Alright LoL-GAF,
I humbly come to you in full admission that I suck hardcore at mid 9 out of 10 times. Part of my problem I think is I just suck at mid and/or with AP champs. Part of it is I've just not found a "go to" champ for me for mid. That means a lot of the time I just pick Veigar and play like a pussy for the 1st idk 10 levels or so.
The 3 main mid champs I own are Veigar, Karth, and Annie. Should I maybe try someone else? Kass and Morg always get banned in my games so they are out of the picture. I thought I'd like Anivia, but I've tried her a couple of times during free weeks, and despite my initial thought of wanting her to be my go to I just never liked it.
I've got like 5,000 IP so I can probably easily buy whomever I want either straight up now or if I wait a week to hit 6,300 IP.
What should I do GAF? Just get better? I feel like I'm good at playing passive, but that as the AP mid I should be doing waaayyy better than just passively camping at my turret. I also feel like late game I don't do enough DPS mainly because I feel like I'm uber squishy in team fights.
Hell me Obi-Wan LoL-GAF you're my only hope!