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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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So happy. Haven't played Taric in months, but he used to be one of my favourites. And this is my first ranked win in a lonnng time.

How much do you guys typically practice with a champ before bringing them into ranked?

I ask because I typically play one game 1v5 against bots, and if I feel happy, I bring them out in ranked. Did it with Volibear, did it with Shyvana, did it with Lee Sin (this one was a bit of a mistake since he has such a large skill cap), did it with Renekton , Syndra, and Varus.

I guess it depends on the champ (Lee Sin/Orianna/Vayne being a bad idea, Taric/Garen/Master Yi not really mattering), but I'm interested to see how everyone goes about learning new roles. Maybe it's a worse idea to jump right it at higher elo when players have mastered their champs a bit better?


Also, how would you deal with stealth in the game? I feel like it's pretty overpowered simply because of how bad pink wards are right now, although to be honest jungling can be really strong right now seeing as there aren't many wards in general. When I'm jungling against an Evelynn, it's basically to the point where I have to forfeit any chance of winning the early game pressure wise and focus on winning the mid game. I think the solution is simple. Have two types of purchasable wards (pinks and greens). Greens show anything visible (champs/enemies) nothing else, whereas pinks show anything invisible (shrooms, stealthed champs, wards) and nothing else. Both wards would be invisible to champions, or you could potentially make them visible but indestructible.

Therefore if you were top lane and warded your lane with pinks, the jungle evelynn wouldn't be able to gank you, but if you didn't also buy green wards you would be completely vulnerable to the mid ahri.

I play a couple of Co-op versus AI games. Afterwards, I play at least 20 normal games but, truthfully, I never bring them into ranked unless I know for sure that I am good with them.
Oh dear god please put out a new patch that will fix the unplayable lagfest this game has been for me since the last one.

Now reinstalled three times, two fully, and dicked around with settings for an hour. Nothing.


Can't wait for OGN Champions - want to see what the Korean pros do with pre-s4. Wonder who they'll ban.

Wish we could've gotten SKT T1 K vs CJ Blaze on the old patch for one last matchup though.

(And I really want the new teleport and the Xerath rework. C'mon, Riot!)
The floodgates have opened it seems. Two wins into Silver V and I'm at 47LP.

I just yolo and try them in ranked, might as well, you're going against better opponents than you'd get in normals. You learn a lot faster

Kind of funny that I asked that and ended up buying Fizz today. Played one bots game and then straight into ranked.

Gave up first blood overestimating my damage.

Finished 19-3.

He's pretty broken lol. I was 2-2 and then the botlane said "come bot free double kill" and I figured why not. Land a shark and then boom double kill, and I was away.


Liking the CD reductions on red trinkets, not liking the removal of the Drain passive from the other two spirit items.
Yeah Trinket buffs are nice.

Though I'm surprised they didn't come out like this.

Drain felt really strong though.

Tariff new damage... I surprise myself every time I hit people, but he doesn't need serious nerfs tbh. It's not that easy to bop them after every spell


I can't believe they ever went with the 100 ms boost on Spectral Wraith in the first place. Probably one of the more imbalanced additions in ever to make it on to the PBE.



Am I the only one struggling with especially teemo's shrooms now that oracle has been removed. Of course you can hope that everyone on team goes red trinket, but instead of discussing what the others could do (which people seem to fancy a lot during games), does anyone have good strategies when you play support and a teemo is getting ahead?
Am I the only one struggling with especially teemo's shrooms now that oracle has been removed. Of course you can hope that everyone on team goes red trinket, but instead of discussing what the others could do (which people seem to fancy a lot during games), does anyone have good strategies when you play support and a teemo is getting ahead?

Cry, then tell everyone to grab a Banshee, and maybe someone with a locket.


Terrify [ Q ] - Now fears the target for 1.3/1.5/1.8/2/2.3 seconds (changed from 1/1.5/2/2.5/3 seconds compared to last PBE Patch)
finally T_T

same nerf to rammus taunt too

Am I the only one struggling with especially teemo's shrooms now that oracle has been removed. Of course you can hope that everyone on team goes red trinket, but instead of discussing what the others could do (which people seem to fancy a lot during games), does anyone have good strategies when you play support and a teemo is getting ahead?
not much, he's broken at the moment. maybe the buff to the red trinket will help
finally T_T

same nerf to rammus taunt too

Those numbers got rounded up. I was wondering why it increase by 0.2 or 0.3. I don't like the change. The nerf is pretty much the fault of support Fidd, but this also nerfs other kinds of Fidds.

Rammus nerf is so damn random.

Judgement ( E ) now reads "Judgement deals 25% less damage to minions" instead of "minions and monsters"*

Time to bust out jungle Garen.


Those numbers got rounded up. I was wondering why it increase by 0.2 or 0.3. I don't like the change. The nerf is pretty much the fault of support Fidd, but this also nerfs other kinds of Fidds.

Rammus nerf is so damn random.
reign of gaming was rounding up for some reason :I

I love it, 3 second cc is bullshit and 2.25 at max rank is still very strong. same with rammus, buff to compensate if you need to but being unable to act for 3 seconds is annoying as fuck.

now make annie's passive scale with levels and bot lane will be happy again


Rammus taunt is very close range though. It's very difficult for him to taunt anyone behind the tank.

they can give him a bit more range or buff somewhere else if needed

I'm just happy I may be able to live enough to flash out of fiddle's ults now. probably not tho
oh hey, Lucian nerf.

dat Riot over reaction to anything that's even remotely strong.

It's not as if he's overpowered at all. He's just good. Therefore he has to get nerfed.

They're using the 'proper' support items for their chosen supports. (You could make an argument for Spellthief's, too, but Relic Shield was always supposed to be for tanky supports like Leona, so we'll see if they still use it on her if she's played - I would guess they do still use it in that case.)
They're using the 'proper' support items for their chosen supports. (You could make an argument for Spellthief's, too, but Relic Shield was always supposed to be for tanky supports like Leona, so we'll see if they still use it on her if she's played - I would guess they do still use it in that case.)

Good point. I'm curious to see how it'll turn out.

Spellthiefs is for poke support. Well that's how I feel it. It would be better on Morg/Karma/Nid...
This is one of the reasons I find Korean games dumb right now. Teams are copying other Korean team's picks and builds without understanding why they're done.

example: all the teams picking Lucian and building triforce first. This was originally done by Samsung Blue's Deft as part of a push/siege comp with Nidalee or Xerath.

cue most Korean teams building triforce first on Lucian which is awful in every other circumstance, because it's a sub-optimal build damage wise. If you're not goign for the fast push/siege, he does lacklustre damage with that build. You need the BT behind it.

Like, NB just played the push/siege Lucian build with 3 melee champions on the team...


aww I thought it was the real ogn

I want good games gutdamnit

damage and range.

it's stupid. He's only starting to see competitive play. His win rate is around 51% (going off inaccurate lolking numbers, but still a decent ballpark).

He doesn't need a nerf.
he's not starting out, he's dominating picks in competitive, he's in like 90% of the games I've been watching lately. also as we know winrate isn't the best metric ever, but even considering that high skillcap champions like lucian shouldn't be 50+, which is why champs like vayne get nerfed even when they're hovering the 45% (and my much hated ryze got nerfed even when he had a shit winrate).

personally I don't play lucian or bot lane all that much but seeing how dominant he is in competitive he probably did deserve the nerfs, as does annie, shyvanna and most likely evelynn in s4

edit: I obv won't swear by it since like I said I'm no lucian player, and someone being played a lot in competitive isn't necessarily indicative of them being op (ori is perfect, gragas didn't need the nerf iyam). I'm just saying that those arguments (winrate + being played in competitive) doesn't necessarily mean he's balanced either.

Good point. I'm curious to see how it'll turn out.

Spellthiefs is for poke support. Well that's how I feel it. It would be better on Morg/Karma/Nid...
spellthief is mostly if you're ranged and can safely poke. it also gives you ap which makes you stronger in fights. you shouldn't get it 100% of the times, though. say you're playing good 'ol sona and you're against taric. you go do q+passive and suddenly in range of his stun, you get stunned and since you have no defensive stats it's boom you're gone. in a case like that you can choose to go the safe route with coin and just stay behind until you get a friendly gank or go shield and be able to survive the burst.

I wonder if starting doran's ring on sona wouldn't be a good idea. good stats all around and you can still get a ward and a pot with the +40g mastery. just make sure to back quickly for the coin/spellthief thingie.
Well that was a bad impression for the first professional 3.14 competitive game.

NB's team comp was pretty awful though. No AoE, no hard engage.

And Lucian is my main ADC, and I agree he needs a nerf. The nerf isn't even that big, the top end just has a little taken off and the cast range is more intuitive.
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