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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Thor was alright. Almost every scene with Kat Dennings made me want to fall on a sword though
It was the opposite for me. Like with Thor 1.0, I liked Darcy better than Jane. Darcy was amusing for most of the movies, and Jane tended to feel more shoehorned into the plot.

I'm getting offtopic though. On-topic...I bought two lifesteal quints but they are ultra expensive!
Placed in Silver I. It's amazing how much of an impact these placement games have... gonna have to grind it out this weekend in hopes of Victorious Elise :Y
Lost my first game in S1.

Picked Nami the next two games, two wins. 22 LP right now. 11 LP per game.

I don't know if I will be able to reach 100 LP :/ (lel, 84% winrate with Nami, now I'm nervous of playing with Nami)
Won my first promo match. Other team first picked Nasus, starts their lane 6-0. I was J4 Jungle and was so scared of their team, they also had a Tristana and Tryndamere so we had to win it relatively early.

Ezreal carried us so hard, 14-3, was amazing.

Now just two more wins to go.
Won my first promo match. Other team first picked Nasus, starts their lane 6-0. I was J4 Jungle and was so scared of their team, they also had a Tristana and Tryndamere so we had to win it relatively early.

Ezreal carried us so hard, 14-3, was amazing.

Now just two more wins to go.


I finally had a match where I didn't have to do all the lifting. Mid and bot put the team up like 10-1 and I picked Jayce...so that's a won lane regardless.

Finished 10/0/8 I think it was. Easy lift. Now if I can just get a net of +25 wins over the next 2 days...


Averaging 8/3/7 with Jayce after 16 ranked matches. Last 3:


I have a feeling if I could do my placements all over again, I'd place higher. Oh well. Gotta climb now.


Everything is moe to me

even rocky didn't win in the first movie, but we all know how rocky II went.
Won the second game, now 2-0 in my series to silver.

Went Leona sup, and thankfully our Vayne adc was good too. The enemy team had a Jinx/Nidalee combo but when they push early and "support" Nidalee does what all "support" Nidalee's do and not ward properly, easy gank, double kill for vayne, snowball lane, gg. Not to mention our Shen being very good top lane, and our Annie crushing mid.


So lame how they nerfed Sivir's Q to oblivion. They should have just increased the cost of the spell shield.

So as I said I won game 1 and 2. Game 3 we lost, whatever. Game 4, I support an Ashe who builds first item PD despite being fed tons of kills by me and Hecarim. We then proceed to throw after an 11-2 start and being miles ahead of them.

So I was pretty nervous playing game 5. Ended up having to play top which I haven't played much recently (mained it before I went into ranked) and my go to top, Jax, was banned. So I went with the old J4 top against a Tryndamere. I completely outplay him early, got him really low and I was still full. Then our Vi jungler tries to gank. First time, we chunk him down but then nothing happens. Quick second gank, this one a tower dive, don't die but get hardly any damage on him. Then she dives again just as their Voli jungle shows up. Tryn gets first blood and an assist on my death.

I still manage to hold my own against him. Rush double dorans blades, build straight AD along with Ninja Tabi, build solely to counter him split pushing with a Tiamat. Meanwhile my team is sort of even with them, which is good when you have a Tristana adc who is doing a great job csing despite being down a kill.

And then teamfights happen, and secret op mostly AD J4 comes into his own, best build I've played at diving enemy adcs (there are a lot of champions I'm yet to play though obviously). Between me and our jungle Vi, we dive their backline so hard they don't have a chance.

Winning game 5 to make it into silver feels pretty awesome :D. Ward skins for me!

Now I can just worry about learning instead of winning. I'm good (relatively) at shotcalling, peeling, ganking etc as a jungler/mid, but I have only had a couple games in my brief career where I've single handedly carried the game. None in ranked really.

Close to 6300ip, thoughts on if I should go for Vi/Shyvanna/Nocturne/Lee Sin or possibly pick up another mid in Swain or something.
I've botched yesterday my fiftth try @gold promotion...
Today i'll try just again, i'm still on 85lp, so going back to promotion is fast


Everything is moe to me
duoing is the only way you can protect yourself from having a duo on your team.

played literally the entire night, had 2 varus games because every. single. game. had some duo adc/bot combo. sent top more times tonight than my entire ranked career. i hate top lane.


duoing is the only way you can protect yourself from having a duo on your team.

played literally the entire night, had 2 varus games because every. single. game. had some duo adc/bot combo. sent top more times tonight than my entire ranked career. i hate top lane.

play 5 games with trynd and just faceroll

doge trynd jax, take your pick, easy wins
I have a very weird bug, I wanted to play a couple of games again, the first match worked, but in the second I never got to the loading screen.
Instead it would fade to black and bring me back to the desktop while I was still able to hear the sounds of the game. I tried it a couple of more times, also reinstalling the game, but it still happens.
Queued for one vs all.

Captain bans 2 of the typical silver/gold bans for ranked games. "everyone rengar 2k13"


"i want to play ziggs"

"i feel like playing ziggs too"

Captain: *bans ziggs*

Things are looking bright.

Glad we got random'd into Sivir.

Now I'm playing Malphite vs Nidalee.

This sucks.


That packet loss/latency issue is horrendous. Me and 2 of my friends have been having it lately, glad that Riot has noticed the problem. Can't play the game for shit. Had to reconnect one time and came back 3 levels behind.
Got invited into One for All game on HA. Awesome!

"what about kennen?"
"dunno ill just go brand"
"ahri maybe"
me: "dunk squad jayce?"

And so everyone picked Jayce. The enemy had Kat. Really fun match. You can use other gates. We started throwing towards the end because it was no fun if the match ended in 8 mins.
panda speak to me

also -



i always wondered how pro players chained riven attacks+spells so damn smoothly. this explains it well.

LoL is better than dota cos we have fighten game mechanics

I was wondering why Tiamat/Hydra catapulted to first-build priority on her for most players lately, I guess that explains it. Though I'm thinking most of the ones I've seen were just copycat builds ("because MegaZero builds her like this!") and not because they actually knew how to do frame-interrupts.


I was wondering why Tiamat/Hydra catapulted to first-build priority on her for most players lately, I guess that explains it. Though I'm thinking most of the ones I've seen were just copycat builds ("because MegaZero builds her like this!") and not because they actually knew how to do frame-interrupts.

The Tiamat/Hydra isn't 100% vital to her combo, it's essentially a free action you can input. The other thing for it is that it lets Riven E-Q into you and fight on top of your minions and sustain off of it AND it lets her wave clear while keeping up her skills (or wave clear faster as you blow all your skills anyway because I MUST HAVE ALL THE CS).

But, yeah, copycat builds too. That's probably the most likely case :x


Hm... I remember seeing a video where diana can ult and use q right before she hit the target for guarantee q-r combo. can't seem to find it anymore.
Hm... I remember seeing a video where diana can ult and use q right before she hit the target for guarantee q-r combo. can't seem to find it anymore.

It's not super complicated. The check for whether or not the target has the Moonlight debuff from your Q is done at the moment damage is applied (ie, when Diana reaches them with her ultimate), so you just need to do a point-blank Q the instant before you make contact. The frame timing demand is pretty high, but it's not (conceptually) difficult, just difficult to execute with any kind of latency.


Averaging 8/3/7 with Jayce after 16 ranked matches. Last 3:


I have a feeling if I could do my placements all over again, I'd place higher. Oh well. Gotta climb now.

Season 4 is right around the corner. I'm sire you can use ur jayce skills to place higher this time.

I just had a shitty game with jayce after having so many good ones. I got cocky and pushed without any wards and got caught, which cost me a tower. Other than trist, we all had 5+ deaths mistake and our lee sin didn't want to build tanky at all which left us out to dry a bit since the other team had multiple tanks. I nabbed a triple on one of their inhib pushes, but we were too far back for it to make a huge difference. Just have to forget bad games :)
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