i'm still holding out for my armored bear to become a true armored bear
Add me on gw2 crogiiii
Add me on gw2 crogiiii
Why don't you play gw2 bind? It has armoured bears.
I smurfed and played volibear. He clears sooo slowly
Be a man, play Xin Zhao in every lane.
i miss you guys
come play gw2 with me T_T
I hope you had Nunu supporting you. Makes that early IE that much more sweeter.
Leona is so much fun. Too bad she's 6300 IP...
I feel I dunno what to do with her for the first 15 minutes though. It's basically looking at the enemy support just freely harass us until someone decides to gank and I go all in. I also find it kinda weird to build her regular support. I might roll the same item build I do for Malph with her.
By the way, how good GW2 actually is? I liked what I saw of its character creator and it seems alright but I haven't played an MMO since Lineage II and I dunno how I feel about it...
Leona is so much fun. Too bad she's 6300 IP...
I feel I dunno what to do with her for the first 15 minutes though. It's basically looking at the enemy support just freely harass us until someone decides to gank and I go all in. I also find it kinda weird to build her regular support. I might roll the same item build I do for Malph with her.
He doesn't want his wife to see him RP as an armored bear.
I level too slowly
I like the scenery too much
I spent over 3-4hours in the grove just walking around and taking screenshots
Why don't I ever see you in guild chat?
I spend my time getting 100% exploration in lower level areas and cities. So when I get to an area that's actually my level, I start getting xp like crazy.
I might try GW2 eventually. Just ... so burned out on MMOs.
Really fun. Just wander around and you get exp, craft you get exp, go do jumping puzzles... get exp. Get tired of all that go WvWvW.... get exp (and drops!).
Very fun game, seems even if you get bored with one aspect of it there's something else to occupy your time.
I get what you mean. Dark Souls has sucked many a time from my LoL daily scheduleTypically speaking, I tend to go all-in with these games. I don't necessarily care about how easy it is to grind or the amount of "fun" to be had. I'll just go all-in on it and I'd rather not, that's all :x
Besides, I'm too busy going all-in with LoL and I don't need the two competing for attention!
I still need pro advice on how to defeat Xin Zhao mid lane. =( He builds magic resist, heals with lifesteal, and doesn't afraid of anything.Be a man, do AP Leona mid. She tears up most squishies.
I still need pro advice on how to defeat Xin Zhao mid lane. =( He builds magic resist, heals with lifesteal, and doesn't afraid of anything.
How do you know he's going mid though? He could be picked as a counterpick to your mid champion, or he could be picked along with Morgana (which happened in my game) but then Morgana went bottom lane with the support (and got fed 5+ kills early game). I could try changing lanes, but in my experience changing lanes just means you lose out on experience by switching, and the other team switches every time you switch.Just don't stick to the meta so closely
Choose a better counter pick/use a champ that can build AD. But if you want to play an AP caster I would say the safest pick against him would be Ahri
I still need pro advice on how to defeat Xin Zhao mid lane. =( He builds magic resist, heals with lifesteal, and doesn't afraid of anything.
Yeah, someone on a previous team was practically demanding to use him mid and I figured it was just a troll, since they seemed to be acting like a jerk (and someone else had mentioned on practically the same day that they had never met a Xin Zhao player who wasn't a jerkI haven't faced that yet but I'd do a combo of farming passively, get early magic pen and armor. Probably a chain vest to build into Zhonya's or a cloth just to sell later. He's pretty strong though. It'll be a tough lane. Just punish him early with range and try not to let him snowball.
How do you know he's going mid though? He could be picked as a counterpick to your mid champion, or he could be picked along with Morgana (which happened in my game) but then Morgana went bottom lane with the support (and got fed 5+ kills early game). I could try changing lanes, but in my experience changing lanes just means you lose out on experience by switching, and the other team switches every time you switch.
Yeah, someone on a previous team was practically demanding to use him mid and I figured it was just a troll, since they seemed to be acting like a jerk (and someone else had mentioned on practically the same day that they had never met a Xin Zhao player who wasn't a jerk). I will have to add him to the list along with Talon and maaaaybe Pantheon as unusual mid-lane AD picks.
Yeah, someone on a previous team was practically demanding to use him mid and I figured it was just a troll, since they seemed to be acting like a jerk (and someone else had mentioned on practically the same day that they had never met a Xin Zhao player who wasn't a jerk). I will have to add him to the list along with Talon and maaaaybe Pantheon as unusual mid-lane AD picks.
jerk character list:
jerk character list:
Are we talking about champions who get played by players who act like jerks? Or just champions that are jerks to deal with? Or both?jerk character list:
She would have to have a player base first.List lacks Annie.
Yeah, someone on a previous team was practically demanding to use him mid and I figured it was just a troll, since they seemed to be acting like a jerk (and someone else had mentioned on practically the same day that they had never met a Xin Zhao player who wasn't a jerk). I will have to add him to the list along with Talon and maaaaybe Pantheon as unusual mid-lane AD picks.
She would have to have a player base first.
I probably have not seen an Annie player for months, and even then it was probably me.
I think you have the wrong person.Too high elo.
Someone post how the Rengar works out after the game, please.I think you have the wrong person.
Also: ESL is on, and M5 is busting out Rengar. http://www.twitch.tv/esltv_lol/popout
I think you have the wrong person.
Also: ESL is on, and M5 is busting out Rengar. http://www.twitch.tv/esltv_lol/popout
Someone post how the Rengar works out after the game, please.
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