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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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anyone else been noticing issues with Elise E recently?

I used to never have problems with it, but it seems to be pretty bad right now, specifically when using E to reach an enemy. It will put you up in the air but not actually back down at them or near their location like it's supposed to.

I smartcast, if that's relevant info.

Just been watching Dyrus play her and he seems to be having the same problems. I know the rappel range got nerfed, but it should still drop you at the end of the circle.


i went right into ranked after i hit 30. go for it i say!

I remember my first foray into ranked after I hit 30. It was pretty disastrous as Volibear top. I didn't lose my team the game but lets just say I didn't help them win (lost lane).

I took a break, learned a lot about the game and now I think I can say I'm an above average player.

I personally can't wait for S4 and in particular role select. I'm the quiet guy who never really calls a role and that usually means I'm support or I'm jungling and my friend is supporting (if I duo).

My normal MMR is now messed up though. If I duo queue with anyone we're placed against diamonds in normals. At least one diamond - usually a plat or two and when you look at the ranked scores, they're clearly better.

Now I know ranked and normal are separate - just a little frustrating when queueing with friends or when queueing solo, ending up on support and watching the jungler/mid on the other team dump on my silver/gold teammates.

After all my complaining though - I love team PvP games. Guild Wars 1 was the first one I really played and ever since then I've loved 'MOBA's.

Edit: I added my name to that google document but I'll leave it here as well -> Legendary Silver

ILL Virtue

Neo Member

I think I set the record for most promos before a successful series: 7. Go figure I finally make it after the season ends... smh. At least I'm out of bronze hell for now. Fiora and Mao carried me.
anyone else been noticing issues with Elise E recently?

I used to never have problems with it, but it seems to be pretty bad right now, specifically when using E to reach an enemy. It will put you up in the air but not actually back down at them or near their location like it's supposed to.

I smartcast, if that's relevant info.

Just been watching Dyrus play her and he seems to be having the same problems. I know the rappel range got nerfed, but it should still drop you at the end of the circle.
Elise's rappel has been flakey in specific situations ever since the nerf to its range. Haven't noticed any increased iffyness with the current patch though, but maybe that's tied to her (hideous) Victorious skin if you and Dyrus chose it.

Not using smartcast, but I doubt that's the root of the problem here.


anyone else been noticing issues with Elise E recently?

I used to never have problems with it, but it seems to be pretty bad right now, specifically when using E to reach an enemy. It will put you up in the air but not actually back down at them or near their location like it's supposed to.

I smartcast, if that's relevant info.

Just been watching Dyrus play her and he seems to be having the same problems. I know the rappel range got nerfed, but it should still drop you at the end of the circle.

That's the nerf. You won't appear at the end of the circle anymore. You appear where they were when you cast it. If they move (and of course they are) then you still drop where they were. I THINK they intended to only make you fall at the end of the circle if they move out of it, but my anecdotal evidence has been showing me landing where they were even if they are still in the circle. I haven't played her for a few weeks though so I could be remembering wrong.

No matter what the case, it's REALLY janky now.
That's the nerf. You won't appear at the end of the circle anymore. You appear where they were when you cast it. If they move (and of course they are) then you still drop where they were. I THINK they intended to only make you fall at the end of the circle if they move out of it, but my anecdotal evidence has been showing me landing where they were even if they are still in the circle. I haven't played her for a few weeks though so I could be remembering wrong.

No matter what the case, it's REALLY janky now.

that's the problem though, it's bringing me up but not dropping me. I know 100% I'm targeting them, so it should bring me up and straight back down either on them or near them, but sometimes if you're trying to do it close to the edge of the circle it'll bring you up not back down.

It's super janky and needs fixing.


that's the problem though, it's bringing me up but not dropping me. I know 100% I'm targeting them, so it should bring me up and straight back down either on them or near them, but sometimes if you're trying to do it close to the edge of the circle it'll bring you up not back down.

It's super janky and needs fixing.

Yeah. That's probably a bit of a byproduct with smartcasting. I get that too. You think they are targeted but instead you just hang out in space for 2 seconds. Other times I'm trying to target myself to only go up but I really caught a minion or an enemy champ. I really need to alt-E (if that even works with her rappel).


What does it mean when a player says 'ff'?
Seen it a bunch recently with players on my team saying it or it being said in spectate mode but nobody ever explains what it means?


What does it mean when a player says 'ff'?
Seen it a bunch recently with players on my team saying it or it being said in spectate mode but nobody ever explains what it means?

Pretty sure it means forfeit. You type /ff in league and surrender vote comes up.


Well just had a match we were winning and they typed it in all chat so were they telling the enemy team to just quit? Either way, seems a little rude, but now I guess I know what it means. I kept trying to figure out what it had to do with maybe flash, like they were telling people to flash forward or something.
Don't start with ranked right off the bat when you reach level 30, play normal draft instead to get used to the format and to learn an alternative role or two if you haven't already. And support isn't a consistently strong role right now at the lower levels of ranked play without a reliable partner you can communicate (or have some in-game synergy) with.

Don't play ranked until you can consistently play three roles using champs that aren't permabanned in lower Elos (eg Kassadin, Amumu, Shen, Malphite...). More often than not, if you care about a good team composition, you will not get the role you want to play. A lot of times, no one wants to play jungler and support.

Looking at your history, you definitely need more work with itemization.
- Upgrade your Sightstone to Ruby Sightstone. 3 wards instead of 2 is waaaaay more useful. You never seem to do it.
- It's often better to build utility items on supports even when fed. This may change in S4.

Do not go straight into ranked; even more imperative as a support. If you want to solo ranked as a support you have to dedicate yourself to the role. This means spending time when you aren't playing the game working on your game knowledge, watching steams, and making sure you are acknowleding your mistakes.

You -can- carry as support in bronze/silver but it often requires you to play a bit out of the expected support character. And while support is an aggressive, creative role by default you need to push it further if you're attempting to carry. The problem is learning anf maintaining that fine balance between heavy pressure and over aggression just isnt going to happeb till you have a few hundred more games under your belt.

Remember that the support runs the lane. You dictate the action and control the result. There will be games you do get a partner that is having such a bad game that you will struggle to make an impact. Learning to evaluate those situations early and sacrificing the tower can be very beneficial. If you are truly significantly better than your opponents you can find ways to still win.

In S3 that path was usually superior and pervasive vision control. Individual predictive map awareness is poor so getting wide area vision heavily encourages your teammates to make picks and aggressive pressure plays. Being creative and hitting your skill shots is the other key; if you don't hate yourself everu time you miss a skillshot you're doing it wrong. Creativity is important because most supports have catch and kill tools that create advantageous situations if you can envision them.

Maining support can be rewarding if you're a team oriented person that genuinely doesn't care about personal glory though. It also helpd if you're willing to engage in a bit of social work to manage your team's mood /behavior in the game. The right positive encouragement goes a long way.

Thank you all for you advices.

I realized that just having one role or champ wasn't gonna cut it out in ranked so I recently started to try and learn other champs (Fiddle Jungle - Heimer mid - and Teemo mid/top) I'm also reading websites such as mobafire to get build advices and comments. But I sure have a lot of things to learn.

Talking about streams I watched a little OGN last night and was very surprised to see that the supports almost didn't build items but where buying a hella lot of wards and pink wards. Gotta take some inspiration from that.
Yeah you definitely need to be prioritizing wards above all else as a support. If you're sup make sure you're in charge of bot lane as far as making calls if possible, it's still very frustrating though. Just the mechanics of most adcs at bronze/silver is really sad to watch, your vayne missing easy cs and walking into all of cait's harass.

You should definitely make sure you can play any role if you need to. Even support mains will sometimes have their position taken. I'd just try and learn some very safe champions in the other roles so you won't feed. Such as:

Top - Renekton
Jungle - Jarvan
Mid - Zed (hardly any mid champions are really safe but it's very easy to farm with Zed, stay alive, avoid ganks)

I'd imagine you would probably be a good adc if you main support, seeing as you would already understand the matchups in that lane.

I would say once you finish your rune pages and have a couple champions in each role you can play, just go into ranked. I went in with 180ish normal wins and ended up in Bronze 1. When I went in, my entire champion pool was basically Jax/Jarvan/Diana/Zed/Tristana/Varus/Janna/Tryndamere, which is pretty tiny really.


What's your preferred playstyle thus far, generally speaking? Can't really comment much on general gameplay mechanics (since that'll result into a long post), but we could at the very least sum up a few champions that behave similarly to the ones you've played already or are more in line with what you'd like to do on a given map.

Try the repair feature when you open up the PVP.net patcher (the one with the big orange "PLAY" button). League and its client aren't known for their stability, but it hasn't gotten as bad as you're describing yet.
I always seem to be the instigator in battles so I've been leaning towards tank champs. I've started with Garen and have been doing above average with him. I also like playing mages (so would that be AP builds?) like Ryze, Lissandra, and technically Teemo.

I tried Ashe for a while but I never did well with her. I want to try other ranged champs like Varus and see if it's just Ashe or I really don't play well with range types. Would they be considered ADC?

Speaking of Teemo, is his poison damage considered to be magic? He was extremely annoying in the top lane. I tried looking for a response but never got a clear answer.


I always seem to be the instigator in battles so I've been leaning towards tank champs. I've started with Garen and have been doing above average with him. I also like playing mages (so would that be AP builds?) like Ryze, Lissandra, and technically Teemo.

I tried Ashe for a while but I never did well with her. I want to try other ranged champs like Varus and see if it's just Ashe or I really don't play well with range types. Would they be considered ADC?

Speaking of Teemo, is his poison damage considered to be magic? He was extremely annoying in the top lane. I tried looking for a response but never got a clear answer.
Yes, his poison damage is magic. If someone is tanky enough with magic resistance Teemo might not be able to kill them quickly enough though, especially if mushrooms are cleared somehow like with oracles.

And if Teemo exclusively uses mushrooms out of lane, then he might not do enough minion wave damage to push the wave quickly since he only does single shot damage.

I'm not a Teemo expert though! I wish I knew how to play him well.


Thanks for the reply!

Teemo with that Hurricane weapon clears waves with no problem. I used him in Treeline with it and high AP build and they go down in a sec.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
"turns out certain heroes fell off in the late game like supports"

eh, you make a tradeoff for the early game power. giving every role high gold yields is a potentially dangerous idea that could very easily make all supports obsolete. why take a support champion when you can take high utility mages that scale better like ori or lissandra? riot is trying to rework these support champions to give them more power, but adding nearly indistinguishable scaling to support champions utility isn't going to help anything. in some cases the balancing act of adding scaling while removing innate power will seriously damage these champions they are attempting to rebalance.
eh, you make a tradeoff for the early game power. giving every role high gold yields is a potentially dangerous idea that could very easily make all supports obsolete. why take a support champion when you can take high utility mages that scale better like ori or lissandra? riot is trying to rework these support champions to give them more power, but adding nearly indistinguishable scaling to support champions utility isn't going to help anything. in some cases the balancing act of adding scaling while removing innate power will seriously damage these champions they are attempting to rebalance.

It's the whole point of the role. Strong early game to defend your carries for their even stronger late game. Relatively you will suck at the end of the game as a support. It's part of your job. It's in the definition. I don't know how you even begin to make them scale correctly without destroying the role entirely.
Is Darius still viable top?

He's vulnerable to ganks and pushes the lane with his q by default so if the enemy jungler camps your lane, you're basically screwed. Otherwise though, he's very strong against anyone that lacks sustain. I'm not an expert Darius player by any means but I feel like he does pretty well against Riven, although I've only played the match up once and the Riven was terrible.
So, I began my preseason plans. (10 games with every champion I own, watch some videos, read some stuff etc)

I started with Ashe, and she's really fun now that I played like 8 games with her, still undefeated except for a 4v5 game (I was in the team with 4, almost won, we throwed the game at the end)

Sniping people is fun, next adc to work with Caitlyn, then MF, Tris, Twitch, Sivir, Quinn, Draven, then the rest of my champs (+-50 more).

It's going to be a very long pre-season huehue.
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