I don't think giving Cassio to Ocelote is a better alternative.TSM was pressured into first picking cassiopeia. I really dont think they shoulda took the bait
I don't think giving Cassio to Ocelote is a better alternative.TSM was pressured into first picking cassiopeia. I really dont think they shoulda took the bait
Why does the Rainman continue to play Irelia? He just does not do well with her.
I feel kind of bad even asking this, but does anyone have tips for Ahri?
I tried her in a bot game, and I think I used normal AP runes, tried to max Q, bought doran's rings and AP items etc. She really did not seem to do much damage though, compared to the crazy damage and kills I have seen some Ahri players get. I gave bot Malz first blood (I think even before level 6) since ignite and the abilities were not enough to do much damage. Doing the taunt + Q combo did not seem to do much damage either, and taunt does not work through minion waves.
Should I just try to poke with Q until I get high AP? What is a good item sequence? The typical combo is EQW unless you are ulting, correct?
To be fair he didn't get much help when they ganked him on top. The rest of TSM should've done something when 3 SK members where top. Maybe force a dragon or take down a tower. They were surprisingly passive.
Blizzard Ahri stuff
He didn't do much against Curse's Shyvanna either as Irelia or in Kiev against M5. It just doesn't seem like Irelia is a good fit for him.
Not saying he played poorly - I think Regi was the weakest link in their losses today. I just think TRM could have a bigger impact with a different champion
I feel kind of bad even asking this, but does anyone have tips for Ahri?
I tried her in a bot game, and I think I used normal AP runes, tried to max Q, bought doran's rings and AP items etc. She really did not seem to do much damage though, compared to the crazy damage and kills I have seen some Ahri players get. I gave bot Malz first blood (I think even before level 6) since ignite and the abilities were not enough to do much damage. Doing the taunt + Q combo did not seem to do much damage either, and taunt does not work through minion waves.
Should I just try to poke with Q until I get high AP? What is a good item sequence? The typical combo is EQW unless you are ulting, correct?
I start with boots and two health potion and one mana, then i got two dorian rings or dorian + small rod, then i go for rabadon -> spell wamp 'gun' /magic penetration boots, then for void staff or clepsydra, so just pure ap. Rod of Ages is mistake, You will died on CC anyway and mana isnt that much of problem later.
We are just going to have to agree to disagree here. Now I honestly don't know what you meant by "clepsydra" but assuming that was just a typo on an AP item, you have 0 defenses outside of the Dorans rings. 0 tenacity, 0 armor, 0 MR. I'm not content with just "dying to CC anyway." I skip something like RoA on naturally tanky mid like Morgana but no way in hell am I going to glass cannon on a champ that has relatively short range like Ahri.
If you want hp on Ahri, build a Rylai's.
I think at least one top-rated guide I was looking at said shoes, doran's, doran's, rylai's, deathcap. Something like that. It just didn't seem like I was doing much damage even against bots early game. Maybe I need void staff by the time I get AP.
We are just going to have to agree to disagree here. Now I honestly don't know what you meant by "clepsydra" but assuming that was just a typo on an AP item, you have 0 defenses outside of the Dorans rings. 0 tenacity, 0 armor, 0 MR. I'm not content with just "dying to CC anyway." I skip something like RoA on naturally tanky mid like Morgana but no way in hell am I going to glass cannon on a champ that has relatively short range like Ahri.
Watching these games last night made me appreciate the fighting game community so much more.
The format for these damn games is so stuffy and formal, I'm rolling my eyes during it.
This reminds me of a question I had. Are there any pro teams with women on them in the tourneys?
Watching these games last night made me appreciate the fighting game community so much more.
The format for these damn games is so stuffy and formal, I'm rolling my eyes during it.
This was the first lol tournament I tried watching, and it was super jarring. It feels like watching golf with the non-hype commentary and polite clapping being the only form of audience reaction to the game, as well as the isolation of the players from the audience to prevent them from being 'disturbed' (I understand the reasons for this, but still, it sucks a lot of excitement out of it). This community needs its yipes or something.
I think at least one top-rated guide I was looking at said shoes, doran's, doran's, rylai's, deathcap. Something like that. It just didn't seem like I was doing much damage even against bots early game. Maybe I need void staff by the time I get AP.
Watching these games last night made me appreciate the fighting game community so much more.
The format for these damn games is so stuffy and formal, I'm rolling my eyes during it.
It's a 30-40 minute match vs 3 minutes. Completely different in terms of intensity.
The tone of the few fighting tournaments I've seen was super fratty including shoutcasters openly taunting participants, shit-talking, etc.
Anyone have links to some pro ones?
I was Skarner and the enemy had Warwick (lol). Started with Regrowth Pendant + 1 Potion. Killed my wolves and blue and proceeded to camp at the bush beside enemy red. I was there for quite a long while that I contemplated on just moving on, but thankfully he came. Seems like he went back to heal since he's on full HP/MP. I waited for him to weaken red enough then I dashed and stole red with Smite then immediately killed him for first blood. Felt so good.
I think at least one top-rated guide I was looking at said shoes, doran's, doran's, rylai's, deathcap. Something like that. It just didn't seem like I was doing much damage even against bots early game. Maybe I need void staff by the time I get AP.
It may only work in low-level blind pick games, but pantheon and leona have done well for me. Kiunch and I are now 5/0 when we have laned together doing that. Some games I make mistakes or don't do well, but we have been lucky enough to have decent teammates, so as long as at least 2 other people are decent on the team, it seems to work really well.
Yeah, every time so far it's counted, but we'll probably run into some pro ranged farmer eventually that messes it up. Pantheon's heartseeker in THEORY does ridiculous damage if he gets AD stacked, but he can also be burst down easily in that case. I just try to do well early and hope they surrender.It's an anti bot lane meta killer for sure. Trouble is you gotta make it count cause panth will fall off later.
Yeah, every time so far it's counted, but we'll probably run into some pro ranged farmer eventually that messes it up. Pantheon's heartseeker in THEORY does ridiculous damage if he gets AD stacked, but he can also be burst down easily in that case. I just try to do well early and hope they surrender.![]()
Wow TSM is out. God damn. Cheering for M5 now.
To be honest though, I only like Chaox in TSM. He always seems to know what he is doing.
Well, it was nice playing Shen... now I think he is going to be horribly nerfed.
Just started watching now.
Is this the second game? If so, who won the first