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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Does anyone here have a lot of experience with Varus? I don't play against him too often, but he's always a huge pain to deal with as Draven. He's the only definitive counterpick for Draven, I feel.

Which champions does Varus have problems with? I know Sivir is a good option as I've played the matchup, but who else?

I always got shitted on by Graves. It's a little closer now that i've played the matchup a bunch of times, but hes still a pain.
Thanks for the suggestions guys. I'm going to spam some normals (even though I just got a decay notice for ranked.. wat) and try to improve the role. Going to stick with Jinx wherever possible just cause she's fun as hell but probably develop Tristana as my backup since jinx is banned pretty often.

I think my issue is I'm so used to playing initiators that I tend to float around the front of the line instead of focusing on staying in the back and applying damage to whatever gets near. I need to work on protecting myself from the dives as well. Last game the elise jungle was on me every time. I should be able to stay out of her circle and kite and not rely on peel.

I think Sivir is a lot of fun and she's pretty solid right now.

man I forgot how much fun Ziggs is.

I saw my friend using him last week, and didn't think much of it. He's my default pick this week after trying most of the champs. He's great.
Thanks for the suggestions guys. I'm going to spam some normals (even though I just got a decay notice for ranked.. wat) and try to improve the role. Going to stick with Jinx wherever possible just cause she's fun as hell but probably develop Tristana as my backup since jinx is banned pretty often.

I think my issue is I'm so used to playing initiators that I tend to float around the front of the line instead of focusing on staying in the back and applying damage to whatever gets near. I need to work on protecting myself from the dives as well. Last game the elise jungle was on me every time. I should be able to stay out of her circle and kite and not rely on peel.
Simple rules of thumb for an ADC to follow: if even your beefy frontline is cautious to move forward, neither should you. And always hit someone whenever feasible; if it ends up being the enemy tank (which contrary to popular belief isn't a bad habit in the slightest), so be it, you're still dishing out DPS in the middle of a fight.

I'm in the same boat. I usually play the tanky deeps dude or an initiator, so flipping that switch mentally if I'm being shoved into the dreaded ADC role is problematic. Especially when you're noticing obvious opportunities that your ally isn't engaging on. I hate the role for several reasons, but even as a novice I can usually get by with safe initial play or focusing on farm as often as possible. Even moreso if I outscale my opponent's pick. Fundamentals like that are frequently managed poorly, and even paying more attention to your positional awareness is a huge boon against less experienced ADC's. Suboptimal playstyle overall, but it's a start.


Tragic victim of fan death
Does anyone here have a lot of experience with Varus? I don't play against him too often, but he's always a huge pain to deal with as Draven. He's the only definitive counterpick for Draven, I feel.

Which champions does Varus have problems with? I know Sivir is a good option as I've played the matchup, but who else?

Seems like you always hype up draven to the best adc with little to know counters. Varus is not the only adc that can shut him down lol.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Average clearing speed, low dueling potential when invaded / counter-ganked, needs good items to be an actual threat the longer the game goes on (which he usually won't get because it's the Season 3 jungle anyways), little to no map presence prior to level 6, poor objective control on his own accord, his passive makes for mediocre self-sustain relative to other picks, et cetera. 'Full tank' junglers not being as valuable anymore further puts him in a bad light alongside many others.
Malphite is like the antithesis of someone that "needs good items". He gets the job done in the jungle, has decent sustain, good debuffs, and the strongest initiation tool in the game.


Seems like you always hype up draven to the best adc with little to know counters. Varus is not the only adc that can shut him down lol.
Well even an Urgot can shut anyone down, skill is obviously a factor. There's also the fact that supports like Leona can destroy him too, so the adc wouldn't matter too much in that situation. In lane only Varus and Caitlyn can really consistently handle him without shortcuts, since they're the only two that can really kite him well. Also, Caitlyn has to be super careful, because she can't match that damage early.

Malphite is like the antithesis of someone that "needs good items". He gets the job done in the jungle, has decent sustain, good debuffs, and the strongest initiation tool in the game.
Malphite is a solid jungler, imo. Like, he doesn't need items any more than someone like Zac or Nautilus.


What's the consensus on playing Thresh as anything else than support, and how? I really want to play him, but the support-role seems like a thankless job when you are summoner level 12-13.


What's the consensus on playing Thresh as anything else than support, and how? I really want to play him, but the support-role seems like a thankless job when you are summoner level 12-13.
Don't know if there is a consensus but he's fun if you build him like AS Lulu. Just whip everyone and when they see you are doing real damage to them and try to run away, hook 'em back (or hook yourself to them) and go right back to whip them till they are dead. If they aren't dead and are still trying to run away, use your box to keep whipping.


Don't know if there is a consensus but he's fun if you build him like AS Lulu. Just whip everyone and when they see you are doing real damage to them and try to run away, hook 'em back (or hook yourself to them) and go right back to whip them till they are dead. If they aren't dead and are still trying to run away, use your box to keep whipping.

So something like this build: Thresh, The hidden ADC?


New champ tteased. On mobile. Is a samurai named yasou(?)

Something like that. I was actually dissappointed, I thought the new champ would be the girl (Yone?) but after seeing how much detailed the bottom picture was it seems like it'll be the brother (Yasuo).


Maybe a duel release like Darius and Draven?

Seem plausible going by what was written. However, Darius and Draven were two different types of champs. If both Yone and Yasuo become characters, they'd both be fighters/melee assassins, which is really boring.

(Also, we're still due a support this year if Riot intends to release 2 per year)
TBH the oriental champions in this game aren't very original at all. Akali, shen, xin, yi, and Lee sin. Pretty generic.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe "oriental" is a term to describe objects rather than people. Like rugs and vases. They would be "Asian" champions, rather than "oriental" champions.


But what if this samurai is actually a ronin! That's different enough right?

New champ makes me want to go play Samurai Showdown 2. <3 haohmaru


Rito pls create more creature champions, not always humans/demons in self discovery journey.

Read the urgot thread and all of the "too ugly ill never play him" responses. Riot builds champion themes mostly around teen fantasy fulfillment right now, with the occasional exception. It's just the best way of doing business as the people playing for competitive purposes aren't going to stop because there aren't -enough- ugly champions. Those all about aesthetics spend the most money so its profitable fot their art design to target that demo.
ITT people pretend League of Legends hasn't been a collection of common tropes or cliché's in the guise of a MOBA game for over four years already.

Not that Mitsurugi is particularly inspired. However, I'm okay with the lack of originality as long as he's fun and executed well conceptually.

Malphite is like the antithesis of someone that "needs good items". He gets the job done in the jungle, has decent sustain, good debuffs, and the strongest initiation tool in the game.
For an ultimate, his initiation is good. Too bad some of the currently and previously popular / strong junglers have the ability to engage similarly but with higher frequency (Jarvan IV, Zac, Hecarim, Sejuani) with more fight presence after his one trick, whilst there is no shortage of other lanes who can make up for the lack of a fast initation (Leona, Orianna, Wukong, etc). I don't view "clearing camps @ meh speed but unable to pressure most of today's lanes well or unable to quickly / safely secure objectives by himself" as "getting the job done in the jungle," there's a good number of jungle champions with better self-sustain during said clearing, his slow isn't -that- good anymore, his attack speed reduction is negated by tenacity now (and reduced in percentage) whilst requiring to walk up to your preferred target and he never does respectable damage realistically speaking.

To me that qualifies "needs good items to be a legitimate threat" as a jungler. But to be fair, there are plenty of junglers who are late game wet noodles right now even if they get the ball rolling during the early stages of the match. Regardless, even as an ADC though I'd only be scared for Malphite from mid-game onwards if he was a relatively tanky AP mid or went for an unconvential, specialized tanky deeps build (because W damage).

Not that he's remotely similar in function next to Malphite, but to me Warwick of all champions is the anti-thesis of "needs items" despite his flaws.


they should make a character called warcraft
and he says stuff like "enter my world" or "warcraft 3"

if we're talking about animes id probably play this guy


Does anyone here have a lot of experience with Varus? I don't play against him too often, but he's always a huge pain to deal with as Draven. He's the only definitive counterpick for Draven, I feel.

Which champions does Varus have problems with? I know Sivir is a good option as I've played the matchup, but who else?

Trist, graves if you can dodge his stuff


I blame bind

Can't blame me for World of Warcraft being awesome again. Phillip you playing in NA or EU? Probably EU, but never know with you.

Also for those interested, Mists of Pandaria will be available for around $10 this black friday. Multiple retailers and what not.


Does anyone here have a lot of experience with Varus? I don't play against him too often, but he's always a huge pain to deal with as Draven. He's the only definitive counterpick for Draven, I feel.

Which champions does Varus have problems with? I know Sivir is a good option as I've played the matchup, but who else?

Ah yes. I use to always pick varus vs draven. His E and R just shut down draven's mobility so you can kite his ass with the larger range.

Varus has problems with cait, vayne and ashe. Probably jinx as well but i've never tried that match up since my experiences with him are are quite outdated.

I can't say varus has problems with trist since varus out-rightly wins the lane at levels 1-4. If you get a big enough gold lead, you dominate her in 1v1 and 2v2 situations.

Graves I can see being a problem but if you can hit charged Qs, you should be fine.


Can't blame me for World of Warcraft being awesome again. Phillip you playing in NA or EU? Probably EU, but never know with you.

Also for those interested, Mists of Pandaria will be available for around $10 this black friday. Multiple retailers and what not.

Is it actually awesome again or are you just saying that


Tragic victim of fan death
Can't blame me for World of Warcraft being awesome again. Phillip you playing in NA or EU? Probably EU, but never know with you.

Also for those interested, Mists of Pandaria will be available for around $10 this black friday. Multiple retailers and what not.

Touche. I hope your job is going well bind! I miss you!!!!!!
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