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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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I love Ziggs. Dont get to play him enough. The real fun with Ziggs comes with measuring up his q so it hits on the bounce outside of max range. No one ever sees that coming. And dropping dem ults


Get Gold, Get Elise, Get the Girl.

Do it for Nidalee.

What a cougar.
Any tips against Fiddlesticks? Lost against him. :/
2 defeats, 1 win today in ranked. I have the exact same LP I had this morning, almost like I didn't play ranked... oh well.. tomorrow is the day.
wards over the walls everywhere.

I did that. I saw him just about to jump at me and I flashed just when he ultd me, he flashed to catch me, and I ultd away and yet he got me with his fear, it was really frustrating.

His silence hit like a truck. :|


I did that. I saw him just about to jump at me and I flashed just when he ultd me, he flashed to catch me, and I ultd away and yet he got me with his fear, it was really frustrating.

His silence hit like a truck. :|

Yeah. You need Tenacity for it ... if you're laning against him anyway. 3 second fear at max rank feels like fucking forever.

Jungle Fiddle. I dunno. Hopefully you ward and see him coming.


Got 9 honours and a whole after lobby of commendation after destroying a game with some good zyra ults

Guess it feels good to support sometimes.
Updating my list of hauls:
- Commando Jarvan
- Dragon Slayer Jarvan
- Dragon Trainer Lulu
- Tribal Ryze
- Augmented Singed
- Brolaf
- Nightblade Irelia
- Jurassic Kog'Maw
- Blademistress Morgana

- Lochness Cho'Gath
- Superb Villain Veigar
- Tango Twisted Fate
- Jurassic Kog'Maw
- Asylum Shaco
- Gangster Twitch
- Shurima Desert Zilean
- Imperial Xin Zhao
- Hired Gun Graves

I guess I should play Olaf again.

edit: LOL Garena raised gift limit to 3 every 48 hours. I guess they were losing too much money because a gift only costs $1.50 here (~195RP for NA).


Updating my list of hauls:
- Commando Jarvan
- Dragon Slayer Jarvan
- Dragon Trainer Lulu
- Tribal Ryze
- Augmented Singed
- Brolaf

- Lochness Cho'Gath
- Superb Villain Veigar
- Tango Twisted Fate
- Jurassic Kog'Maw
- 2 others i forgot

I guess I should play Olaf again.

edit: LOL Garena raised gift limit to 3 every 48 hours. I guess they were losing too much money because a gift only costs $1.50 here (~195RP for NA).
how much RP for gift and how much RP is an equiv 975rp skin on NA?
how much RP for gift and how much RP is an equiv 975rp skin on NA?

Gifting costs 59RP here... roughly $1.50. If my skin price conversions are correct:

NA               | GARENA
490  RP ($3.80)  | 59  RP ($1.49)  (mystery gift)
520  RP ($4.00)  | 60  RP ($1.50)  "Royal"
975  RP ($7.50)  | 120 RP ($3.00)  "Epic"
1350 RP ($10.40) | 200 RP ($5.00)  "Imperial"
1820 RP ($14.00) | 500 RP ($10.00) "Legendary"
3250 RP ($25.00) | 900 RP ($22.50) "Ultimate"


Gifting costs 59RP here... roughly $1.50. If my skin price conversions are correct:

NA               | GARENA
490  RP ($3.80)  | 59  RP ($1.49)  (mystery gift)
520  RP ($4.00)  | 60  RP ($1.50)  "Royal"
975  RP ($7.50)  | 120 RP ($3.00)  "Epic"
1350 RP ($10.40) | 200 RP ($5.00)  "Imperial"
1820 RP ($14.00) | 500 RP ($10.00) "Legendary"
3250 RP ($25.00) | 900 RP ($22.50) "Ultimate"
sounds pretty similiar in ratio then.


That's because it sucks. Her kit looks good for a top laner but she's just so squishy and her Q is pretty easy to stop/predict if anyone wants to gank her.

Better at mid if you are desperate to see her go full ad.

Edit: I'm so sorry for your loss panda



Wahaha~ this is normal right?
everyone loses their first try, right?

I felt like I was winning 60-70% of my games outside of promotions, but it took maybe 3 promotion series to get from Silver III to Silver II, 4 promotion series to get from Silver II to Silver I, and 5 promotion series to get from SIlver 1 to Gold V. The first 3 series or so for the Gold promotion, I think I lost every single game besides a 4v5.

On the bright side it would only take maybe 2-4 games to get back to another series after the loss. Just keep doing what's successful normally, and you should eventually break through. Or, if it happens like 3 series in a row, switch to a different champion you're still good at the next time, and maybe the switchup will help.

*edit* Here you go, motivational chart from my experience:


Everything is moe to me
yeah im gonna put zyra mid on the backburner. im not feeling the carry as much anymore. think ill focus on varus/support going into my next series.

when all else fails it will be riven time.

adc bot Jayce + Zyra vs Trist + Orianna.

Results were...as expected. I did pick Jayce, after all. Zyra was getting agitated that I wasn't being more aggressive early. Like I don't know what I'm doing. pssh. There's a time and a place for it. Just keep chipping at them, Zyra. I'll do the rest when appropriate. Bodied dem kids.
so out of interest, I decided to check my MMR on that op.gg thing.


While I know it's only an estimate still, what sort of division would this mean I'm in MMR wise? Silver 1? I don't think it's quite Gold MMR.

I think I left it too late (still haven't done the second game in my promos yet) to get Gold, but would be nice to know how far I am off.

This is with 24 wins and 18 losses in ranked.
Bronze: Between 0 and 1149 (Team: 0-1249) (Top 100%)
Silver: Between 1150 and 1499 (Team: 1250-1449) (Top 68%-13%) Majority of Active Player Base
Gold: Between 1500 and 1849 (Team: 1450-1649) (Top 13%-1.5%)
Platinum: Between 1850 and 2199 (Team: 1650-1849) (Top 1.5%-0.1%)
Diamond: 2200 and above (Team: 1850+) (Top 0.1%)

This is before Challenger was introduced though.


Neo Member
The MMR is kinda anoying.

I was like 1470 mmr at Silver 1 0 LP. I went into a lose row and back to Silver 2 with 44 LP. Im right now at Silver 1 0 LP again and my mmr is 1362.

I've decided to just spam LS Nasus games until sunday. Let's see if I can get Gold like this.

won two games before the queues were disabled. back to 96lp.

hope lives!

You can do this.


New game mode sadness. This just popped up on reddit from a Riot dev:

I'm just going to copy paste this from the PBE forums to raise visibility - I saw a topic go up this morning on the new queues on the PBE and just wanted to clarify:
"It seems like a lot of you have noticed the new queues on the PBE (and the errors that come when you try to load up a game on them…) – just wanted to give a heads up that we actually use those for QA purposes and they’ve been in the build for over a year now. We just accidentally deployed them to the PBE, hence why they’re showing up as queues but crashing when you try to fire them up.
Sorry to get your hopes up! We mentioned a while back that we had game modes in development but these are not the new game modes you are looking for (I’m trying to slip a Star Wars reference in here but I think I’ve failed) – they have more to do with our platform QA.
I was going to type THAT IS ALL at the end of this message after pasting the initial message but then I realized I already typed it.
That's... all. FOR NOW.

So no 1v1 ranked.... for now?
They already said the 1v1/2v2 Magma Chamber was gonna take a while when they showed it earlier this year, not sure why people were expecting that while to be a couple months, let alone a ranked queue for it.


Last night had a game of me playing support thresh with a vayne adc. We didn't have any synergy as his duo partner was constantly trying to get me to quit out of my promo from champ select for saying I main support. His response " you main support because you got no skills" I muted him.

In game we got absolutely crushed by Ashe/Fiddle at bot. Fiddle had his bouncing silence for poke. We push for damage carry gets terrified so we lost most trades
The fact that Ashe can use her ult to stun and Fiddle to fear straight after made it impossible for me to lantern vayne out of there. Fiddle could peel better for his carry too.

We lost our lane handedly. Is there anything I could have done? It didn't help with Vayne getting caught out by our Jungler when I hooked him whilst he tried to run from the tri bush when warding dragon. Vayne didn't spot it and she gave gave a kill and blamed me for it.

I wrote off the whole game as we had a top who wouldn't stop being toxic for no reason with me who I muted who also lost his lane with ease. It seems to me its super difficult to get out of my promos with support unless I am matched with silver 1/2 when I duo queue and get a decent carry.

Generally I assume the fault lies with me but I recently got my friend into Gold 5 with duo queuing with him (he pld mid) I got my friend into silver 5 and together we won our last 12 ranked matches together. Nearly got him into promos for Silver 4. I got another friend who is in Gold 5 who tells me its just down to the fact its a lot harder to carry from support + I try to make plays that my carrys don't see or won't follow up on which generally costs us the game. Its been super frustrating.
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