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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Will try jungle Draven tonight.

Jungle ads are hilarious actually, among the best are Ez/trist, sivir is actually pretty bad, vayne works, teemo is ok, varus is pretty decent, ashe is just terrible

...I get bored and try it in normals sometimes


Jungle ads are hilarious actually, among the best are Ez/trist, sivir is actually pretty bad, vayne works, teemo is ok, varus is pretty decent, ashe is just terrible

...I get bored and try it in normals sometimes
Quinn is the best jungle AD.

No love for Quinn.
How many skins have directly come from community ideas?

I know Suprise Party Fiddle, Astro-Naut, Pool Party Ziggs (I think) and Battle Bunny Riven were community-created but I think there's one or two more.
How many skins have directly come from community ideas?

I know Suprise Party Fiddle, Astro-Naut, Pool Party Ziggs (I think) and Battle Bunny Riven were community-created but I think there's one or two more.


Urf skins were probably clamored for by the community.


are people attracted to cartoons



thanks to your link boken now im watching the first episode of My Mental Choices are Completely Interfering with my School Romantic Comedy

First I thought you meant watching "My Mental Choices" is interfering with your school romantic comedy.

Then I found out 3/4 of your sentence is the actual title of this stupid show. Are they buying those VN script from the lowest bidder or something?
About damn time.

It ended in the most anticlimactic way possible, a troll Nunu on the enemy team making everyone rage at each other and giving us an easy win.


Since everyone is getting promoted to higher ranks, I'll bank on the Gaffers winning streaks and start my placement matches.
If I end up in Bronze V I'll never forgive you :p

I'm at 100% victory rate. Time to stop LoL.

How much do you guys typically practice with a champ before bringing them into ranked?

I ask because I typically play one game 1v5 against bots, and if I feel happy, I bring them out in ranked. Did it with Volibear, did it with Shyvana, did it with Lee Sin (this one was a bit of a mistake since he has such a large skill cap), did it with Renekton , Syndra, and Varus.

I guess it depends on the champ (Lee Sin/Orianna/Vayne being a bad idea, Taric/Garen/Master Yi not really mattering), but I'm interested to see how everyone goes about learning new roles. Maybe it's a worse idea to jump right it at higher elo when players have mastered their champs a bit better?


Also, how would you deal with stealth in the game? I feel like it's pretty overpowered simply because of how bad pink wards are right now, although to be honest jungling can be really strong right now seeing as there aren't many wards in general. When I'm jungling against an Evelynn, it's basically to the point where I have to forfeit any chance of winning the early game pressure wise and focus on winning the mid game. I think the solution is simple. Have two types of purchasable wards (pinks and greens). Greens show anything visible (champs/enemies) nothing else, whereas pinks show anything invisible (shrooms, stealthed champs, wards) and nothing else. Both wards would be invisible to champions, or you could potentially make them visible but indestructible.

Therefore if you were top lane and warded your lane with pinks, the jungle evelynn wouldn't be able to gank you, but if you didn't also buy green wards you would be completely vulnerable to the mid ahri.


How much do you guys typically practice with a champ before bringing them into ranked?

I ask because I typically play one game 1v5 against bots, and if I feel happy, I bring them out in ranked. Did it with Volibear, did it with Shyvana, did it with Lee Sin (this one was a bit of a mistake since he has such a large skill cap), did it with Renekton , Syndra, and Varus.

I guess it depends on the champ (Lee Sin/Orianna/Vayne being a bad idea, Taric/Garen/Master Yi not really mattering), but I'm interested to see how everyone goes about learning new roles. Maybe it's a worse idea to jump right it at higher elo when players have mastered their champs a bit better?
I play mostly normals since I'm usually with 2-4 people so I just try them there. I used to play only 3 or so champions in ranked over and over but ever since I got to gold I just play whatever I feel like, though I normally feel like playing those 3 or so champs since they're my favorites <3

but yeah if you don't care much about your lp just try them in ranked, though you should expect to be punished if you're laning against someone that knows what's up. like I enjoy syndra free week so much >:D

Also, how would you deal with stealth in the game? I feel like it's pretty overpowered simply because of how bad pink wards are right now, although to be honest jungling can be really strong right now seeing as there aren't many wards in general. When I'm jungling against an Evelynn, it's basically to the point where I have to forfeit any chance of winning the early game pressure wise and focus on winning the mid game. I think the solution is simple. Have two types of purchasable wards (pinks and greens). Greens show anything visible (champs/enemies) nothing else, whereas pinks show anything invisible (shrooms, stealthed champs, wards) and nothing else. Both wards would be invisible to champions, or you could potentially make them visible but indestructible.

Therefore if you were top lane and warded your lane with pinks, the jungle evelynn wouldn't be able to gank you, but if you didn't also buy green wards you would be completely vulnerable to the mid ahri.
probably just nerf teemo and evelynn just enough that they're adjusted for the new ward mechanics.

not like people were buying pink wards against evelynn in season 3 anyways

Shamrock best Malphite. Remember buying him on St. Patrick's Day S2 and wishing everyone a happy St. Patrick's Day from Ireland at the start of every game. Good times.

Also holy god Merovin's MMR too high for me. Got wrecked playing with him last night. Was fun, but a bit depressing. XD


Shamrock best Malphite. Remember buying him on St. Patrick's Day S2 and wishing everyone a happy St. Patrick's Day from Ireland at the start of every game. Good times.

Also holy god Merovin's MMR too high for me. Got wrecked playing with him last night. Was fun, but a bit depressing. XD

That Jinx though #worstjinxeu


About damn time.

It ended in the most anticlimactic way possible, a troll Nunu on the enemy team making everyone rage at each other and giving us an easy win.


Jungle poppy is a godsend. Ill be bringing her into ranked now that ive had enough practice with her in each role.

You convinced me last night. I bought poppy. She's going jungle next time I play. Only had time for one game last night :(

I gambled in the skin game. Got a resistance Cait and a Jurassic Chogath. I'm done. No more.


I've had Poppy forever, but I still haven't even tried her. I got a skin from mystery skins so maybe it's time to give her a shot.


Dammit the rotated the Champ again and I already miss Janne :(

anyone now any champ that have similar style that to Janne? I mean support ranger kind of thing


How much do you guys typically practice with a champ before bringing them into ranked?

I ask because I typically play one game 1v5 against bots, and if I feel happy, I bring them out in ranked. Did it with Volibear, did it with Shyvana, did it with Lee Sin (this one was a bit of a mistake since he has such a large skill cap), did it with Renekton , Syndra, and Varus.

I guess it depends on the champ (Lee Sin/Orianna/Vayne being a bad idea, Taric/Garen/Master Yi not really mattering), but I'm interested to see how everyone goes about learning new roles. Maybe it's a worse idea to jump right it at higher elo when players have mastered their champs a bit better?

Well it actually depends on your understanding of the game as a whole. If you understand what your champion does, and your mechanical skills (last hitting) are pretty top notch, you can pretty much jump into a ranked game and go for it.

While usually it's not recommended, simply because you want to obviously have a deep understanding of your champion and the match ups. Some people are just naturally comfortable to get used to the game with.

You mentioned some champions that are potentially "easy" to just jump into a ranked game with. Someone like singed, nasus, tryndamere. They are farm champions. You really don't do all in engages most of the time, and you are dependent on your creep score and then try to carry from there.

Most cases though, if it's a brand new champion I am still learning and getting used to. I play until my CS is about the same of any other champion matching that lane, as well as my comfortably being able to last hit and harass, winning trades etc.

Assassin types or other all in champs (riven for example). You have to know how to all in and know when you are most likely going to win the all in. These are champions that require heavy snowballing to be effective in the game.


Also, how would you deal with stealth in the game? I feel like it's pretty overpowered simply because of how bad pink wards are right now, although to be honest jungling can be really strong right now seeing as there aren't many wards in general. When I'm jungling against an Evelynn, it's basically to the point where I have to forfeit any chance of winning the early game pressure wise and focus on winning the mid game. I think the solution is simple. Have two types of purchasable wards (pinks and greens). Greens show anything visible (champs/enemies) nothing else, whereas pinks show anything invisible (shrooms, stealthed champs, wards) and nothing else. Both wards would be invisible to champions, or you could potentially make them visible but indestructible.

Therefore if you were top lane and warded your lane with pinks, the jungle evelynn wouldn't be able to gank you, but if you didn't also buy green wards you would be completely vulnerable to the mid ahri.

Stealth has become extremely annoying this season. But this does not mean they are impossible to beat. The one mechanic of the game you have to understand about stealth champs is map awareness.

Eve is ganking top, then you are fine for 10-20 seconds. Make something happen if possible. You haven't seen her in any lane for a bit? Play a bit defensive. She might be in a bush waiting.

Is it weird your lane opponent is playing different from what they were doing just a little while ago. A gank set up might happen.

Buying pinks aren't "terrible" they are just harder to use. They cost 100 gold for a permanent stealth detector that takes 5 hits to kill. You can easily bait kills for this. I think it was a streamer who said "the new pink wards are retard magnets."

I actually tried this a few games. And it is really true. You can set a pink ward up early, if your jungler knows what you are trying to do. You can essentially bait an early kill on the enemy team.

I think the pink ward was an excellent change imo. I just think removing oracles is a bit annoying. They should have just upped the cost to make it only an end game purchase for who ever is ahead. Say maybe 1200 gold, make it last for 6 minutes.

Buying an early oracles to gain map control was definitely an extremely annoying factor in s2 and s3. At the same time it helps deal with teemo shrooms, rengar escape, wukong jukes, etc.


Dammit the rotated the Champ again and I already miss Janne :(

anyone now any champ that have similar style that to Janne? I mean support ranger kind of thing
You should be able to purchase Janna in no time. She's one of the less expensive champs.


Hey dickbag ADC, if I spend 100G on a pink ward you fucking let me get the last hit on any and all wards discovered. Prick.


Gotta say, I miss the improved summoners masteries.

The AP/AD boost on ignite, and the MR/Armor debuff with exhaust. Actually, I really don't like the overall exhaust nerf, it's no longer as good an alternative to ignite now for dueling.


About damn time.

It ended in the most anticlimactic way possible, a troll Nunu on the enemy team making everyone rage at each other and giving us an easy win.

i think dat might be how 70% of ppl get out of bronze

loco on stream talking about he is 22 yr old wounded man while watching you belong with me music video
pls pls let quantic get into lcs, u can kick out tsm if you want (no wait im just kidding tsm has to stay)

here's the new tsm pr vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axkNleAD-Dw
where they kind of go ham talking about hiking because they have apparently never took a walk and talked with their friends before
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