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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Acolyte Lee Sin (never play Lee Sin, boo), Infernal Susan (sweet), Nightblade Irelia. I already have Frostbutt Irelia, why would I want Nightblade Irelia?

Oh well, an okay haul overall.
I noticed in one of my games that I lagged really bad when purchasing elixirs. Like the game freezes for 2-3 seconds. My PC's way more than enough to run the game and I have it installed on an SSD.
The shop lag has been around since a few patches ago yes, no matter which rig you're running. The delay is there when you purchase anything, but it's especially noticeable with elixirs as you just said.

Wtf did they do to Taric to make him so strong anyway? I hardly get to play anymore but he's in every high elo game I watch.
His armor aura actually scales now (offensively + defensively at that) and his passive makes it possible to practically perma-stun a single target under ideal circumstances.

Taric is functionally still fairly binary and he can be kited around, but statistically speaking his kit does what he's supposed to do really effectively as time passes on. Too bad about all the chumps that buy Sunfire Cape on him though...

Well yeah, she can't force you to stay and fight but if you stick around she'll slap your shit.
Still a number of champs who duel better than her, even if she's quite adept in her current state. Not to say Shyvanna shouldn't be respected, but I agree with dimb that she's being somewhat overvalued.

Acolyte Lee Sin (never play Lee Sin, boo), Infernal Susan (sweet), Nightblade Irelia. I already have Frostbutt Irelia, why would I want Nightblade Irelia?

Oh well, an okay haul overall.
So that you wouldn't have to look at her janky-ass face in the Frostbutt splashart, and so she can still retain her flowing in-game locks of hair.


Acolyte Lee Sin (never play Lee Sin, boo), Infernal Susan (sweet), Nightblade Irelia. I already have Frostbutt Irelia, why would I want Nightblade Irelia?

Oh well, an okay haul overall.

I did the mystery gift to myself once. Got Resistance Caitlyn (which goes for 520rp) stopped.

Infernal Susan is awesome but you essentially spent 1560rp for it since you'll never use the other two :)


I am getting better, but usually I am mauled down when I am against ranged super characters such as Annie. I am using Jenne as a champ, and I think I am comfortable with her. There was one match where I have done 3 kills in row, but the next match, I still ended up with 0 kills.
When those champs gang on you, man, those are just tough shit. Getting hang on things, but still terrible.


Isn't lissandras ult an instant click? I feel like it would take a good amount of luck or a terrible Lissandra to have Sivirs shield be that effective, if so.

What's the best counter for a Rengar bottom/support? Even when he builds tanky (Targon's and Phage), he still gives his lane probably the greatest instagib potential in the entire game, regardless of who he's laning with. Can't go near bushes even if you ward them up, and his ult practically guarantees a kill if the minions are in the middle of the lane unless you have multiple pinks down, especially if he's ulting in directly after coming from the fountain. They b, you push, he ults, you're dead.

halp please

That sounds a bit (just a bit) like the Malphite support I had to deal with. No real counterplay because he would just hit you then run back, right?

I would suggest just farming at tower and coordinate 1 (maybe 2) jungler/mid ganks, if you farm at the tower they won't be able to do very much to you plus they are overextended and begging someone to head down for a few kills. If worse comes to worse just harass him with autos, then CC him when he jumps out at you (several supports can do so) to make sure he doesn't get away unpunished. First b buy some armor as support (even cloth will help, Seekers or Wards or Chain is even better depending on your supports build path) and if he hasn't drastically outfarmed you you shouldn't get one shotted or even several-shotted before some CC goes off. The armor should help against the enemy ADC too which is a bonus.

I was Twitch with Soraka against another Twitch/Malphite and we did pretty bad laning because I just wasn't sure what to do since by the time I got some autos off he would be gone and his passive would just regen. Supports like that are scary 2 v 2, especially early on, but cannot deal with ganks any better and aren't very good about escaping/peeling for their ADC in lane either (unless they blow their ults I guess). My jungler rammus and mid Karma came bot if they overextended, got me one-two kills and I started snowballing from there, and I don't think I'm a good ADC at all. Went like 15-5 before they surrendered.


Clearing and pre-6 ganks might be a problem, though.

Same can be said of a lot of junglers. I rather like Rengar but his clear speed is pretty horrendous.

Wukong clears pretty quickly with his E - good damage, AE attack, attack speed buff. He really likes blue buff though. I'd say his pre-6 ganks are pretty average. He has the small stealth and pretty good range gap closer to dish out some surprise damage.
Same can be said of a lot of junglers. I rather like Rengar but his clear speed is pretty horrendous.

Wukong clears pretty quickly with his E - good damage, AE attack, attack speed buff. He really likes blue buff though. I'd say his pre-6 ganks are pretty average. He has the small stealth and pretty good range gap closer to dish out some surprise damage.
And said junglers are usually bad :D

I never tried him jungle so I can't really comment on his clearing speed, but his ganks pre-6 with no red sound pretty bad. He might get really strong if the game keeps gravitating torwards level 6 ganks though, that ult is fucking crazy and his lategame is amazing.


And said junglers are usually bad :D

I never tried him jungle so I can't really comment on his clearing speed, but his ganks pre-6 with no red sound pretty bad. He might get really strong if the game keeps gravitating torwards level 6 ganks though, that ult is fucking crazy and his lategame is amazing.

Compared to someone like Vi, the only thing she has over Wukong in terms of pre-6 CC is a small knockback on her Q. His gap closer is instant and only 100 less range than Vi's max range Q.

Now that said, Vi will do more damage if she can land the Q. But it's a skillshot vs targeted gap closer from Wukong.

Honestly I don't think it's that bad. It's not like Shyvana or Warwick who would have to basically walk up to you to do anything.

It does seem like S4 does give you the option for later ganking junglers. That early gank isn't necessarily going to result in a win. The farming jungler comes out later but far stronger unless you can snowball those early ganks (which are worth less money in S4 anyways).


You can jungle almost anything this season

Some are just more vulnerable to ganks than others

Pretty true. Money comes a lot easier. OddOne has been enjoying jungle Gragas quite a bit lol.

I've found Shyvana to be pretty damn good in the gold space. Haven't lost with her yet. She ganks like shit but counter ganks like a boss and counter jungles with almost impunity.


You willingly visit and listen to Kotaku?

*shakes head*
Guys please, I googled "anime to watch". Not my fault the internet prefers kotaku
Pretty true. Money comes a lot easier. OddOne has been enjoying jungle Gragas quite a bit lol.

I've found Shyvana to be pretty damn good in the gold space. Haven't lost with her yet. She ganks like shit but counter ganks like a boss and counter jungles with almost impunity.
Gragas isn't a joke though. He has ridiculous aoe damage with the new E


Glad they didn't go overboard with the nerf.

What trinket do you guys usually take as support? I usually go with Warding Trinket then sell it for a Sweeping Lens once I get money for some wards / Sightstone.
yeah I do exactly that, green trinket, then red when I get sighstone

upgraded red trinket is an exercise in frustration. the oracle thing always lasts just enough for them to place a ward and you to get two hits on it and see it vanish forever


Just had my first PvP match. Shit was tense and amazing we won after being down in the first quarter of the match. I was Janne and I kept dying a lot, until they thought of this clever tactics where they let me do the defending in the lower lane and the just rushed mid. All of the sudden their nexus was destroyed.

I was surprised, but since I was dying alot, I was quite happy about the outcome. Getting there, getting ther!
just in time to see the nexus die. :D

edit: ooo, lux vs syndra. hwaiting!

why the hybrid pen on lux?

"C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\solutions\lol_game_client_sln\releases\\deploy\League of Legends.exe" "8394" "LoLLauncher.exe" "" "spectator JAyFYERG+m5J0WcqzkN3UcW90E/fDx/a 22784324 OC1"

Oh man I got stomped in lane by that Syndra :( Her range is just crazy and all she needs to do is hit you with her stun to give her enough time to kill you were her ult.

I take hybrid pen as Lux because you always want to follow up spells with auto attacks to maximise damage when in lane. You lose a few mpen points but gain a useful chunk of arpen.

In that Lucian game where I went 20/12, we were doing so well but I made the huge mistake of diving on to Vayne during a teamfight at their inhib turret, and she promptly two-shotted me and cleaned out the rest of my team.

Ever since 3.13, my game has been lagging. Since 3.14, it has been unplayable. Looks like a bunch of players are having the same issue according to reddit and the league forums.

Reinstalled twice, used fixes, turned settings all the way down, etc.

Can't be fixed. Here's hoping for a new patch asap.

I get noticeable pauses when:

- Opening the shop for the first time in a while
- Dying for the first time
- Buying red or blue pots

I think it has something to do with the way the game is caching the assets.


it feels like a really lame mode for a queue tho

in custom games it's much better since you start adding all the people in your friendslist and you have a good time. if you queue for one for all you end up running against people that's like "DONT BAN NIDALEE" and shit like that
thanks to your link boken now im watching the first episode of My Mental Choices are Completely Interfering with my School Romantic Comedy

edit: what in the fuck is this

2nd edit: that was the dumbest thing ive ever sat through


Just played as renek against a riven who seemed to be defeated from the getgo because im her counter. Kept switching lanes and me and akali just kept switching too. Its like, im not even your counter, way to not even try.
it feels like a really lame mode for a queue tho

in custom games it's much better since you start adding all the people in your friendslist and you have a good time. if you queue for one for all you end up running against people that's like "DONT BAN NIDALEE" and shit like that

True playing with friend, and in Howling Abyss, makes it a blast.

And don't play Karthus vs Pantheon (in One for All). Unless you want to get dunked hard. I don't know how my friends convinced me to play with Karthus.


why on earth would you not let people queue for a really simple mode that their fans liked
Hype building, mcRib style
thanks to your link boken now im watching the first episode of My Mental Choices are Completely Interfering with my School Romantic Comedy

edit: what in the fuck is this

2nd edit: that was the dumbest thing ive ever sat through
I bet you picked it because the girl was cute


Decided to gamble on one mystery skin just for fun; got Demonblade Trynd. I think I'll stop when I'm ahead so I can always claim I gambled and won.
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