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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
sweeper can never be a counter to wards. it's too ineffective and mostly requires guess work. missing the ward yield a long cooldown. ward positions aren't static. it's easy for one person to ward tri but others to ward outside of it around the corner on either side, or even just in brush further back. even if they change how sweeping works people will just learn to vary ward spots enough to make it unpredictable.

either way, heading up to gank for a dice roll gank when you could just be farming is usually a poor idea. right now mid lane is the only one worth ganking most of the time.


is this new season stuff worth giving the game another chance :eek:

wait for the new patch to hit servers. That makes jungle a lot more fun.

Sweeper trinket needs to be like a mini-oracle (around hero) and needs to have a longer duration (~10 seconds for wards / traps only of course). Also needs to have the same cool down as the ward trinkets.


No. Especially if you liked supporting or jungling.
what nah, supporting is fine. so richhh
unless youre one of those supports that love to ward 24/7 i guess?

sweeper can never be a counter to wards. it's too ineffective and mostly requires guess work. missing the ward yield a long cooldown. ward positions aren't static. it's easy for one person to ward tri but others to ward outside of it around the corner on either side, or even just in brush further back. even if they change how sweeping works people will just learn to vary ward spots enough to make it unpredictable.

either way, heading up to gank for a dice roll gank when you could just be farming is usually a poor idea. right now mid lane is the only one worth ganking most of the time.
yea but thats the whole point of the conservatism stacks neway, to let you waste a little time in patient ganker mode

its true that people will learn to vary ward positions but armed with the knowledge that
1. they see you when you try to bypass an area
2. its not in the obvious position

leaves many less possibilities as to where the ward is, allowing you to bypass it and gank or sweep it later (riot pls, lower cd)
im pretty sure the AOE is big enough to reveal all of any bush (maybe)
Supporting is great now. I don't get why people don't like the changes.
Yeah. Sure the overall tuning of items and champions is off but the direction they went with is great. People actually want to support now - not even talking about shit like AP mids going bot bullshit I di, actuall supports that rush sightstone and shit - since they don't have to be ward mules anymore. Hell even the goat is looking decent now that she gets to have real items.

Jungle's fucked on the other hand.


Supporting is fine. Supporting with traditional support champions is not. Pure support champions just don't scale as well as a mid support as the game goes on.

I love supporting...as Rengar, Lux, Syndra, etc.


uh maybe some like janna, sona or soraka are a little upset, but you shouldnt make such sweeping statements

nami, tresh, taric, zyra and leona have benefited nicely. and i even daresay lulu is pretty nice.

luvving annie support doe. and its time to learn leona cos shes a good answer 2 annie. maeyb = nami with cait
Supporting is fine. Supporting with traditional support champions is not. Pure support champions just don't scale as well as a mid support as the game goes on.

I love supporting...as Rengar, Lux, Syndra, etc.
Yes they do. Not many mids have comparable utility to supports, and the ones that do are mostly shitty duo laners.. Plus now that Relic Shield got rekt gold starved "supports" will have a mich harder time.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
gold is not a guarantee of your impact on games. old supports with the old ward rules were capable of turning games around. as a role the importance of support has diminished, and the task has been simplified. there is less of an emphasis on trading in lane because sustain is so much higher. on top of that you have to look at ward wars being more or less removed from the game, even though they were probably the most interesting aspect of the role. it's easier to guarantee vision control and maintain lane control, but everything is pushed into something more passive. if you are losing it is easier than ever to play safe.

it is a pointless metric to measure the success of the support changes by people wanting to play the role. there is new content to experience there, and most of it is bluntly overtuned. on top of that you have support champions who are simply too strong right now like taric.


Support Annie can rot in hell though. Nothing more frustrating than knowing that she will stun you for near 2 seconds and there isn't anything you can do about it.


gold is not a guarantee of your impact on games. old supports with the old ward rules were capable of turning games around. as a role the importance of support has diminished, and the task has been simplified. there is less of an emphasis on trading in lane because sustain is so much higher. on top of that you have to look at ward wars being more or less removed from the game, even though they were probably the most interesting aspect of the role. it's easier to guarantee vision control and maintain lane control, but everything is pushed into something more passive. if you are losing it is easier than ever to play safe.

it is a pointless metric to measure the success of the support changes by people wanting to play the role. there is new content to experience there, and most of it is bluntly overtuned. on top of that you have support champions who are simply too strong right now like taric.
ward wars were only interesting against lesser skilled supports or when you were already winning

against an equally skilled support in a losing game you almost had no chance to come back through vision and it was an incredibly punishing experience

im not sure what the right solution to the old 'ward wars' rules was but there was definitely a need for one and this was the answer riot chose


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
against an equally skilled support in a losing game you almost had no chance to come back through vision and it was an incredibly punishing experience
i don't really agree. there are actually fewer ways to deny offensive vision than ever. the only gain is that now you can just keep vision over certain defensive areas more easily. really it only avoids the mistakes low level players would make. in the past i feel like a support could buy oracles and use it properly to help regain control of the map. now when you're behind your options are to build the same things as the enemy with less gold and hope you win team fights.


the extra gold doesn't mean anything for supports' impact in the game. they still have kits that rely on unscalable things because of cc and shitty ratios. you can stock up on cdr now but that's about it.

plus trinkets as supports are useless and the vision game is pretty much dead
the extra gold doesn't mean anything for supports' impact in the game. they still have kits that rely on unscalable things because of cc and shitty ratios. you can stock up on cdr now but that's about it.

plus trinkets as supports are useless and the vision game is pretty much dead

Not necessarily true. Game I just played as a Leona support we won bot hard and I managed to get very tanky with sunfire cape, face of the mountain, frostborn gauntlet. Annie or Fiddle supports will be able to have a huge impact on teamfights if they're fed.


Not necessarily true. Game I just played as a Leona support we won bot hard and I managed to get very tanky with sunfire cape, face of the mountain, frostborn gauntlet. Annie or Fiddle supports will be able to have a huge impact on teamfights if they're fed.
annie and fiddle were already strong without items. also arguably they aren't real supports but eh. fulfilling the "support fantasy" isn't about rushing dfg and insta-gibbing someone with annie.

leona is the one straight support that benefitted the most from these changes, and she got a direct buff in 3.14


the extra gold doesn't mean anything for supports' impact in the game. they still have kits that rely on unscalable things because of cc and shitty ratios. you can stock up on cdr now but that's about it.

plus trinkets as supports are useless and the vision game is pretty much dead

it means your support wont get deleted by random mid laner whenever they look at them tho

i don't really agree. there are actually fewer ways to deny offensive vision than ever. the only gain is that now you can just keep vision over certain defensive areas more easily. really it only avoids the mistakes low level players would make. in the past i feel like a support could buy oracles and use it properly to help regain control of the map. now when you're behind your options are to build the same things as the enemy with less gold and hope you win team fights.

against a properly snowballing team you really couldnt do that in the first place as they would be using their offensive vision to gain advantages in your jungle

sure, there are some teams where the enemy are either retarded or just arent that ahead, you could risk going to clear wards, but winning and map control are such similiar and iterative concepts that it got harder and harder to come back once you started falling behind.

this issue was exacerbated even more so in competitive play as teams all knew how to take advantage of being ahead -> vision -> being ahead

i hear what youre saying that the support role feels less impactful - and just in terms of your ability to generate vision, it definitely has gone down. it was, however, rather unhealthy that 90% of your own gold went into vision items and the winning = more vision = more winning relationship was snowbally due to the nature of unlimited pink wards.

i believe the best concession within this new system is to have more pure utility items so that supports can still generate wins by sacrifice (utility items would have/should have bad stats)


sustain is higher in the case of double targon and the double nerfs will change that dynamic. i dont even understand what you mean by its easier to maintain vision control - for who? the losing side? because having gold still pulls you ahead in vision as pinks still create a vision deadzone and require a commitment of 5 attacks and 75g to retain vision- the denying team requires 100g and the time to bait the ward

what that means is that you can still use gold to your advantage in vision and that if youre winning (albeit smaller), you should certainly be winning in vision. the difference is that you must actively maintain your vision advantage rather than pure suffocation due to the fact that your opponents dont even know where your pinks are.


it means your support wont get deleted by random mid laner whenever they look at them tho
yeah I guess that's true. I still go for them a lot to get that blasting wand into a void staff but it's less sad than it was

personally I feel really lost playing sona on this patch, I couldn't get to play her many games because people are duo queueing bot a lot and because the servers are acting up right now but I get very little enjoyment out of the charity athene's and randuins or whatever I get to buy.


my sona aram build was muramana+lich bane+nashors.

I should try it on normals

go beyond the impossible and kick reason to the curb
To be completely honest I don't know what Riot could possibly do to make Sona fun in this meta. Her kit is so boring. Only supports I've played where it was enjoyable are Leona and Thresh.

Yeah with the changes to the jungle I've just been spamming Shyvana. Just farm farm farm and show up to take objectives/countergank and try to counter jungle as much as possible, forget your lanes. Yesterday I had a game where I went 8-3-12 and we lost every single lane, but I was so much more fed than their jungler that I could just carry teamfights. At the end of the game I was the only person on our team that was positive.

Playing ganking junglers is a bit disappointing at the moment. People get to their item builds much quicker at the moment, and unless you play the early game perfectly and get your lanes far ahead then you're in trouble. If you're playing say J4, then sure you have the strong early game, and you still have plenty of utility late game, but it's hard to have the same impact as someone like Tryndamere/Shyvana etc.


What do you mean this meta? What made her fun in season 3?

Tbh I'm more concerned for adc this Season. Gold on supports just mean one more person who can try to kill them


is this a serious suggestion? I have no idea what to buy

tbh I think they should increase the range on her power chord proc. either increase it with AP just flat out increase it since bot lane is so dangerous for her already with all the initiating support buffs.

this will allow her to use her amazing W and E power chords more often in team fights without melting. alternatively they can make the passive effects of her W/E procs scale a little with level, to make it worth the risk to stick your nose into a fight to use them.

right now youre better off building her bulky just so she can make good use of her W and E chords to control fights:

targons brace - sight stone - moba boots - ryalis/randuins/athenes - zhonyas depending on need

otherwise you can go full defensive with
shurelyias - sight stone - moba - athenes - zhonyas
and stay back and peel for your adc





Not getting either


Still waiting on that Underworld Ashe skin, Newt ):
It was a leak from a while ago. They probably ditched the project.

Steel Legion Lux
Lu Bu Jarvan IV
Zhao Yun Xin Zhao
Dark Havester Viktor
High Tech Blitzcrank
Metal Wing Kayle
Special Forces MF
Skarner Battlecast
Battle Priestess Soraka
Spirit Summoner Udyr
Bladestorm Karma
Russian Knight Olaf
Crimson Elite Katarina
Cyber Katarina
Battlecast Anivia
Battlecast Kog'Maw
Norse King Darius
Exterminator Twitch
Underworld Ashe

These were the ones leaked about a year ago. About half of them came out.
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