- Nautilus insulting me for being a coward in teamfights because I'm not in the middle of it. Hey look, I'm behind a wall bombing everyone as artillery Kog, with the ooze and auto attack if it can get through.
- Swain insulting me for occasionally reminding everyone to ward. I bought all the wards. Every. Single. One. "What's the point of getting wards if you're not in a teamfight?". Oh yeah sure, it's not like I wasn't racking assists. Not like I didn't save his ass several times because I revealed a bush with my R and see enemies waiting for an ambush. Nor the many times someone got pinged to retreat because wards revealed enemies going there.
It was a great game though, but the trashtalking teammates were annoying. We thought we lost the game since nexus towers were down, but we defended till inhibs respawned and scored an ace. Proceeded to take down our first inhib and retreated. Lost the fight since it became a 4v5 since I only had like 600 mana when another fight broke out; waaaay too soon than I wanted.
I pretty much got all my items. If it wasn't for wards I would've taken Nashor's. The AP ratio on Kog's ult is so low I think higher CDR would give better benefit than getting a Rab.