How convenient for you that you dont count the only competitive tournament going on so you can conclude that Lucian has only started appearing.
He doesnt curve out like tristana. what.
I'm not including OGN because they play him in a stupid way that's not indicative of his power level.
but sure, if you want to include OGN, why not?
33.3% win rate,. Super OP, yeah?
And his power curve is like Tristana's :/ he plays completely differently, and Trist might take slightly longer to get to where she needs to, but she's also far stronger when she does get there.
he was disabled or non-released before dude, what do you want
he's seen a lot of play ever since people were able to actually pick him. sure, so have poppy and swain but still, he's a strong pick in competitive atm.
Yes, he is strong. He is not overpowered though. This is a problem with the game's balance right now, where anyone seen as strong is considered overpowered and not just that, strong. Kassadin, Zed, Ahri and Fizz were overpowered. They deserved to get nerfed. Lucian is good. He doesn't need to be nerfed.
I think that's the point of the range nerfs, to make him a bit harder to play effectively. riot clearly wants him to be a high skillcap champion since they have his purple bar all the way
I don't understand, they didn't touch his scaling at all, his passive is untouched. 20 range isn't such a big deal :/
what changed lategame? as I see it they just nerfed his laning and midgame burst
lumping these together because they're about the range.
the problem with the range nerf is that Lucian needs to Q a target in his auto atatck range to use it. At the moment on live, it's 570, which is the same range as his auto attack range of 550 (the way spell range and AA range are calculated means there is a 20 range difference on paper, but it's actually the same range.)
nerfing it to 550 spell range means to use it he has to be 20 units closer than his auto range to use the spell. Not only is that counter-intuitive as it circumvents all general ADC positioning (i.e. use your entire range to your advantage) it means a spell with an already awkward range requirement becomes even more awkward and makes it more dangerous than it already is to use it in a late game situation. it's an awful change.