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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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I played a ranked game as Brand last night so well that the enemy Ahri after the game asked me if I was a smurf.

I think I was 17-3-11 with 300k damage done. Over double the amount of champion damage dealt by the next closest person in the game.

I'd look on LoLKing but it's blocked at work. First time I've ever been accused of being a smurf and to "stick to your elo and not stomp lower elos".


Or mid players in rare cases. I have a friend who believes that they don't need to ward in mid when they're getting ganked, because mids don't need to buy wards.

"But I don't have enough money to buy wards because I'm being camped! /all Noob jungler camping me. Noob jungler on my team not ganking for my overextended ass"


Finished a game, as support thresh (as usual) awesome game. opposing Draven said "sorry I am gona win so just have fun" We destroyed him and leona at bot.

Most notable thing, I nearly killed ryze on my own both full health as he was worried about a gank in his own jungle. Cait ulted to take the kill from me. They surrendered and one of them said "ryze run away from thresh, GG" :D This also got me into my promos.


Playing as Garen vs a Teemo top lane. I ask the team to cover so I can heal and buy. We're about even on cs somehow, until.. Eve to the rescue! Feeds Teemo double buffs alone. The lane was a nightmare after that. :(


Finished a game, as support thresh (as usual) awesome game. opposing Draven said "sorry I am gona win so just have fun" We destroyed him and leona at bot.

Most notable thing, I nearly killed ryze on my own both full health as he was worried about a gank in his own jungle. Cait ulted to take the kill from me. They surrendered and one of them said "ryze run away from thresh, GG" :D This also got me into my promos.
Filthy disgrace of a player.
The more I play a supporting role (as much as I love it) the more I realize at Bronze 2/3 I would much rather take mid/adc/top knowing that even if I don't "win" my lane hard I have an extremely high chance of not losing a lane so badly that someone on the other team gets "fed" and massacres the rest of the team. Plus I will actually get to try more roles and get good at them, which will be nice. I want to be the Nasus that farms til 30 with a godlike CS. I want to be the ADC with 0/0 but like 50+ CS over his opponent even from under turret. I want to be the mid who sh*ts all over the Kass/Fizz/Khaz/Zeds CS score so they have no items and hilariously ineffective ganks (at least more often).

The changes to support in general may help tho. The idea of having a large % of the gold/AP of a mid laner (and thus heightened killing potential) do make me wonder if I will be able to contribute more, because right now I feel like if even if I have stuff warded (objectives/lanes) or harrass the ADC well or pick a support with high CC to lock down loners for ganks, my plays just aren't taken advantage of. And if I dare mess up myself? Ugh.
Expecting your allies to know what they're doing is the worst position to be in as a support in Bronze - Silver - low Gold.

Also, it's ill-advised to passively farm up as an ADC (or even Susan) within those elo ranges. Is it situationally fine to patiently work your way up to crucial items to start melting anyone in teamfights if you have the scaling to back it up? Yes, but not in those tiers. Bronze - Silver - low Gold players make so many mistakes as is, it'd be a waste to not capitilize on their bad habits and potentially reach your intended goal much sooner which in turn could also allow you to pressure the rest of the map. "Not losing" should only be weighed in on if your average match isn't a total clusterfuck across all roles.

Ultimately, I think a lot of it will come down to playstyle. Generally speaking, my goal from top lane is to be enough pressure to send the Jungler there repeatedly to deal with me (and then win anyway). I just aim for early kills into an early tower so I can roam and cause us to group up early (e.g., 15-ish mark) when I'm Elise since that lets me utilize her strength when she's strongest.

The goal is to reduce the amount of time she has to spend in the midst of them when it comes to teamfights. To be able to remove people from sieges off a single Human QW landing. To be able to make any Cocoon into a potential kill. This is less an issue of her itemization / masteries / etc. and more about when in the game she's trying to do this, really.

I fully expect to fall off come late game and have to rely on trying to get defensive items when going from mid-to-late game but I think it's a worthwhile tradeoff.
Funny part being, those key focus points fall exactly in line with how I keep up with my aggression despite the overall tankiness. And most top lane champions still can't outtrade you if you handle it right, never mind certain junglers being under serious threat of getting heavily damaged or even killed themselves if they wish to rescue their guy out of a pinch. Whilst still not lacking the ability to easily kill or gravely injure squishies with a good stun / through ward vision during the early to mid game. For late game she's a subpar in-and-out champion compared to the other champions I mentioned though. If momentum isn't on your side, you'll mostly mostly serve as a threat that has enough damage to draw attention from multiple enemies (hopefully with pivotal skills being blown in the process) if a good stun wouldn't suffice for a complete turn-around, which is where the extra durability comes into play if Zhonya's and Rappel isn't enough for your allies to wholly take advantage of said 'distraction'. Risky play and moreso an opportunistic soft-initiation if the moment arises than anything else, however.

If Riot continues to nerf her damage output in the near future, then I'd consider 21 offense (like I've been doing with Yorick). As of right now though, as the sheer anti-melee (plus counter-pick to Zed / Fizz) and punisher of weak early laners that she is by default? No way; by design she's straight-up dominant if used correctly. But we both agree it's up to personal preference, so the above is kind of a moot point. Consider it a "my reasoning for..." back & forth clarification post instead.

Implying anything can stop dorans nasus
Anything with constant ranged harrass can. Susan then only becomes a problem after accomplishing x item threshold, so your goal is either to delay that for as long as feasibly possible if your allies are doing work elsewhere or to set him back to such an extent that you can create opportunities elsewhere, be it on your own or alongside your team.


Body Slam cooldown increased to 12 at all ranks from 7
Body Slam cd reduced by 50% if he hits a unit



Neo Member

The amount of rage on enemy team was just too funny.
Obviously a troll pick but i gotta be honest the ganks where always effective!
In the end you get free kills as the whole maps is shroomed!


Whoa the Corki Q buff

Not really. Note the difference in the spell description ("lobs"). I believe it's a delayed AoE effect now, similar to Varus' E, although I'm assuming slower because of the buffed ranged and mana costs. It's a change to Corki that's been a long time coming.


Has there been any mention of new items, or significant changes to existing items, not including the jungler and support stuff? Stuff like bringing in Entropy to make another build path for Phage, or changes to Atma's, etc. Only thing I've seen so far is some minor value/cost adjustments adn I don't recall seeing "hidden" items on the laners in those leaked pro playtest screenshots.


Has there been any mention of new items, or significant changes to existing items, not including the jungler and support stuff? Stuff like bringing in Entropy to make another build path for Phage, or changes to Atma's, etc. Only thing I've seen so far is some minor value/cost adjustments adn I don't recall seeing "hidden" items on the laners in those leaked pro playtest screenshots.

I haven't seen a single Hurricane in any of the "leaked" screenshots.
Because an instant ranged AoE burst with no warning is bullshit? They've mentioned many times how Phosphorous Bombs works is the big reason they've had so much trouble balancing Corki.

sure, but there's no need to nerf rockets as well.

Like if it was only the Q change, that would be fine. Less mana and longer range for more counterplay? No problem with that at all. The rockets nerf is dumb, especially since they nerfed them already last patch.


Moobeat @moobeat
Corki's Missle Barrage ( R ) still has a .2 AD ratio. The @ReignofGaming listing for that change is wrong.


Expecting your allies to know what they're doing is the worst position to be in as a support in Bronze - Silver - low Gold.

Also, it's ill-advised to passively farm up as an ADC (or even Susan) within those elo ranges. Is it situationally fine to patiently work your way up to crucial items to start melting anyone in teamfights if you have the scaling to back it up? Yes, but not in those tiers. Bronze - Silver - low Gold players make so many mistakes as is, it'd be a waste to not capitilize on their bad habits and potentially reach your intended goal much sooner which in turn could also allow you to pressure the rest of the map. "Not losing" should only be weighed in on if your average match isn't a total clusterfuck across all roles.

For sure, which is why I prefer to play say trist instead of vayne at lower elo. Easier to stomp in lane and snowball


Now to wait half a year for them to add an outline for her ultimate's radius, similar to Cho'gath's Rupture.

Not entirely sure adding an on-cast visible ring around an ability that fires instantly is going to help people avoid it. I suppose you could add two rings around the ball permanently, one for W and the other for R. That would be nice counterplay, actually, if a bit visually messy. Lots of times I damage people with W because they step a bit too close to the ball. Feels a bit like cheating, somewhat.

I don't understand why blindpick normals keeps putting me on teams with a significant gap in experience both within my team, and with the opposing team. I have ~80 wins and keep getting paired with players who have ~250+ and the other team almost always has one or two players with ~750+ wins. I didn't think much of it at first, but I started to track what I was being paired against in matchmaking in my last 15 matches and it's always the same: a significant gap in the relative experience level between the teams.
Bjergsen's Syndra makes feel inadequate as a human being.

It's incredible.

Like, if you want to see what that champion can do in capable hands, watch his stream. She'll be big in S4.
False doges make me sad.

Last match, Susan goes sanguine (lifesteal) first and get no more items until 25 minutes. goes like 3/10. shit was sad, bros.
Not entirely sure adding an on-cast visible ring around an ability that fires instantly is going to help people avoid it. I suppose you could add two rings around the ball permanently, one for W and the other for R. That would be nice counterplay, actually, if a bit visually messy. Lots of times I damage people with W because they step a bit too close to the ball. Feels a bit like cheating, somewhat.
uh, why would that be needed?
Not to avoid it, but to provide clarity whether you're still in its zone. Too often do you still end up being sucked in when you think you'd be completely out of it, and it would make using Flash or a mobility skill to save your hide less of a gamble (as to whether it was actually necessary) beyond a certain distance. Think of it like Jarvan's combo before it was cleaned up a tad; you'd regularly still get knocked up even when either champion didn't really seem to 'collide'.

She's been out for what, a year and a half? And it's still hard to get a good feel for its maximum distance when on the receiving end, despite her popularity. On top of that, even Orianna's themselves occassionally get caught off guard with just how far the ultimate's reach is in terms of pulling someone back in. Just sticks out given Riot's fixation on making many aspects visually explicit (or improving them to a higher standard).


I don't understand why they don't just have you check a box for what lane/role you want when queuing for Ranked. You want a popular lane like mid and top, you'll wait. Hell, make it so that whatever the most desired role is gets like 10% more IP if you want.

The way it is now is broken and dumb.
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