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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Last night had a game of me playing support thresh with a vayne adc. We didn't have any synergy as his duo partner was constantly trying to get me to quit out of my promo from champ select for saying I main support. His response " you main support because you got no skills" I muted him.

In game we got absolutely crushed by Ashe/Fiddle at bot. Fiddle had his bouncing silence for poke. We push for damage carry gets terrified so we lost most trades
The fact that Ashe can use her ult to stun and Fiddle to fear straight after made it impossible for me to lantern vayne out of there. Fiddle could peel better for his carry too.

We lost our lane handedly. Is there anything I could have done? It didn't help with Vayne getting caught out by our Jungler when I hooked him whilst he tried to run from the tri bush when warding dragon. Vayne didn't spot it and she gave gave a kill and blamed me for it.

I wrote off the whole game as we had a top who wouldn't stop being toxic for no reason with me who I muted who also lost his lane with ease. It seems to me its super difficult to get out of my promos with support unless I am matched with silver 1/2 when I duo queue and get a decent carry.

Wow, what a dick. Honestly you just have to forget about those kind of games and move on.


Wow, what a dick. Honestly you just have to forget about those kind of games and move on.

Generally I do. My friend tells me I should have just dropped out and took the loss for my promos which would have knocked me back down in bronze 1. It seems to me unless I got a friend who pulls me up to play against silver 1/2 I generally get a carry that isn't awake to see the plays or they play adc badly.

If we end up starting well I notice the "adc confidence syndrome" where the adc think he is great because he is making the plays when actually I am hooking someone or catching them with my e as thresh out of position and they follow up on it. So they begin to ignore my pings of danger and retreat which generally ends up on the losing side of a trade or dead.

Its seems really difficult to find an adc in bronze that listens to a support. There seems to be hardly any synergy with bronze 1/silver5/4 adc players generally.


Last night had a game of me playing support thresh with a vayne adc. We didn't have any synergy as his duo partner was constantly trying to get me to quit out of my promo from champ select for saying I main support. His response " you main support because you got no skills" I muted him.

In game we got absolutely crushed by Ashe/Fiddle at bot. Fiddle had his bouncing silence for poke. We push for damage carry gets terrified so we lost most trades
The fact that Ashe can use her ult to stun and Fiddle to fear straight after made it impossible for me to lantern vayne out of there. Fiddle could peel better for his carry too.

We lost our lane handedly. Is there anything I could have done? It didn't help with Vayne getting caught out by our Jungler when I hooked him whilst he tried to run from the tri bush when warding dragon. Vayne didn't spot it and she gave gave a kill and blamed me for it.

I wrote off the whole game as we had a top who wouldn't stop being toxic for no reason with me who I muted who also lost his lane with ease. It seems to me its super difficult to get out of my promos with support unless I am matched with silver 1/2 when I duo queue and get a decent carry.

Generally I assume the fault lies with me but I recently got my friend into Gold 5 with duo queuing with him (he pld mid) I got my friend into silver 5 and together we won our last 12 ranked matches together. Nearly got him into promos for Silver 4. I got another friend who is in Gold 5 who tells me its just down to the fact its a lot harder to carry from support + I try to make plays that my carrys don't see or won't follow up on which generally costs us the game. Its been super frustrating.
I'd gladly get carried by someone who mains support. My IGN is LordNewt, and I'm in Gold I. Add me :p.


Promoted to silver 3. skipped silver 4.

Scy will tell you how painful that last game was.

That Fizz was pretty much the epitome of why I hate "I GO 15/3 TEAM LOSES STILL GG HEAVY." Did nothing all game, sniped low value kills, zero actual pressure.

Game was pretty much 40 minutes of nobody making plays, just people walking into dumb things (that they had vision on?!).


Qualified for a series to get back into Bronze 2, which is exactly where I started from. I've had an amazing streak of good teammates who know how to engage/disengage/take objectives and capitalize off of my CC. I'm afraid to play more because I just know what's going to happen :(


I'd love to duo but that would involve playing for longer than 1-2 game windows. :(

As it is I haven't played a single game with a GAF member in like a year.


Mmf, the most beautiful and succulent baron steal I've ever had. The entire enemy time was on it, and it was just me (Nami) and Gragas who realized what they were doing. I warded up beforehand so we were good. As baron was about to expire, I swung around and landed a bubble on 4/5 of them, allowing Gragas to toss his barrel in for the easy easy steal. 1 win, 0 losses in my quals.


Had the same issue. Lost all my games with him, even though I wouldn't characterize any of those matches as me playing poorly.

Also same with skarner.

The changes to Zac seemed so small but they made a huge impact to his jungle ability. Nerfs to ult and slingshot damage, removal of tenacity completely from his ult and even the blob change made it more of a chore to jungle him and less of a CC tanky monster.

The blob change impacted his jungle sustain. You really need to work at getting all the blobs now and it hit his clear time too. The damage nerfs toned down his impact building straight tank. And the lack of tenacity on his ult means he's not bouncing over the whole team with impunity anymore. He often gets stopped in his tracks now.

Lane Zac is still ok with the higher farm but jungle Zac just doesn't have it anymore.


Oh god, I haven't done top in forever, but I was kind of forced into it. My Vlad vs Renekton... not sure what to expect at all.
That Fizz was pretty much the epitome of why I hate "I GO 15/3 TEAM LOSES STILL GG HEAVY." Did nothing all game, sniped low value kills, zero actual pressure.

Game was pretty much 40 minutes of nobody making plays, just people walking into dumb things (that they had vision on?!).

Those are the best games, AKA what I do in every game except go 3/15 instead.


Went 2/8 top. Team carried. Only got short with me once, but I deserved it. I knocked over my drink and I just went running into their team.

Otherwise, pleasant. They said that everyone has bad games.
Last night had a game of me playing support thresh with a vayne adc. We didn't have any synergy as his duo partner was constantly trying to get me to quit out of my promo from champ select for saying I main support. His response " you main support because you got no skills" I muted him.

In game we got absolutely crushed by Ashe/Fiddle at bot. Fiddle had his bouncing silence for poke. We push for damage carry gets terrified so we lost most trades
The fact that Ashe can use her ult to stun and Fiddle to fear straight after made it impossible for me to lantern vayne out of there. Fiddle could peel better for his carry too.

We lost our lane handedly. Is there anything I could have done? It didn't help with Vayne getting caught out by our Jungler when I hooked him whilst he tried to run from the tri bush when warding dragon. Vayne didn't spot it and she gave gave a kill and blamed me for it.

I wrote off the whole game as we had a top who wouldn't stop being toxic for no reason with me who I muted who also lost his lane with ease. It seems to me its super difficult to get out of my promos with support unless I am matched with silver 1/2 when I duo queue and get a decent carry.

Generally I assume the fault lies with me but I recently got my friend into Gold 5 with duo queuing with him (he pld mid) I got my friend into silver 5 and together we won our last 12 ranked matches together. Nearly got him into promos for Silver 4. I got another friend who is in Gold 5 who tells me its just down to the fact its a lot harder to carry from support + I try to make plays that my carrys don't see or won't follow up on which generally costs us the game. Its been super frustrating.
You got paired with a Vayne; the pest of bottom lane since more often than not it attracts ignorant wannabe-tryhards who can't trade for shit since they refuse to recognize her early game weakness. Your hands were tied.

That said, support is not worth it (pain and anguish in low elo) up until the higher brackets of Gold. Quality of play is just too inconsistent for allies to truly utilize your champion strengths or make the most out of your ward coverage, and until then mistakes are so plentiful on either side you can just pick a strong solo laner / jungler / ADC (provided you have experience with 'em) and steamroll your way through. Of course you could always duo queue with someone higher up, but I have no clue to what extent that influences your and your partner's LP gains / losses.

A pretty soft blow, all in all. C'mon Riot, chunk down the ratio of returns for defensive stats on his ultimate. You know you want to.
Riot still has overall item changes, rune changes and the (allegedly) wholesale bruiser sweep in store for a future pre-season build. It's doubtful anything major is going to make it through to PBE until they finish up all of their intended Season 4 tweaks given the game-changing scope.


You got paired with a Vayne; the pest of bottom lane since more often than not it attracts ignorant wannabe-tryhards who can't trade for shit since they refuse to recognize her early game weakness. Your hands were tied.

That said, support is not worth it (pain and anguish in low elo) up until the higher brackets of Gold. Quality of play is just too inconsistent for allies to truly utilize your champion strengths or make the most out of your ward coverage, and until then mistakes are so plentiful on either side you can just pick a strong solo laner / jungler / ADC (provided you have experience with 'em) and steamroll your way through. Of course you could always duo queue with someone higher up, but I have no clue to what extent that influences your and your partner's LP gains / losses.

Riot still has overall item changes, rune changes and the (allegedly) wholesale bruiser sweep in store for a future pre-season build. It's doubtful anything major is going to make it through to PBE until they finish up all of their intended Season 4 tweaks given the game-changing scope.

I'd agree with this for the most part. Except the one wonderful true power a good support brings to low elo - vision. No one freakin wards. Or if they do it's not consistent. If you can transition to the midgame as a silver support and focus on that vision control, you can win it for your team. On my climb through silver when I had to support I'd spend all my money on wards and oracles. Eventually I just stopped buying oracles unless we were going for baron (which usually there wasn't even a plan for it so that wasn't an option) because the opposing team just wouldn't have any wards. Nothing to clear. It's mind boggling. I'd say that's largely why I have an 80% support winrate.

In gold it's been better. Actual vision control on both sides and it's a little bit more of the vision war we see in higher elo games.

I 100% agree on laning though. The play is sloppy all around and it's more about making the least amount of mistakes than making the great plays. It's rare to get a good synergy with the adc and understand when to poke vs go all-in and how to capitalize on good plays.
Any general tips for when you find yourself having a losing streak with a champion? I just can't find myself playing well with Leona anymore. I used to be amazing with her, but I just can't stand her or support these days.

I'm probably just going to go on a break from support entirely for now and just start jungle maining.
Any general tips for when you find yourself having a losing streak with a champion? I just can't find myself playing well with Leona anymore. I used to be amazing with her, but I just can't stand her or support these days.

I'm probably just going to go on a break from support entirely for now and just start jungle maining.
Take a break from said champion. Forcing yourself to stick with something you're doing poorly with will just make things worse.
Any general tips for when you find yourself having a losing streak with a champion? I just can't find myself playing well with Leona anymore. I used to be amazing with her, but I just can't stand her or support these days.

I'm probably just going to go on a break from support entirely for now and just start jungle maining.

Are you trying to force a square peg into a round hole, here? Leona isn't really the kind of support you want to take into all match-ups, all the time. There's a lot to be said for being an expert at a champion, and I'm certainly not recommending you to become the sort of doof who uses community-recommended counterpicks off Champion Select without having ever played the champion in question, but you do have to give some consideration to both your team's overall composition and the opposing lane.

Maybe play the field a bit, come back to Leona next season when supports have enough money for people to very quickly learn the hard way that a Leona with actual tank items is completely fucking nuts.


You want Leona with more money? My friend let me tell you about jungle Leona.

Don't expect to clear a camp in less than 20 seconds though.
You want Leona with more money? My friend let me tell you about jungle Leona.

Don't expect to clear a camp in less than 20 seconds though.

I've done Jungle Leona because I had games where people waited until after I locked her to mention they only know how to play support. That said, jungle Leona really doesn't get that much more gold than support Leona, you just get to spend a little more of it on actual stats as opposed to vision.

You want to see what a Leona with real gold is like? Run up against one in ARAM. It's goddamn terrifying.
there isn't a single midlaner i like :/

i always stare at the character select screen whenever i'm forced to play mid and no idea what to chose.
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