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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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I felt like since tryndamere was getting seven shades of shite kicked out of him by the jax and kept moaning over voice, that I would rather him not be any heavier than he was.

I got enough gold from farming the enemy champs mang

He kept his farm up, though. That's the sign of a good top laner: keep that farm up no matter how dire the feeding gets. The Singed Principle.
16.4k at the forty minute mark is pretty low.

maybe, but relative to everyone else? I was the second highest in the game. Higher than my midlaner and my adc and everyone on the enemy team.

I was pretty rich in my eyes.

He kept his farm up, though. That's the sign of a good top laner: keep that farm up no matter how dire the feeding gets. The Singed Principle.

only because we told him to, to be fair, but yeah.

Now if only I could knock the whole "splitpushing without wards thing" out of him, especially when he has a free ward, everything will be dandy.


It winds up being multiplicative. With experience and smite changes junglers are dissuaded from early aggression, but the free vision can stack on top of that fast. In practical application the ward clearing trinket is shit on the junglers themselves. It's a waste of time to go clear it, and you are playing a huge guessing game on where the ward is planted in most cases. It also pretty clearly states your intention to gank that lane, meaning those players will be on the defensive.

And after the early game you wind up in a situation where you can buy your regular wards on top of having your trinket vision. There is simply more vision everywhere on the map, and the removed brush is also a big culprit. Even simple stuff like diving seems to be majorly thwarted by the extra jungle camps, so junglers can play a safer game that allows them to stick to one side of the map and babysit the lane of their choosing.
Fair enough. Ganking is harder, definitely. I do not think the vision change disturbs them as much as the other stuff, but you're right that the combination makes it especially difficult. Mid lane is easiest to gank now I suppose.
I don't really understand the snarky 'nice farm' remark either. His gold count is fine, and Tryndamere / Vayne undoubtedly scale harder than Nautilus damage-wise.

Wut? Unless you were playing with bads before, there's a lot less vision on the map now than there was before. Fuck, the entire team put together has less vision on the map now than I put down by myself as support in Season 3. It's actually pretty easy to gank and counter-jungle right now, the only thing that's been butchered is the Level 1 Invade (RIP).
And double top just seems a lot stronger than it really is with solo queue suffering from an increased potency of headless chicken syndrome with only 1,5 days into a game-changing patch.

Not saying that it isn't a viable composition nor that Targon isn't strong, but statements like "junglers are useless / a liability" and "no reason to go for a normal support now" smack of hyperbole when virtually everyone is relearning the game.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I don't really understand the snarky 'nice farm' remark either. His gold count is fine, and Tryndamere / Vayne undoubtedly scale harder than Nautilus damage-wise.
Reason I brought it up is that Naut's weakness is going to be farm this season. It's pointless to stack yourself up against other players in the game because they might be bad. That gold count seems on the low side to me for the time, and it's because of the issues with farming.


Thanks Oddone.. now everyone wants to do 2-1-2. I want to jungle dammit. They don't seem to realize the coordination it takes to double targon shield effectively.


Yep.. as expected.. the guy that insisted on no jungler doesn't even buy a targon's shield top lol. Then got all huffy when people called him on it. sigh... yay preseason.
All for One is kind of ruined.

You play on Summoner's Rift, which means having to endure a boring, imbalanced laning phase.

You have almost no control of what champion you want to play.
Yasuo's skin:

Reason I brought it up is that Naut's weakness is going to be farm this season. It's pointless to stack yourself up against other players in the game because they might be bad. That gold count seems on the low side to me for the time, and it's because of the issues with farming.
Agreed to that, but he still had the second highest gold count in that match and bought near-completed 6-item build within a quick timespan (compared to Season 3).

New rig, still downloading but MAN, stream watching is smooth now and I can finally select Source resolution on twitch :-D
Joke's on you, Shitch.tv will never run consistently smooth (even at 480p) no matter how fast your Internet or how beastly your PC is.

All for One is kind of ruined.

You play on Summoner's Rift, which means having to endure a boring, imbalanced laning phase.

You have almost no control of what champion you want to play.
Still better than the mindnumbing ARAM games.

That said, they really should put All-for-One on Dominion instead of Summoner's Rift. That way people can still dick around and (heaven forbid) move without putting themselves to sleep on a map that's nothing but a straight line.
The whole point of A41 to me would be having a legit 5v5 game with objectives and shit while being able to do stupid shit like 5 Karthus ults or having 300 Teemo shrooms on screen.
is a leaf's only purpose to fall?

so deep.
Moving on up from "would you" jokes
Just visited that Surrender @ 20 link for the Yasou update; talk about a mismatched voice. Comical accent like Yi and Lee Sin? Nah, generic American schmuck for Asian-themed champion instead.

Guess it explains Cowboy Alistar finally having a costume compadre though.


Again with the "meta breaking" 2-2-1 now. The rengar bot insisted he'd do fine. Spoiler.. he didn't. And the top guys picked GP and nidalee. Not much in the way of CC. The jayce just happily farmed under turret up there. I had to go mid as an adc. Shut down the Fizz np, but after bot got spanked, their botlane roamed up and took mid tower, then ganked top.

I do NOT like games with no jungler on my team.


I think it's maybe normals being really chaotic, but since I've noticed it in one of the nacl games too, I gotta say I feel like s4 have made games difficult to close. as it relates to me I feel like there are actually less wards in the map than before, and never knowing if something's warded or not makes me a lot more risk-adverse and if I take turret I won't just keep pushing and rely on vision to feel safe. on the other hand I've seen a lot of junglers just go farm the jungle over taking objectives after fights, since jungle gold is so bountiful now. and in general games seem to be won but to go on a weird artificial lull of like 10 minutes until someone messes up and you drive through their base or just go do baron.

when playing support I'm even more confused as to what to do as I'm not able to assassinate, splitpush or counterward, so after I place my 3 wards I don't really know what to do. that didn't change much from before but having to be constantly wearing oracles meant you at least always had something to do.

it's all very confusing, I wonder how long until we get used to the changes and things go back to making sense

5v5 same champ is no fun. everybody picks stupid champs and you have to play a borefest for 40 minutes.
yup, make it on aram map and random champs and it might be fun, right now I'm having fun doing silly stuff but everyone feels too try-hardy. it's not even people's fault, it's just that sr+choosing champs is serious business. well, unless you're playing ranked :p

Yasuo's skin:

eh, I think his design overall looks kind of uninspired, tho I haven't been a fan of any of the serious champions riot's has released in pretty much ever. well, lucian was pretty cool.

also I like what his kit does but it's also super confusing. passive gives him damage reduction but takes away resistances, ult gives him armor pen (I thought riot didn't want penetration as part of kits since they took it away from olaf and xerath...) and blocking "projectiles" is not very intuitive



I wouldn't really say Zac is a "serious" champ.
who said zac was serious? he is way less flubber than I'd like but he's overall fine.

but of the latest champions design-wise I've only really liked are jinx, vi, diana and khazix. I play a lot of syndra, nami, lissandra and thresh because their kits are fun but they're all really boring for me


who said zac was serious? he is way less flubber than I'd like but he's overall fine.

but of the latest champions design-wise I've only really liked are jinx, vi, diana and khazix. I play a lot of syndra, nami, lissandra and thresh because their kits are fun but they're all really boring for me

Really?? I think thresh is awesome, one of the better designed champs IMO.


Why doesn't Riot let people do Howling Abyss (do they?) for All For One? That was what made the game fun, level 3 and all the same champion.

This mode means you have to grind through 30-40 minutes like normal, and I really don't like it. :(


Really?? I think thresh is awesome, one of the better designed champs IMO.
he's the best of the bunch, that's for sure. to be honest they're all actually much more cool-looking in game in-motion than in the splash arts, like lissandra's walking animation is awesome, and syndra's balls are very nicely animated, but I can't grow too attached to them as I can to lux or sona (although syndra's dance makes a really good case for her) because I dunno, they're just a lot more colorful and have more personality. I mean even if sona can't talk her outfit is very maiden-like and she's all wavy and shit, it gets through a character I like. syndra/lissandra/elise/zyra/zed/aatrox are pretty much just angry people I can't really distinguish from one another

thresh is kinda alright, I might have to bump him to 'cool' levels, tho his walking animation looks super dumb


he's the best of the bunch, that's for sure. to be honest they're all actually much more cool-looking in game in-motion than in the splash arts, like lissandra's walking animation is awesome, and syndra's balls are very nicely animated, but I can't grow too attached to them as I can to lux or sona (although syndra's dance makes a really good case for her) because I dunno, they're just a lot more colorful and have more personality. I mean even if sona can't talk her outfit is very maiden-like and she's all wavy and shit, it gets through a character I like. syndra/lissandra/elise/zyra/zed/aatrox are pretty much just angry people I can't really distinguish from one another

thresh is kinda alright, I might have to bump him to 'cool' levels, tho his walking animation looks super dumb

I see where you're coming from. I like rumble because he's so upbeat, same with zac.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
there is a mystery skin option on the pbe. like mystery gift but you buy it for yourself.


I see where you're coming from. I like rumble because he's so upbeat, same with zac.
yeah I kinda like zac, but he's like a tall dude with a deep voice, not at all what I was expecting when they said he was made of goo.

there is a mystery skin option on the pbe. like mystery gift but you buy it for yourself.

so riot finally adding gambling

can't keep themselves from stealing all of valve's ideas


Why doesn't Riot let people do Howling Abyss (do they?) for All For One? That was what made the game fun, level 3 and all the same champion.

This mode means you have to grind through 30-40 minutes like normal, and I really don't like it. :(
Agreed, I liked it on Howling Abyss better - all except an all Teemo match. That might work better on SR, but on Howling Abyss every one ended with someone surrendering because neither team could get to the first tower to even touch it, let alone advance. Mushrooms for days. If you tried sweeping for mushrooms the other team would just rush in and kill you instantly. Every match was 30+ min. till one team decided they had enough and quit.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
wow. yasuo is incredible. so much fun to play as. unlike anything else in the game. very deliberate with his actions. high learning curve. very reminiscent of character action games between his positional based ability, combo juggling, ability synergy/dial a combo, and target hopping.

no idea how he will be balanced for regular games. you can hit 100% crit with full build. crit with your q ability and it's up every few seconds. same with e. mult-target crits for 1k damage between auto attacks. hilarious.

i have not bought a champion in ages on day one, but i'm definitely picking him up.


wow. yasuo is incredible. so much fun to play as. unlike anything else in the game. very deliberate with his actions. high learning curve. very reminiscent of character action games between his positional based ability, combo juggling, ability synergy/dial a combo, and target hopping.

no idea how he will be balanced for regular games. you can hit 100% crit with full build. crit with your q ability and it's up every few seconds. same with e. mult-target crits for 1k damage between auto attacks. hilarious.

i have not bought a champion in ages on day one, but i'm definitely picking him up.
what lane is people playing him on? top?
Yasuo is so much fun. Holy shit.

His gameplay is so fluid (despite some dodgy animations). E->Q is amazing. So quick and fluid, really fun.

His E is really like Fizz Q, but offers way more choice. And it adds so much skirmish mobility as you dash through every enemy on like a 0.1 second cooldown. Being able to combo it with your Q for a different type of knock-up to your normal Q is great.

Q is pretty insane. it's considered a basic attack, so it procs life steal and can crit, and cooldown is decreased by attack speed as opposed to CDR which is a really clever mechanic.

His W is kind of broken right now because it blocks turret shots and I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to.

His ult is super clever. And the choice you get with how you create your knockup makes it a much more interesting skill than at face value.

Could see a good Yasuo just shitting on team fights with his combos.

Great champion design. high learning curve and skill cap, but with great flow and lots of fun.
wow. yasuo is incredible. so much fun to play as. unlike anything else in the game. very deliberate with his actions. high learning curve. very reminiscent of character action games between his positional based ability, combo juggling, ability synergy/dial a combo, and target hopping.

You had me at "yasuo".
wow. yasuo is incredible. so much fun to play as. unlike anything else in the game. very deliberate with his actions. high learning curve. very reminiscent of character action games between his positional based ability, combo juggling, ability synergy/dial a combo, and target hopping.

no idea how he will be balanced for regular games. you can hit 100% crit with full build. crit with your q ability and it's up every few seconds. same with e. mult-target crits for 1k damage between auto attacks. hilarious.

i have not bought a champion in ages on day one, but i'm definitely picking him up.
I like CertainlyT, Yasou's designer. If nothing else, he always goes for something fairly unique (by League standards) with his champion concepts. Xypherous was also decent at that; wish Riot gave them more control or hired more people like them to freshen things up, even if their champs had the (unfortunate?) side-effect of being ridiculously strong from day 1.
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