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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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I'm laughin straight to the bank with this

You speak the truth.



Just watched the most amazing Shaco game ever. He was like everywhere he needed to be turn a losing situation into kills for his team.
Was it the ARAM game I was in with AP Shaco? I can never figure out how to use AD or AP Shaco in ARAM, but this player kept doing the damages and getting the triple kills and stuff. It was inspiring and saved the day. In the end we got destroyed in a teamfight but Shaco went behind the enemy team and killed the nexus alone so we didn't lose.
I find most that unnecessary. Either a standard AP page (MPen Reds, Armor Yellows, AP Quints with MR blues or scaling AP blues if vs AD top) or just straight MPen on your quints. You don't really need a lot of defensive stats, or regen, to really do much. Doran's Ring + 2x Health Pots is fine for an aggressive start as the Flask isn't really that big of a deal. 21/9/0 for masteries helps get you a little more AD (2/1/1 for the AD/AP/Spellblade tier) for harassing/CS and Executioner isn't that bad to have for her kit. It's not like most of the 10-21 Defensive tree is really that helpful for her.

Also, I dislike leveling her ult if I'm going for bully status. The extra W points help you remove your lane opponent far more than bonus ult points will. Especially with a build that's more situated towards going into damage items (e.g., early Guise + Sorc Shoes).
It's admittedly excessive, but you're never really too tanky in a snowball lane like top when Elise's match-ups there are already quite favorable regardless of your starting configuration. Plus if my (sometimes overzealous due to confidence / general comfort) aggression ends up putting me in a terrible position, then I usually still have either a good chance of surviving (with sustain to recover as a fall-back) or scaring the top + jungler into closing things out if I play my cards right. Depending on who said champions are, naturally. Not fond of Doran's Ring + 2 potions and Elise doesn't scale as well late game as someone like Zed / Fizz / Kha'zix - she sorta falls in the same anti-carry role - to fully utilize 21 offense when relatively squishy, given how she has to commit within a danger zone for a longer time than those. Putting skill points into your ult or not isn't much of a dealbreaker; either is acceptable even with the removal of extra resists.

Again: wholly personal preference if I made my original post sound like "blindly copy this" definitive mini-guide, but it's been serving me well against even Platinum / Diamond top laners as I repeatedly run into familiar names during Normal Draft hours. Nonetheless, up to DeadNames to decide which 'style' (with their respective up- and downsides) he prefers when everything's said and done.


Was it the ARAM game I was in with AP Shaco? I can never figure out how to use AD or AP Shaco in ARAM, but this player kept doing the damages and getting the triple kills and stuff. It was inspiring and saved the day. In the end we got destroyed in a teamfight but Shaco went behind the enemy team and killed the nexus alone so we didn't lose.

AD shaco, probably challenger with a smurf account in plat 2.

holy shit man. Nunu is such an irritating champ.

During the draft, I assumed Malphite would be top. I guess he really didn't want to see me, so they sent Malph mid and Nunu top and lemmie tell ya...I felt like a battered spouse. That slow nuke is just bullshit. I was beaten into submission with it. I got to last hit when Nunu said I could. I'd spend half my fucking mana just to get her low only for her to heal up for free. I so rarely see Nunu in general that I still don't know how to play against her. I probably could have all-in'd her a few times, but that nuke is one hell of a discouragement tool. it was easily 1/3 of my hp every time and that shit had to be on like a 6-second cooldown tops. Ended the laning phase with her with at least 20cs on me and a kill thanks to a early Zac gank.

...I mean, shit didn't matter because I'm still Jayce and we had a Real Doge on the team. I survived, then thrived....but it was just beyond irritating. I didn't finish that Muramana because I bought the tear at 18 minutes. I don't know what I was thinking buying it that late, but I just decided that I wanted it.


Neo Member
We’re making some changes to the League system. While we received a lot of positive feedback regarding leagues, there are a few key areas we felt could use improvement.
  • Clarity surrounding LP gains (why am I getting so little LP per win?)
  • Players having less motivation to win games when they hit division V and becoming more toxic (due to immunity from ever falling from a tier)
  • Challenger currently represents too small of a group of players in solo duo.
These changes are hitting the PBE now and will be live next week after the end of Season 3:
  • Clarity of progression is a major point of feedback we wanted to act on, so we’re removing clamping completely for anyone below Diamond I
Players should no longer see tiny LP gains except in extreme edge cases or at the top of Diamond I. The small LP gains are necessary in Diamond I to ensure Challenger represents only the very best players and is highly accurate.
  • Tier demotion & shielding have been added
When we investigated player performance over the season we found that a small but not insubstantial group of players would reach division V of a tier and then consistently become more toxic and start to lose more frequently. Though tier immunity was originally intended to combat ladder anxiety we feel that complete immunity creates poor incentives and leads to abuse of the system. This makes ranked play a worse experience for everyone and isn’t what a division V placement should represent. When you enter division V you’ll have a set number of games where you are invulnerable to dropping a tier, currently this is 10 but it is subject to change. After this if you fall more than a full tier below your placement in terms of MMR, a warning will appear in your profile. So for example, a Gold V player playing at a Silver V skill level would see this warning. Continuing to lose games at 0 LP would result in their demotion to division I of the next lowest tier, or Silver I in this case.

fack yeah
I played 3 games straight with silver friends and carried them as jungle Diana.

Go into ranked and play terrible as jungle Jarvan (whom I'm more experienced with).


EDIT: I'm so bad.... Playing Zed against kass. Make a stupid play on a countergank and die needlessly. Make lots of good plays to have a cs lead and go up 5-2. Then continuously get picked off for no reason. Ended 11-11.

Can't even blame anyone for my last few games I'm playing trash should be in bronze 5.

EDIT: my duo partner called it, he said he is cursed and never wins ranked. First game without him go 7-1 as Zed to stave off relegation (was on 0LP, back to 21 now). My ranked KDA with Zed is easily the highest of all my champs, should play him more.

Really love the changes to his ult. Can go completely balls deep and get our just fine. Didn't really affect his strong laning phase which is why he's brilliant in solo queue, easy to get an advantage, plus his ult is deadly for roaming bot.

Felt kinda sad last game though, I got first blood on Diana, then she d/cs on coming back and just stands in the lane not reacting to my attacks. Bit of a scumbag move but I killed her, no way I'm letting being nice cause me to go Bronze 2.
AP Carry Nunu Top ain't nothin' to fuck with.
Riot neutered him too much, and they seemingly don't want him to be good anywhere anymore. I miss him, he used to be so cheesy.

Wish Rayven (forgot his GAF moniker) would drop a line here about the reasoning behind the removal of the XP bar. Missed opportunity to have made it visible on both yourself and your allies.

And since they're aiming for clarity: also waiting on improved champion icons on the left-hand side of the screen. A straight copy for visible summoner spells and ultimates (the green dot is non-descriptive for newcomers) from spectator mode would be appreciated.


Everything is moe to me
now im not one to say 'these teams'

but these teams.

i aint even gonna pretend 6/6 is a respectable score.
but having to back at 13min because we're losing mid inhib is a problemo.


OT Hard Carry
now im not one to say 'these teams'

but these teams.

i aint even gonna pretend 6/6 is a respectable score.
but having to back at 13min because we're losing mid inhib is a problemo.

I had almost the exact same shit happen a couple days ago.

Ended game as 6/0/0

Total score 6-21


Hmm...I was grouping up with a friend and his friends over skype and we got matched up against another group full of Diamonds/Golds with a random unleveled person as well.

We were winning our lane pretty well (consistently outfarming the other ADC) and keeping the lane froze unless we B, then pushed just right them but then Jarvan comes bot and decides to camp it. He is 7/0(!!) before ever seeing our lane. His ult comes up faster than my flash does. Another game we have a similar problem except it's a fed Tryndamere.

I can't really blame my friend (level 17 and still learning a lot, went 1/3 in his lane as Poppy which I'd never do at 17, I'd have been 0/5+) for the Tryndamere and overall I felt pretty good about those laners needing their jungler to camp bot so they could push against us (me Zyra + Vayne vs them Draven + Thresh) especially considering their ranking vs mine but I have to admit I am really hoping that they add the role-finder thing for ranked sooner rather than later.

The more I play a supporting role (as much as I love it) the more I realize at Bronze 2/3 I would much rather take mid/adc/top knowing that even if I don't "win" my lane hard I have an extremely high chance of not losing a lane so badly that someone on the other team gets "fed" and massacres the rest of the team. Plus I will actually get to try more roles and get good at them, which will be nice. I want to be the Nasus that farms til 30 with a godlike CS. I want to be the ADC with 0/0 but like 50+ CS over his opponent even from under turret. I want to be the mid who sh*ts all over the Kass/Fizz/Khaz/Zeds CS score so they have no items and hilariously ineffective ganks (at least more often).

The changes to support in general may help tho. The idea of having a large % of the gold/AP of a mid laner (and thus heightened killing potential) do make me wonder if I will be able to contribute more, because right now I feel like if even if I have stuff warded (objectives/lanes) or harrass the ADC well or pick a support with high CC to lock down loners for ganks, my plays just aren't taken advantage of. And if I dare mess up myself? Ugh.

Edit; And now for something completely different. My friend has been trying to Mystery Gift me the last few days but keeps getting an error message stating that I have received the max # of gifts for the day. I have never received gifts from anyone, let alone the max # in one day, and I was able to send to him no problem. Has anyone else had this issue? I'll try to contact Riot but was kinda wondering.


Hmm...I was grouping up with a friend and his friends over skype and we got matched up against another group full of Diamonds/Golds with a random unleveled person as well.

We were winning our lane pretty well (consistently outfarming the other ADC) and keeping the lane froze unless we B, then pushed just right them but then Jarvan comes bot and decides to camp it. He is 7/0(!!) before ever seeing our lane. His ult comes up faster than my flash does. Another game we have a similar problem except it's a fed Tryndamere.

I can't really blame my friend (level 17 and still learning a lot, went 1/3 in his lane as Poppy which I'd never do at 17, I'd have been 0/5+) for the Tryndamere and overall I felt pretty good about those laners needing their jungler to camp bot so they could push against us (me Zyra + Vayne vs them Draven + Thresh) especially considering their ranking vs mine but I have to admit I am really hoping that they add the role-finder thing for ranked sooner rather than later.

The more I play a supporting role (as much as I love it) the more I realize at Bronze 2/3 I would much rather take mid/adc/top knowing that even if I don't "win" my lane hard I have an extremely high chance of not losing a lane so badly that someone on the other team gets "fed" and massacres the rest of the team. Plus I will actually get to try more roles and get good at them, which will be nice. I want to be the Nasus that farms til 30 with a godlike CS. I want to be the ADC with 0/0 but like 50+ CS over his opponent even from under turret. I want to be the mid who sh*ts all over the Kass/Fizz/Khaz/Zeds CS score so they have no items and hilariously ineffective ganks (at least more often).

The changes to support in general may help tho. The idea of having a large % of the gold/AP of a mid laner (and thus heightened killing potential) do make me wonder if I will be able to contribute more, because right now I feel like if even if I have stuff warded (objectives/lanes) or harrass the ADC well or pick a support with high CC to lock down loners for ganks, my plays just aren't taken advantage of. And if I dare mess up myself? Ugh.
After Silver, Support > Other roles. Mid is probably good for bronze because you can just search for bad players on the other team and repeatedly roam.


It's admittedly excessive, but you're never really too tanky in a snowball lane like top when Elise's match-ups there are already quite favorable regardless of your starting configuration.

Ultimately, I think a lot of it will come down to playstyle. Generally speaking, my goal from top lane is to be enough pressure to send the Jungler there repeatedly to deal with me (and then win anyway). I just aim for early kills into an early tower so I can roam and cause us to group up early (e.g., 15-ish mark) when I'm Elise since that lets me utilize her strength when she's strongest.

Not fond of Doran's Ring + 2 potions and Elise doesn't scale as well late game as someone like Zed / Fizz / Kha'zix - she sorta falls in the same anti-carry role - to fully utilize 21 offense when relatively squishy, given how she has to commit within a danger zone for a longer time than those.

The goal is to reduce the amount of time she has to spend in the midst of them when it comes to teamfights. To be able to remove people from sieges off a single Human QW landing. To be able to make any Cocoon into a potential kill. This is less an issue of her itemization / masteries / etc. and more about when in the game she's trying to do this, really.

I fully expect to fall off come late game and have to rely on trying to get defensive items when going from mid-to-late game but I think it's a worthwhile tradeoff.

After Silver, Support > Other roles. Mid is probably good for bronze because you can just search for bad players on the other team and repeatedly roam.

I mean, you always do that as Mid.


After Silver, Support > Other roles. Mid is probably good for bronze because you can just search for bad players on the other team and repeatedly roam.

Yea, unless i got carried myself my best ranked games that I can remember were playing as Fizz (and this is last season/early this season before he got popular) or Leblanc or Ziggs for different reasons. Everyone knows what a monster a fed Fizz can be, i can quite literally 100 > 0 any squishy i want as Leblanc (and I consider myself mediocre with her so wait til i get more practice in !) and it's really hard for me to have a bad laning phase as Ziggs when I can CS and harass from the edge of the screen.

I don't even mind learning a new mid champion (as long as I don't hate them) if it means being able to carry myself, and I just have a very, very hard time doing that as support.

I'm seriously considering being one of 'them" and laning as supp in full AP runes just so I can farm unoccupied lanes and build an AP set to be a threat myself, but that does little if someone happens to feed on my side early, and even with wards protecting me/other laners some champs are quite good at bypassing them.

I started out in Bronze 1 after my placements and even when being up for promotion 3/4 times I've fallen as far as I have. I know i can't always blame everyone else and I do learn new things/improve from my previous games even at this elo but it's just frustrating sometimes knowing that there was literally nothing i could have done different (that would have mattered).


It's much easier to roam against people with no wards though.

It would probably be a lot more effective in bronze though, because people ward significantly less.

Sure. I just meant that it sounded like "only at bronze you do this."

And support's strength is leveraged a lot in having a team actually utilizing what you do (and, of course, actually doing things right). There's an actual difference between having wards and having wards at actual useful places and too often people just assume having a ward somewhere is enough to count as "having wards."


Tragic victim of fan death
Sure. I just meant that it sounded like "only at bronze you do this."

And support's strength is leveraged a lot in having a team actually utilizing what you do (and, of course, actually doing things right). There's an actual difference between having wards and having wards at actual useful places and too often people just assume having a ward somewhere is enough to count as "having wards."

Having a badly placed ward is still better than no ward. Unless it's literally seeing nothing. Like it's in your base or some shit lol.


Having a badly placed ward is still better than no ward. Unless it's literally seeing nothing. Like it's in your base or some shit lol.

It is but a badly placed ward is still a badly placed ward :x Like, you want wards where you need vision and knowing how to ward is a real skill to work on.
I don't even understand the hype around this guy.

It's one of those warm-fuzzy "for old time's sake" sort of things. I don't think most people really expect much out of Gambit going forward, Edward or not. There's not much reason to predict them to be more than a big fish in a little pond - and a smaller fish in that pond every year, on top of that.

Edward was never really the shot-caller or strategist for M5, anyway, so it's not like his presence or absence actually has much tangible impact on their play. He's a "play making" support, but even then he's completely outclassed by players like MadLife or even Xpecial.


Sure. I just meant that it sounded like "only at bronze you do this."

And support's strength is leveraged a lot in having a team actually utilizing what you do (and, of course, actually doing things right). There's an actual difference between having wards and having wards at actual useful places and too often people just assume having a ward somewhere is enough to count as "having wards."

I think I ward in pretty good spots, the most common enemy jungle paths, objectives, tri bushes ect. Half the time tho it's a matter of me observing the patterns of my teammates/enemy and placing wards to most effectively match their play-style and keep them safe/denied.

I ask a lot (because it's gotta be me at least some of the time if I'm in Bronze) and some of the higher Gold and up elo players I have duoed with mention that they usually have no issues with my warding. Denying the vision of the other team is fun too but it's depressing in some ways how often I "waste" my money on an Oracle's because I made the mistake of thinking my enemy team was actually using that pretty Sightstone/pink ward they bought.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
i know exactly where to place the wards on howling abyss and twisted treeline. it's hard being so good at this game.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
ward the poros
they already exploded.

it's not enough to just know the right spots to ward. next level supports are good about controlling enemy vision and being two steps ahead when it comes to having vision of certain areas.
Played lane Nasus. I swapped with our TF so he'll deal with Teemo while I go against Talon.

Our jungly Yi got double teamed and lost both buffs to Talon, who already started with flask and pots. I thought I was gonna lose because it meant endless rakes, but somehow outsustained him through his buffs and consumables. I love my Doran Shield and LS quints!

I have no idea why I had to argue a bit with our TF. He's Diamond 3! He should already know he'll flatout lose to Talon in lane. I can survive Teemo but I know I'll do way better against Talon.
I expect Rito to gut his bast health regen. For someone with a strong built-in Lifesteal, his health regen is pretty close to the top. It should weaken extremely passive play and make him try to attack more often.
My favorite is people who think the needs of vision don't change throughout the game. "I had wards!" our ADC whines after getting caught out. Yes, you had a tribush ward and a dragon ward, and you were pushed up to the inhibitor tower in bottom lane. Amazing how they could have possibly found a way to gank you!


My favorite is people who think the needs of vision don't change throughout the game. "I had wards!" our ADC whines after getting caught out. Yes, you had a tribush ward and a dragon ward, and you were pushed up to the inhibitor tower in bottom lane. Amazing how they could have possibly found a way to gank you!
People like this exist? lol.
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