Seemed more like Curse messing up to me. There wasn't a lot of damage going out besides for what Veigar was doing.CLG great at da teamfightings
Seemed more like Curse messing up to me. There wasn't a lot of damage going out besides for what Veigar was doing.CLG great at da teamfightings
Seemed more like Curse messing up to me. There wasn't a lot of damage going out besides for what Veigar was doing.
Seemed more like Curse messing up to me. There wasn't a lot of damage going out besides for what Veigar was doing.
I want to go to sleep.... why cant aaa just win already....
same I think I'm just going to go bed now and watch the end later. I can't believe how much aAa is throwing this game.
SK made a come back. How the hell did AAA lose? They we're winning all game until Candy Panda stole Baron with Grave's Ult.
Wow i love these line ups!
And a fizz!
gee SK needs to work on csing
SK getting downright outplayed in this 3rd game
Yep. Last match. Semi-finals tomorrow!Is that the last match today?
Yep. Last match. Semi-finals tomorrow!
Well he was mostly terrible for what, a year straight? Then he finally got his month or two in the sun, and if he's nerfed maybe he can become unplayably bad. =PYou'd think, but Riot seems to ignore it.
That guy playing malz was shit. He needed to throw down his pool under someone and ult that person on it. No, at some point he ulted an udyr, udyr rank and he threw a pull at the edge of his feet while he was running... I thought I was watching a random solo que game there.
Her ult used to be better.The bots in custom seem worse than ever. I wanted to try out Ahri, and bleh. They could've at least fixed that "Get stuck at the edge of the base for the entire match" thing.
Anyhow, I see why folks dig Ahri. Seemed like a much faster, much safer LeBlanc. Don't get hit, poke poke, finish off. Didn't realize how good her ult actually is.
Anyhow, I see why folks dig Ahri. Seemed like a much faster, much safer LeBlanc. Don't get hit, poke poke, finish off. Didn't realize how good her ult actually is.
That guy playing malz was shit. He needed to throw down his pool under someone and ult that person on it. No, at some point he ulted an udyr, udyr rank and he threw a pull at the edge of his feet while he was running... I thought I was watching a random solo que game there.
Also, Shen + Udyr taking on Baron by themselves at the 20 minute mark. Hope everyone understands why Shen is OP now, lol.
That guy playing malz was shit.
The impact of the new jungle on the game is embarrassing. It is literally always an AOE clear jungler who can keep up on levels and has no need for mana regen to donate blue buff around. Mundo, Shyvana, Udyr, Lee Sin, maybe Maokai. Shen will do the job too. Nautilus showing up some too because he fits that archetype but wow is it repetitive.So why no Sejuani at the tourny, i need to see her be played.
That has nothing to do with Shen being OP. Udyr had Wriggles Lantern which allows most champion compositions to 2-man baron at the 20 minute mark. They were even doing it at a fairly slow speed - only surpassed by Leona and Maokai.
The impact of the new jungle on the game is embarrassing. It is literally always an AOE clear jungler who can keep up on levels and has no need for mana regen to donate blue buff around. Mundo, Shyvana, Udyr, Lee Sin, maybe Maokai. Shen will do the job too. Nautilus showing up some too because he fits that archetype but wow is it repetitive.
Fast, safe, and tanky junglers who can just grab Oracles and ward clear all day instead of ganking.
Shen's going to be a nightmare to balance, I don't think they can do it with his kit. You make him too weak he gets blown up in lane. Make him too strong he dominates his lane, everyone elses lane, and wrecks in teamfights.
They need to pick between having him strong, or having him utility (as a tank at a moments notice).
Seems pretty common for the first 10-20 minutes of the game to see maybe one or two kills. I don't mean that they don't gank ever, but the focus of the role shifts pretty heavily to denying vision."AOE clear jungler who can keep up on levels and has no need for mana regen" - that's what old jungle was.
"instead of ganking." - "Lee Sin, maybe Maokai." Those guys are gankers bro. Nautilus is also a ganker
This.Remove global from his ultimate.
Considering how Twisted Fate, Nocturne, and Pantheon are not (but used to be?) global, it would make sense to me to lower Shen's ult to have the same range.
I am fine with Gangplank keeping his global because I'm biased and like Gangplank, and also because it only damages and slows a certain area, rather than bringing an extra player into the fight.
Sejuani's is a 1-2 second stun, not a slow. Gangplank has that on a 110 second cooldown at level 3, the exact same as Sejuani. Gangplank's also does limited damage (with a small AP ratio), and people actually have to get hit by the cannonballs to take damage, and presumably no one builds much AP on Gangplank.It's the biggest CC in terms of range, is it not? GP has that stuff on like a 50 second cooldown, he basically has a global Sejuani he can throw every minute.
Sejuani's is a 1-2 second stun, not a slow. Gangplank has that on a 110 second cooldown at level 3, the exact same as Sejuani. Gangplank's also does limited damage (with a small AP ratio), and people actually have to get hit by the cannonballs to take damage, and presumably no one builds much AP on Gangplank.
It can be great for team fights, but I don't think I've ever considered taking Gangplank ult damage a game changer like Shen suddenly appearing in a teamfight, saving someone, and taunting 2 people. *shrug*
Sejuani's is a 1-2 second stun, not a slow. Gangplank has that on a 110 second cooldown at level 3, the exact same as Sejuani. Gangplank's also does limited damage (with a small AP ratio), and people actually have to get hit by the cannonballs to take damage, and presumably no one builds much AP on Gangplank.
It can be great for team fights, but I don't think I've ever considered taking Gangplank ult damage a game changer like Shen suddenly appearing in a teamfight, saving someone, and taunting 2 people. *shrug*
And I'm biased because I like Gangplank and think his is the least offensive of the global ults. All others than I can remember (maybe I'm missing some?) physically teleported the champion to the target location.I'm talking out of my butt because I'm biased against his ult. Of course in comparison to Shen, GP's ult is lackluster, but when I'm top as let's say Riven and I can't do anything to stop my opponent from securing two kills for his team all the way from top lane while I have to use tele or something...I just really dislike global ults as a whole.
And I'm biased because I like Gangplank and think his is the least offensive of the global ults. All others than I can remember (maybe I'm missing some?) physically teleported the champion to the target location.
However, Riven is probably my best champion and the one I have played the most in the last few months. I need to get back to her, but I will say that Gangplank and Cho'gath are two of the most annoying matchups for Riven to face top lane, so Gangplank getting assists across the map (and bonus gold from parley last hits) is the least of your problems.![]()
And I'm biased because I like Gangplank and think his is the least offensive of the global ults. All others than I can remember (maybe I'm missing some?) physically teleported the champion to the target location.
However, Riven is probably my best champion and the one I have played the most in the last few months. I need to get back to her, but I will say that Gangplank and Cho'gath are two of the most annoying matchups for Riven to face top lane, so Gangplank getting assists across the map (and bonus gold from parley last hits) is the least of your problems.![]()
Those crits man. At least Trynd has to get in range for that stuff.
And I'm biased because I like Gangplank and think his is the least offensive of the global ults. All others than I can remember (maybe I'm missing some?) physically teleported the champion to the target location.
However, Riven is probably my best champion and the one I have played the most in the last few months. I need to get back to her, but I will say that Gangplank and Cho'gath are two of the most annoying matchups for Riven to face top lane, so Gangplank getting assists across the map (and bonus gold from parley last hits) is the least of your problems.![]()
A good garen yes due to the silence (silence kills riven). A bad garen no (they do exist, I am one, and I think I beat at least one of them as Riven). Buying armor in 1v1 top right off the bad is basically surrendering as Riven already. If she had armor runes and bought shoes instead of armor, she might have had a chance if she could avoid the silence while attempting to farm.i was playing garen vs riven on top the other day. I straight up murder her from level 1. I picked up doran's blade and she picked up cloth armor. At level 1, just 1 spin to win almost killed her. I got 25 armor pen runes, I donno what her runes were. she just couldnt trade hits with me, since garen's spin to win is not interuptable. I killed her over and over, their jungler amumu came help her, then I just kill them both.
I think Garen is a hard counter for Riven as well.