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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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My friend and I have been testing support Mundo for a while now, and I really think we can get it to work season 4.

Also, really cool item.



hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Is rageryze a gaffer?

Got a random friend invite when I logged in today after not playing for a couple of days

And I just can't bring myself to play at the moment :|

I really want to play jungle but man s4 jungle sounds 500% better than the jungle right now. Nothing wrong with having a support score but man, it gets tiring sometimes when you see people overextended and you can't kill them alone.

I'm in a similar boat right now. Got the urge to play league but all these season 4 changes are just too good, makes the current metagame seem kinda shitty.


I still haven't figured out what the occasional swoosh circling effect on AP mids is. Not an item or an ability as far as I can tell, and it can happen to both Katarina and Morgana.


use ur e
try to catch opponent with ur q as well if you are using it to help farm
wq if you need to get cs against harass, try not to push the wave though you don't really have to worry about it too much until you get 2-3 levels in your flamez, but should use e to farm mainly anyway

try not to make it too flowcharty because if it's too predictable you will get twerked on
and dont worry too much about being behind on cs (as long as it's not significant), rumble spits super hot fire even if he's a little behind

I usually play aggressive if I'm winning trades around 3-4, and then its zone city and you can have all the cs practice you want but you'll probably get ganked which is a good thing sometimes


Is there a nice collection of season 4 changes somewhere? I know there are youtube vids and piece by piece pbe updates but I really just want something that explains all the changes, especially in the jungle. Basically all I know is that there is a new camp.


I usually play aggressive if I'm winning trades around 3-4, and then its zone city and you can have all the cs practice you want but you'll probably get ganked which is a good thing sometimes
I don't remember for sure if Rumble got nerfed much, but I stopped playing him a while back.

While I was still playing him for a while though, one of the biggest rushes in the game was getting ganked mid or top as Rumble and getting a double kill out of it, while you still survive. People used to really underestimate the ult and Q damage, especially with liandrys/rylais.


Neo Member

Another thing xin zhao is reliant on is his 'unknown burst'. If your opponents aren't aware of how much damage you do, they'll get careless and try to fight you. If your opponents keep doing this, you can easily carry the game.

True. Level 4 malphite fighted my xin level 4, and he died so easy.

The thing with Xin, imo, is rushing Golem + 5 boots and GANK 24/7 with that early op combo.


That's impressive. I don't even have 100 wins yet... Must have something to do with the fact that I did most of my "level up" in ARAM.

I have a question to LoLGAF:

I will soon reach level 30 what should I know about YOLOQueue (I main support)

Edit: my recent plays

You need to get support rune page, and get actual support items. This will change in next season though, since support will have money to get more AP items. I really don't suggest going ranked after only 100 games, play more solo q normal first.
That's impressive. I don't even have 100 wins yet... Must have something to do with the fact that I did most of my "level up" in ARAM.

I have a question to LoLGAF:

I will soon reach level 30 what should I know about YOLOQueue (I main support)

Edit: my recent plays

It's a marathon not a sprint. Especially as a support. It will basically take law of averages for you to gain LP, and as a support you will not be able to carry games when your adc is hopeless.

Don't stress about your promo games. You will likely have an afk, or a troll, or a feeder, at some point in those 10 games, nothing you can do about it.

Definitely duo with an adc if you can, helps so much as a support. I find playing Leona sup with an aggressive adc is a lot of fun if I know the adc is good, but if they miss easy cs, make dumb build decisions, get out of position, don't communicate properly, it just sucks.


Now the DOTA guys going to invade this thread again.

Thx B0k3n

they are free to join us in celebrating lol in korea

but theyre too busy actually getting a patch

riot where s4
and map VU
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE YASUO

ps what level r u now



they are free to join us in celebrating lol in korea

but theyre too busy actually getting a patch

riot where s4
and map VU
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE YASUO

ps what level r u now

the cboat of league
You need to get support rune page, and get actual support items. This will change in next season though, since support will have money to get more AP items. I really don't suggest going ranked after only 100 games, play more solo q normal first.

It's a marathon not a sprint. Especially as a support. It will basically take law of averages for you to gain LP, and as a support you will not be able to carry games when your adc is hopeless.

Don't stress about your promo games. You will likely have an afk, or a troll, or a feeder, at some point in those 10 games, nothing you can do about it.

Definitely duo with an adc if you can, helps so much as a support. I find playing Leona sup with an aggressive adc is a lot of fun if I know the adc is good, but if they miss easy cs, make dumb build decisions, get out of position, don't communicate properly, it just sucks.

Thanks for the advices.

I will look very closely the S4 changes to know what to build. I need to be more disciplined because I always tend to start support objects and then I'm too tempted by AP items. I'll review my runes page too. That'll be a good way to keep me waiting as I'll have to get lots or IP to make a decent page.

Unfortunately I don't have an adc friend (actually I just don't have friends playing LoL) so I'll see. Maybe I'll Teemo/Heimer mid for promotion series. That should do the trick if I (likely) end up in low bronze tiers.


are you still lvl 2 in PoE?

cant you play top lane
practice them killer bruiser mechanics

2 yrs of support jungler must have softened ur killer instincts

I played top lane for the last 2 weeks and got so bored. Just farm fest and sometimes go down for a mid gank and dragon but those rarely happen. And losing lane is just the most demoralising thing in the world when you're top lane.


And jungling in season 1 was all carrying.. I miss that so much :(
Had a moment of bliss when Vi and reworked xin zhao came out and elder lizard was good. That was a good few weeks but alas, all nerfed to tank roles.

And i'm like level 18 in poe dude.

there are quite a few regular gaf players with more.

I think I have the most here....

Over 4.5k normal games played and around 2k ranked games over all the seasons


oh man almost came around to liking this game again and then got some guy who harbored a grudge against first pick and decided to troll


Why the health bars are now Dota2ish and therefore extremely unsatisfying and out of place?

Stop copying Dota 2, for fuck's sake. Seriously who is the tremendous idiot who thinks it's a good idea to make your game look more and more like your main competitor instead of aiming for an unified style that stands by itself?
Probably the same kind of dumbass who destroyed all the FPS/TPS with their own personality by chasing the CoD path.

This won't end well and they will deserve it.
you need to calm down man. it's a game, chill.


these Lucian builds suck. I hate the triforce first build and going BotRK is dumb.

Renekton mid in OGN.

nvm, solo lanes in top and bot.

The sooner Nidalee gets nerfed the better.
I love how "toxic" people always sound when complaining about how toxic solo queue is.

Solo queue has broken so many people I guess.
Toxic by my definition is telling people they "should kill themselves" or "are cancer" yadda yadda, which is a common occurance in ranked (and even normal games). Not being a skeptical negative nancy like myself.

If an ally is going to insult me, fine, I already know better than to pay heed to what a stranger I will likely never meet again has to say. Unfortunately, this does not make it less likely for the rest of the team to not get influenced by someone's childish tantrums. I am also not going to openly harrass someone throughout a big portion of the match (if not all the way through) if I don't like their pick, or "troll" through sabotage until I see the Defeat screen.

Ignore feature having been broken ever since the beta days also doesn't help dealing with examples of flammatory behaviour for most.

Is there a nice collection of season 4 changes somewhere? I know there are youtube vids and piece by piece pbe updates but I really just want something that explains all the changes, especially in the jungle. Basically all I know is that there is a new camp.
Surrender @ 20 and Reign of Gaming occassionally compile all the currently available pre-season 4 information, and Boken does the same here if you look through his post history.

I have a question to LoLGAF:

I will soon reach level 30 what should I know about YOLOQueue (I main support)
Don't start with ranked right off the bat when you reach level 30, play normal draft instead to get used to the format and to learn an alternative role or two if you haven't already. And support isn't a consistently strong role right now at the lower levels of ranked play without a reliable partner you can communicate (or have some in-game synergy) with.

Why the health bars are now Dota2ish and therefore extremely unsatisfying and out of place?

Stop copying Dota 2, for fuck's sake. Seriously who is the tremendous idiot who thinks it's a good idea to make your game look more and more like your main competitor instead of aiming for an unified style that stands by itself?
Probably the same kind of dumbass who destroyed all the FPS/TPS with their own personality by chasing the CoD path.

This won't end well and they will deserve it.
League of Legends never had a unifying art style. Even their own artists admit there's still a one or two years' worth of work to be done (minimum) to artistically polish their game in numerous ways (Summoner's Rift, their client, champions, and so forth). It's like complaining about the next character defining cliché they put out when 95% of their roster is a popular trope.

Two things I don't like about their new health bars though: them scrapping the experience bar and it visually getting increasingly messy once you surpass 3k health.
That's impressive. I don't even have 100 wins yet... Must have something to do with the fact that I did most of my "level up" in ARAM.

I have a question to LoLGAF:

I will soon reach level 30 what should I know about YOLOQueue (I main support)

Edit: my recent plays

Don't play ranked until you can consistently play three roles using champs that aren't permabanned in lower Elos (eg Kassadin, Amumu, Shen, Malphite...). More often than not, if you care about a good team composition, you will not get the role you want to play. A lot of times, no one wants to play jungler and support.

Looking at your history, you definitely need more work with itemization.
- Upgrade your Sightstone to Ruby Sightstone. 3 wards instead of 2 is waaaaay more useful. You never seem to do it.
- It's often better to build utility items on supports even when fed. This may change in S4.


That's impressive. I don't even have 100 wins yet... Must have something to do with the fact that I did most of my "level up" in ARAM.

I have a question to LoLGAF:

I will soon reach level 30 what should I know about YOLOQueue (I main support)

Edit: my recent plays

Do not go straight into ranked; even more imperative as a support. If you want to solo ranked as a support you have to dedicate yourself to the role. This means spending time when you aren't playing the game working on your game knowledge, watching steams, and making sure you are acknowleding your mistakes.

You -can- carry as support in bronze/silver but it often requires you to play a bit out of the expected support character. And while support is an aggressive, creative role by default you need to push it further if you're attempting to carry. The problem is learning anf maintaining that fine balance between heavy pressure and over aggression just isnt going to happeb till you have a few hundred more games under your belt.

Remember that the support runs the lane. You dictate the action and control the result. There will be games you do get a partner that is having such a bad game that you will struggle to make an impact. Learning to evaluate those situations early and sacrificing the tower can be very beneficial. If you are truly significantly better than your opponents you can find ways to still win.

In S3 that path was usually superior and pervasive vision control. Individual predictive map awareness is poor so getting wide area vision heavily encourages your teammates to make picks and aggressive pressure plays. Being creative and hitting your skill shots is the other key; if you don't hate yourself everu time you miss a skillshot you're doing it wrong. Creativity is important because most supports have catch and kill tools that create advantageous situations if you can envision them.

Maining support can be rewarding if you're a team oriented person that genuinely doesn't care about personal glory though. It also helpd if you're willing to engage in a bit of social work to manage your team's mood /behavior in the game. The right positive encouragement goes a long way.


22-10 first time Kassadin. We would've won but our Varus was suuuper bad and decided to initiate them right after we finished Baron, which got us aced. Should've left him to die there.


22-10 first time Kassadin. We would've won but our Varus was suuuper bad and decided to initiate them right after we finished Baron, which got us aced. Should've left him to die there.
If you were 22-10 with baron buff you probably could have won that fight, regardless of the engage...


If you were 22-10 with baron buff you probably could have won that fight, regardless of the engage...

Nah. I was super low (our tank left the pit seconds before baron died, and I got aggro) after the baron, so I had to ult out. Instead of running, Varus ulted the Teemo and went in, forcing the rest of the team to go in as well. I had already backed, but by then it was too late. Our nexus was naked (we pushed back two full sieges when they had baron twice), and with only me up I couldn't stop their entire baron buffed team.

I totally get how to play Kass after just one game, it's just a manner of getting the mechanics down for me. I missed a few E's because I wasn't used to its cone.


Nah. I was super low (our tank left the pit seconds before baron died, and I got aggro) after the baron, so I had to ult out. Instead of running, Varus ulted the Teemo and went in, forcing the rest of the team to go in as well. I had already backed, but by then it was too late. Our nexus was naked (we pushed back two full sieges when they had baron twice), and with only me up I couldn't stop their entire baron buffed team.

I totally get how to play Kass after just one game, it's just a manner of getting the mechanics down for me. I missed a few E's because I wasn't used to its cone.
That's just unfortunate, lol.
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