured I'd do the AP Boots thing were you buff up your SF cape and W+E magic damage without the enemy realizing they should build MR.

Someone Threw a fit and the JG could pick before me ... so he took meh Sion and locked him in. I'm not about to let that shit force me to dodge so I pick the most random tank I could find with AP scaling.

Seji Mid :p

Oh children, they're so fun to play with ....


Just saw semis are at msg. Stoked. First time I'm at an area for a league event. Gonna be refreshing like mad when tickets release.
looking like mecha sion would be pretty cool

I know, right?!? :eek:
(Just noticed that they're premade ... from the same group. Guess that explains why they're the to acting that way)

Anyway, got mid again and again I saw that Sion could fill a spot in this comp. The Mid Quinn couldn't stand up to the Sion Mid Pressure game (she clearly wanted to pop Ult and Roam but we kept fucking her up), got 2nd blood on her and I actually couldn't test out this "Hidden OP" AP Boots + SF cape build cause they FFed after I crack mid inhib :/..

(Also they had a Ryze Sup and Smite Top soooo I guess when we popped the Mid inhib they decided to FF cause things clearly weren't going their way. I keep All Chat off cause I figure there's jack shit the enemy team will say that's gonna make me play better so i wonder if that was talked about at any point ..)

Got enuff IP for the earth bender now though so I guess Sion's gonna have to take a break.

IDK why but I'm far more open to trying out new Mages than Melee champs. I get so nervous when I play a melee champ for the first time cause I know that most of them feel useless if they get behind I guess where as Mages can still CC/ DPS from a range.... that's why I haven't tried Shen Top yet. :/
You're gonna make me try Sion for the first time ever, aren't you.

I must admit however, I'm quite satisfied with my Cho these days for obnoxious tank gaming. That aoe silence is so good. Mostly because the game has so few silence abilities anymore. LeBlanc lost hers, Talon lost his, Kassadin lost his, Blitz lost his, Fiddle lost his.

ATM I think it's just Cho, Malzahar, Cass, Soraka, and Garen. and of those, only Cho's is probably the most effective and easy to make effective use of all the time. No cast delay, no warning area on the ground, and no awkward range to have to plan around. That silence has won me so many games where people though they could dash in for free or blink away from a situation turning south.
Im telling ya, Sion is so fun! He's so flexible and people don't always know that he does mixed damage so that's always nice.

Unlike Da Tree and Da Rock he is actually fun and engaging to play because his whole kit is a skill shot (Yeah, that's why I don't play Da Tree anymore ... have a boring ass time laning and your big moment is gonna be point-clicking a dash root and point-blanking a Q as you AA to trigger your passive healing with your ult up in a Team Fight. Until then? Boring :/). And unlike Cho he has a GTFO button for when you're tired of taking hits and just wanna leave.

Wanna try out some AD Sion soon.

Shit looks fun.

Didn't know there was a path to it back when I tried it months ago (You are supposed to build Ghostblade first for the early armor pen and active I think. Back when I tried it I went RH or Duskblade first. Plus the trick seems to be to have Armor Pen in your Runes as well as hybrid marks ... I need these runes -_-)

With Sion Mid I have only had 3 bad match ups ... Kass (His Q stops your Q and shields him from YOUR shield/ E. And at 6 he just hops around, dodging you ult/ Q and just slowly killing you in the process -_-), Syndra (That knock back makes her hard to get on top of and land a Q on ..) and Yas (Cause fuck him, the only champ I don't have a problem facing him with is Diana and MAAAAYBE Viktor with Exhaust ... who the fuck thought giving him all that annoy shit in his kit was a good plan?)
Had my a lil lobby encounter of the childish dick kind.

For some reason I got mid ... and looked at my Team Comp of full AD with no CC and no engage. So I figured I'd whip out my trusty Sion Mid pick and figured I'd do the AP Boots thing were you buff up your SF cape and W+E magic damage without the enemy realizing they should build MR.

Someone Threw a fit and the JG could pick before me ... so he took meh Sion and locked him in. I'm not about to let that shit force me to dodge so I pick the most random tank I could find with AP scaling.

Seji Mid :p

Oh children, they're so fun to play with ....

You should've picked malphite. Spamming his laugh animation is the best. The laugh sound itself is okay.

As for my own games, recently I've come back to SR instead of just ARAM and I've been focusing almost entirely on Jungle. I have to say it feels really good when a laner doesn't (rightfully) blame you for fucking up their lane. I was playing gragas, trying to gank enemy Illaoi w/ my team's Irelia at level 3. I come in for the gank right as a second minion wave is coming in, and my Irelia had mostly been pressured off her wave so I essentially came into a wave and a half. I pretty much forced us to give up a double kill and screw up the lane. I later apologized for the shitty gank and messing up the lane and my Irelia said "Don't worry about it". Other lanes were winning though, so we were able to transition that pressure to the top lane and shut down Illaoi, so it all ended up fine. I just really appreciate people not going in on me when I legitimately fucked up.
I faced a taliyah who would always save us by accidentally cutting off her team when she used her ult. Saved us from complete destruction at least twice.


honestly taliyah's ult must be one of the hardest to use effectively and consistently in the game, specially if you're not in comms

you can use some common sense but it's really hard to find an angle that singles out someone while leaving all of your team in a good position, specially since it's so long

even if you're on skype and ppl tell you to bring down the wall it has a bit of a lockout time before you can bring it down
The new champ Promo teasers are so interesting.

First one is very childish and messy in it's style, even leaving a paw print on the paper. Insulting and angry that the creature ran away.

2nd is better drawn, less negative (says they stink worse than Sion but doesn't hold that against it. Now the "Noxian" connection is more solid) and talks about how it runs a lot in straight lines or something. The picture of the lil Pokemon is more prideful and strong.

NOW it's well draw in a beefy idealized way cause they mess them a whole lot and is begging them to come back, calling them the Pride of Noxus and revealing that they patrol together.

Interesting ....
honestly taliyah's ult must be one of the hardest to use effectively and consistently in the game, specially if you're not in comms

you can use some common sense but it's really hard to find an angle that singles out someone while leaving all of your team in a good position, specially since it's so long

even if you're on skype and ppl tell you to bring down the wall it has a bit of a lockout time before you can bring it down

By the time you get down there with the wall, what was meant to block the enemy team in, could shield their escape or prevent your team's escape if the fight turned south. I think it's tower diving potential is pretty good but, like bard's ult, the potential for misplays is huge. That's what makes it fun though.


I tried Karma support for the first time in a long while. It went great, something clicked for me this time. It was probably from seeing her in competitive play and knowing more about how to use her kit properly.

I also tried Sona with her kit changes. I actually like it, but it does feel slightly weaker, but hold a lot more utility power with her ult change. The only thing that's bothering me with Sona is build path ;-;
can anyone help me with this?


I don't really know what to do. I've tried rolling back through 3 different version of drivers with clean installs of each, I tried uninstalling and reinstalling league, and a number of restarts. The launcher loads up just fine but every time I click "Launch" to get to the login screen, this happens.

All other games I've tried work as expected. Nothing I've tried allows me to play League.
I also tried Sona with her kit changes. I actually like it, but it does feel slightly weaker, but hold a lot more utility power with her ult change. The only thing that's bothering me with Sona is build path ;-;

Build her support like it was intended before her rework
can anyone help me with this?

I don't really know what to do. I've tried rolling back through 3 different version of drivers with clean installs of each, I tried uninstalling and reinstalling league, and a number of restarts. The launcher loads up just fine but every time I click "Launch" to get to the login screen, this happens.

All other games I've tried work as expected. Nothing I've tried allows me to play League.

Hrm. Might be something in the registry. Download something like CCleaner(From a trusted source) and do a registry cleanup? If there's any logs that are generated, posting some info from those(Not all the juicy bits, any error codes or what not) could help narrow the issue.
Yo, who here is going to this Worlds finals?

If I get a ticket - I hope they don't sell out like in seconds - I am going.

Crew up with me and some other gaffers from my hometown
(except for bwlzero who is a LOSER)
Maybe Costy can give us da hookup on backstage stoof.
Hrm. Might be something in the registry. Download something like CCleaner(From a trusted source) and do a registry cleanup? If there's any logs that are generated, posting some info from those(Not all the juicy bits, any error codes or what not) could help narrow the issue.

I can't imagine I'd have a registry issue today that I didn't have yesterday.
wait what, you guys live in la too

what'd they do to her?

demolished her human w; no longer triggers passive, removed autoattack resets from her ult on both forms, triggering passive no longer resets ult in human form, cougar w no longer has a cooldown reset from triggering on passive marked targets.

in return for a shitty .5 second slow on her pounce, 20 extra damage on q and a small buff to ap ratios.


only reason all the nidalee nerfs are kinda funny (in a bitter way) is that I never could figure out how to play her even when she was considered strong.

I saw they releasing Project Ekko soon? Man thats another hero I just couldn't ever really vibe with.


wait what, you guys live in la too

I used to live there. so expensive! Got a big 4 bdrm house for what I was paying for a 1 bdrm apartment in LA. But LA was a lot of fun tho.


The new champ Promo teasers are so interesting.

First one is very childish and messy in it's style, even leaving a paw print on the paper. Insulting and angry that the creature ran away.

2nd is better drawn, less negative (says they stink worse than Sion but doesn't hold that against it. Now the "Noxian" connection is more solid) and talks about how it runs a lot in straight lines or something. The picture of the lil Pokemon is more prideful and strong.

NOW it's well draw in a beefy idealized way cause they mess them a whole lot and is begging them to come back, calling them the Pride of Noxus and revealing that they patrol together.

Interesting ....
i like it, it's pretty different way of teasing stuff and it's fun that they've been doing it with other regions not just america

By the time you get down there with the wall, what was meant to block the enemy team in, could shield their escape or prevent your team's escape if the fight turned south. I think it's tower diving potential is pretty good but, like bard's ult, the potential for misplays is huge. That's what makes it fun though.
i don't find the timing much troublesome, it's just the side effects of splitting the map in two that sometimes fucked my teammates over
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