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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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That has happened so many times to me. I never ended up in the Bronze V pit though. I think this time I finally overcame the "fresh MMR newbies" hump.

It's not hard to see why people think Elo hell exists. They get the idea that "I can carry my team out of Bronze" all by themselves, then get frustrated when their solo efforts fail. But if you are the best player on your team, you have to be the team captain and stop your teammates from being idiots and chasing through an unwarded jungle instead of taking turrets. And sometimes you have to go with their crazy ideas because it keeps you in a team together.


I just cannot seem to be able to win games in season 4. I've lost 13 out of my last 20 games, and I've played pretty much everything but jungle and done well and bad and it's just terrible. in no small part I think it's because a few of my friends stopped playing and I'm doing more games with randoms now but the game just seems harder to carry and just as difficult to recover, which doesn't make much sense, so I'm probably just bad.

was gonna play some ranked and see if people are more serious than they're in normals right now, but I dunno if I want to check :I

I can't even win at arams, it's getting pretty depressing
If you take her as a solo laner you can either do normal ADC stuff or do a AS-bruiser style build, with stuff like Botrk, Triforce into full tank items.

She's really fucking oppressive against melee.

You would almost never buy trinity force on her any more. That was like ok for a while when she was released, but there are better ways to build her now.

If you're playing her as an ADC, put her in a kill lane. Leona, Thresh, Blitz all work well with her. Maybe even Taric now. Build the usual; BT, Shiv, Last Whisper, IE, Bezerker's Greaves and GA.

If you're going solo lane, you want to build more assassin-y. Blade of the Ruined King into Ghostblade (she gets the full effect as Valour), Shiv, LW, Bezerker's and either IE or GA, depending on what you feel you need. Generally with those items and if you have another ADC you shouldn't need the IE.

Buy yeah, she shits on melee and most AP mids.

Like if Kassadin ever gets through and you want to make his day as miserable as humanly possible, play Quinn. It's an even worse match-up than Caitlyn for Kass.

I just cannot seem to be able to win games in season 4. I've lost 13 out of my last 20 games, and I've played pretty much everything but jungle and done well and bad and it's just terrible. in no small part I think it's because a few of my friends stopped playing and I'm doing more games with randoms now but the game just seems harder to carry and just as difficult to recover, which doesn't make much sense, so I'm probably just bad.

was gonna play some ranked and see if people are more serious than they're in normals right now, but I dunno if I want to check :I

I can't even win at arams, it's getting pretty depressing

I haven't played in like a week, but the 6 games of S4 I did play were pretty good to me:



it's 2deep4u baka gaijin

i am gonna go on a pilgrimige to japan to better understand the deep arts

ok in srs news time, it seems that EG.NA (Alliance) might be a real thing, with krepo, yellopete and snoopeh +friends

thing is though, they will most likely have to play against Quantic :/

Also, EMPIRE is coming back to lol with a new team. never heard of the players :)


To be fair there's not that many good anime this season.

On note, thinking of getting a new jungler. Leaning towards Elise or Vi so which one do you think I should get?
Sivir is really cool.

I like her shield and ultimate. Also Poppy support, lol.

So... my preseason is going well. I was planning to play 10 games with every champion I own, so far I started with the marksmen, it's going well, only 53 champs to go.


Give Sivir her day in the sun. I still don't know how to play her or be useful with her, so she hasn't reached the noob-friendly level.

And once upon a time her spellshield cost like 75 mana, lasted like 2 seconds, and had like a 16 second cooldown.

That day may come again, but be nice to her in the meantime. I think for a while she was one of the bottom 3 winrate champions, along with Eve and Karma, but I could be imagining that.


ok finally won a couple. went 13 3 11 with ahri

in kpop we trust

this skin is too op. no skin should have two kpop dances


You can use spectate anyone instead of trying to add people.

Besides, isn't BurnOutBrighter Australian?

O btw, this week's OGN will use the preseason patch. Gonna be cray cray.


Went against Urgot mid as ahri. Was not a fun lane. He was constantly ahead 20 CS after the first 10 minutes. Luckily, my top and bot lanes kept the jungler busy and my Vi kept the urgot honest with some great ganks. But seriously, Urgot is weird


Or Lissandra.

I can't believe she used her ultimate on me when I had my shield, like 5 times.
It was funny to hear "Freeze" and nothing to happen.
Isn't lissandras ult an instant click? I feel like it would take a good amount of luck or a terrible Lissandra to have Sivirs shield be that effective, if so.

What's the best counter for a Rengar bottom/support? Even when he builds tanky (Targon's and Phage), he still gives his lane probably the greatest instagib potential in the entire game, regardless of who he's laning with. Can't go near bushes even if you ward them up, and his ult practically guarantees a kill if the minions are in the middle of the lane unless you have multiple pinks down, especially if he's ulting in directly after coming from the fountain. They b, you push, he ults, you're dead.

halp please


Everything is moe to me
show me the art of spectating, master!
open up Run and past this:

"C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\solutions\lol_game_client_sln\releases\\deploy\League of Legends.exe" "8394" "LoLLauncher.exe" "" "spectator jc79j7+BzBPULtPBlGlohlI0b6bK+IyE 22764829 OC1"

pretty interesting game. they started waaaay behind on kills but kept up a large gold advantage. goes to show you cant trust just KD in game. :p


Everything is moe to me
Keewwwlll XD

just in time to see the nexus die. :D

edit: ooo, lux vs syndra. hwaiting!

why the hybrid pen on lux?

"C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\solutions\lol_game_client_sln\releases\\deploy\League of Legends.exe" "8394" "LoLLauncher.exe" "" "spectator JAyFYERG+m5J0WcqzkN3UcW90E/fDx/a 22784324 OC1"
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