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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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hey i put my old avatar on, yay.

Also I'm going to be the bearer of bad news. I will be stepping away from League of Legends for now. My age and declining ability to use my left hand well has driven me to retirement. I will still try to do community focused things around here, but sadly my presence will be less and less as time goes on. You can always find me on Battle.net, however until chat via launcher is enabled you will have to sign into a game to chat with me ;p I will still be available via Steam as well. You will find me logged into World of Warcraft on a nearly 24 hour basis, so yeah have at it.

Feel free to add my battletag, bind#1896, or my steam, Feever

Aiite so check it out. I don't play a lot of Sej, but I can play her and I knew the pick made sense. Couldn't make much happen early, did wiff one ult along the way.

Before I get into the rest of the match, I encountered a bizarre bug where I couldn't finish buying my Golem. I would buy the componenets I didn't have and as I would walk out of the fountain, it would disappear as if I had pressed the back button for if you buy an item and change your mind. I had to buy the fucking thing 10 times at least. At first I would leave then look down and see it still not there and thought I was misclicking the purchase. Well I had to go back to the fountain 2 or 3 times costing me a lot of time (I was trying to go gank the bot lane) before I realized it was repeatedly doing that. I wasted at least a full minute fucking with that.
In the interim time, the bot Ezreal got a double kill and I was pretty furious.
Not just because he got the kills, but because I would have been there to turn that shit around. I made it all the way to the T3 twice before realizing the item wasn't in my inventory. I've never had that happen before and hopefully it won't happen again.

So anyway, I was fairly underleveled all game spending too much time ganking and not enough time farming. Jax was winning his lane comfortably enough for Riven to start spending her time ganking our bot lane too and they started piling up kills. At one point I looked down and Ezreal was like 6/0 with a 12-minute trinity force. Not a good look, but I knew I'd get pretty tanky even for a fed ezreal to deal with, and we still had a Jax. Eventually Ezreal is 10/1/something and Graves is getting chunked repeatedly by Nidalee and Ezreal poke spam. They get to a point where they're pushing mid T3 and top T3 and we're not even looking at their T2's yet. Caught a few people out of position and blew them up and then we started taking team fights on the back of those big teamfight ults we had.

Alright so we're still behind in towers (their side T2's stand) but we actually get their mid inhib. We're probably even in gold and XP now, when a good ward alerts us to them starting Baron. I'm already in position in the bushes above the pit and the team is converging...but Baron HP is dropping rapidly. I do a quick summoner's check and smite is up. I know what must be done, but I've never actually stolen Baron before. Good time to try, amirite?


Ya boy Q's in like a mothafuckin boss, smites the last hit on baron, and pops the ult, which connects on 4 of them. Oh shit. Here comes the Jax and Graves. There will be blood spilt. Turns into a wipe which turns into their inhibs and the nexus. I'm sure I've made plenty of clutch plays so far in this game...but that one was a first. To tilt an even match that could go either way into a W so decisively on the back of one play...that was fun. I still felt like shit playing Sej -- mostly because of my failure to farm -- but that ult and the plays. I suppose this is why we play this game.





Tragic victim of fan death
hey i put my old avatar on, yay.

Also I'm going to be the bearer of bad news. I will be stepping away from League of Legends for now. My age and declining ability to use my left hand well has driven me to retirement. I will still try to do community focused things around here, but sadly my presence will be less and less as time goes on. You can always find me on Battle.net, however until chat via launcher is enabled you will have to sign into a game to chat with me ;p I will still be available via Steam as well. You will find me logged into World of Warcraft on a nearly 24 hour basis, so yeah have at it.

Feel free to add my battletag, bind#1896, or my steam, Feever

Awww.... I hope you tell us more details on mumble or PM us what you're doing and stuff! good luck in your endeavors! =D


bind, pls stick with us in mumble still in the future ;__:
And let's figure a way to get you your Diamond.

3v3 doesn't count.


Real talk, we played a good amount of Diamond I SR people and they're usually a lot easier to deal with compared to, say, a Plat III+ TT player. Just a lot of the things with map timings and general objective focus. Some laning mechanics still carry over but, yeah, it's usually pretty easy to out map pressure non-TT players.


Just wanted to stop by and say I got my first penta ever today.

Fed Cait OP

I'm gold guys!

Went 8-2 in placements
Straight to gold, you skipped 200+ games of struggle, nice work.

Karma's Giants?

gg remake
Psh, diamond 3v3, at least get diamond 3v3 in dominion or some other popular mode. :p

I'm hoping they add Howling Abyss for the All For One mode. I think that would be more fun than having everyone spread out for a normal 40-minute Summoner's Rift game.


Heaviest lift I think I've ever lifted. Morg mid is immediately critical of my adc choice and whines. Morg mid proceeds to start 0/9, constantly out of position and unaware of it. Jungler can't land a web root to save her life, generally fails. Typical mediocre Elise. Top loses pretty convincingly to Singed.

Meanwhile ya boi on bot is trying to make shit happen. I'm outfarming Jinx (imagine that) despite not really having a support (nidalee spamming and missing most spears but she warded really well). It was going poorly enough that at the 20-minute mark the instant surrender comes out and it's defeated 3-2. Ya boi is like, "fuck that quitting noise. man the fuck up, fellas." and from there, I'm just imploring them to not give up, to keep warding, to keep farming and i'll carry them.

We were down something like 7-20 before I start getting active in the other lanes. I rolled through the first team fight like I was mad...because I was...and collected a triple kill. I lost two straight matches because of essentially the same circumstances (other lanes lost hard; ineffective jungling). I wasn't happy about the prospect of giving away a 3rd on arguably my best champ...but one has to prepare for the eventuality. At least 3 times they damn near team wiped us inside our base. but they would always be too low to be able to push to win. We perpetually had 2 inhibs down for the last 20 minutes.

3 times people called for the surrender vote. 3 times 3-2 fail. Only me and my support voted against.

We ended up getting a couple of Barons and took a couple of late team fights (3 for 5 trades), but were never in control. At some point, I just started pushing mid and the kids followed. Chunking everyone who dared to step up. 3v1'd (sorta) Singed, Voli and Ezreal. Okay really it was 2v1 Singed and Voli, then Ez came after I survived it with about 1/3rd hp and I solo'd him. They kept coming for me, and I kept bodying the hell out of them. We 4-for-1 them at their doorstep and it's enough for me to push and win.

I ended the game with about 5,200 unspent gold. Just nowhere to put it. I keep telling people: never give up. One day, that shit will stick. I really wish I didn't have to play above and beyond so often. It's draining.
Just some computations on Sivir's nerf.

Old Q: 60/105/150/195/240 (+110% bonus AD)
New Q: 15/40/65/90/115 (+70/80/90/100/110% total AD)

At Lv1, with 52+30 AD (masteries, runes, DBlade)
Old Q (single target): 108+60 = 168
New Q (single target): (15+70%) + (14+63%) = 29 + 133% = 109 + 29 = 138

At Lv9, with 76+128 AD (masteries, runes, BT, Lv5 Q)
Old Q (single target): 432+198% bonus = 432 + 253 = 685
New Q (single target): (115+110% total) + (103+99% total) = 218 + 209% = 654

At Lv18 with 103+258 (masteries, runes, IE, BT, LW)
Old Q (single target): 432+511 = 943
New Q (single target): (115+110% total) + (103+99% total) = 218 + 209% = 973

Seems like a net buff. 30 less damage before late game in exchange for stronger push and more overall damage.
Real talk, we played a good amount of Diamond I SR people and they're usually a lot easier to deal with compared to, say, a Plat III+ TT player. Just a lot of the things with map timings and general objective focus. Some laning mechanics still carry over but, yeah, it's usually pretty easy to out map pressure non-TT players.

Pretty much. 5s diamonds do well in lane but get stomped as the game goes on because they don't know what plays to make and when. Map awareness is surprisingly bad for them at times as well.



Heaviest lift I think I've ever lifted. Morg mid is immediately critical of my adc choice and whines. Morg mid proceeds to start 0/9, constantly out of position and unaware of it. Jungler can't land a web root to save her life, generally fails. Typical mediocre Elise. Top loses pretty convincingly to Singed.

Meanwhile ya boi on bot is trying to make shit happen. I'm outfarming Jinx (imagine that) despite not really having a support (nidalee spamming and missing most spears but she warded really well). It was going poorly enough that at the 20-minute mark the instant surrender comes out and it's defeated 3-2. Ya boi is like, "fuck that quitting noise. man the fuck up, fellas." and from there, I'm just imploring them to not give up, to keep warding, to keep farming and i'll carry them.

We were down something like 7-20 before I start getting active in the other lanes. I rolled through the first team fight like I was mad...because I was...and collected a triple kill. I lost two straight matches because of essentially the same circumstances (other lanes lost hard; ineffective jungling). I wasn't happy about the prospect of giving away a 3rd on arguably my best champ...but one has to prepare for the eventuality. At least 3 times they damn near team wiped us inside our base. but they would always be too low to be able to push to win. We perpetually had 2 inhibs down for the last 20 minutes.

3 times people called for the surrender vote. 3 times 3-2 fail. Only me and my support voted against.

We ended up getting a couple of Barons and took a couple of late team fights (3 for 5 trades), but were never in control. At some point, I just started pushing mid and the kids followed. Chunking everyone who dared to step up. 3v1'd (sorta) Singed, Voli and Ezreal. Okay really it was 2v1 Singed and Voli, then Ez came after I survived it with about 1/3rd hp and I solo'd him. They kept coming for me, and I kept bodying the hell out of them. We 4-for-1 them at their doorstep and it's enough for me to push and win.

I ended the game with about 5,200 unspent gold. Just nowhere to put it. I keep telling people: never give up. One day, that shit will stick. I really wish I didn't have to play above and beyond so often. It's draining.

gahd dayum


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
no offense, and i don't know how your treeline games go, but gaf gets dumpstered by most d1 players.


no offense, and i don't know how your treeline games go, but gaf gets dumpstered by most d1 players.
It could be there's a really good group of GAF players who beat diamonds, but they prefer only to play Twisted Treeline.

Then again, maybe Summoner's Rift would be too easy for them, so Twisted Treeline is the true final boss. :p


no offense, and i don't know how your treeline games go, but gaf gets dumpstered by most d1 players.

As far as SR (Normal) goes, me and Gamma usually both can handle Diamond laners as far as our lane itself goes. Laning in TT is similar, I guess, but it's a lot more aggressive with pushing and invading the jungle as opposed to SR (+ more items on the start so you have Doran's Blade + sustain starts so it's more forgiving at 1). TT is just a lot faster paced in general. A greater sense of urgency, really, as there's just more fights/ganks and objectives.

Our last 6 games of TT were all pretty much stomps since we didn't really have any super tough opponents (aka, we lucked out and only had 2 Diamond teams and only 5 total players in the run were Diamond SR). I'm not saying TT players are better, I'm saying that it's harder to beat an SR Diamond on TT in lane or jungle but they do worse with their leads or do worse when they're behind if they don't also have a lot of TT experience.

Edit: Basically, I don't immediately see a Diamond SR player and think "they'll be godlike here." Map experience still matters.

iunno how you can judge a tt player based on sr pl4y or v-v (vice-versa)

More or less. The two things aren't really related. At most, Diamond SR rating means I can expect generally good mechanics. I just don't expect anything about their ability to play TT without knowing how much they've played it.
That was weird. I had 92 LP. Lose two games to around 80ish. Win one game. Qualified for series.

My MMR must have been quite high. Hopefully I can do this, best chance to make silver before end of the season.

EDIT: and Syndra is so OP it's awesome. First game with her I start 6-1 against a TF mid. In a ranked game. With only 10 minutes of bots practice with her skills. Her kill potential in lane is something else with the q->e->w->q->r->ignite combo.


That was weird. I had 92 LP. Lose two games to around 80ish. Win one game. Qualified for series.

My MMR must have been quite high. Hopefully I can do this, best chance to make silver before end of the season.

EDIT: and Syndra is so OP it's awesome. First game with her I start 6-1 against a TF mid. In a ranked game. With only 10 minutes of bots practice with her skills. Her kill potential in lane is something else with the q->e->w->q->r->ignite combo.

Pff I played Syndra before she was FOTM.


Why is no one talking about the new masteries D: Can't decide what to spec in the defense tree. 9/21 is almost a lock in for me now. Even offensive champions could spec it, because it's so broken.

Also, jungle Panth is really a thing. Been playing him pretty often in jungle now, he can snowball or help a lane(s) to snowball really hard and splitpush all day long. And dat ulti is almost a guaranteed kill(s) for any lane (preferable bot). 1 Item alone makes Panth jungle possible: Hydra / Tiamat.

Last 4 matches:
9/3/9 (loss but was a 4vs5 after the drunk Draven left with lvl 8 ]lol)



Riot pls stop playing with my heart and just tell me if i have a chance to get diamond.

Worst thing is that I win 5lp and lose 4lp so I'm slowly getting to promo by 1 bloody point every 1 and half hours. God I hate this system so much.
Must have been the sale, mixed with Bjergsen. Seen a couple Syndras since the sale. Without fail they get early kills in their lane.

That, and a shift in the other champions commonly showing mid. Less Zed is pretty good for Syndra. Less Ahri is very good for Syndra. The fact that she isn't as completely, helplessly outranged by Ziggs and Nidalee as most common mid picks doesn't hurt. I expect to see a lot more of her with Gragas nerfs in the pipe, as he's one of the last 'gatekeepers' keeping long-range, high-damage, low-mobility mages from being able to have fun at mid.

Though, the fail-ass attempts at nerfing Kassadin may slow things down quite a bit.
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