And Katarina got...nerfed? I guess it's because everyone else was winning near 50% with her while I was losing most of my 60-70% losses since the remake. Passive is better, and shunpo is slightly better, but W was really needed for farming (now worse) and Q was your main damage and harass (now worse). Why would they do that?
Probably because she was across the board better late game now, I suppose. Seems a little odd but eh, who knows.
Edit: Incidentally, they did slightly raise the base damage (+10). And the W nerf doesn't change her AD ratio.
And I wonder why they still haven't added a Diana icon for when her slash is going to activate? I think it kind of makes her model glow white but it doesn't seem obvious enough to me.
No icon is weird but, at least as far as her skin is concerned, it's a pretty big indicator. I find it pretty easy to keep track of, though maybe it's from the like ~100 games I've played with her.
I mostly play normals but I main Leona. I find that if you start wards and pots she has to wait til level 3 (or at least 2) to be very aggressive, but if you start regrowth and one pot you can be aggressive right away and even win your lane at level 1-2.
With an AD that's on the same page you can land a stun +exhaust level 1 and force an advantageous trade or even get a kill. Even if you don't force a good trade and you take some damage the hp regen will get it all back for you very quickly and you can go in and try it again. Plus your philo is much quicker. After doing this so often and having it work out, it's almost sad to start wards/pots. It doesn't work against all supports. Blitz shuts it down easily, Janna probably does too.
Obviously you lose a lot of things by not starting wards, but in normals where you just want to stomp it's pretty good.
As far as I know, the only AD item most anyone ever builds on Katarina is gunblade, though.
As for late game, what are the odds of getting there? Maybe in higher elo games, but as far as I know Scarra used to be a pretty good Katarina player, and I think even he mentioned that they basically made her early game and farming worse/more awkward. Maybe the new extra 10-20 damage every few seconds will help me not miss last hits as much though.
Maybe with Kat they're discouraging going Deathcap all the time. With more damage and less AP ratio, you might build her more bulky (Abyssal/Zhonya/Rylai) so she isn't as squishy.
Since that's the only way I play Kat I don't mind the change at all.
Maybe with Kat they're discouraging going Deathcap all the time. With more damage and less AP ratio, you might build her more bulky (Abyssal/Zhonya/Rylai) so she isn't as squishy.
Since that's the only way I play Kat I don't mind the change at all.
That's basically the only way I ever play Kat -- gunblade, abyssal, zhonyas, rylais, etc. I hardly ever get deathcap (note that abyssal is nerfed too, though it may not affect Kat much). Lately I haven't even been making it to gunblade, but that could just be because when I'm not feeding 2-3 other lanes have tons of deaths or are afk.
And if their goal is to encourage players to build Katarina as a tanky mage that does well late game rather than early game...why nerf the late game? If the idea is that Katarina is now a tanky bruiser instead of a jumping-around assassin then ok, but that makes me sad because I really enjoyed how she played before, lol.
I just hit lvl 20, first thing i did was load up on my lvl 3 runes.
the following is the result of the first game there after.
note everyone in the game was lvl 20 or higher
Oh I tried out Volibear... He's GREAT... the mobility is really awesome.. I think i play against a bunch of garbage tier volibears though.
He didn't seem to have that much sustain though.... because of the absense of an active heal... but besides that he was great.
I really dislike Ezreal's escapes. Nutty Hater stunned one into a wall twice late game, and both times he either managed to get the teleport off in time (before the delay stun), or instantly use QSS + teleport before anyone could touch him.
I think I got another Katarina quadrakill earlier that game, but still never a penta. =(
I wonder if we will start seeing more bruisers and mages in the bottom lane instead of AD carries if they continue nerfing supports and ranged AD champions.
im already using yorick as support botlane, there is no reason to go regular healing bot supports anymore, maokai should be another strong support too.
as a support i mean full support (ps/hog/aegis) not ks support into full build with 0 cs.
Our team was soooo bad, me and Graves were doing duo and the poor guy is in elo hell in spite of being the best player I know, and our team was just so unbelievably bad. I think they were probably worse than your average normal blind. Jayce would follow stray champions up to their inner towers while our inhibitors were down and get one or two kills but he was costing us our game. Graves went AFK for a while 'cuz his inet went down (damn third world ISPs) but when he got back we just destroyed them at teamfights.
So well, waddya know, 1232 ELO according to LOLReplay lol...
im already using yorick as support botlane, there is no reason to go regular healing bot supports anymore, maokai should be another strong support too.
This is a really bad habit of people picking things that are not actually supports just because they saw them on streams or something. Support Yorick is terrible right now. Please stop avoiding traditional supports just because you aren't interested in playing the role.
I really dislike Ezreal's escapes. Nutty Hater stunned one into a wall twice late game, and both times he either managed to get the teleport off in time (before the delay stun), or instantly use QSS + teleport before anyone could touch him.
I think I got another Katarina quadrakill earlier that game, but still never a penta. =(
I think the one that got to me the most is when I stunned him in to a wall by the baron when and he still manage. The delay plus the time it takes to hit the target makes the move a pain at times to nail on people like ez. Didn't save him or his team late game when we rolled em. Seeing that quadra kill and just knocking their attitude down a bit was enough for me.
To be fair it's the delay in condemn plus the fact he had good reflexes.
As for ez graves and corki let them get taken down a peg they are that good despite the fact all them can be easily killed by ashe, twitch, and vayne. Only adcs I find to be crap at the moment are varus and sivr the rest when used right can easily kill just about anything including other adcs. Don't need cheese adcs I go hyper carry or utility.
I don't normally play Karthus jungle, but when I do I give no ganks.
I don't usually play blind but draft, so I'm used to the LoL client popping out when it's my turn to pick. So sorry to whoever was in that game and had to endure the greatest jungler ever.
I expect Kog'maw to be one of the most common picks at the championship if they don't touch him or Nunu (Blood Boil). Even in the current patch they're quite strong and with the upcoming patch they just get stronger in comparison to other botlane pairings.
Support Yorick makes sense in that Yorick top is a waste of farm late game and his best late game ability does not scale at all with items. At the end of the game as Yorick your job is to ult whoever on your team does the most damage. You can do that fine with zero CS.
A support character is just a character who can work without farm and can be useful in a 2-person lane. Yorick top is a mid-game beast and often a late-game liability. Yorick bot is a late game beast and maybe an early game liability.
This is a really bad habit of people picking things that are not actually supports just because they saw them on streams or something. Support Yorick is terrible right now. Please stop avoiding traditional supports just because you aren't interested in playing the role.
i dont watch stream but i took the idea from ogn.
you want support to have good utility, yorick have that.
good slow + harass and he can ulti the fed member in the team before he die for round 2.
he is also really good against blitz or ez since his ghouls block skillshot.
i can play any support just fine but i want to explore things (4-1 so far with yorick 1200 elo).
Support Yorick makes sense in that Yorick top is a waste of farm late game and his best late game ability does not scale at all with items. At the end of the game as Yorick your job is to ult whoever on your team does the most damage. You can do that fine with zero CS.
A support character is just a character who can work without farm and can be useful in a 2-person lane. Yorick top is a mid-game beast and often a late-game liability. Yorick bot is a late game beast and maybe an early game liability.
sure there are champions that scales better in the game but yorick is still a beast, you deny your opponent farm and go into late game with better items and u can contribute better in the team fights with the ulti.
yorick with fully charged manamune and trinity is a force to be reckon with.
I expect Kog'maw to be one of the most common picks at the championship if they don't touch him or Nunu (Blood Boil). Even in the current patch they're quite strong and with the upcoming patch they just get stronger in comparison to other botlane pairings.
Edit: According to the Travis guy (State of the League), then the championship will be played on the patch coming out after PAX but Rengar and any champion released afterwards wont be available.
I expect Kog'maw to be one of the most common picks at the championship if they don't touch him or Nunu (Blood Boil). Even in the current patch they're quite strong and with the upcoming patch they just get stronger in comparison to other botlane pairings.
Kog's W is broken as ever but I think that the double nerf to his ultimate makes his already terribad laning even worse. It's basically a utility to keep vision for your W to work against enemies running into bushes now and doesn't secure kills well anymore. The damage is pathetic.
Playing Kog is kind of a gamble these days. If you can get 2-3 kills in lane an no deaths, you can carry the entire game. If the other carry gets ahead, you are going to be WAY behind.
So guys, thoughts on Day 1 regionals? I think Curse>Evo, TSM>MMe. The only thing Curse has to worry about is Salce knowing all their tricks cuz he lives in the house.
I'd rather have them buff the other carries rather than nefing the good ones. IMO, every character should FEEL overpowered, and I have a feeling that more often than not, Riot sees problem champions and says "better nerf them" rather than "how can we make other champions play better against them?"
I mean, Sivir, Ashe, Kog and Urgot were all nerfed within the past handful of months, which led to the relatively untouched Graves/Ez/Corki becoming more dominant. Honestly, did they change anything about Ezreal before he started becoming popular?
Riot's penchant for the nerf hammer leads to these situations where some champions become extremely viable and popular out of nowhere because Riot nerfed all the other popular alternatives (ex. Rumble, Renekton).
This is a really bad habit of people picking things that are not actually supports just because they saw them on streams or something. Support Yorick is terrible right now. Please stop avoiding traditional supports just because you aren't interested in playing the role.
To be fair, Yorick as a support "makes sense" in the idea of his late game play revolving around his ult.
Granted, you're better off shutting down an entire lane with him (hence the Yorick 2v1 comps) and then transitioning into his late game ult usage and keeping a traditional support. That said, I still think this is a dumb gimmick vs a more solid top late game top lane choice (e.g., Vlad).
Sivir's kit is good but I always thought it was her unsafe range that kept her down? I don't know if the holy trinity being taken down a peg will be enough for her compared to just more Ashe and Kog. At least as far as competitive play is concerned.
I hope so, though. I like Sivir. Then again, I'm just now working on my Ezreal T.T
I don't normally play Karthus jungle, but when I do I give no ganks.
I don't usually play blind but draft, so I'm used to the LoL client popping out when it's my turn to pick. So sorry to whoever was in that game and had to endure the greatest jungler ever.
I don't normally play Karthus jungle, but when I do I give no ganks.
I don't usually play blind but draft, so I'm used to the LoL client popping out when it's my turn to pick. So sorry to whoever was in that game and had to endure the greatest jungler ever.
Haha you did fine. I'm more pissed that it felt like nautilis never died until about 30 minutes in, even with getting him to <100 + karthus ults. They just had so many heal summoners and naut shield too stronk.
Haha you did fine. I'm more pissed that it felt like nautilis never died until about 30 minutes in, even with getting him to <100 + karthus ults. They just had so many heal summoners and naut shield too stronk.