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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Yasuo at least gets tools to actually do his job unlike Fiora and can afford to not build full glass cannon from what it looks like.

CertainlyT really knows his shit.


I even forgot his mega wall... seriously it's hard not to love his kit

the one thing I don't like at all is that he's resourceless. I can't understand why riot keeps adding resourceless champions, they make no sense for me, they're not any weaker than champions that do have to manage a resource and it's not like resource champions aren't gated by cooldowns themselves.

I'm not so happy about energy either, but at least it's something :|

I really regret buying Lucian. I should have bought Varus instead. :/

can't go wrong with bowie
Honestly, and not for the sake of negativity, this has to be THE most bland, rushed, uninspired and anti-hype character since... Fiora Pantheon. Seriosuly it looks like it's the first creation of a newly created B-team.

You just have to compare the excitement and buzz about Jinx with this, where the general feeling seems to be of absolute indiference. It's like they weren't even releasing a new champion.
Ability wise blows as well, with the only interesting thing being W. Too bad it's incredibly broken for something that is not a Soraka kind of support.
Jinx' excitement only picked up with the pre-release marketing as well as her music video. Prior to that people were mostly bitching about her kit being plain, her being another ADC and her in-game model being inconsistent aesthetically with her splash art. Considering Yasou is likely weeks away from release, the comparison between the two doesn't really hold up outside of discussing their appearances... which is the only area I'd agree on (him being a by-the-books design).

Bland and unoriginal -> Aatrox by a country mile over Yasou, or the majority of the Season 2 "metagolems" as they fondly were called by Riot. Yasou's skillset is the first melee-oriented skillset in a long time that looks and feels compelling, and he has a skill that hasn't been done in League before. The latter alone is more than what most melee's even get, and Yasou will have a high skill curve to play effectively when his numbers will (most definitely) get toned down during his stay on PBE.

His passive is completely mental. With IE and shiv I had 100% crit chance.
Don't forget his ultimate having well over a whole screen's worth of range if someone gets knocked up through other skills than his own Q, including Vi ult. It's hilarious.

CertainlyT really knows his shit.
Dude has a great track record thus far yeah. Xypherous too, before the switch to a number-crunching position on the design team.
Yasuo's animations are really cool, very Vergil from Devil May Cry. If you wait long enough after attacking he'll sheathe his sword even while running (thanks to their split/blended animations that they started using with Lucian), but otherwise he will keep it drawn if you attack again.


Everything is moe to me
I really regret buying Lucian. I should have bought Varus instead. :/
Yes you should have, Varus is freelo.

The thing about Yasuo is that his numbers aren't insane, aside from his passive. He really needs items to do his job, like most melee carries. I can't see them nerfing him all that much really.

Considering he's got low base damages aside from his ult, including a skill that scales off AP and one that doesn't do damage, it's really his Q that brings all that power to his kit because it can crit etc., but as I said it needs items to get to where it needs to be.

Not to mention he's super squishy despite his shield.

I can see him being pretty feast or famine, and a struggle for low ELO players to get the hang of, even more so than Zed. I honestly think I'll be terrible with him. I'd love to see some really mechanically good, high level players use him a lot. He's a lot of fun to watch and play.
Was anyone watching SK vs CW? I'm not sure if I saw it wrong. Towards the end of the match, Lucian was taking enemy golem and enemy Lee fails to smite it. Lucian proceeds to take their own golem and do a double E?
I really regret buying Lucian. I should have bought Varus instead. :/

Lucian's in a weird place right now. When he was released, he was terrible. Then they gave him a couple of buffs and now he's strong in lane and becomes REALLY powerful late game, so I don't see them giving him any more care.

However, Varus is still a better ADC with a remarkably similar kit. You do trade mobility for his better damage and better ult, though.
Animations are probably final though he's probably missing quite a few particles.

no, they're not. You can tell when playing him he's missing some animations and stuff. This is only the first time he's been on PBE. A lot of Lucian's animations weren't fixed/implemented until right before he was released.
Varus and Corki are my favorite adcs to use. I was really thinking of buying Lucian next since I'm at 6300 and I want another adc to try out. What don't you like about him?
He doesn't feel satisfying to play. Everything just feels... soft, like I'm just hitting enemies with pillows?

Dunno why I bought him. I had 13000 IP lying around. I could have bought more essential champs to fill my roster like Amumu, Janna, Jayce, Gragas and Xerath. Nooo I bought another ADC even though I play like 5 of them already.


Animations are probably final though he's probably missing quite a few particles.

PBE champions are almost always missing tons of minor frame animations when they first hit.

Edit: Just to add some thoughts on Yasuo in general, his Q feels a little clunky but that may just be due to not used to counting the Q stacks (and/or I just kept picturing 2, not 3, as the number I needed). I had some weird issues with EQ not triggering or Eing a target I can't dash to and still getting the circle-Q off instead of the line-Q but that's most likely just player error. His pattern is pretty fun and I like the uniqueness of his Q mechanics. I guess that's one way to make an AD Melee carry scale well: Just give them double crit chance and scale a skill as if it was an auto-attack anyway.

His ult ends in a dunk. That may be all that needs to be said.
He doesn't feel satisfying to play. Everything just feels... soft, like I'm just hitting enemies with pillows?

Dunno why I bought him. I had 13000 IP lying around. I could have bought more essential champs to fill my roster like Amumu, Janna, Jayce, Gragas and Xerath. Nooo I bought another ADC even though I play like 5 of them already.

I buy all ADCs day one (with IP) and then never play them while missing vital champs in every other lane. :/

I think i own all ADC apart from Ezrael.


Tragic victim of fan death
I literally gave no fucks about how Yasuo plays the moment I found out my favorite English male voice actor was voicing him.
That baron solo. I don't even... Wow.
With a 6-item build like Infinity Edge - Bloodthirster - Infinity Edge - Bloodthirster - Black Cleaver - CDR boots you'd damn well hope you're able to solo baron.

He doesn't feel satisfying to play. Everything just feels... soft, like I'm just hitting enemies with pillows?

Dunno why I bought him. I had 13000 IP lying around. I could have bought more essential champs to fill my roster like Amumu, Janna, Jayce, Gragas and Xerath. Nooo I bought another ADC even though I play like 5 of them already.
Lucian hits real hard come late game and trades pretty well early on in lane every time I see a good Lucian play.

Also, I don't really see how Xerath - I'm not implying anything about his current state mind you - is an essential pick alongside the others you mentioned, compared to an ADC who's steadily becoming Flavor of the Month for good reason.

What are the vital champs? I'm level 28 now and only have 6. Diana, Leona, Kayle, Ashe, Irelia, Cassiopeia.
Vital champions for which role? The ones you have are mostly fine picks already, but you'll need to clarify what you're looking for as well as overall balance being fickle right now.
Tigerdyr is ouuuuch. I lose duels as Nasus. :(

I had: 600+ stacks, Tabi, Randuin, Gauntlet, Visage
He had: TF, BoRK, Tabi, Frozen Heart, Cowl

I'd probably win this if I had LW. I don't like TF on Nasus at all.

What are the vital champs? I'm level 28 now and only have 6. Diana, Leona, Kayle, Ashe, Irelia, Cassiopeia.
Personally, vital champs are all around picks that aren't *too* situational. They tend to blend with most comps and aren't countered very harshly. aka safe picks

I'd say a few examples are Jarvan, Ezreal and Sona.

Also, I don't really see how Xerath - I'm not implying anything about his current state mind you - is an essential pick alongside the others you mentioned, compared to an ADC who's steadily becoming Flavor of the Month for good reason.
I was looking to expand my pool to fill more roles. I needed a siege champ. I don't like Nidalee anymore. I play Ziggs close to teamfights rather than 24/7 poke. AP Kog got nerfed hard and is difficult to play in a solo lane. I meant essential as in "now I have something good for every situation".


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
What happenened to Xee-wrath? I played that shit on the PBE so long ago and then it just vanished.
I literally gave no fucks about how Yasuo plays the moment I found out my favorite English male voice actor was voicing him.
I like the guy, but Riot dropped the ball with him. Complete miscast for someone like Yasou (where's the Lee Sin- / Yi-esque accent?) and given that he played the dragon parasite in Skullgirls, I'd much rather have him be Ao Shin with Riot seemingly insisting to fulfill their "look at which big-name voice actor we hired for you guys this time!" quota.

I was looking to expand my pool to fill more roles. I needed a siege champ. I don't like Nidalee anymore. I play Ziggs close to teamfights rather than 24/7 poke. AP Kog got nerfed hard and is difficult to play in a solo lane. I meant essential as in "now I have something good for every situation".
That's fine, we had a misunderstanding then over two different personal definitions for "essential".

Ziggs and Xerath are good yeah, and so is Lux even after her relatively minor nerfs. You should also consider Karma; the range on her Q isn't comparable next to the aforementioned champions, but empowered Q hits like a truck and she has loads of utility.

What happenened to Xee-wrath? I played that shit on the PBE so long ago and then it just vanished.
Working on the next interation of his rework. Xelnath allegedly got enough worthwhile feedback, so they wanted to remove Xerath's until further notice so that people would focus their attention on other matters in the mean time (like Skarner's rework).


I have to agree. Yasuos voice is not fitting in the least bit. But the guy still did a good job.

Also, anivia is getting a texture update.
Oh yeah I forgot I even have Lux. I should play her again.

Karma is way more of an upclose mage personally. I'd rather guarantee RQ by rooting first. I love bullying lanes with her though she feels pretty lackluster in teamfights.
Oh yeah I forgot I even have Lux. I should play her again.

Karma is way more of an upclose mage personally. I'd rather guarantee RQ by rooting first. I love bullying lanes with her though she feels pretty lackluster in teamfights.
Nah, her playstyle isn't that up close and personal even though she can be played that way in top lane for instance. Regardless, with CDR (like Unholy Grail) the cooldown on her mantra is low enough to just throw out an Empowered Q at 'random' when sieging the map while your team patiently waits, and have it change the outcome entirely if you land a good one (similar to a Nidalee spear).

Furthermore, her teamfight potential is some of the greatest in the game right now. Especially if a fight drags out. Her mana consumption is low to the point of being able to spam away for minutes on end, cooldowns (mantra included) are very short with her preferred items, high damage with her Q, a snare to peel for whoever is important, and the possibility to whip out an amped-up Shurelya's + Locket AoE shield which could deal damage too. The only thing she's really lacking is a way to cancel channels; personally I'd like to a see a short duration silence akin to Viktor's or Blitzcrank's on Empowered W, but it's a debate in itself whether current Karma even needs buffs in the first place. Which she doesn't, just so we're clear.

You should give her another honest try if she's your cup of tea. People criminally underestimate her despite her kit blending in very well with how the game has been played for the past few months (never mind certain popular picks) and you'll also automatically start out with a slight advantage in most match-ups due to the likelihood of the enemy being quite unfamiliar with the extent of her ability.


I'm of the camp that while all for one as it is is kind of funny, I much preferred the bug. Howling Abyss map with one champion only was absolutely hysterical. It's sad that we can't recreate the 5v5 blitzcranks anymore.
I'm of the camp that while all for one as it is is kind of funny, I much preferred the bug. Howling Abyss map with one champion only was absolutely hysterical. It's sad that we can't recreate the 5v5 blitzcranks anymore.

You can still do Howling Abyss in customs, you just can't matchmake for it.


Yasuo at least gets tools to actually do his job unlike Fiora and can afford to not build full glass cannon from what it looks like.

CertainlyT really knows his shit.
well he made darius so I'm not entirely sure

I think the one I like the most is meddler, but he made ziggs, so again not entirely sure :p

He doesn't feel satisfying to play. Everything just feels... soft, like I'm just hitting enemies with pillows?

Dunno why I bought him. I had 13000 IP lying around. I could have bought more essential champs to fill my roster like Amumu, Janna, Jayce, Gragas and Xerath. Nooo I bought another ADC even though I play like 5 of them already.
gragas isn't really worth it anymore since they've nerfed him to the ground this patch

just when I was starting to like him

Also, anivia is getting a texture update.
cool, tho I have blackfrost already >:D


Varus and Corki are my favorite adcs to use. I was really thinking of buying Lucian next since I'm at 6300 and I want another adc to try out. What don't you like about him?

I know you didn't ask me, but as someone who seems to be rather picky regarding his ADCs (I only really like MF and to a lesser extent Twitch/Sivir), Lucian has surprised me by being a champ I like very much, and I wasn't really interested at first til I got him in several ARAMs and finally SR. I can kind of understand the complaint about his hits seeming weaker early on, but that's because he tends to get in extras a lot due to his passive + his Q (which doesn't seem to have diminishing returns for hitting multiple targets, which is rare for a spammable ability). His Q is pretty easy to use after some practice, his W can check bushes and has surprisingly good range, and his E makes positioning and escaping much more forgiving for someone like me who rarely gets to enjoy the role.

I don't really like his Ult, but I do find some use for it outside of lanes where enemies can't hide behind minions. He also is easy to OOM with until you learn to make your Qs and stuff "count".

You should give her another honest try if she's your cup of tea. People criminally underestimate her despite her kit blending in very well with how the game has been played for the past few months (never mind certain popular picks) and you'll also automatically start out with a slight advantage in most match-ups due to the likelihood of the enemy being quite unfamiliar with the extent of her ability.

I agree with pretty much everything you say. Karma does have a bit of a weird laning phase for a mage though. Most other mages can harass her pretty easy since her Q is pretty easily blocked by minions. Her Q can also be cumbersome to use in teamfights since it requires really good aim to hit a particular target with if not empowered. As far as mages go her burst is pretty low on the tier pole too even if she still hits hard.

But her laning phase is cake against champs that most other mages would have trouble with, like Fizz/Kass/Kat type assassins. She roots and spams /lol while running away with shield movement speed from basically any melee champ, firing Qs as she does. The versatility and overall usefulness of her kit is second to none lategame as well, even if she lacks the instant hard CC to totally shut someone down. I've been trying her more duo bot now that supports can build more AP and I've been liking the results.


I know you didn't ask me, but as someone who seems to be rather picky regarding his ADCs (I only really like MF and to a lesser extent Twitch/Sivir), Lucian has surprised me by being a champ I like very much, and I wasn't really interested at first til I got him in several ARAMs and finally SR. I can kind of understand the complaint about his hits seeming weaker early on, but that's because he tends to get in extras a lot due to his passive + his Q (which doesn't seem to have diminishing returns for hitting multiple targets, which is rare for a spammable ability). His Q is pretty easy to use after some practice, his W can check bushes and has surprisingly good range, and his E makes positioning and escaping much more forgiving for someone like me who rarely gets to enjoy the role.

I don't really like his Ult, but I do find some use for it outside of lanes where enemies can't hide behind minions. He also is easy to OOM with until you learn to make your Qs and stuff "count".

Thanks for the insight. I think i'm gonna pick him up and give him a shot


Why are they doing GAF Dota tournament but we're not? Is it because you like to spend more time watching random outdated build Korean events or discuss about pro teams/scene instead of playing the game?


Why are they doing GAF Dota tournament but we're not? Is it because you like to spend more time watching random outdated build Korean events or discuss about pro teams/scene instead of playing the game?

people get salty enough over 5v5 casuals


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