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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Hi guys. Just recently started (about a week in) and I am so shit right now. I still have difficulty killing Champions and I do get killed easily.
So far I am just playing against bots in 5v5 matches, but mos of the time, My teammates are the ones who are doing the killing and I am the one who keep dying a lot.

Is the best practice just to play the game more, or do I have to look for guides and read it?
I hate Guides btw and they do give me headache with their terminology and whatnot.

If you want i can play some games with you. I'm not the best player, but i think i can at least help you with starting up. I'm on EUW btw
Running out of hotkeys. =( I think I'll move my trinket key to ~.

I actually wasn't sure what to buy. I was gonna go for Athene but went for Crucible because they had a fair amount of CC. Blasting Wand into I DONT KNOW Rylai or Deathcap.

Got Draven 4/0 fed early on. I went to ward dragon but he went on to push. I WTF'd at his action then he killed both Jinx and Nami alone.


Had a very easy ARAM match as the Donger vs a Twisted Fate and a Pantheon. I dunno guys, maybe not such a good idea to ult in right next to me when I can throw a stun grenade that will hit you right when you land. Oh hey, a circle on the ground, gee, what should I do. Stun - turret turret turret rockets.

This goes double since we had an Annie on our team. They would ult next to one of us and we'd just stun-kill them every single time. Lessons not learned ever.
NIce. Thanks. Yeah, I am on EUWas well. My summon name/username is the same as Neaogafs (Faridmon)

Im pretty new as well. My advice for guides is to check a few sections just to have an idea of where to start and go on a champ.

What summoner spells do people use, what types of masteries and runes?

What is a typical build and why. Eventually you can figure this out on your own and customize, but to start I think just following a build to see how it works is better than guessing. Eventually you'll notice the kinds of items people usually choose between for a given lane.

Finally for skills, at least look at what order they recommend to start and max and why. Finally, if a guide has it, I like togwt an idea of how strong/weak that character will be at a given level and what good combos are.

Beyond that you'll need to play the champ for a while to understand the rest of the strategy anyway and I find you get diminishing returns for reading instead of playing.
What would you guys have done in this situation? I just had a game where I was abusing Nasus as Teemo. Their Jarvan keeps trying to gank me but I keep ending up killing both of them. On rare occasions, their mid Kennen goes along. They kill me but I kill all of them. I thought I can just keep pressuring top, since I was attracting up to 3 enemies, and I can stop Nasus from getting anywhere. This also gives us better dragon control. I was fed enough to be like 8/1.

However, our bot was doing pretty bad. Enemy Twitch was getting 5/1 fed. I can still push harder than anyone else, so I kept pushing top and almost took the inhib tower just as they took down our T1 bot tower. I could swap with bot, but that relieves a lot of pressure from top. Our Vayne can't duel a Randuin Nasus with only BoRK.

Twitch swapped to top. Problem is that I can't duel him because he had Cleanse. Even if I baited with Ignite first, he will always wait for the blind before cleansing. He usually barely survives after killing me. I kept telling them to not engage since they usually sent 2 people after me. Problem is that someone keeps getting hooked by enemy Thresh so they're forced to fight.

Ended up losing the game wondering if I could have done something about it. Should I have swapped earlier? Should I have stopped pressuring the lane and joined more fights?


What would you guys have done in this situation? I just had a game where I was abusing Nasus as Teemo. Their Jarvan keeps trying to gank me but I keep ending up killing both of them. On rare occasions, their mid Kennen goes along. They kill me but I kill all of them. I thought I can just keep pressuring top, since I was attracting up to 3 enemies, and I can stop Nasus from getting anywhere. This also gives us better dragon control. I was fed enough to be like 8/1.

However, our bot was doing pretty bad. Enemy Twitch was getting 5/1 fed. I can still push harder than anyone else, so I kept pushing top and almost took the inhib tower just as they took down our T1 bot tower. I could swap with bot, but that relieves a lot of pressure from top. Our Vayne can't duel a Randuin Nasus with only BoRK.

Twitch swapped to top. Problem is that I can't duel him because he had Cleanse. Even if I baited with Ignite first, he will always wait for the blind before cleansing. He usually barely survives after killing me. I kept telling them to not engage since they usually sent 2 people after me. Problem is that someone keeps getting hooked by enemy Thresh so they're forced to fight.

Ended up losing the game wondering if I could have done something about it. Should I have swapped earlier? Should I have stopped pressuring the lane and joined more fights?

If you were that far ahead, you probably could have taken an opportunity to roam bot (I know it's a long roam from top, but Teemo's a fast little turd) and shroom the place up. Or perform some surgical Teemo strikes, help get your botlane going.


Can't say that I'm surprised that nyjacky is retiring. I feel as though while he always played consistently ok, he never really did anything to stand out from other mid players. His personality will be missed though.


Im pretty new as well. My advice for guides is to check a few sections just to have an idea of where to start and go on a champ.

What summoner spells do people use, what types of masteries and runes?

What is a typical build and why. Eventually you can figure this out on your own and customize, but to start I think just following a build to see how it works is better than guessing. Eventually you'll notice the kinds of items people usually choose between for a given lane.

Finally for skills, at least look at what order they recommend to start and max and why. Finally, if a guide has it, I like togwt an idea of how strong/weak that character will be at a given level and what good combos are.

Beyond that you'll need to play the champ for a while to understand the rest of the strategy anyway and I find you get diminishing returns for reading instead of playing.

I checked your match history. Buy boots. It really helps you avoid getting hurt/dying. Generally you buy Boots of Speed on your first trip back to the shop.

Thanks for the advice guys.

I will prioritise Boots from here onwards. I tend to sve gold for better equipments, but I reckon my deaths have something to do withe fact that I don't have any equipment in the begining whatsoever.

Yeah, I shall look into simple guides and strategies online, but I have to find a good Champ to main first.


still banking on my theory that laute n prolly still secretly practicing w/ coL
then as relegations approach they come back to the team
o, np, thinks curse, they haven't played together for a long time
voyboy tears
Thanks for the advice guys.

I will prioritise Boots from here onwards. I tend to sve gold for better equipments, but I reckon my deaths have something to do withe fact that I don't have any equipment in the begining whatsoever.

Yeah, I shall look into simple guides and strategies online, but I have to find a good Champ to main first.

And buy wards. A lot of guides just assume you'll do it. It isn't always as evident how it will pay off but vision helps everyone.


Thanks for the advice guys.

I will prioritise Boots from here onwards. I tend to sve gold for better equipments, but I reckon my deaths have something to do withe fact that I don't have any equipment in the begining whatsoever.

Yeah, I shall look into simple guides and strategies online, but I have to find a good Champ to main first.

You don't need to prioritize boots, just make sure you buy them around when you complete your first item.


What would you guys have done in this situation? I just had a game where I was abusing Nasus as Teemo. Their Jarvan keeps trying to gank me but I keep ending up killing both of them. On rare occasions, their mid Kennen goes along. They kill me but I kill all of them. I thought I can just keep pressuring top, since I was attracting up to 3 enemies, and I can stop Nasus from getting anywhere. This also gives us better dragon control. I was fed enough to be like 8/1.

However, our bot was doing pretty bad. Enemy Twitch was getting 5/1 fed. I can still push harder than anyone else, so I kept pushing top and almost took the inhib tower just as they took down our T1 bot tower. I could swap with bot, but that relieves a lot of pressure from top. Our Vayne can't duel a Randuin Nasus with only BoRK.

Twitch swapped to top. Problem is that I can't duel him because he had Cleanse. Even if I baited with Ignite first, he will always wait for the blind before cleansing. He usually barely survives after killing me. I kept telling them to not engage since they usually sent 2 people after me. Problem is that someone keeps getting hooked by enemy Thresh so they're forced to fight.

Ended up losing the game wondering if I could have done something about it. Should I have swapped earlier? Should I have stopped pressuring the lane and joined more fights?

well you were playing top and as teemo, so really there isn't much you can do to help other lanes. if you were the one playing nasus you could've helped force teamfights or push mid or rush dragon, but with someone like teemo that's kinda hard to do since he's a bit useless :p


i wouldn't worry too much about builds
like you can just build the recommended items for now
if you are just starting just play and familiarize yourself with how the game works, the many different champs, and the limits of whatever champ you decide to play

the free champs that are really simple right now are vlad and warwick
they both have sustain which is a nice crutch for a new player


Soooo should I roam as a top laner?

Depends on who you're laning against, how you're doing against them, and the state of mid (and bot, but to a lesser extent given how far away it is).

Certain champs (Nasus and Trynd spring to mind) are a pretty terrible idea to leave alone in solo queue, because no matter how hard you beat them in the first 10-15 minutes, a little bit of free farm will give them the ability to wreck your carries regardless. Even if you capitalize on your roams and push down a few towers in the other lanes, they can still come back and tear your team apart in team fights. People are going to disagree, but I think it's generally worth it to stick around, bully them out of farm while farming yourself, and doing everything you can to keep them from reaching their late game destruco-mode over pushing 5v4s across the map and letting them back in the game.

It's generally alright with most other champs, assuming that you're spanking whoever you're laning against, and it's more than alright if you're spanking them and your other lanes need help, especially if your jungler is behind and the other team isn't warding well.


Think I'm in trouble here.

Can't remember my account name. I can't even remember if I changed it when I transferred from NA to EU. I always have Remember Account Name ticked when I log in so I never input it.

Account Name recovery only displays my old EU account for some reason.

Contacted Support. I'll be pretty annoyed if I can't get it back.
So I bought Quinn for some reason. I liker her moveset and all. But she doesn't seem to do too good at least in bot lane as a traditional adc. Is she suppose to be played in a solo lane, and what items are core for her.
So I bought Quinn for some reason. I liker her moveset and all. But she doesn't seem to do too good at least in bot lane as a traditional adc. Is she suppose to be played in a solo lane, and what items are core for her.
If you take her as a solo laner you can either do normal ADC stuff or do a AS-bruiser style build, with stuff like Botrk, Triforce into full tank items.

She's really fucking oppressive against melee.


So I bought Quinn for some reason. I liker her moveset and all. But she doesn't seem to do too good at least in bot lane as a traditional adc. Is she suppose to be played in a solo lane, and what items are core for her.

She's kinda this weird mix of ADC and assassin. I see her played solo top more than ADC (since I guess her ult makes her a splitpushing monster?) and even then I don't see her played much really. I don't think that makes her bad, just niche maybe?

ADC might take some more coordination since her main burst early is passive>auto>E>auto. Extremely dangerous when combined with lanebuddy CC but hard to pull off otherwise vs a duo


So I bought Quinn for some reason. I liker her moveset and all. But she doesn't seem to do too good at least in bot lane as a traditional adc. Is she suppose to be played in a solo lane, and what items are core for her.

I like quinn, she's fun. I think if you were to play her top it'd be trinity + bjork + defensive, probably.

Well that escalated quickly. I'm going to remind myself to never play on Sundays again.

And rushing Blade of the Ruined King on Quinn always felt underwhelming to me, no matter which lane you put her in. Had more success buying raw AD first, be it Bloodthirster or Infinity Edge.
Bronze doesn't let go easily. I offer you luck, my friend.

There was a phase where I was being matched with newbies with fresh MMR, who had no idea what they were doing. That was the hardest part of the climb so far. I'm now being matched with Silver IV players so I think I'm in a pretty good spot.

I should track my games and see if I can predict the outcome of a game just by looking at lolnexus. Might be interesting.
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