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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Damn.. Eve is insane this season. The buffed spectral wraith coupled with the pink ward nerf. Wow.

Yep, this was called way back when the changes were announced.

I'm sort of glad the season has ended as i don't have any major impetus to play at the minute meaning i'm getting to sit out everyone spooning whilst they get used to the new changes.


bjergsen stream turned to shit now that he's on tsm and I have to endure dyrus and oddone

the good old times with malunoo are gone forever


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Oh right I still play this game. I'm waiting for the actual season to start so smart people can tell me what's OP and then I can abuse it and get into Plat :D.

In other news: play the new Zelda game, shit's good.

I'm not a goat knight but I guess Lucifer's minion is cool enough.
My last game:

We are 42/41 after about 30min. Ennemy team aces us. while we were dead and discussing about if we should surrender THEY surrendered. Still don't understand why.


My last game:

We are 42/41 after about 30min. Ennemy team aces us. while we were dead and discussing about if we should surrender THEY surrendered. Still don't understand why.
Toxic player(s) maybe? Even if I'm winning I kind of don't want to play if someone is yelling at me or making racist/homophobic comments. Sometimes it's more about, I just don't want this player to have a win, I want the game to be over so I can report them they are so bad.

That or someone was missing a tv show. I have had people call for surrender because X-show was starting soon. ~_~


hmm not sure about new mastery pages, specially going 9 in the defensive tree seems really lackluster. I guess the bonus armor when I buy chalice or zhonya's is nice, so I'll probably get that, and block is pretty nice, tho not so much in mid. 2 hp5 seems really weak tho, I'll probably never get that.

also for 9 utility I think imma stop using alchemist and get another point into more summoner cdr, it's like 10 seconds cut off flash.

There's been a serious lack of zooey gifs 'round these parts.
those are probably not coming back but you can take your fill going to my "homepage". lots of them there

My last game:

We are 42/41 after about 30min. Ennemy team aces us. while we were dead and discussing about if we should surrender THEY surrendered. Still don't understand why.
sometimes people have really weird ideas of how the match's going. like they'll be even in gold or ahead and still feel like they're losing because they have one or two less turrets, things like that

but most likely somebody's mommy told them to go wash their hands for dinner
It's only 9am but people are already trashtalking left and right. Not wow.
Dumpstered Akali in lane. I don't even know what's she's trying to build. Fidd's gold is wow. Only 1k difference compared to me, having same assists, almost same kills and way less CS. Thanks Targon.

you can take your fill going to my "homepage". lots of them there
From the latest PBE patch:

Safeguard / Iron Will [ W ] - Safeguard: Tooltip now specifies that Lee Sin now shields himself and not an ally if the ally is NOT a champion. "If the ally is a champion,they are also shielded." A.k.a. he can't shield minions anymore.
Karma called, she wants to stop shielding minions too.

taric support
Taric top!

sometimes people have really weird ideas of how the match's going. like they'll be even in gold or ahead and still feel like they're losing because they have one or two less turrets, things like that

but most likely somebody's mommy told them to go wash their hands for dinner
Riot should really start showing more information in-game for quality-of-life improvements. Team gold count, a visible dragon timer like Spectator Mode's and showing your ally's ultimate + summoner spells for starters.


Riot should really start showing more information in-game for quality-of-life improvements. Team gold count, a visible dragon timer like Spectator Mode's and showing your ally's ultimate and summoner spells for starters.

dont think so

those arent even QoL improvements - deriving your own teams power is a key component in knowing whether to engage or not engage in team fights

ultimate cds are a QoL tho
Riot should really start showing more information in-game for quality-of-life improvements. Team gold count, a visible dragon timer like Spectator Mode's and showing your ally's ultimate + summoner spells for starters.

You can already see if your teammates ult are up or not. It's the greed point near their champ's face on left of the screen

But I agree with team gold counter


Riot should really start showing more information in-game for quality-of-life improvements. Team gold count, a visible dragon timer like Spectator Mode's and showing your ally's ultimate + summoner spells for starters.
nah, imagine the doto fanboys' reaction

heh, sad they cut that scene from the movie. all my friends liked the movie and poke me for it, but I kinda hate 300 days of summer
Riot should really start showing more information in-game for quality-of-life improvements. Team gold count, a visible dragon timer like Spectator Mode's and showing your ally's ultimate + summoner spells for starters.

I'd have to disagree.

1) Any information you have on your teammates is useless without communication anyway - you can't rely on a player using a flash-engage unless you actually talk to him about it first.

2) Keeping track of timers and cooldowns is a skill in itself, and rewards players who communicate these to their team and make plays based on what abilities they can use and what the enemy has available. I have won games simply by keeping track of the dragon timer, and it's nice to know that.

3) A visible team gold counter is great while spectating but in-game it would only encourage bad behaviour and people giving up on games if they fall behind, and flaming teammates with low gold. People get enough shit for dying twice in lane and being behind on CS. If it only showed allies it might be okay. That way you could decide in items and strategies on the fly.
dont think so

those arent even QoL improvements - deriving your own teams power is a key component in knowing whether to engage or not engage in team fights

ultimate cds are a QoL tho
Visible gold count wouldn't really influence the game negatively since knowledgeable players are already good at sensing the difference if there is a gap through global objectives and so forth, and the same goes for the concept of keeping track of dragon / baron timers. The latter should've been streamlined by now regardless, because it's already in the game by means of the chatbox and thus it'd remove the tedium of having one guy scroll through chat to add 6 / 7 minutes to the clock or doing so after slaying it. Writing something down isn't gameplay nor is it a hook that makes League fun and it'd be a boon for players who don't actually prioritize securing dragon / baron (think Bronze and Silver) or newcomers in general, because the HUD would clearly tell you "HEY THIS SHIT IS IMPORTANT YOU SPONGE".

Of course there should be edge cases like "only show the countdown within x minutes" and "don't have the announcer say anything if a team snuck in a dragon," but I see no reason why I wouldn't be healthy to the game. And visible gold count would (ideally) decrease those silly matches where you have multiple ignorant players insist they can still win this (despite having every disadvantage in the book), since you'd have an meaningful statistic to point out rather than the sometimes superficial KDA ratio. That's just one example though, since it can also serve as a morale-enhancing tool if someone's uncertain about their own chances.

You can already see if your teammates ult are up or not. It's the greed point near their champ's face on left of the screen

But I agree with team gold counter
Yeah, but for something that's actually very important the green dot only succeeds at being non-descriptive and far from eye-catching. Especially if you're just starting out with the game.

I'd have to disagree.

1) Any information you have on your teammates is useless without communication anyway - you can't rely on a player using a flash-engage unless you actually talk to him about it first.

2) Keeping track of timers and cooldowns is a skill in itself, and rewards players who communicate these to their team and make plays based on what abilities they can use and what the enemy has available. I have won games simply by keeping track of the dragon timer, and it's nice to know that.

3) A visible team gold counter is great while spectating but in-game it would only encourage bad behaviour and people giving up on games if they fall behind, and flaming teammates with low gold. People get enough shit for dying twice in lane and being behind on CS. If it only showed allies it might be okay. That way you could decide in items and strategies on the fly.
Communicating with your team (in all the ways you mentioned) is the skill here, not punching numbers as the in-game equivaliant of bookkeeping or obscuring important information like summoner spells on allies because... reasons. If I implied that enemy cooldowns should be visible, then I expressed myself poorly. That obviously should be kept "secret".

You could be right about visible gold count leading to more negativity (despite the good things it would bring), but that'd be more an issue of Riot being far too lenient at punishing bad apples and rewarding players with good attitudes. Some permabans only happened after 9 consecutive bans for instance spanning months or well over a year, even when their behaviour hadn't improved in the slightest throughout.


Visible gold count wouldn't really influence the game negatively since knowledgeable players are already good at sensing the difference if there is a gap through global objectives and so forth,

im not discussing objective timers, their inclusion is neither here nor there for me. nor am i discussion negative/positive behaviour implications since i believe the argument can go either way on that one.

"knowledgeable players are already good at sensing the difference"

shows that it does take some skill to determine relative strength, and supports my argument.

what i am saying is that "relative power valuation takes skill -> should not implement gold totals"

not to mention the value of symmetric experiences with pro play and asymmetric experience of spectators. visible gold totals should never happen.


Visible gold count wouldn't really influence the game negatively since knowledgeable players are already good at sensing the difference if there is a gap through global objectives and so forth, and the same goes for the concept of keeping track of dragon / baron timers. The latter should've been streamlined by now regardless, because it's already in the game by means of the chatbox and thus it'd remove the tedium of having one guy scroll through chat to add 6 / 7 minutes to the clock or doing so after slaying it. Writing something down isn't gameplay nor is it a hook that makes League fun and it'd be a boon for players who don't actually prioritize securing dragon / baron (think Bronze and Silver) or newcomers in general, because the HUD would clearly tell you "HEY THIS SHIT IS IMPORTANT YOU SPONGE".

Of course there should be edge cases like "only show the countdown within x minutes" and "don't have the announcer say anything if a team snuck in a dragon," but I see no reason why I wouldn't be healthy to the game. And visible gold count would (ideally) decrease those silly matches where you have multiple ignorant players insist they can still win this (despite having every disadvantage in the book), since you'd have an meaningful statistic to point out rather than the sometimes superficial KDA ratio. That's just one example though, since it can also serve as a morale-enhancing tool.

I see your point, but I kinda like how timing buffs and barons and ultimates forces the team to communicate and use teamwork. I wonder what effect it would have to have all that information always readily available
The new masteries have made EZ pretty goddamn powerful right now.

They really need to separate the armor/magic pen. It's making Shyvana ridiculous as well.


Oh it's the tits and pigtails girl

What happened to that other blonde tits girl that was really aggressive? What was her name again
im not discussing objective timers, their inclusion is neither here nor there for me. nor am i discussion negative/positive behaviour implications since i believe the argument can go either way on that one.

"knowledgeable players are already good at sensing the difference"

shows that it does take some skill to determine relative strength, and supports my argument.

what i am saying is that "relative power valuation takes skill -> should not implement gold totals"

not to mention the value of symmetric experiences with pro play and asymmetric experience of spectators. visible gold totals should never happen.
The same "shouldn't be done" argument was also previously used for older QoL features that we now can't imagine not existing within today's League of Legends, ranging from minor ones tied to general clarity (outlines on select skills, GP10 tracking, oracle icon) to those that encourage further emphasis on team play (key mini-map animations, the ping system) or basic decision making (turret range indicators). If nothing else, it ought to be something Riot should experiment with in an appropriate environment to see if it can stick, with or without pro-level play (which also has numerous faults) as a guideline.

Also, with visible gold count the skill would still exist in the very aspect you mentioned: accurately determining the relative strength of both sides with available information. If it does get included, it doesn't really affect the better player since they've already been conditioned to be made aware of it long ago. The worse player in turn at least gains a visible criteria to take into consideration, which could give him a distinct mental note of something he needs to improve upon rather than it being a stat he could not immediatedly notice without being told so outside of a match.

Just my two cents though, even if we still end up disagreeing. It's not something we could personally change unfortunately and it boils down to theorycrafting after all.

I see your point, but I kinda like how timing buffs and barons and ultimates forces the team to communicate and use teamwork. I wonder what effect it would have to have all that information always readily available
They could still keep local buffs obscured to maintain the jungle control dynamic of the role, since they're not as globally important as dragon or baron. I don't think the overall effect would be harmful to the game, since in the past Riot had already moved in this direction with the chat timers among other tweaks and no one's complaining about those anymore (contrary to the initial backlash).

The only thing I would like them have on the HUD is inhib respawn time.
I wouldn't mind that either, personally.


lol why is she so angry

also there's a couple porn actresses for some reason showing up on my stream tracker. I feel kinda good I didn't recognize the names but still I was randomly checking streams out and it's just some girl on her phone with the lol client open

so ridiculous
Gonna go with jungle Eve while she's still freelo.

Tell me why I should go AP runes over AD. Roughly same ratios but AD strengthens her attacks from E better.

I tried blue Elix start and it was a pretty good gambit too.


Gonna go with jungle Eve while she's still freelo.

Tell me why I should go AP runes over AD. Roughly same ratios but AD strengthens her attacks from E better.

I tried blue Elix start and it was a pretty good gambit too.
cos diamond does it

also because you get more AP on your runes
ESP on quints, AP is double the AD amount.

watching the archive of that girl's stream. "Top donators: imaqtpie $1.00" oh my god

screencap that for prosperity


league of legends |ot6| It's not something we could personally change unfortunately and it boils down to theorycrafting after all.
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