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new skarner impressions:
only got around to testing now. he probably won't be a control jungler anymore. heavy farm especially into mid game and high damage. he is pretty much shyvana 2.0. except faster, capable of cc, and a ranged catch that greatly diminished kite potential. with guaranteed attack speed boost it's easy to build damage, and his abilities reset all the time on his passive. easily hit 600 movespeed with swifties+furor.
he's already viable.I would love to see Skarner viable. He's by far one of my favorite champions thematically.
"he's already viable."
-dimb 2013, responsible for deadnames dropping to bronze.
They wanted more of a subtle victory it would seem. Can't just get Nexus and win.We're winning every fight and we just got Baron and inhib? Let's split top and bot, die, and lose the game !!
guys, this girl Kaceytron is streaming, and I don't know if shes trolling or what, but its the most ridiculous shit lolol
Oh right I still play this game. I'm waiting for the actual season to start so smart people can tell me what's OP and then I can abuse it and get into Plat .
In other news: play the new Zelda game, shit's good.
Someone talked about Morgana in competitive games the other day. Well MYM just picked her against Nidalee:
Morg should be great against Nidalee since you can just push starting level 1 and Nid can do shit about it.Someone talked about Morgana in competitive games the other day. Well MYM just picked her against Nidalee:
I probably have no culture but... Who are you referring to?
Morg should be great against Nidalee since you can just push starting level 1 and Nid can do shit about it.
Plus she can pin her down once she hits 6.
Sivir pretty much counters Taric, so that's your problem. His early game is good.Maybe it was just because I was up against a Soraka/Sivir combo, but Taric's early game is kind of painful. Between Mana Battery Soraka and Sivir's constant harass, we weren't doing so hot. By midgame though, it was another story. Tanky as fuck, able to flash into a group/W/Ult, teamfights were clean. Back into quals for Bronze 2 :T
"he's already viable."
-dimb 2013, responsible for deadnames dropping to bronze.
new skarner impressions:
only got around to testing now. he probably won't be a control jungler anymore. heavy farm especially into mid game and high damage. he is pretty much shyvana 2.0.
Even if the Q damage itself is the same you are simply going to be using it more often. Skarner will pick up almost a 50% AS increase that the enemy can do nothing about. On live Skarner's combat stat bonuses are easily lost, and it makes his dueling into mid/late game pretty weak. Skarner's W on live is just confused. You want it to close the gap, and to take hits for you, but at the same time once it goes down you lose tons of movespeed and combat stats that aren't up for a very long time. If you didn't manage to close the gap or they get away you can't even auto-attack to lower the cooldown. This is what hurts Skarner the most. His movement is predictable and you can counter most of what he does.Any thought on why you think this? His Q damage is the same, his W speed increase and ranged CC make it easier to escape the opposing jungle, and improved shield and persistent attack speed buff make him a better duelist. Is it an issue with his kit, or do you feel it has more to do with the jungle changes in general?
First time Thresh. That was amazing. I was lead for picks/bans, so I did the standard Blitz/Shen/Malph in hopes of deceiving them and making them forget about Thresh, which they did.
Instantly I called my team to dragon pit, and told them I was going to hook the bush across from it in the enemy jungle. Snagged me a jinx, entire team was ready, and our Kassadin got first blood with everyone getting an assist. It was delicious.
Hooks were all spot on, lanterns were perfect (and people USED them!). The only thing I sucked at was my ult; not used to an AOE ult that only goes off around me. Did use it to kill a Nasus a couple times, but damn if I didn't use it really stupidly most of the time lol.
Edit: also, remembering to retrieve souls is a bitch. I was like a few feet from our first blood Jinx soul and didn't even think to pick it up :\
Please don't ban Shen and Malphite. Honestly, these are such wasted bans. A little piece of me dies when someone bans Malphite, Shen, or Master Yi.
Even if the Q damage itself is the same you are simply going to be using it more often. Skarner will pick up almost a 50% AS increase that the enemy can do nothing about. On live Skarner's combat stat bonuses are easily lost, and it makes his dueling into mid/late game pretty weak. Skarner's W on live is just confused. You want it to close the gap, and to take hits for you, but at the same time once it goes down you lose tons of movespeed and combat stats that aren't up for a very long time. If you didn't manage to close the gap or they get away you can't even auto-attack to lower the cooldown. This is what hurts Skarner the most. His movement is predictable and you can counter most of what he does.
New Skarner has a much higher effective range. It is easier to catch opponents with a shield that is more spammable, offensive stats that can't be taken away, and low cooldowns on all your abilities both on the timers and with AA resets. In the past once Skarner has the gap broken it's easy for the enemy to get away. Now he has tools to prevent that from happening.
Maybe I won't like it because Skarner loses a lot of his identity, but new Skarner will probably be stronger. He's looking at a faster jungle, better duel potential, and the possibility of becoming a damage threat while tanking. Often the slow on his Q was more than needed, so having that taken as a cost for extra damage isn't necessarily a bad trade, just depends on the matchup. Skarner will also have more tools in the late game to be a better initiator. Having a ranged slow presents the opportunity to make super deadly catches, and his movespeed on shield is more of a sharp spike, making his attack more sudden, and his ult grab potentially more dangerous because he can pull you out further.
That's a good topic tho. What do you ban (in solo Q)?
Kassadin is my only must ban.
Otherwise a pool of Shyvanna, Nasus, Jax, Evelynn, Fizz, Blitzcrank (if I play with friends who QQ about him constantly), Jinx (dat objective rush), Riven and others that can easily snowball if fed.
Atm I go for Kassadin, Shyvanna, Nasus as my preset ban set.
That's a good topic tho. What do you ban (in solo Q)?
Kassadin is my only must ban.
Otherwise a pool of Shyvanna, Nasus, Jax, Evelynn, Fizz, Blitzcrank (if I play with friends who QQ about him constantly), Jinx (dat objective rush), Riven and others that can easily snowball if fed.
Atm I go for Kassadin, Shyvanna, Nasus as my preset ban set.
I ban kassadin last for that very reason^^I just ban champions that annoy me. basically lee sin, tryndamere and rengar. vi is usually on rotation as well.
I also almost always ban whoever I'm told because if I don't they'll irremediably get fed over someone else and the blame will get put on me for some reason.
personally I think banning kassadin is kind of a waste since he's barely even played and you might as well leave him for the other team to ban.
nowadays I think I might start banning ziggs since I don't know how to play against him and I don't want to learn in solo qq
For a lot of junglers, I think it's a waste to ban Shyvana. If you ban Shyvana, I'm just going to go Olaf and give you the same exact hard time you'd have had against her.
That's a good topic tho. What do you ban (in solo Q)?
Kassadin is my only must ban.
Otherwise a pool of Shyvanna, Nasus, Jax, Evelynn, Fizz, Blitzcrank (if I play with friends who QQ about him constantly), Jinx (dat objective rush), Riven and others that can easily snowball if fed.
Atm I go for Kassadin, Shyvanna, Nasus as my preset ban set.
I just got a Hearthstone beta key. Anybody willing to trade for a skin or champ or something?
I will give you facebook tristana or youtube alistar.
I just got a Hearthstone beta key. Anybody willing to trade for a skin or champ or something?
You use them the exact same way, whether to clean up objectives from vision or for permanent vision in places you have control of like your own jungle.So how am I supposed to use pink wards as a jungler now? Or do I even bother?
man europe is falling apart, first bjergsen, now this. damn you american moneyRUMOUR:
I get the feeling new pinks have a different purpose than old pinks. like, since anyone can just go break them, they're more useful if used defensively on your own jungle where the enemy team has to get into a risky situation to break them. I've been trying doing that these past few games and I think that's the right use for them (aside from dragon/baron stuff), rather than fighting for tri-brush or whatever. just use red trinket for thatSo how am I supposed to use pink wards as a jungler now? Or do I even bother?
Just bought Shyvanna, she really takes very little skill compared to other junglers, lol. She can get lvl 6 so fast, it doesn't really matter that she has no cc.
I get the feeling new pinks have a different purpose than old pinks. like, since anyone can just go break them, they're more useful if used defensively on your own jungle where the enemy team has to get into a risky situation to break them. I've been trying doing that these past few games and I think that's the right use for them (aside from dragon/baron stuff), rather than fighting for tri-brush or whatever. just use red trinket for that