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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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you ever have one of those games that you just feel bad for winning

like we threw maybe five times but the other team never took advantage of it. the game went on 20 minutes longer than it had to. it was awful. Oh well. Putting together a small streak, up to 81 LP and getting around 18 per win. Back to Silver 3 by the end of the weekend hopefully.


Olaf is causing a pretty big stir in Korean solo queue.

He's secretly op at this point
That extra 20% attack speed boost at rank 1 for Vicious Strikes that no one felt like talking about. 40% AS for 1 level point, and a Ragnarok that has its cool down reduced by auto attacks?



Olaf is causing a pretty big stir in Korean solo queue.

He's secretly op at this point

I had an Olaf in TT get shit on in lane and then suddenly decide that he can 3v1 after a few items (Hydra, notably). Olaf's "eventual" state is pretty ridiculous.


Neo Member
Silver 1, +5 LP gains -4LP loses, WTF man, ill never reach Gold with that shit.

Well... ill just wait for S4, since theyll erase that annoying system.


I wish more people played Kayle.

I love going jarvan jungle with a kayle on the team. It's just a lane of free kills.


g00d night sweet bind
olaf's been picked in nacl a bunch, hydra is nice cuz dats the top lane life and also his e now scales off ad and his w is kinda obscene, l33 sin levels of early atspd for 6 (!) seconds with one point in it

he iz still olaf tho
i think it's real interesting that he gets more squishy when he pops ult


Well. Just vsed a shyvana who took all of mid and top's farm, got to level 16 while everyone else was 12 and soloed baron with Botrk and wriggles.

Ulted into my entire team and killed everyone at around 26minutes in.

I even got perfect ganks off early game and got the first 6 kills for my team before the 15minute mark.

I've never felt so violated in my life.
I finally realized why I'm so frustrated at my rate of progress.

There's no way to create custom scenarios to practice specific skills efficiently. Like in starcraft, if I wanted to practice muta vs mnm, or ling vs zealot, or macro'ing off 3 different bases, I could find a ums map and simply focus on rapidly training a particular skill. And if there was nothing that suited what I wanted to practice, I could create my own.

But in league, if I want to practice my champ's burst combo, dodging Lux's skillshots, or even just flashing across impassable terrain, there's no way to set up a custom scenario to just focus on something efficiently. The best you can do is find a friend to be your practice bitch, and even then, you have to spend time getting your characters up to a certain level, and will face mana and cooldown limitations. Want to practice your combo with your ultimate to really get it into your muscle memory? Yeah, you get one chance every minute or two to do so.

Now I understand why it makes sense to take stupid risks even when playing games that "matter" - because doing so gives you more chances to practice your mechanics and various skills while playing it safe means you'll have less chances.
Completely agree on this. Any player who wants to hone his skills with any given champion or practice with specific goals in mind does not possess the tools necessary to make this type of training practical in any shape or form. For a genre as daunting as MOBA's
(revolting term aside)
for newcomers, that's prepostorous. It's only made worse by the utter lack of officially approved documentation, varying from fundamentals to the finer elements of a standard League match that are practically invisible without prior knowledge. On top of easy access to outside information that might as well be horribly flawed or inaccurate, with no official way (as a newcomer again) to distinguish right from wrong. Mobafire anyone?

Granted, several other multiplayer-oriented genres suffer from the exact same problems; RTS-games (even Starcraft II initially) and fighting games (Street Fighter & its ilk) are generally hardcore if you want them to be, yet usually they lack even basic functionality such as replays. It's only somewhat improved very recently. Now imagine if League of Legends or DOTA 2 had thorough tutorials akin to those seen in Skullgirls covering various core mechanics / principles, or better yet... Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution. The developers documented damn near everything and VF4: Evo even tells the player where they went wrong. The benchmark for a proper in-game education system.

For genres as complex as the above examples, this really should be a top priority for companies (with ample resources) if they wish to draw in more players or create more accessibility without sacrificing depth.

well I want to spend times with competitive champs for now. I have enough fun champs.
the perception by the community that only certain champs are competitive at the standard level of play is what hurts this game most.

olaf has the potential to be very strong in the hands of competent players.
Chiming in to add that literally every champion can be "competitive" within the confines of solo queue. Some demand a lot of overall knowledge or expertise to overcome their restricted purpose (Poppy die-hards spring to mind), whereas others are merely a victim of undeserved perception issues (Trundle, Karma, Lucian, etc.) as pointed out, with or without obscene numbers in their kits.

There are also a select number of champions that require a certain style or certain champions to fall out of favor in order for their strengths to truly shine, but virtually any champion can make it to Diamond if you put work into it. Having fun going through the latter is also important.

Let's ignore the fact that solo queue is a cesspool, a breeding ground for terrible mindsets and the worst way to play a time-intensive team game with a steep requirement for co-ordination.
Can someone fill me in on this whole Olaf business, by the way? Just a general rundown on runes & masteries, skill priority and so forth. I'm curious now that his rework is wrapped up.

does anyone actually play her? i never see her in streams or in my elo.
Orianna's the try-hard sweetheart. Quite common for a while now, in other words.


does anyone actually play her? i never see her in streams or in my elo.
I came across her twice on the PBE where she was played as support. Probably the same player, but I wasn't really paying attention.

On the live realm she's definitely taken a hit in popularity.


the different ways the jungle items promote farming is pretty interesting

i wonder if any pro teams will break them and use them on laners for farm
Seems like there's a lot of variety in jungling now. Counter jungling feels very rewarding now.
Yep, although early counterjungling (eg camp at other enemy buff) is way too dangerous now since warding totems are the usual pickup by solo laners.

the different ways the jungle items promote farming is pretty interesting

i wonder if any pro teams will break them and use them on laners for farm

Too expensive and gives way too many useless stats for laning. Wriggles cost 1800g but the only lane stats it gives are 20 armor and 25aspd.


League of rage quitting duos tonight. Really unfun to play at this time.

No kidding. Even ARAM is terrible. Had an Ashe whining at me for not locking down their entire team (Yi Fiora ect) as Malokai. "That's why you're Bronze" Yep, ignore my higher damage output and higher kills per death despite building almost completely tanky and the fact that she plus her worthless TF friend couldn't land their stun ever.

I mean, even if doing stuff significantly different would have helped (it wouldn't have) why would I bother listening to a complete asshole of a person like that?
I was surprised when I saw all of my mines hitting for full damage against blue. I didn't know Ziggs' E got buffed to remove the damage reduction on non-champions, and that in included monsters too.

QoL change to Q, bigger W, bigger E, double minion damage for R...

Did I just... have amazing teammates?

I played Jax top and they picked a Teemo against me. Told our Nasus to gank early. He does, we get a kill, but I still struggle to win lane from there. Meanwhile our Brand and Jinx are completely snowballing with Nasus's help. I'm not feeding or anything (I think I was about 0-2 or something) but I was behind in cs and getting outplayed.

So instead of them telling me "stop feeding ffs" and raging, every death I get "chin up, you'll be great late game" "don't worry about it".

So refreshing to have good teammates. Makes up for all the games where you get people being dicks.

EDIT: and Syndra is fun


I've been playing ARAM exclusively for weeks now in anticipation for the new season.
Its fun since it help me not to rage and have good mentality to play other games.


Nami carrying more gaffers to Soraka's Cavaliers.


Is it just me or is there a delay on Sona's power chord right now? Like, I'll be in my W stance. I Q then to Q chord attack someone only to end up using a W chord. I only noticed this in the last 2 weeks or so.

I've noticed that too. Been like that for awhile though. It really drives me nuts. Nothing worse than trying to E->auto a slow to get that kill and it comes out a Q power chord. There must be a hidden delay on the passive.

Well. Just vsed a shyvana who took all of mid and top's farm, got to level 16 while everyone else was 12 and soloed baron with Botrk and wriggles.

Ulted into my entire team and killed everyone at around 26minutes in.

I even got perfect ganks off early game and got the first 6 kills for my team before the 15minute mark.

I've never felt so violated in my life.

The good shyvanas are so scary.


I was surprised when I saw all of my mines hitting for full damage against blue. I didn't know Ziggs' E got buffed to remove the damage reduction on non-champions, and that in included monsters too.

QoL change to Q, bigger W, bigger E, double minion damage for R...


Been tryin' to say. He's secret OP now.
A question for all you PBE testers;

Does new jungle set junglers to gank top more than other lanes?
Nah. They also made it so you don't reach level 3 anymore after blue buff -> red buff if you want to gank a lane as soon as possible.

the different ways the jungle items promote farming is pretty interesting

i wonder if any pro teams will break them and use them on laners for farm
I don't see it happening. None of the jungle items have particularly appealing stats for laning.

Yep, although early counterjungling (eg camp at other enemy buff) is way too dangerous now since warding totems are the usual pickup by solo laners.
You can still pull off counter-jungling with relative ease, though I'm personally less inclined to do so on PBE beyond snatching their red at level 1 or fighting them head-on as Trundle after clearing my own buff (seeing how everyone opens up with blue -> wight -> wolves). The XP and gold changes make it so the enemy doesn't really fall behind as much when he gets his camps stolen, so the only time I've seen the enemy jungler have 2 (or more) levels less than me is when you outdo him in every way. This means pulling off better ganks, acquiring more farm, slaying more dragons, killing the jungler himself -and- taking some of his camps. That's a lot of work compared to how easy it is to create a noticeable setback for the opposing jungler (and keep him there) on Live servers.


Nah. They also made it so you don't reach level 3 anymore after blue buff -> red buff if you want to gank a lane as soon as possible.

I don't see it happening. None of the jungle items have particularly appealing stats for laning.

You can still pull off counter-jungling with relative ease, though I'm personally less inclined to do so on PBE beyond snatching their red at level 1 or fighting them head-on as Trundle after clearing my own buff (seeing how everyone opens up with blue -> wight -> wolves). The XP and gold changes make it so the enemy doesn't really fall behind as much when he gets his camps stolen, so the only time I've seen the enemy jungler have 2 (or more) levels less than me is when you outdo him in every way. This means pulling off better ganks, acquiring more farm, slaying more dragons, killing the jungler himself -and- taking some of his camps. That's a lot of work compared to how easy it is to create a noticeable setback for the opposing jungler (and keep him there) on Live servers.

I like all these changes. Especially the no level 3 after double buffs. It will give the laners a little more room to play and reduce the necessity of a quick ganking jungler.

As much fun as it is to completely shut down an opposing jungler, it's not that fun to be the one shut down with no way to come back.


Everything is moe to me
its interesting that losing 4 in a row weighs more than winning 5 in a row.


it'd be interesting if i got +0lp after being in a series less than 10 games ago.
They intend to alleviate some early jungler pressure.

Getting to Lv3 requires 2 buffs and a camp. It's up to you which camp you'll take. It's still a better idea to go buff->buff->camp to avoid getting anything stolen.


I went blue, wolves, wraiths and red on PBE when trying Nasus the other day. Only hit level 3 after I killed red.

I really looks like they are trying to keep the jungler in the jungle longer early game. Prevent the early ganks and the necessity of playing the early gank junglers to stay competitive. Also adding the ward totem is going to dissuade early ganks. I like that tbh. It will minimize an early gank from snowballing a lane. However I suspect there will be some level 2 ganks in coordinated games.
I just don't like the changes they#re making to jungling full stop. Making it more passive is pretty boring, and the extra gold you get from items is minuscule, especially in comparison to supports. I'd be surprised if supports don't end up with more gold than junglers in a lot of games.


I just don't like the changes they#re making to jungling full stop. Making it more passive is pretty boring, and the extra gold you get from items is minuscule, especially in comparison to supports. I'd be surprised if supports don't end up with more gold than junglers in a lot of games.

It looks to me like it's not going to stop ganking junglers from ganking but what it will do is stop the level 3 jungler from snowballing a level 2 lane. Ganks will have to be more strategic and junglers that don't have the kit for the early gank might actually be a little more effective.
Nothing wrong with early aggression, but level 3 ganks are fucking retarded. It was sort of fine when ganking junglers actually had to make a choice for ganking - which usually made their next clears slower for grabbing CC - instead of just smiteless into WELL I HAVE ALL MY BASIC ABILITIES NOW and everyone with some mediocre form of CC can cheese out kills as soon as they get both buffs.
I just don't like the changes they#re making to jungling full stop. Making it more passive is pretty boring, and the extra gold you get from items is minuscule, especially in comparison to supports. I'd be surprised if supports don't end up with more gold than junglers in a lot of games.
The intention was never to give jungler gold a boost as massive as supports.

And it's not about the items, having an extra camp and sustain on Machete items is meant to let you keep farming the jungle non-stop instead of backing while a camp respawns. Don't forget ambient gold is getting increased too.
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