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League of Legends |OT2| So free, it's only 8000 USD!

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Ask me about the GAF Notebook
If you could redo one item in LoL be it nerf, buff, or just an item remix which item would you chose and what would you do to it?
Madred's Bloodrazor. Some options for me, whichever of them:
1. Make the item a lot cheaper. 3800 is really expensive.
2. Turn the passive into 2-2.5% true damage.
3. Add CDR.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Madred's Bloodrazor. Some options for me, whichever of them:
1. Make the item a lot cheaper. 3800 is really expensive.
2. Turn the passive into 2-2.5% true damage.
3. Add CDR.

I always wondered for passive damage why Riot doesn't just make it all true damage because making it ad or magic just usually makes it worthless.
Gah, just had one of those bad community moments. They are rare for me.

Champion select I choose Lulu right away and say that I'm going either top, mid, or jungle. The team then instalocks two people into mid and jungle, so I say ok, I'll go top. Last guy goes and picks Olaf and says top. I mean what the fuck. I just was being pretty flexible and they have no decency to let me have any of those roles. *This is normals, just wanted to try something new.

Edit: Meh, we won the game with a 16-2, 20min surrender.



It's that time again, so you can make fun of builds in my low-level ranked games!

I'm glad I'm not totally rusty with Riven since I've been trying to practice mid lane instead. I went 10/3/7 and 21/7/14 (this game) for the two games, won both, and I think I had a triple kill in the second one (almost a chance for a quadra/penta). The second game was way too close though. We almost lost 40 minutes in but recovered with like one person saving the nexus. I died too much to akali though (like 2-3 times over the course of the game, even that is too much lol). :( I kept missing hits or being too careless even though I was presumably beating her pretty soundly.

When Katarina looks like a bad idea mid, I go Ziggs mid instead...I sadly lost my last two games with him, but went 11/2/6 and 6/3/11, and one of those games had a quadrakill for me thanks to fiddle ulting right before I ulted.


Who is a good champion that has a great early game? I'm finding that in most of my games as Graves, I do well in my lane but the other two lanes are failing so I never really get past 20 minutes. I guess it also doesn't help that the Ezreal who called mid ASAP fed Kassadin so well and blamed everyone else for it.


Who is a good champion that has a great early game? I'm finding that in most of my games as Graves, I do well in my lane but the other two lanes are failing so I never really get past 20 minutes. I guess it also doesn't help that the Ezreal who called mid ASAP fed Kassadin so well and blamed everyone else for it.

Jarvan, the dunk master.

The good thing about Jarvan is that he can transition into anything late game depending on your build. His burst damage at level 2 is insane. You could probably take off 1/2 of your opponent's health in 2 skills and 1 auto attack that triggers your auto attack.

After laning phase ends, you can either build a tanky damage build or a full damage build and continue to 2 shot everyone in mid game.


Neo Member
Who is a good champion that has a great early game? I'm finding that in most of my games as Graves, I do well in my lane but the other two lanes are failing so I never really get past 20 minutes. I guess it also doesn't help that the Ezreal who called mid ASAP fed Kassadin so well and blamed everyone else for it.

Welcome to my life... I havn't had a good ranked game in a while. It doesn't seem so hard for people just to sit back and farm and let their ads get to late game and win them the game.


Who is a good champion that has a great early game? I'm finding that in most of my games as Graves, I do well in my lane but the other two lanes are failing so I never really get past 20 minutes. I guess it also doesn't help that the Ezreal who called mid ASAP fed Kassadin so well and blamed everyone else for it.

AD Carries? Caitlyn (best range for harass), Corki (easy Q harass, easy escape).

In general? LB, Pantheon, Lee Sin to an extent.



It's that time again, so you can make fun of builds in my low-level ranked games!

I'm glad I'm not totally rusty with Riven since I've been trying to practice mid lane instead. I went 10/3/7 and 21/7/14 (this game) for the two games, won both, and I think I had a triple kill in the second one (almost a chance for a quadra/penta). The second game was way too close though. We almost lost 40 minutes in but recovered with like one person saving the nexus. I died too much to akali though (like 2-3 times over the course of the game, even that is too much lol). :( I kept missing hits or being too careless even though I was presumably beating her pretty soundly.

When Katarina looks like a bad idea mid, I go Ziggs mid instead...I sadly lost my last two games with him, but went 11/2/6 and 6/3/11, and one of those games had a quadrakill for me thanks to fiddle ulting right before I ulted.

You ever jungle Riven?
I forgot about LeBlanc's great early game. If she plays right, she'll get fed enough to one shot everyone one by one and shut the game down before the game drags long enough for her not to be so strong.

There's also jungle Shaco but it's a gamble.


Jarvan, the dunk master.

The good thing about Jarvan is that he can transition into anything late game depending on your build. His burst damage at level 2 is insane. You could probably take off 1/2 of your opponent's health in 2 skills and 1 auto attack that triggers your auto attack.

After laning phase ends, you can either build a tanky damage build or a full damage build and continue to 2 shot everyone in mid game.

I'm not a huge fan of melee characters solo top but I'll try him.

AD Carries? Caitlyn (best range for harass), Corki (easy Q harass, easy escape).

In general? LB, Pantheon, Lee Sin to an extent.

Don't carries only really shine at the late game, which is what I never get to.


Phew, this was painful.


GAF curse or not, I think that was our worse start ever. Wukong was maybe 0/5/0 top, I kept nearly killing gragas but not quite, and he'd go heal, so I went 0/2/0 or 0/3/0. We ended up going 1 kill to their 14 kills to start the game, maybe? I think it might have been sona who actually got the first kill on our team.

However, it emphasized two things -- not giving up, and turrets > kills. The other team was so intent on farming our champions that mid turret stayed up quite a while, and top turret even longer than that despite the wukong deaths. For some reason 4 enemy champions pushed down 1-2 bottom lane turrets, allowing me as kat (who does hardly any damage to turrets) to push down BOTH mid turrets. Then we got a side turret or two, then we started killing a few with amumu/kat/wukong ults, then we had two of their turret/inhibs down. We finally got a nexus tower, nearly two, and maybe/nearly got aced. Fortunately we had one person respawn in time to save our inhib towers, and all game they never went down even though I think they were the only ones left (possibly our inner mid turret as well).

We got aced/nearly aced two or three times while their inhibs were down, and they got baron, but each time we would take out the inhibs, or take out the top turret, and they stayed on the defensive as we stayed together. In the end we caught one or two overextended (notably miss fortune) away from their team, nailed them with ults and CC, and pushed in to kill the remaining nexus tower and win the game. :)

</wall of text I'm sure everyone wanted to read>


You are building Katarina wrong.

She scales off AD and AP, you should have both.

Gunblade, bro.
In theory I normally build to gunblade (though wota seems like it could work too?). How about wota + gunblade?

At any rate, gunblade is so expensive that I'm not sure I've ever made it that far in a katarina game since I also build a defensive item or two. *edit* Interesting. My normal plan is to not finish gunblade until after I have the green spell vamp thing, rylais, and deathcap -- is that a bad idea, and if so what AD item should I build first?


In theory I normally build to gunblade (though wota seems like it could work too?). How about wota + gunblade?

At any rate, gunblade is so expensive that I'm not sure I've ever made it that far in a katarina game since I also build a defensive item or two. *edit* Interesting. My normal plan is to not finish gunblade until after I have the green spell vamp thing, rylais, and deathcap -- is that a bad idea, and if so what AD item should I build first?

You need gunblade slow for kat's ult to work well in lane.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Pro Kat tip: Don't buy Rylai's. It isn't cost efficient and it won't provide enough damage for you to pick up kills.


Neo Member
You need gunblade slow for kat's ult to work well in lane.

Yeah, Scarra, AKA #1 Kat player HUE, recommends that you use gunblade slow instead of picking up rylai's because he has always found rylai's 15% slow (for AOE) very underwhelming in comparison to the 50% slow (and damage) that gunblade has. Also, double sustain too stronk!


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I need to learn how to play support as it's my least played role. Was fun though.

Never leave dragon or baron unwarded if you can help it, ward their jungle if you're on the offensive, don't KS, don't auto attack creeps, keep the enemy AD carry away from your own etc etc.

There is a lot more to the role (hell I still suck at it) but those are what come to me off the top of my head.
Yeah, Scarra, AKA #1 Kat player HUE, recommends that you use gunblade slow instead of picking up rylai's because he has always found rylai's 15% slow (for AOE) very underwhelming in comparison to the 50% slow (and damage) that gunblade has. Also, double sustain too stronk!

Shouldn't you get the full Rylai's slow from shunpo?


I'm not a huge fan of melee characters solo top but I'll try him.

Don't carries only really shine at the late game, which is what I never get to.

Yea, generally, but Caitlyn is a lane god, being able to technically out harass almost anyone with her range and Q, and having good 'zoning' and coverage with traps. Late game, she falls off compared to other carries.

Corki is similar, in that he has crazy damage early on, good laning, etc but the main appeal is:

A: Harass with ult, sheen procs, and Q, crazy damage early on
B: Very fast escape mechanism, similar to Graves

His downside is being lamed out by those with higher range.


So I just started playing this game in the past couple of days due to a friend's insistence.


What are some good resources for complete noobs?


just bought urgot and i love him.
any good builds or tips ?
I generally favor the damage build on Urgot, in which you pretty much just rush manamune -> glacial -> damage items -> situational items.

I've recently however tried the M5- tank build, and that also worked out fine. I started out with double doran -> brutalizer -> glacial -> situational tanky dps items. You essentially become a bruiser that deals sustained damage and becomes generally a pain in the ass to kill.

For both builds, boots are down to preference.
How viable is skarner jungle currently?
"One of the best junglers" viable. Very fast clear times, permaslow+pull ganks, decent sustain if you put an early point on E. He is VERY reliant on blue though; don't ever let it get stolen.

Aspd reds, scaling health yellows, MR blues, whatever quints. Merc Treads, Trinity, Shurelya, Randuin, Wit's, Aegis/wards.


How viable is skarner jungle currently?

Very viable and very scary ganks. Only reason why he isn't used in tournaments is that almost everyone gets a quicksilver sash if there is a skarner on the other team.

Not the same case in normal games


Pro Kat tip: Don't buy Rylai's. It isn't cost efficient and it won't provide enough damage for you to pick up kills.
What would you recommend instead, in what order? In part, the Rylai's HP enables me to survive mid lane given that I may not have the chance to help side lanes in low elo solo queue.

Yeah, Scarra, AKA #1 Kat player HUE, recommends that you use gunblade slow instead of picking up rylai's because he has always found rylai's 15% slow (for AOE) very underwhelming in comparison to the 50% slow (and damage) that gunblade has. Also, double sustain too stronk!
I guess I thought I was using a Scarra guide but maybe not? My planned build had both rylai's and gunblade. What starting build would you recommend?
just bought urgot and i love him.
any good builds or tips ?

Start Meki + 2 pots. Rush a Tear.

Then get Manamune, Bloodthirster, Brutalizer. Build Last Whisper if they are getting a lot of armor.

Defensive items: Frozen Heart, Guardian Angel. Replace FH with Banshees against AP teams.

Boots I usually get Ninja Tabi in lane and sell them late for Mercs.

To hit 4 Qs under ideal latency after a lock on, you need 30% CDR. Don't bother building CDR on Urgot unless you are getting this amount.

For his kill sequence, E directly on top of the opponent and immediately R them. They will be stunned and the E is guaranteed to land. W and then Q them since your shield slows and continue to hit them until they die. Make sure there are no creeps between you before you try to Q them after E runs out.

Also, practice the timing between Q and AA if you're close to make sure you get all your hits in.

For runes, run the standard AD - strength reds and quints, armor yellows, scaling MR blues.

For masteries, Urgot is very versatile. You can go 9/21/0, 13/9/9, etc. Build him for your opposing team, though avoid lethality. Getting crit chance/damage is pointless.
I love Janna, so good and fun to play. Just played her; ended with me flash ulting half their team into a bad engagement for a 5-1 ace and surrender, so awesome. Janna and Soroka are probably the top tier supports at the moment.


Start Meki + 2 pots. Rush a Tear.

Then get Manamune, Bloodthirster, Brutalizer. Build Last Whisper if they are getting a lot of armor.

Defensive items: Frozen Heart, Guardian Angel. Replace FH with Banshees against AP teams.

Boots I usually get Ninja Tabi in lane and sell them late for Mercs.

To hit 4 Qs under ideal latency after a lock on, you need 30% CDR. Don't bother building CDR on Urgot unless you are getting this amount.

For his kill sequence, E directly on top of the opponent and immediately R them. They will be stunned and the E is guaranteed to land. W and then Q them since your shield slows and continue to hit them until they die. Make sure there are no creeps between you before you try to Q them after E runs out.

Also, practice the timing between Q and AA if you're close to make sure you get all your hits in.

For runes, run the standard AD - strength reds and quints, armor yellows, scaling MR blues.

For masteries, Urgot is very versatile. You can go 9/21/0, 13/9/9, etc. Build him for your opposing team, though avoid lethality. Getting crit chance/damage is pointless.
awesome, i already have armor pen and mana regen so i think runes are set for me.

i cant get alot of qs because i have 120ms latency but i think that i should be able to land 3 qs
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