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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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By the way: One for All on Howling Abyss would be a terrible experience every time a melee with lacking mobility (or non-damage oriented champions) end up facing a team with poke, whether it's Nidalee strong or not. It's already like that on ARAM to a degree since the map is a straight fuckin' line, but One for All would only exacerbate this issue. Dominion would be the appropriate middle ground; bigger map and even if you can't fight a specific team after a certain point, at least you can try to focus on towers and win that way.

I think it's maybe normals being really chaotic, but since I've noticed it in one of the nacl games too, I gotta say I feel like s4 have made games difficult to close. as it relates to me I feel like there are actually less wards in the map than before, and never knowing if something's warded or not makes me a lot more risk-adverse and if I take turret I won't just keep pushing and rely on vision to feel safe. on the other hand I've seen a lot of junglers just go farm the jungle over taking objectives after fights, since jungle gold is so bountiful now. and in general games seem to be won but to go on a weird artificial lull of like 10 minutes until someone messes up and you drive through their base or just go do baron.

when playing support I'm even more confused as to what to do as I'm not able to assassinate, splitpush or counterward, so after I place my 3 wards I don't really know what to do. that didn't change much from before but having to be constantly wearing oracles meant you at least always had something to do.

it's all very confusing, I wonder how long until we get used to the changes and things go back to making sense
Everyone doesn't know what to do just yet and even on a professional level it's especially likely for players to be stuck to their old ways for weeks (if not months) to come regardless of the seasonal changes, thus making the game appear more difficult for them than it really should be. Look at how poorly most of the greats from Season 2 transitioned to Season 3 and how only certain teams who started fresh (or were mechanically more efficient) came out on top, with only a select few from Season 2 adapting well enough.

Mind you, the current pre-season isn't even complete yet with its tweaks. Riot still wants to:

  • do something unique with the Wight camp (as they confirmed its current iteration is a quickie inclusion)
  • rework Baron Nashor both visually and statistically
  • tinker with other items that weren't a part of the support / jungle rework (or simply didn't have the time to fix, like Zeke's and Mana Manipulator)
  • change runes wholesale
  • do an all-inclusive bruiser sweep to make their purpose more defined individually
  • replace the % penetration items
  • and other things that slipped my mind
Some of these are likely a long ways from being finalized, but there's a possibility of some current changes being developed with a few of their future plans in mind (for better or for worse).

Which melee top doesn't get dunked by Darius?
Non-tear Yorick. Trundle can also work, -but- you need to wait 'til level 6 (preferably with a trip to the shop) or get an early gank.


I dont have a PBE account but watching the skill video, he seems like he has very nice "flow" hehehe pun


wow. yasuo is incredible. so much fun to play as. unlike anything else in the game. very deliberate with his actions. high learning curve. very reminiscent of character action games between his positional based ability, combo juggling, ability synergy/dial a combo, and target hopping.

no idea how he will be balanced for regular games. you can hit 100% crit with full build. crit with your q ability and it's up every few seconds. same with e. mult-target crits for 1k damage between auto attacks. hilarious.

i have not bought a champion in ages on day one, but i'm definitely picking him up.

ive never seen dimb so happy
Also dimb and PhillipCostigan, what are your PBE names? Want to add you guys to see Yasou in action; I'd like to give him pick him up if his learning curve is indeed high, but I'm bronze bad on squishy AD melee's as I have no sense of... direction with them.
Also dimb and PhillipCostigan, where are your PBE names? Want to add you guys to see Yasou in action; I'd like to give him pick him up if his learning curve is indeed high, but I'm bronze bad on squishy AD melee's as I have no sense of... direction with them.

I'm nemesisND1derboy on there. I'm off to bed now cos it's like 3:30 AM here. You might be able to see the replay of the game me and scy had if you go to my match history?


Did an All for One match and my team insisted on being all Riven who I have never played. Got in the match unsure of what to do and ended up getting first blood and a double kill right off the bat and proceeded to carve a swath of destruction throughout SR. Riven op?

Still unsure how to get the max out of her skills but she definitely seems to be easy to spam her skills and make things happen. :p


Take a break from preseason funtime and relive the last moments of Season 3 with a weekend of Esports!


PANDORA.TV OGN CHAMPIONS - http://www.twitch.tv/ongamenet

Tutorial on how to watch OGN vods in HD




IEM COLOGNE - http://en.intelextrememasters.com/season8/cologne/
IEM this year features an amateur tournament with top caliber teams - NiP, CW and SK Gaming. NiP boasts a brand new and formidable team, and SK fans will be eager to see how the new team performs before the S4-promo-tournament.
The Pro-tournament will satisfy those who were disappointed with Cloud9's early exit from Worlds. With potential matches being Cloud9 vs Gambit, CLG vs Fnatic and Cloud9 vs Fnatic, its going to be a good weekend.
Cloth5.com preview: Link
Leaguepedia preview: Link





I'm nemesisND1derboy on there. I'm off to bed now cos it's like 3:30 AM here. You might be able to see the replay of the game me and scy had if you go to my match history?

Did mean within a standard 5 vs 5 match, so I'll try and catch your progress later or watch some spectator matches.

Would anyone also be interested in watching a stream of Yasou matches later today?

EDIT: actually yeah, if I get some decent practice in.


After too long of a time, I am finally level 30.

No way I'm doing any ranked in the Age of Targon, though. Not that I doubt I'll be plastic league, but might as well go down with honor.

All this time my friend was telling me "Use different champions, it is the time to find out what you like!", but every damn game I found it stupid and junevile to mash the keyboard like a madman to try and get mid, or top, or adc, or jungle. So I always ended up supporting.

And now...well, damn it. I suck at everything not support but I can't take it anymore. >_> But my time has passed!
CC helps a lot with Mordekaiser. Doesn't even have to be a stun, a silence is fine. He's reliant on using his damage output for Spell Vamp/Shield Recharge, if you just stop him from doing damage for a few seconds you can burst him down more or less the same as any other mage.


After too long of a time, I am finally level 30.

No way I'm doing any ranked in the Age of Targon, though. Not that I doubt I'll be plastic league, but might as well go down with honor.

All this time my friend was telling me "Use different champions, it is the time to find out what you like!", but every damn game I found it stupid and junevile to mash the keyboard like a madman to try and get mid, or top, or adc, or jungle. So I always ended up supporting.

And now...well, damn it. I suck at everything not support but I can't take it anymore. >_> But my time has passed!

dont worry about it, people change roles all the time : )


By the way: One for All on Howling Abyss would be a terrible experience every time a melee with lacking mobility (or non-damage oriented champions) end up facing a team with poke, whether it's Nidalee strong or not. It's already like that on ARAM to a degree since the map is a straight fuckin' line, but One for All would only exacerbate this issue. Dominion would be the appropriate middle ground; bigger map and even if you can't fight a specific team after a certain point, at least you can try to focus on towers and win that way.
All for one is ALREADY often a terrible experience in my opinion with the mismatched teams, since you can end up getting randomly countered -- WHOLE TEAM COUNTERED.

The point isn't just the level 3 start and faster game of Howling Abyss. The other half of the point is the identical teams, which made it balanced by definition and hilarious fun since you'd have ashe arrows flying BOTH ways instead of just one. I thought the identical teams were what people liked, which is why it was weird Riot chose to make the teams different.

The third half of the point is that Howling Abyss forces teamfights and everyone being close together, which means the action keeps going instead of people sitting in lanes farming forever.
Wow, Yasuo is fun. I can see him as either an assassin or tanky DPS. He seems to work well as a splitpusher too.

All of his abilities have such low cooldowns. His ult ends up at just 30 seconds although you need to prime it.


Wow, Yasuo is fun. I can see him as either an assassin or tanky DPS. He seems to work well as a splitpusher too.

All of his abilities have such low cooldowns. His ult ends up at just 30 seconds although you need to prime it.

Yeah, I'm probably gonna get him when he comes out. He looks so fun.


After watching the Yasuo abilities preview, he really seems to resemble fiora.

But dimb likes him so that can't be accurate.


After watching the Yasuo abilities preview, he really seems to resemble fiora.

But dimb likes him so that can't be accurate.
Nah, Yasuo is much more ability based, giving him greater skill flow. He features comboing and positional attacks

Fiora is just an auto attacker with a gap closer and a disjoint
So, have Riot ever mentioned exact champ usage numbers instead of being incredibly vague and saying 'X champ has 100 times more players than Y champ'?

As far as I can tell places like LoLking and Elophant are very inaccurate.


So, have Riot ever mentioned exact champ usage numbers instead of being incredibly vague and saying 'X champ has 100 times more players than Y champ'?

As far as I can tell places like LoLking and Elophant are very inaccurate.
I've heard this mentioned but as far as I could tell, lolking is accurate for me personally, so it probably works for some people and not others, or works part of the time but not all the time.

Unfortunately WITHOUT Riot ever releasing any official numbers and exactly how and when the numbers were obtained, I don't think general numbers can really be proved or disproved, aside from specific examples of lolking not matching ingame stat screens or whatever.


All for one is ALREADY often a terrible experience in my opinion with the mismatched teams, since you can end up getting randomly countered -- WHOLE TEAM COUNTERED.

The point isn't just the level 3 start and faster game of Howling Abyss. The other half of the point is the identical teams, which made it balanced by definition and hilarious fun since you'd have ashe arrows flying BOTH ways instead of just one. I thought the identical teams were what people liked, which is why it was weird Riot chose to make the teams different.

The third half of the point is that Howling Abyss forces teamfights and everyone being close together, which means the action keeps going instead of people sitting in lanes farming forever.
If you're farming in one for all, you're trying too hard.
Everytime I start to feel like I'm getting the hang of the game, I get demolished and realize my pathetic status. I'm a huge fan of RTS games, so I've got a good grip on a lot of the elements of the game. Except one. Items. I suck at knowing what to buy and when to buy it. I feel like I'm losing a lot of games because players know exactly when to recall and what to buy before heading out. I sometimes spend a minute just looking through crud. And I also hate hate the recommendations. The game would be a lot more fun if they didn't flat out tell you what you should get. Part of me assumes experts ignore that crap. Or is it so obvious I should get the recommended items that I'm a dope to ignore?
And I also hate hate the recommendations. The game would be a lot more fun if they didn't flat out tell you what you should get. Part of me assumes experts ignore that crap. Or is it so obvious I should get the recommended items that I'm a dope to ignore?
Recommended items are general guidelines until you have more experience with the champ so you can figure out your own personal preference/optimal build path/etc.

From what I can tell they're a hell of a lot better than they used to be.
Tried jungle Yasuo in a custom. Terrible idea. Warwick clears better. Bad ganks.

Also tried AP Yasuo for giggles. Just as bad as expected.

Yasuo is a very mean splitpusher with Shiv. Q CD caps at 1.34 secs, but I'm not sure when. I had the same cooldown with 2.50+40%CDR, as well as 1.80+0% CDR.

Everytime I start to feel like I'm getting the hang of the game, I get demolished and realize my pathetic status. I'm a huge fan of RTS games, so I've got a good grip on a lot of the elements of the game. Except one. Items. I suck at knowing what to buy and when to buy it. I feel like I'm losing a lot of games because players know exactly when to recall and what to buy before heading out. I sometimes spend a minute just looking through crud. And I also hate hate the recommendations. The game would be a lot more fun if they didn't flat out tell you what you should get. Part of me assumes experts ignore that crap. Or is it so obvious I should get the recommended items that I'm a dope to ignore?

They're there for beginners like you, so that you don't end up spending so much time staring at the list of items.

The recommended items are generally fine. Experience will let you branch out more often.
As much as I agree with Monte, and generally dislike dade, he's really laying it on a bit thick this game. "I couldn't be more impressed with dade's turnaround. Last time we saw him at World's he was sucking cock. I mean all the cock. There wasn't a dry cock in the room. Tonight, he's played almost passable on this very easy champion. I'm thinking if this keeps up, he might even be able to show his face in public again without shame!"

I mean, let the poor guy have a good game without raking him through the coals, Monte. We all remember how bad he was last season, don't worry.


Yeah, I think i'm going to quit this until s4 starts.

Ranked is just kinda shit right now. Haven't had a game where everyone played it seriously. It was fun for the first few days but having people just purposely do dumb crap to unintentionally throw the game really gets tiring.



Honestly, and not for the sake of negativity, this has to be THE most bland, rushed, uninspired and anti-hype character since... Fiora Pantheon. Seriosuly it looks like it's the first creation of a newly created B-team.

You just have to compare the excitement and buzz about Jinx with this, where the general feeling seems to be of absolute indiference. It's like they weren't even releasing a new champion.
Ability wise blows as well, with the only interesting thing being W. Too bad it's incredibly broken for something that is not a Soraka kind of support.


Honestly, and not for the sake of negativity, this has to be THE most bland, rushed, uninspired and anti-hype character since... Fiora Pantheon. Seriosuly it looks like it's the first creation of a newly created B-team.

You just have to compare the excitement and buzz about Jinx with this, where the general feeling seems to be of absolute indiference. It's like they weren't even releasing a new champion.
Ability wise blows as well, with the only interesting thing being W. Too bad it's incredibly broken for something that is not a Soraka kind of support.

you crazy? the kit seems like lots of fun, crits, dashes, jumps, throwing up people in the air and then slashing them. more importantly, the first non-skillshot dash in what feels like ages, which imo makes this champion a lot less annoying than the average s3 bruiser.

but yeah, the design is a bit unexciting, tho he looks really good in motion, like most new champions do. I specially love how he sheathes his katana when running, it's awesome.

expecting jinx levels of awesome for every champion is bound to get you underwhelmed, though, and it's really asking too much from riot.
Yasuo's actually did feel quite like Fiora to me.

He has quit a bit more going on, but he's the same mix of caster and auto attacker she is. More auto attack reliant than Riven, but not as much as Tryndamere or Yi.

His passive is completely mental. With IE and shiv I had 100% crit chance.

you crazy? the kit seems like lots of fun, crits, dashes, jumps, throwing up people in the air and then slashing them. more importantly, the first non-skillshot dash in what feels like ages, which imo makes this champion a lot less annoying than the average s3 bruiser.

but yeah, the design is a bit unexciting, tho he looks really good in motion, like most new champions do. I specially love how he sheathes his katana when running, it's awesome.

expecting jinx levels of awesome for every champion is bound to get you underwhelmed, though, and it's really asking too much from riot.

Welcome to Nev. best to just ignore him.
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