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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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you can use pink wards aggressively, you just have to maintain it with picks/ganks etc

eh, it's kinda hard to do. you can't go pink river as bot/mid lane and expect that ward to last long

you can use it to set up picks at like blue buff or something tho, just trinketscan the brush, place a pink outside and hide, then melt whoever comes break it :p


eh, it's kinda hard to do. you can't go pink river as bot/mid lane and expect that ward to last long

you can use it to set up picks at like blue buff or something tho, just trinketscan the brush, place a pink outside and hide, then melt whoever comes break it :p

bla bla bla

and i knew it

the adc whining has begun

supports too strong and tanky they can duel me wtf adc suck mid game now pls nerf everything


bla bla bla

and i knew it

the adc whining has begun

supports too strong and tanky they can duel me wtf adc suck mid game now pls nerf everything

so much this. Face of the mountain + sight stone + whatever. Taric just melts faces atm. Played Jarvan support earlier (2-1-18 from 24 kills :p) and I started with 64 armor on level 1 lol. Got my adc kills en mass, while they struggled to even scratch me. 9/21/0 on top and you're nigh immortal. Got the 2nd most gold as well x). We started double targon. Dat sustain.


just play sivir for the freelo
He's not kidding.




It's funny that lulu carried me to silver, nami got me to gold, but my highest win rate is sona and i don't use her anymore in rank


Whats that?

special effects that happen (proc) whenever you hit someone with a basic attack (and some abilities that proc on-hit effects, like ezreal's mystic shot). so say blade of the ruined king deals a % of your health as on-hit. that means whenever you attack people with autos or ezreal q or mf q or whatever you proc that effect.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD

It's funny that lulu carried me to silver, nami got me to gold, but my highest win rate is sona and i don't use her anymore in rank

Same with me Lulu to silver, Nami to gold.

And now, Fiddlesticks/Annie to plat!!!


Jarvan support is SO ridiculous with the new changes LMAO. I get like no damage and have crazy reg due to relic + mastery. Also I have 62 armor on level 1 xD haha. Just realized that you can use FOTM on yourself for extra damage lmao. I just 2on1ed adc + supp mid-late game x).
Please don't ban Shen and Malphite. Honestly, these are such wasted bans. A little piece of me dies when someone bans Malphite, Shen, or Master Yi.
You can put Blitzcrank in the same "wasted ban" group as well; too many other genuine threats to dispose of rather than a feast-or-famine squishy melee support.

Granted, anything works in lower levels of play, but Blitzcrank is pretty easy to deal with much like those other two.

That's a good topic tho. What do you ban (in solo Q)?

Kassadin is my only must ban.

Otherwise a pool of Shyvanna, Nasus, Jax, Evelynn, Fizz, Blitzcrank (if I play with friends who QQ about him constantly), Jinx (dat objective rush), Riven and others that can easily snowball if fed.

Atm I go for Kassadin, Shyvanna, Nasus as my preset ban set.
Susan. Either your top laner has the wrong idea how to lane against the dog, or even if he's behind he'll eventually become impossible to ignore with him taking down towers after 3 Q's or being able to 1 vs 1 almost everyone. And what I mean with the former is... champions like Renekton (despite his strong early presence) are not good against him at all since their late game is nowhere near comparable and neither are farm champs like Singed, yet oddly enough these are usually the go-to picks against Susan. Either he's perfectly content on being strictly defensive with Frozen Heart / Spirit Visage rushing, or the enemy is playing right into his hands by believing proxy / dirty farming is effective against him.

Vayne, because she'll either do incredibly poor during the early laning phase (especially when it's a blind first-pick) with a chance of still being a menace late game (% true damage not the problem, nope) or in the off-chance they do end up getting kills in lane, they'll become so absurdly cocky that they'll throw the game sooner or later. Typical "Vayne mechanics" in other words.

Third ban changes depending on what I feel like playing, though in all likelihood I'll choose between Evelynn - Sivir - Nidalee - Lucian if I get one of my mains. They can deal with Jax, Riven, Zed, Fizz, et cetera (the typical bans) if I 'baited' the enemy captain into insta-locking one of them. I'd consider Taric, but I like playing him top and far too many tend to build Sunfire Cape over useful items anyway.

bla bla bla

and i knew it

the adc whining has begun

supports too strong and tanky they can duel me wtf adc suck mid game now pls nerf everything
Maybe if they whine long enough we'll get another Blade of the Ruined King.

Must be so rough playing the easiest role in the game. Those sacred cows have my sympathy.
Volibear is pretty strong. Went 11-6 (started 10-2 this game, was sad we threw :/) and 10-5-18 in my last one. Those being my first two games as him.

Any build advice? Been stacking a lot of HP, building towards something like Warmogs/Randuins/Mallet/Spirit Visage/Boots and something else? Had a Phage last game but never took it further, is Triforce a good item on him?

He's very good at kill-securing.


Volibear is pretty strong. Went 11-6 (started 10-2 this game, was sad we threw :/) and 10-5-18 in my last one. Those being my first two games as him.

Any build advice? Been stacking a lot of HP, building towards something like Warmogs/Randuins/Mallet/Spirit Visage/Boots and something else? Had a Phage last game but never took it further, is Triforce a good item on him?

He's very good at kill-securing.

Bork is really strong on him if you can afford being less tanky


Well, my first two Mystery Gifts were Temple Jax and Battle Bunny Riven.

Not too disappointed, even though I hate Riven with a passion.
Well, my first two Mystery Gifts were Temple Jax and Battle Bunny Riven.

Not too disappointed, even though I hate Riven with a passion.

I got Dragon Fist Lee Sin (yay), Darkforge Jarvan (already have Warring Kingdoms so meh) and Redeemed Riven (don't love the champ but whatever).


I don't feel comfortable self mystery gifting

I'll get like vandal vladimir or some other awful skin like that

how expensive is it? I got like 4k rp lying around, I might do one heh
already bought one mystery gift, got redeemed riven.

do I buy another or just buy boom boom blitzcrank? boom boom blitz is great and alll but a mystery gift could be anything. it could even be boom boom blitzcrank.
the adc whining has begun

supports too strong and tanky they can duel me wtf adc suck mid game now pls nerf everything
Adcs should probably start taking Arpen reds again.

Not that I'll try, I'll just stay in my cozy mid lane master race until bot lane gets sorted out.


I did two mystery gifts for myself. I got Jade Fang Cassiopeia and Ionian Master Yi. They are decent, despite one being for Yi.
Worst Diamond III Varus I've ever played with. 7/16 end game. Constant blaming teammates despite being a big bullseye target. Come on, stop being in front of the mid push when the enemy has an Ashe just on the other side! We killed 1 of them and every lane is pushing themselves in our favor just past T2 turrets? Let's force mid and ignore the free baron!

It doesn't help that he gets baited so easily by Blitz wallgrabs and Leb wall gibs. We don't have extra wards to reveal the other side of our base wall? Enemy just warded our side? brb sticking to the wall.

I just don't even


Don't get baited into catching axes which result in getting grabbed like a scrub.
That's not why I ban him, lol. I ban him because he prevents my early aggression.

Also that's not really how the axes work, you control where they go, they don't control where you go. Every axe you catch can be a safe one.
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