I think the CDR and Mana from an AP build help him quite a bit.
Not to mention the magic pen since all his abilities except Gatling gun are considered magic damage.
I think the CDR and Mana from an AP build help him quite a bit.
After 187 games...
AP Corki involves Lich I assume. His AP ratios are just pretty low.
The mana cost buffs on his ult and Valkyrie last patch were huge for him on AP and AD. There were no direct buffs to AP corki, just people found out that Getting an athenes on him makes his laning phase pretty ridiculous. Basically you can just farm and poke with his ult from a mile away, then when they get low if they decide to stay you can fly in and burst them to death because he actually has good base damage and AP scaling on his Q(and of course his ult spam is huge burst). His early game is also pretty strong cause trading with his Q has little counterplay. Late game he becomes a siege monster with his poke and disengage, kinda like Jayce. Basically he's a huge bully to the enemy team at all stages of the game.
AP corki got much more popular after the ult buff. they usually rush athene for the ult cdr then liandry and rylai. http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/27222755#history This guy has like 70% winrate last week as ap corki in diamond 1.
I just played a couple games as AP corki yesterday. Man with an athenes and blue buff, he is just a little bitch to lane against. The poke is insane! And the waveclear is top notch. And his mobility allows him to roam very well. Only downside is he doesn't have any CC, but that can be found in the rest of your team hopefully.
Athene's, Void Staff, Liandry's. Athene's for spammability, Void Staff because his ratios suck but his base damage is high so magic pen > AP. Liandry's for more magic pen and for the passive DOT that he can apply often with his ult. I go magic pen reds/blues/quints and 9/0/21 masteries
Ward jumping is even easier then since it's targeted. The difficulty in Lee Sin's kit is that he HAS to land that Q. You have to know your distances for ward hops (+ your E range, really) if you want to do well with him. He basically just has a skill floor minimum that is higher than most champions.
Who is that?holy shit its brikola
oh, i thought he was a long lost gafferWho is that?
http://www.probuilds.net/guide/KR/767546017/1096420Man, jungle Evelynn is hard to get into. The spell vamp quints so expensive. Could I get away with like 1 spellvamp quint and two lifesteal?
check out DANDY's runes
Thanks for the advice. I think I was following a guide that said to match E first.That's pretty much how you build him. Zhonya's and Void Staff are also really great items.
As for early game, focus on harass. It's easier than most mid champions to last hit with Fizz because of his W passive, which you should max ASAP, followed by his E. However, take your Q first, but leave one point in it.
When attacking, it's usually W > Q > E (but let it drop so that you get the slow instead of activating it again, unless you need to get in range). If you can, initiate with your ult. Its slow allows you to catch up and do INSANE damage.
Still not as good as AS Lulu top against Wukong, but support Lulu is acceptable too.next time on deadliest catch: lulu
oops, didnt see that post.Thanks for the advice. I think I was following a guide that said to match E first.
Typically I find myself unable to harass since, for example, if I go in at level 2 or 3 against Zed, they outdamage me. Or they wait behind minions so I can't touch the champion without getting snared, stunned, ganked, and/or drawing a full wave of minion agro. And QWE feels like it takes 50% of Fizz's entire mana pool for the first 10+ minutes of the game.
If I get a chance to Fizz again I'll see how W first works. Then E next, or Q next? I also don't like hitting the ult unless I'm right on top of someone and they're slowed, since it's so easy to completely waste it / have it dodged.
Still not as good as AS Lulu top against Wukong, but support Lulu is acceptable too.
Will test it out, thanks Boken.
I have no idea.Why didn't he take the monster-specific defense masteries?
The correct answer.fizz you fucking shithead
intervention invul = 2swe need to see more fizz, i love owning this shithead with kayle.
Intervention bitchs.
Sona W does no damage so no spellvamp.Man AP Sona is quite the pub stomper. No one knows how to deal with it. My Lolking guide has reached 12k viewersAnyone want to brainstorm some not necessarily viable builds? I know some of you are no nonsense, but I got a few ideas. Like, does spellvamp work on Sona's W? Anyone got an idea of maybe a hybrid Sona build? I'm thinking starting AD, and then transitioning to AP/On-hit. Idk just thinking of some fun blind pick builds to try out (although I'm still adamant about AP Sona being legit). I've also been thinking about bruiser Ashe for awhile now.
The correct answer.
oops, didnt see that post.
you should max E first on fizz
maxing W first gives you an extra 10 damage over 3s (doesnt stack, so basically it increases your dps by 3) and 5 extra damage on auto attack on the active, whose cd isnt even reduced per rank.
Even leveling Q gives you more - 30 damage per rank + reduce the cd by 1 per rank.
But that E, oh god. +50 damage, -2s cd each rank. down to 8s CD at rank 5. why wouldnt you max the skill that makes fizz a massive dickhead? this skill also allows you to waveclear, so you dont have to stand at the tower awkwardly auto attacking minions.
Every LCS game and the Taiwan finals, OGN had fizz max e.
xpeke probuilds link : http://www.probuilds.net/guide/EUW/1034582606/44256797
ppl use website
I have no idea.
those runes are actually the most aggressive Eve runes ive seen. check out the rune pages the other people use to see what is acceptable. standard kinda looks like ad reds/arm yellows/mrblue/ap quints
I need someone to get me a LCS Finals Ticket since I'll be at PAX away from my computer (I'll attempt to be around BYOC or something, but...)
It's noon PST tomorrow (Friday) tickets go on sale at na.lolesports.com
Here: http://na.lolesports.com/season3/regionals2013/articles/world-championship-tickets-available-aug-24
or here: http://na.lolesports.com/season3/re...another-opportunity-attend-world-championship
Whatever is in stock is fine. Prefer lower or middle seats. THXXXXXX
RDY TO INSULT WESTERN TEAMSZZZr u guys rdy for ppl talking about teams at worlds not taking it seriously enuff or not being cutthroat enough or just in general not taking the internets advice about things
like r u guys rdy for theorycrafting
but about human beans?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
he'll probably stillb e at paxTomorrow Saturday. Not today friday :X They go on sale the 31st, not 30th.
why arent you going to worlds
thought I'd share with the class. this 29-minute win (they quit):
prompted this:
How swiftly the days of friendly discussion post-match have gone away.
Also, Karma + Riven were a fuckin problem. Speed boost shield on Riven into the Karma slow? *low whistle*
who what where and is it in Miami.
Sona W does no damage so no spellvamp.
Trinity muramana sona with auto (Q to passive proc) auto combo would do ridiculous burst
plus she would run so fast
God dammit, it's too good of a skin to not make it available for purchase...It looks like Riot semi-confirmed that the Caitlyn concept art was infact from the upcoming Championship Caitlyn skin.
Holy shit boughtIt looks like Riot semi-confirmed that the Caitlyn concept art was infact from the upcoming Championship Caitlyn skin.
It's gonna be available. Riven was last year.God dammit, it's too good of a skin to not make it available for purchase...
What does it mean when i get +3 or +4 instead of the real normal +15-20 (same with losses) ?
That you're in division 1.
fuck, it will take me ages to reach promotion then.
Yep. I went on a 10 win streak in Bronze 1 and only made it to 81LP.
Had the pleasure of vsing an AP Gangplank. He lost. Very badly.
Yep. I went on a 10 win streak in Bronze 1 and only made it to 81LP.
Wait, really?It's gonna be available. Riven was last year.
i never ran into this. it's probably just that your mmr levels out.That you're in division 1.
'4th letter of the ultimate is '
'some people might build blood thirster on them'