Ctrl+3 all day everyday~Karthus is more metal than Morde.
Ctrl+3 all day everyday~Karthus is more metal than Morde.
Morde isn't weak by any means.Morde has:
NO Mobility
NO Range
Equal Burst as some other mages
Isn't particularly tanky
I hope they make his W nuts. Like, you can cast it on an ally and an enemy and then magnetize the two of them together.
I really hope if they ever update his kit they play more on the magnetic aspects of being the "Master of Metal"
Morde isn't weak by any means.
Morde isn't weak by any means.
Hes super weak. No cc.
morde actually has a surprisingly high winrate
also i like this business ahri
Mordekaiser is a juggernaut. Of course he doesn't have CC. His job is to do a lot of damage and also be hard to kill. The rest of your team is supposed to provide the gapclosing.
doesn't morde just buy gunblade/rylais ?
I guess this is what I expect from someone who hasn't played the game for two years.
What is "the same role"? Morde flexes between bot lane carry and solo lanes. When people talk about having CC they obviously mean hard CC, because having someone like Nasus or Yorick do not actually control fights or make up for an absence of hard CC on the rest of your team. Morde is decent and has uses into certain matchups or with certain comps. Not all champs need the same toolkit.
And you apparently learned nothing from those games, because you seem to think that morde is somehow a weak pick because of lack of cc.Ive probably played more morde pre and post rework than you have in those two years. You aint fooling anyone newt.
When I say CC
I mean any form of CC. Slow, stun, physical blockation.
Also you insult Nasus. He gets in an adcs face, adc runs away, bam controlled fight.
And you apparently learned nothing from those games, because you seem to think that morde is somehow a weak pick because of lack of cc.
Morde is resourceless and has infinite sustain with w Max. He's deceptively tanky with his W spellvamp and he can be flexed in a solo lane or as an ADC.
Guess the concept of a "niche" is too much for this thread. Guess I shouldn't be surprised, after all it was just a month ago where people where complaining that ADCs without gap closers were weak.
Or the enemy team has picked a disengage support/jg and Nasus gets in no one's face?
Nah, I'll save my constructive discourse for where people actually play the game / have at least a basic understanding.
New Viktor Skin, sick. When did Creator Viktor get dropped again?
Aw... A Viktor skin? I was hoping for another Teemo skin. Being serious, It does look pretty good. I personally am hoping for another Tahm Kench skin (I don't like his current options).
It up to the person who made the claim to provide evidence. You made the claim that Mordekaiser is a weak pick, and the only evidence you made to support that was "he doesn't has cc". Shortly after, others pointed out that Morde is a juggernaut, so obviously it was a class attribute for him to have a lack of CC. Then you bring up Nasus and Yorick who get kited harder than Morde? And both are pretty much objectively weaker.
Also, Riot deserves to be blasted for those Janna changes. The "silver yasuo player" was a joke, but yeah I stand by what I said there. Janna isn't even a contested pick in low elo. This is not about my ego, this is about improving the game.
Ornn seems like he might be kind of good with the change from %current health to %max health on his W
His damage with current health already felt stupid, giving him max health on top of his brittle procs it's gonna be overkill, I feelI think he'll be *much* better with those changes, especially against tanks. I'm a little nervous since his numbers might be too high, but we'll see.
Kench buffs! They even help his jungling.
Speaking of which I still need to add a jungler or two to my pool, can't pick between Elise/Rek'Sai/Evelynn/Kha'Zix.
considering new eve is tomorrow, i think you know where you should start
yeah, pretty much every one of her spells got a fun twist to itDoes the new Eve seem fun?
I don't think I'm always right, but I can definitely see how you could reach that perspective. It makes sense for someone who is always wrong, and will continue to be that way, as long you don't bother to play the game and continue to infest your posts with pseudo troll armchair analysis.Actually I brought up more than Nasus and Yorick. I brought up multiple Juggernauts like Volibear, who doesnt get kited as easily. Likewise Trundle and Mundo have effective catch up tools as well as tools that speed them up or reduce the CC they get. You just focused on Nasus and Yorick because it suited your viewpoint.
And it is about your ego. It always has been. "Newt knows best" isnt an argument for improving the game, fortunately. The Janna balance was a misstep, but luckily that Silver ranked dev still has his job.
considering new eve is tomorrow, i think you know where you should start
I don't think I'm always right, but I can definitely see how you could reach that perspective. It makes sense for someone who is always wrong, and will continue to be that way, as long you don't bother to play the game and continue to infest your posts with pseudo troll armchair analysis.
I feel bad for the poor soul who tries to play voli in this meta.
Keep in mind these win rates are for Plat+ players in Patch 7.19 only. Taken from lolalytics.com.
Volibear win rate:
No denying it, Volibear is just a bad pick. Not tanky enough, not strong enough in lane, gets kited too hard, the works. There all manner of picks that do what Voli does, but better. Basically a stat stick of a champion.
Now that's interesting. I suppose Morde isn't a bad pick after all, considering the win rate, perhaps it's mostly mains playing him. The data seems to suggest so.
Mordekaiser is decent enough, I dunno what you're talking about Breezy. Sure, there are better picks, but no one is trying to pass morde as some secret op pick. He's decent, its not that unusual to see him in high elo streams.
That's not what you saidAnd thats what Ive been saying. There are better picks that can simply do more than just damage, ie CC.
The existance of better picks is a moot point because at any given time, that's 80% of the champions in League of LegendsMordekaiser is a bad pick.
That's not what you said
The existance of better picks is a moot point because at any given time, that's 80% of the champions in League of Legends