dont think so
those arent even QoL improvements - deriving your own teams power is a key component in knowing whether to engage or not engage in team fights
ultimate cds are a QoL tho
Visible gold count wouldn't really influence the game negatively since knowledgeable players are already good at sensing the difference if there is a gap through global objectives and so forth, and the same goes for the concept of keeping track of dragon / baron timers. The latter should've been streamlined by now regardless, because it's already in the game by means of the chatbox and thus it'd remove the tedium of having one guy scroll through chat to add 6 / 7 minutes to the clock or doing so after slaying it. Writing something down isn't gameplay nor is it a hook that makes League fun
and it'd be a boon for players who don't actually prioritize securing dragon / baron (think Bronze and Silver) or newcomers in general, because the HUD would clearly tell you "HEY THIS SHIT IS IMPORTANT YOU SPONGE".
Of course there should be edge cases like "only show the countdown within x minutes" and "don't have the announcer say anything if a team snuck in a dragon," but I see no reason why I wouldn't be healthy to the game. And visible gold count would (ideally) decrease those silly matches where you have multiple ignorant players insist they can still win this (despite having every disadvantage in the book), since you'd have an
meaningful statistic to point out rather than the sometimes superficial KDA ratio. That's just one example though, since it can also serve as a morale-enhancing tool if someone's uncertain about their own chances.
You can already see if your teammates ult are up or not. It's the greed point near their champ's face on left of the screen
But I agree with team gold counter
Yeah, but for something that's actually very important the green dot only succeeds at being non-descriptive and far from eye-catching. Especially if you're just starting out with the game.
I'd have to disagree.
1) Any information you have on your teammates is useless without communication anyway - you can't rely on a player using a flash-engage unless you actually talk to him about it first.
2) Keeping track of timers and cooldowns is a skill in itself, and rewards players who communicate these to their team and make plays based on what abilities they can use and what the enemy has available. I have won games simply by keeping track of the dragon timer, and it's nice to know that.
3) A visible team gold counter is great while spectating but in-game it would only encourage bad behaviour and people giving up on games if they fall behind, and flaming teammates with low gold. People get enough shit for dying twice in lane and being behind on CS. If it only showed allies it might be okay. That way you could decide in items and strategies on the fly.
Communicating with your team (in all the ways you mentioned) is the skill here, not punching numbers as the in-game equivaliant of bookkeeping or obscuring important information like summoner spells on allies because... reasons. If I implied that enemy cooldowns should be visible, then I expressed myself poorly. That obviously should be kept "secret".
You could be right about visible gold count leading to more negativity (despite the good things it would bring), but that'd be more an issue of Riot being far too lenient at punishing bad apples and rewarding players with good attitudes. Some permabans only happened after 9 consecutive bans for instance spanning months or well over a year, even when their behaviour hadn't improved in the slightest throughout.